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Browsing publications by Professor Andy Pike.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Rachel Franklin
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Dr Sanne Velthuis
‘Left behind places’: a geographical etymology2024
Dr Vikki Houlden
Professor Rachel Franklin
Fran Rowe
Professor Andy Pike
‘Left Behind’ neighbourhoods in England: Where they are and why they matter2024
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor Andy Pike
'Beyond GDP' in cities: Assessing alternative approaches to urban economic development2024
Professor Andy Pike
Local State Financialisation: Future research directions for an emergent conjuncture2024
Professor Andy Pike
Financialization and Local Statecraft2023
Dr Emil Evenhuis
Professor Andy Pike
Renewing industrial regions? Advanced manufacturing and industrial policy in Britain2023
Professor Andy Pike
‘Levelling Up’ the UK: Reinforcing the Policy Agenda2022
Professor Andy Pike
Coping with deindustrialization in the global North and South2022
Professor Andy Pike
Governing the Metropolis: An International Review of Metropolitanisation, Metropolitan Governance and the Relationship with Sustainable Land Management2022
Professor Andy Pike
Industrial policies, strategy and the UK’s Levelling Up agenda2022
Professor Andy Pike
Levelling Up Left Behind Places: The Scale and Nature of the Economic and Policy Challenge2022
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor Louise Kempton
Dr Peter O'Brien
Dr Emma Ormerod
Professor Andy Pike
et al.
Reframing urban and regional 'development' for 'left behind' places2022
Professor Andy Pike
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Louise Kempton
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Dr Peter O'Brien
et al.
A response to the UK2070 Commission’s Second Report by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development (CURDS)2020
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Thomas Strickland
Graham Thrower
Book Symposium: Pike et al.'s Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure2020
Professor Andy Pike
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Louise Kempton
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Dr Peter O'Brien
et al.
Decentralising governance in England2020
Professor Andy Pike
In search of the skilled city: Skills and the occupational evolution of British cities2020
Dr Emil Evenhuis
Professor Andy Pike
The Covid-19 crisis and manufacturing: How should national and local industrial strategies respond?2020
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
‘Deal or no deal?’ Governing urban infrastructure funding and financing in the UK City Deals2019
Emeritus Professor Neill Marshall
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Jane Pollard
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
et al.
An Evolutionary Perspective on the British Banking Crisis2019
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Thomas Strickland
Graham Thrower
Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure2019
Dr Peter O'Brien
Dr Peter O'Neill
Professor Andy Pike
Funding, financing and governing urban infrastructure2019
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Governing the 'ungovernable'? Financialisation and the governance of transport infrastructure in the London 'global city-region'2019
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Andy Pike
Rethinking Path Creation: A Geographical Political Economy Approach2019
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Louise Kempton
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Dr Peter O'Brien
Submission to HCLG Select Committee Inquiry on Progress on Devolution in England2019
Professor Andy Pike
The potential and perils of pluralism in culturally and politically inflected economic geography2019
Professor Andy Pike
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
Austerity states, institutional dismantling and the governance of sub-national economic development: the demise of the Regional Development Agencies in England2018
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Planning for Infrastructure2018
Professor Neill Marshall
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Jane Pollard
Geographies of corporate philanthropy: The Northern Rock Foundation2017
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Governing infrastructure funding and financing2017
Dr Peter O'Brien
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Stuart Dawley
Lewis Evans
Professor Andy Pike
et al.
How to Create Great Jobs: Towards a Regional Industrial Strategy for Tees Valley: A Report for the TUC by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, Newcastle University2017
Professor Oliver Heidrich
Graham Thrower
Professor Andy Pike
Infrastructure investments and multiple benefits to climate change efforts2017
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor Louise Kempton
Job Creation and Inclusive Growth in Cities2017
Professor Andy Pike
Gladys -
Shifting horizons in local and regional development2017
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Beyond the northern pitchbook2016
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Louise Kempton
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Anja McCarthy
et al.
CURDS evidence to the Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Select Committee Inquiry into the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine2016
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Louise Kempton
Professor David Marlow
Dr Peter O'Brien
Decentralisation: Issues, Principles and Practice2016
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor Stuart Dawley
Doing evolution in economic geography2016
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Richard Dawson
Professor Andy Pike
National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence: ‘London’s transport infrastructure’, evidence submitted by the iBUILD Infrastructure Research Centre2016
Professor Andy Pike
Spatially Rebalancing the UK Economy: Towards a New Policy Model?2016
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Anthony Champion
David Bradley
et al.
