Laura Prato Dr Clare Abley Professor Joy Adamson
| Exploring online identity construction for the caregivers of adults living with dementia and the value of interactions with health and social care professionals | 2022 |
Dr Rachel Stocker Dr Siân Russell Dr Lucy Robinson Professor Barbara Hanratty Professor Dame Louise Robinson et al. | Identity construction in the very old: A qualitative narrative study | 2022 |
Dr Rachel Stocker Dr Siân Russell Dr Jenny Liddle Dr Robert Barker Professor Barbara Hanratty et al. | Experiences of a National Early Warning Score (NEWS) intervention in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study | 2021 |
Dr Laurie Davies Dr Gemma Frances Spiers Dr Andrew Kingston Professor Adam Todd Professor Joy Adamson et al. | Adverse Outcomes of Polypharmacy in Older People: Systematic Review of Reviews | 2020 |
Dr Robert Barker Dr Rachel Stocker Dr Siân Russell Dr Amy Roberts Dr Andrew Kingston et al. | Distribution of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in care home residents | 2020 |
Dr Siân Russell Dr Rachel Stocker Dr Robert Barker Dr Jenny Liddle Professor Joy Adamson et al. | Implementation of the National Early Warning Score in UK care homes: a qualitative evaluation | 2020 |
Patience Kunonga Fiona Beyer Professor Joy Adamson Leigh Robinson Daniel Craig et al. | A mixed methods systematic review to explore the impact of advanced care planning for older people on reducing unplanned hospital admissions and improving quality of life | 2018 |
Dr Greta Brunskill Claire Bamford Professor Joy Adamson Dr Lynne Corner Dr Alison Wheatley et al. | Engaging innovative and inclusive partnerships to inform dementia research: the Dementia Care Community | 2018 |
Professor Joy Adamson Dr Arabella Scantlebury Dr Anu Vaittinen Rose Watson
| General Practitioners and emergency departments (GPED) - efficient models of care: a mixed methods study protocol. | 2018 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| An optimised patient information sheet did not significantly increase recruitment or retention in a falls prevention study: an embedded randomised recruitment trial | 2017 |
Professor Joy Adamson Dr Arabella Scantlebury
| Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for falls prevention in older people: A multicentre cohort randomised controlled trial (the REducing falls with ORthoses and a Multifaceted podiatry intervention trial) | 2017 |
Professor Joy Adamson Dr Arabella Scantlebury
| Cohort Randomised Controlled Trial of a Multifaceted Podiatry Intervention for the Prevention of Falls in Older People (The REFORM Trial) | 2017 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| CollAborative care and active surveillance for Screen-Positive EldeRs with subthreshold depression (CASPER): A multicentred randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness | 2017 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| CollAborative care for Screen-Positive EldeRs with major depression (CASPER plus): A multicentred randomized controlled trial of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness | 2017 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Effect of collaborative care vs usual care on depressive symptoms in older adults with subthreshold depression: The CASPER randomized clinical trial | 2017 |
Dr Arabella Scantlebury Professor Joy Adamson
| Exploring the implementation of an electronic record into a maternity unit: a qualitative study using Normalisation Process Theory | 2017 |
Dr Arabella Scantlebury Professor Joy Adamson
| Implementing electronic records in NHS secondary care organizations in England: Policy and progress since 1998 | 2017 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Gender and help-seeking: Towards gender-comparative studies | 2016 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Social Stories in mainstream schools for children with autism spectrum disorder: a feasibility randomised controlled trial | 2016 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Social stories™ to alleviate challenging behaviour and social difficulties exhibited by children with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream schools: Design of a manualised training toolkit and feasibility study for a cluster randomised controlled trial with nested qualitative and cost-effectiveness components | 2016 |
Dr Arabella Scantlebury Professor Joy Adamson
| The impact of electronic records on patient safety: a qualitative study | 2016 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Electronic prompts significantly increase response rates to postal questionnaires: A randomized trial within a randomized trial and meta-analysis | 2015 |
Dr Arabella Scantlebury Professor Joy Adamson
| Implementing electronic patient record systems (EPRs) into England's acute, mental health and community care trusts: a mixed methods study | 2015 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Lost in hospital: A qualitative interview study that explores the perceptions of NHS inpatients who spent time on clinically inappropriate hospital wards | 2015 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Producing better evidence on how to improve randomised controlled trials | 2015 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| The acceptability of case-finding questions to identify perinatal depression | 2015 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Autism Spectrum Social Stories in Schools Trial (ASSSIST): Study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial analysing clinical and cost-effectiveness of Social Stories in mainstream schools | 2014 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in adolescents: Study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial | 2014 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Conducting qualitative research within Clinical Trials Units: Avoiding potential pitfalls | 2014 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Short message service text messaging was feasible as a tool for data collection in a trial of treatment for irritable bowel syndrome | 2014 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| The opportunities and challenges of pragmatic point-of-care randomised trials using routinely collected electronic records: Evaluations of two exemplar trials | 2014 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| The REFORM study protocol: A cohort randomised controlled trial of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for the prevention of falls in older people | 2014 |
Professor Joy Adamson
| Waiting list Randomized controlled trial within a case-finding design: Methodological considerations | 2014 |