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Browsing publications by Professor Adam Todd.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Iakov Bolnykh
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Linda Sharp
et al.
Breast cancer patients with a pre-existing mental illness are less likely to receive guideline-recommended cancer treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis2025
Dr Natalie Bennett
Professor Clare Bambra
Dr David Sinclair
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Fiona Matthews
et al.
Ecological study of the association between the English national vaccination programme and area deprivation inequalities in COVID-19 mortality2025
Dr Anna Robinson-Barella
Dr Charlotte Richardson
Zana Bayley
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Catherine Exley
et al.
Starting to think that way from the start”: approaching deprescribing decision-making for people accessing palliative care - a qualitative exploration of healthcare professionals views2024
Dr Lisa Crowe
Dr Morven Brown
Dr Jan Lecouturier
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Professor Linda Sharp
et al.
“Oh when’s your treatment ending?” “Never!” The unmet needs of cancer patients treated with immuno-, biological and precision therapies: a qualitative interview study2024
Dr Chris Wilkinson
Dr Susan Moloney
Dr Graham McClelland
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Christopher Price
et al.
Actioning atrial fibrillation identified by ambulance services in England: a qualitative exploration2024
Dr Mark Ashton
Professor Adam Todd
An Integrated Guide to Human Drug Metabolism: From Basic Chemical Transformations to Drug-Drug Interactions2024
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Beyond polypharmacy to the brave new world of minimum datasets and artificial intelligence: thumbing a nose to Henry2024
Professor Adam Todd
Building on the success of pharmaceutical public health: is it time to focus on health inequalities?2024
Dr Nicola O'Brien
Professor Adam Todd
Angela Long
Co-development and testing of an extended community pharmacy model of service delivery for managing osteoarthritis: protocol for a sequential, multi-methods study (PharmOA)2024
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Deprescribing Interventions in Older Adults: An Overview of Systematic Reviews2024
Professor Adam Todd
Exploring Different Contexts of Statin Deprescribing: A Vignette-Based Experiment with Older Adults Across Four Countries2024
Angela Long
Professor Adam Todd
Exploring the potential extended role of community pharmacy in the management of osteoarthritis: A multi-methods study with pharmacy staff and other healthcare professionals2024
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Ruth Norris
Iakov Bolnykh
Sue Thompson
Professor Linda Sharp
et al.
Identifying determinants of adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy following breast cancer: a systematic review of reviews2024
Dr Ruth Norris
Dr Rosie Dew
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Dr Nicola Cresti
Henry Cain
et al.
Sociodemographic Disparities in HER2+ Breast Cancer Trastuzumab Receipt: An English Population-Based Study2024
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
et al.
The Co-Occurrence of Polypharmacy and Unmet Needs for Social Care in Older People: A Systematic Review2024
Professor Adam Todd
Top 10 Signs and Symptoms of Psychotropic Adverse Drug Events to Monitor in Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities2024
Helen O'Neil
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Andy Husband
What are the consequences of over and undertreatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a frail population? A systematic review2024
Dr Eman Zied
Professor Adam Todd
Hannah Davies
Professor Clare Bambra
Written Evidence: High Streets and Health: An Uneven Burden of Decline2024
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
"No trouble at all" - medication work amongst nonagenarians: a qualitative study of the Newcastle 85+ cohort participants at 972023
Anum Iqbal
Dr Charlotte Richardson
Hannah O'Keefe
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Professor Fiona Matthews
et al.
Are there socioeconomic inequalities in polypharmacy among older people? A systematic review and meta-analysis2023
Dr Lisa Crowe
Dr Morven Brown
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Jan Lecouturier
Professor Adam Todd
et al.
Assessing the unmet needs of patients with advanced cancer treated by biological and precision therapies: protocol for TARGET, a mixed methods study2023
Professor Adam Todd
Components and effectiveness of patient navigation programmes to increase participation to breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening: A systematic review2023
Dr Wing Man Lau
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Anna Robinson-Barella
'Creating a culturally competent pharmacy profession': A qualitative exploration of pharmacy staff perspectives of cultural competence and its training in community pharmacy settings2023
Rayah Asiri
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Anna Robinson-Barella
Professor Andy Husband
Ethnic disparities in medication adherence? A systematic review examining the association between ethnicity and antidiabetic medication adherence.2023
Professor Adam Todd
Harm and medication-type impact agreement with hypothetical deprescribing recommendations: A vignette-based experiment with older adults across four countries2023
Dr Laurie Davies
Professor Adam Todd
Dr David Sinclair
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Is polypharmacy associated with difficulty taking medicines in people aged ≥85 living at home? Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2023
Dr Susan Bissett
Professor Marco Carrozzo
Debora Howe
Michael Nugent
James O'Hara
et al.
