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Browsing publications by Professor Hartmut Behr.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Hartmut Behr
Reversibility - Politics Under Conditions of Uncertainty2024
Professor Hartmut Behr
Identity Discourses in Western Late Modernity and the Notion of “Liminal Space”2023
Professor Hartmut Behr
Introduction: Narratives of Belonging – The Interrelation between Ontological-Epistemological Observations and Narrative Methodology2023
Professor Hartmut Behr
Rethinking Critical IR: Towards a Plurilogue of Cosmologies2022
Professor Hartmut Behr
Rethinking Emancipation in a Critical IR: Normativity, Cosmology, and Pluriversal Dialogue2021
Professor Hartmut Behr
Terminological Entrepreneurs and Discursive Shifts in International Relations: How a Discipline Invented the “International Regime”2021
Professor Hartmut Behr
Dr Liam Devereux
Phenomenological Peace2020
Professor Hartmut Behr
Peace-in-Difference: Peace through Dialogue about and across Difference(s) - A Phenomenological Approach to Rethinking Peace2019
Professor Hartmut Behr
The nuclear condition in the twenty-first century: Techno-political aspects in historical and contemporary perspectives2019
Professor Hartmut Behr
Towards a political concept of reversibility in international relations: Bridging political philosophy and policy studies2019
Professor Hartmut Behr
Professor Nick Megoran
Dr Jane Carnaffan
Peace education, militarism and neo-liberalism: conceptual reflections with empirical findings from the UK2018
Professor Hartmut Behr
Peace-in-Difference: A phenomenological approach to peace through difference2018
Professor Hartmut Behr
Scientific Man and the New Science of Politics2018
Professor Hartmut Behr
Conditions of critique and the non-irreversibility of politics2017
Professor Hartmut Behr
Interlocuting Classical Realism and Critical Theory: Negotiating 'Divides' in International Relations Theory2017
Professor Hartmut Behr
The Melodrama of Modernity in Karl Mannheim’s Political Theory2017
Professor Hartmut Behr
The populist obstruction of reality: Analysis and response2017
Professor Hartmut Behr
Scientific Man vs Power Politics: A Pamphlet and its Author between two academic cultures2016
Professor Hartmut Behr
Empire, 'governing from the distance' and the mitigation of violence: towards a novel policy framework for EU politics2015
Professor Hartmut Behr
Morgenthau als Kritiker des Nationalstaates2015
Professor Hartmut Behr
Toleranz, Tolerierung und Differenz2015
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Hartmut Behr
Greek politicians and the use of online technologies for citizen engagement2014
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Hartmut Behr
Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis2014
Professor Hartmut Behr
Xander Kirke
People on the Move – Ideas on the Move: The Question of Translatability in the Humanities and Social Sciences2014
Professor Hartmut Behr
Politics of Difference: Epistemologies of Peace2014
Professor Hartmut Behr
'Common Sense', Thomas Reid, and Realist Epistemology in Hans J. Morgenthau2013
Professor Hartmut Behr
Ethics of Anti-Hubris in Morgenthau2013
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Hartmut Behr
Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis2013
Professor Hartmut Behr
Security Politics and Public Discourse: A Morgenthauian Approach2013
Professor Hartmut Behr
EUrope - History, Violence, and "Peripheries"2012
Professor Hartmut Behr
Europe and the World: The EU in World Affairs [Special Issue of Review of European Studies]2012
Professor Hartmut Behr
Felix Roesch
Professor Hartmut Behr
Felix Rösch
The Concept of the Political2012
Professor Hartmut Behr
Comparing ‘Systems’ and ‘Cultures’: Between Universalities, Imperialism, Indigenousity2010
Professor Hartmut Behr
Professor Hartmut Behr
The role of religion in the construction of the modern state2010
Professor Hartmut Behr
A History of International Political Theory: Ontologies of the International2009
Professor Hartmut Behr
Amelia Heath
Misreading in IR Theory and ideology critique: Morgenthau, Waltz and neo-realism2009
Professor Hartmut Behr
Dr Lars Berger
The Challenge of Talking about Terrorism: The EU and the Arab Debate on the Causes of Islamist Terrorism2009
Professor Hartmut Behr
Deterritorialisation and the transformation of statehood: The paradox of globalisation2008
Professor Hartmut Behr
Territorialitaet von Staatlichkeit und Krieg - und die Folgen ihrer Entterritorialisierung2008
Professor Hartmut Behr
Political territoriality and de-territorialization2007
Professor Hartmut Behr
The European Union in the legacies of imperial rule? EU accession politics viewed from a historical comparative perspective2007
Professor Hartmut Behr
Vergleichende Regierungslehre im Spannungsfeld kultureller Differenzen2006
Professor Hartmut Behr
Misreadings in International Relations Theory : Ideologiekritische Anmerkungen zum Realismus und Neo-Realismus2005
Professor Hartmut Behr
The myth of the nation and legacies of nationalism. Immigration politics in the European Union2005
Professor Hartmut Behr
Entterritoriale Politik : Von den Internationalen Beziehungen zur Netzwerkanalyse. Mit einer Fallstudie zum globalen Terrorismus2004
Professor Hartmut Behr
Globalisierung als Motor der Europaeischen Integration? Untersuchungen zum Selbstverstaendnis des Akteurs EU2004
Professor Hartmut Behr
Islamischer Terrorismus: Gruppen und ihre regionale und globale Vernetzung2004
Professor Hartmut Behr
Politics beyond international order? The de-territorialisation of transnational politics from a security policy perspective2004
Professor Hartmut Behr
Terrorismusbekämpfung vor dem Hintergrund transnationaler Herausforderungen : Zur Anti-Terrorismuspolitik der Vereinten Nationen seit der Sicherheitsrats-Resolution 13732004
Professor Hartmut Behr
Transnational Terrorism and Western Responses: US and EU Policies since 9/112004
Professor Hartmut Behr
Der globale Terrorismus und die Irak-Krise2003
Professor Hartmut Behr
Multikulturalismusdebatten in den USA und die Frage der Gerechtigkeit in einer Gesellschaft der Differenz2003
Professor Hartmut Behr
Religion - Staat - Politik. Zur Rolle der Religion in der nationalen und internationalen Politik2003
Professor Hartmut Behr
Neue Organisationsformen des Terrorismus und Ordnungstypologien transnationaler Politik2002
Professor Hartmut Behr
The conjunction between International Relations Theory and Political Philosophy - A review of Alan Gilbert's "Must Global Politics Constrain Democracy"2002
Professor Hartmut Behr
Transnationale Politik und die Frage der Territorialitaet2002
Professor Hartmut Behr
Die politische Theorie des Relationismus: Pierre Bourdieu2001
Professor Hartmut Behr
Migration, Nation und transnationale Gesellschaft. Erfordernisse fuer neue zuwanderungspolitische Leitlinien2001
Professor Hartmut Behr
Multikulturelle Demokratien: Institutionen als Regulativ kultureller Vielfalt2001
Professor Hartmut Behr
Religioese Symbolik in der US amerikanischen Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik2001
Professor Hartmut Behr
Zuwanderungspolitik im Nationalstaat: Formen der Eigen- und Fremdbestimmung in den USA, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Frankreich1998