Catriona Manville Kayleigh Smith Dr Zbyslaw Sondka Holly Rance Dr Ian Cowell et al. | Genome-wide ChIP-seq analysis of human TOP2B occupancy in MCF7 breast cancer epithelial cells | 2015 |
Kayleigh Smith Dr Ian Cowell Dr Zbyslaw Sondka Professor Caroline Austin
| The role of topoisomerase II beta on breakage and proximity of RUNX1 to partner alleles RUNX1T1 and EVI1 | 2014 |
Dr Ian Cowell Dr Zbyslaw Sondka Kayleigh Smith Ka Lee Catriona Manville et al. | Model for MLL translocations in therapy-related leukemia involving topoisomerase IIβ-mediated DNA strand breaks and gene proximity | 2012 |