Is the early identification and referral of suspected head and neck cancers by community pharmacists feasible? A qualitative interview study exploring the views of patients in North East England2023
Dr Ruth Norris
Dr Liz Fuller
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Linda Sharp
et al.
OP41 Routes to diagnosis in lung cancer – do socio-demographics matter? An English population-based study2023
Dr Ruth Norris
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Linda Sharp
OP42 Socio-economic inequalities in novel NSCLC treatments during the era of tumour biomarker guided therapy: a population-based cohort study2023
Dr Susan Bissett
Professor Marco Carrozzo
Debora Howe
Michael Nugent
James O'Hara
et al.
Qualitative interview study exploring the early identification and referral of patients with suspected head and neck cancer by community pharmacists in England2023
Dr Ruth Norris
Dr Rosie Dew
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Linda Sharp
et al.
Socio-economic Inequalities in Novel NSCLC Treatments During the Era of Tumor Biomarker Guided Therapy: A Population-based Cohort Study in a Publicly Funded Healthcare System2023
Amber Sacre
Professor Clare Bambra
Dr Josephine Wildman
Dr Katie Thomson
Dr Natalie Bennett
et al.
Socioeconomic inequalities in vaccine uptake: A global umbrella review2023
Professor Clare Bambra
Dr Chioma Nwaru
Dr Natalie Bennett
Dr Viviana Albani
Dr Andrew Kingston
et al.
Targeting Health Inequalities: Realising the Potential of Targets in Reducing Health Inequalities2023
Dr Charlotte Richardson
Professor Linda Sharp
Professor Adam Todd
The association between marital status and treatment initiation in lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies2023
Professor Adam Todd
Training health care providers to administer VIA as a screening test for cervical cancer: a systematic review of essential training components2023
Rayah Asiri
Dr Anna Robinson-Barella
Anum Iqbal
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
et al.
Understanding the influence of ethnicity on adherence to antidiabetic medication: Meta-ethnography and systematic review2023
Dr Anna Robinson-Barella
Dr Nicki O'Brien
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
"He or she maybe doesn’t know there is such a thing as a review": a qualitative investigation exploring barriers and facilitators to accessing medication reviews from the perspective of people from ethnic minority communities2022
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Clare Bambra
Al Paterson
A psychological intervention by community pharmacies to prevent depression in adults with subthreshold depression and long-term conditions: the CHEMIST pilot RCT2022
Dr Anna Robinson-Barella
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
A qualitative exploration of the barriers and facilitators affecting ethnic minority patient groups when accessing medicine review services: Perspectives of healthcare professionals2022
Ben Rimmer
Dr Lisa Crowe
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Linda Sharp
Assessing unmet needs in advanced cancer patients: a systematic review of the development, content, and quality of available instruments2022
Dr Anna Robinson-Barella
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Demographic and psychological predictors of community pharmacists' cancer-related conversations with patients: a cross-sectional analysis and survey study2022
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Does polypharmacy shape dependency transitions in the very old? Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study 2022
Anum Iqbal
Faye Matthews
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Professor Adam Todd
How should a physician assess medication burden and polypharmacy?2022
Dr Charlotte Richardson
Louise Rook
Dr Amy-Madeleine Mundell
Professor Adam Todd
Identification and evaluation of medication-related issues relating to patient’s own drugs by pharmacy students while on placement in a tertiary hospital2022
Helen O'Neil
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Andy Husband
Investigating the relationship between harm and over or under-treatment of frail patients living with diabetes, admitted to hospital. 2022
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Is polypharmacy associated with mortality in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2022
Professor Adam Todd
Medication use in the last year of life: a cross sectional hospice study2022
Dr Ruth Norris
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Professor Linda Sharp
OA01.05 Socio-economic Inequalities in NSCLC Treatment During the Era of Tumour Biomarker Guided Therapy: A Population-based Study2022
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Prescribing at 95 years of age: cross-sectional findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2022
Dr Anna Robinson-Barella
Dr Nicola O'Brien
Dr Guy Pilkington
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
et al.
Recommendations for community pharmacy to improve access to medication advice for people from ethnic minority communities: a qualitative person-centred co-design study2022
Amber Sacre
Professor Clare Bambra
Dr Josephine Wildman
Dr Katie Thomson
Dr Sarah Sowden
et al.
Socioeconomic Inequalities and Vaccine Uptake: An Umbrella Review Protocol2022
Jenny Welford
Kathryn Hunt
Louise Duncan
Dr Ann Ward
Professor Adam Todd
et al.
The Clinical Frailty Scale can indicate prognosis and care requirements on discharge in oncology and haemato-oncology inpatients: A cohort study.2022
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Adam Todd
The feasibility and acceptability of a brief psychological intervention for adults with long-term health conditions and subthreshold depression delivered via community pharmacies: a mixed methods evaluation—the Community Pharmacies Mood Intervention Study (CHEMIST)2022
Dr Katie Thomson
Dr Courtney McNamara
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Adam Todd
The Gender Pain Gap: The gender gap in pain in 19 European countries2022
Professor Adam Todd
Trends in transdermal fentanyl utilisation and fatal fentanyl overdose across Australia (2003 to 2015)2022
Dr Adam Rathbone
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
A qualitative study exploring the lived experience of medication use in different disease states: linking the experiences of disease symptoms to medication adherence2021
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Barbara Hanratty
Characterising polypharmacy in the very old: Findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2021
Dr Kerry Brennan-Tovey
Dr Ryc Aquino
Professor Eileen Kaner
Dr Angela Wearn
Dr Theophile Bigirumurame
et al.
Implementation of the NHS-funded tobacco dependence services in England: a qualitative study to understand the contexts of implementation2021
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Clare Bambra
Learning from past mistakes? The COVID-19 Vaccine and the Inverse Equity Hypothesis2021
Professor Adam Todd
Patterns of opioid use in older people diagnosed with cancer in New South Wales, Australia2021
Dr Katie Thomson
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Clare Bambra
Which public health interventions are effective in reducing morbidity, mortality and health inequalities from infectious diseases amongst children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): an umbrella review2021
Professor Hamde Nazar
Dr Laura Lindsey
Dr Katie Thomson
Professor Adam Todd
A service evaluation and stakeholder perspectives of an innovative digital minor illness referral service from NHS 111 to community pharmacy2020
Professor Adam Todd
A systems approach to identifying the challenges of implementing deprescribing in older adults across different health care settings and countries: a narrative review2020
Dr Laurie Davies
Dr Gemma Frances Spiers
Dr Andrew Kingston
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Joy Adamson
et al.
Adverse Outcomes of Polypharmacy in Older People: Systematic Review of Reviews2020
Dr Katie Thomson
Tomos Robinson
Dr Heather Brown
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Adam Todd
et al.
An examination of trends in antibiotic prescribing in primary care and the association with area-level deprivation in England2020
Ruth Norris
Dr Rosie Dew
Professor Linda Sharp
Professor Alastair Greystoke
Dr Sarah Rice
et al.
Are there socio-economic inequalities in utilization of predictive biomarker tests and biological and precision therapies for cancer? A systematic review and meta-analysis2020
Professor Adam Todd
Withdrawal of antihypertensive drugs in older people2020
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Adam Todd
Community Pharmacies Mood Intervention Study (CHEMIST): feasibility and external pilot randomised controlled trial protocol2019
Professor Adam Todd
Community pharmacy interventions for health promotion: effects on professional practice and health outcomes2019
Dr Adam Rathbone
Professor Hamde Nazar
Dr Jonathan Harburn
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
et al.
Exploring Undergraduate Pharmacy Student Experiences of Learning Human Anatomy Using Cadaveric Specimens2019
Dr Nick Meader
Professor Adam Todd
Pharmacy-based management for depression in adults2019
Professor Adam Todd
Nick Walton
Pharmacy‐based management for depression in adults2019
Professor Adam Todd
Preventive drugs in the last year of life of older adults with cancer: Is there room for deprescribing?2019
Professor Adam Todd
Reply to Deprescription during last year of life in patients with pancreatic cancer: Optimization or nihilism?2019
Dr Katie Thomson
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Adam Todd
The breast cancer paradox: a systematic review of the association between area-level deprivation and breast cancer screening uptake in Europe2019
Dr Katie Thomson
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Nick Walton
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Adam Todd
et al.
The effects of community pharmacy delivered public health interventions on population health and health inequalities: a review of reviews2019
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Katie Thomson
Professor Clare Bambra
The European epidemic: Pain prevalence and socioeconomic inequalities in pain across 19 European countries2019
Professor Hamde Nazar
Dr Laura Lindsey
James Fletcher
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
et al.
Training Student Pharmacists in Medication Dispensing and Checking Within a High-Fidelity Clinical Environment2019
Dr Katie Thomson
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Clare Bambra
Which public health interventions are effective in reducing morbidity, mortality and health inequalities from infectious diseases amongst children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): protocol for an umbrella review2019
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Jason Gill
Anticancer Therapeutics: From Drug Discovery to Clinical Applications2018
Professor Adam Todd
Challenges and innovations of delivering medicines to older adults2018
Dr Daniel Okeowo
Professor Adam Todd
Clinical practice guidelines for older people with multi-morbidity and life limiting illness: what are the implications for deprescribing?2018
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Katie Thomson
Professor Clare Bambra
Cutting care clusters: the creation of an inverse pharmacy care law? An area level analysis exploring the clustering of community pharmacies in England2018
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Rachel Quibell
Missed opportunities: unnecessary medicine use in patients with lung cancer at the end of life - an international cohort study2018
Professor Adam Todd
The deprescribing rainbow: a conceptual framework highlighting the importance of patient context when stopping medication in older people2018
Dr Katie Thomson
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Clare Bambra
The effects of public health policies on health inequalities in high-income countries: an umbrella review2018
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Jo Cairns
Nick Walton
Dr Sameh Eldabe
Professor Clare Bambra
et al.
The Pain Divide: a cross-sectional analysis of chronic pain prevalence, pain intensity and opioid utilisation in England2018
Dr Adam Rathbone
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
A systematic review and thematic synthesis of patients’ experience of medicines adherence2017
Professor Adam Todd
Equipping community pharmacy workers as agents for health behaviour change: developing and testing a theory-based smoking cessation intervention2017
Professor Adam Todd
Exploring the differences in general practitioner and health care specialist utilization according to education, occupation, income and social networks across Europe: findings from the European social survey (2014) special module on the social determinants of health.2017
Dr Laura Lindsey
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Adam Todd
Helpful advice and hidden expertize: pharmacy users' experience of community pharmacy accessibility2017
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Dr Laura Lindsey
Inappropriate prescribing of preventative medication in patients with life-limiting illness: a systematic review2017
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Dr Katie Thomson
Nick Walton
Professor Clare Bambra
et al.
The effects of community pharmacy public health interventions on health and health inequalities2017
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Professor Clare Bambra
Dr Katie Thomson
Nick Walton
Professor Adam Todd
et al.
The effects of community pharmacy public health interventions on population health and health inequalities: a systematic review of reviews protocol2017
Dr Katie Thomson
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Clare Bambra
The effects of public health policies on health inequalities - a review of reviews2017
Professor Adam Todd
The Role of Patient Preferences in Deprescribing2017
Dr Felicity Dewhurst
Professor Adam Todd
Blood pressure evaluation and review of antihypertensive medication in patients with life limiting illness2016
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions2016
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Community pharmacy-delivered interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management, including meta-analysis for smoking cessation2016
Sola Akinbolade
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Simon Forrest
Professor Adam Todd
Deprescribing in advanced illness2016
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
'I don't think I'd be frightened if the statins went': A phenomenological qualitative study exploring medicines use in palliative care patients, carers and healthcare professionals.2016
Dr Akintunde Alabi
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Dr Joseph Reilly
Safety profile of lamotrigine in overdose2016
Dr Katie Thomson
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Adam Todd
The effects of public health policies on population health and health inequalities in European welfare states: protocol for an umbrella review2016
Dr Adam Rathbone
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Adam Todd
"I've never been a big tablet taker": a phenomenology of the experiences of medicines adherence in men with diabetes2015
Professor Hamde Nazar
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Sarah Slight
A systematic review of the role of community pharmacies in improving the transition from secondary to primary care2015
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Alison Copeland
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Clare Bambra
Access all areas? An area-level analysis of accessibility to general practice and community pharmacy services in England by urbanity and social deprivation2015
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Clare Bambra
Benefits and barriers to the public health pharmacy: a qualitative exploration of providers’ and commissioners’ perceptions of the Healthy Living Pharmacy Framework2015
Professor Adam Todd
Evidence-based deprescribing of statins in patients with advanced illness2015
Dr Adam Rathbone
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Adam Todd
PP53 “I’ve never been a big tablet taker”: a phenomenology of the experiences of medicines adherence in men with diabetes2015
Dr Laura Lindsey
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Hamde Nazar
Professor Adam Todd
Promoting the early detection of cancer: A systematic review of community pharmacy-based education and screening interventions2015
Professor Adam Todd
Recommendations to support deprescribing medications late in life2015
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Laura Lindsey
Professor Andy Husband
Widening the scope for early cancer detection: identification of alarm symptoms by community pharmacies2015
Professor Adam Todd
Community pharmacy interventions for health promotion: effects on professional practice and health outcomes2014
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Clare Bambra
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: protocol for a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions2014
Professor Andy Husband
Dr Laura Lindsey
Professor Adam Todd
Do patients with cancer alarm symptoms present at the community pharmacy?2014
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Hamde Nazar
Professor Andy Husband
Inappropriate prescribing in patients accessing specialist palliative day care services2014
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Adam Todd
Integrating science and practice in pharmacy curricula2014
Professor Adam Todd
Is a community pharmacy led weight management service effective? A mixed methods service evaluation2014
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Anne Hurren
Patients using antifungals following laryngectomy: A qualitative study of community pharmacists in the North of England2014
Professor Adam Todd
Dr Alison Copeland
Professor Andy Husband
Professor Clare Bambra
The positive pharmacy care law: an area-level analysis of the relationship between community pharmacy distribution, urbanity and social deprivation in England2014
Professor Adam Todd
Professor Andy Husband
Are we using oxycodone appropriately? A utilisation review in a UK tertiary care centre2013