Uneven growth: tackling city decline2016
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Anthony Champion
David Bradley
et al.
Uneven growth: tackling city decline2016
Dr Gianpiero Torrisi
Professor Andy Pike
(Re-)exploring the link between decentralization and regional disparities in Italy2015
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
City Deals, Decentralisation and the Governance of Local Infrastructure Funding and Financing in the UK2015
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Local and Regional Development – A Reader2015
Professor Andy Pike
Professor David Marlow
Anja McCarthy
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
et al.
Local institutions and local economic development: the Local Enterprise Partnerships in England, 2010-2015
Professor Andy Pike
Origination: The Geographies of Brands and Branding2015
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor Andy Pike
Policy activism and regional path creation: the promotion of offshore wind in North East England and Scotland2015
Professor Andy Pike
Spatial disparities, rebalancing and territorial development policy2015
Professor Andy Pike
Spatially Rebalancing the UK Economy: The Need for a New Policy Model2015
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
The financialisation and governance of infrastructure, iBUILD Working Paper No. 82015
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
'The governance of local infrastructure funding and financing'2015
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Neill Marshall
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Jane Pollard
Professor John Tomaney
et al.
Continuity and Evolution in an Old Industrial Region: The Labour Market Dynamics of the Rise and Fall of Northern Rock2014
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor David Marlow
Liz Robson
et al.
CURDS submission to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee Inquiry into the 'Fiscal Devolution to Cities and City Regions'2014
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Deal or No Deal? UK City Deals as Infrastructure Funding and Financing Mechanisms2014
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Local and regional development in the Global North and South2014
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee Inquiry into ‘Devolution after the Referendum’, written evidence submitted by CURDS, Newcastle University2014
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
The Governance of Infrastructure Funding and Financing: A Literature Review, iBUILD Working Paper 3, iBUILD, Newcastle University2014
Professor Andy Pike
Economic Geographies of Brands and Branding2013
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Neill Marshall
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Jane Pollard
Professor John Tomaney
et al.
Labour market impact of Northern Rock2013
Professor Andy Pike
Professor David Marlow
Anja McCarthy
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
et al.
Local Institutions and Local Economic Growth: The State of the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in England - A National Survey2013
Professor John Tomaney
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Regional governance and economic development in England2013
Professor David Marlow
Anja McCarthy
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
et al.
The State of the LEPs: A National Survey2013
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Anja McCarthy
Governing uneven development: the politics of local and regional development in England2012
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Dr Gianpiero Torrisi
Dr Vassilis Tselios
In search of the ‘economic dividend’ of devolution: Spatial disparities, spatial economic policy and decentralisation in the UK2012
Dr Vassilis Tselios
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Dr Gianpiero Torrisi
Income inequality, decentralisation, and regional development in Western Europe2012
Dr Vassilis Tselios
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Dr Gianpiero Torrisi
Income inequality, decentralisation, and regional development in Western Europe2012
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Neill Marshall
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Jane Pollard
Professor John Tomaney
et al.
Placing Labour Markets in the Evolution of Old Industrial Regions: the Case of Northern Rock2012
Professor Neill Marshall
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Jane Pollard
Professor John Tomaney
Professor Stuart Dawley
et al.
Placing the run on Northern Rock2012
Professor Andy Pike
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
The case for the abolition of the RDAs in England: An Assessment2012
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Desarollo local y regional2011
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Handbook of Local and Regional Development2011
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Dr Xuefeng Wang
Local and Regional Development (Chinese translation)2011
Professor Andy Pike
Placing brands and branding: a socio-spatial biography of Newcastle Brown Ale2011
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Neill Marshall
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Jane Pollard
Professor John Tomaney
et al.
The Labour Market Impact of the Run on Northern Rock: Continuity and Evolution in an old Industrial Region2011
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Jane Pollard
Economic Geographies of Financialization2010
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Dr Gianpiero Torrisi
Dr Vassilis Tselios
In search of the 'economic dividend' of devolution: spatial disparities, spatial economic policy and decentralisation in UK2010
Professor John Tomaney
Professor Andy Pike
Local and regional development in times of crisis: Neoliberalism and its legacies2010
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor John Tomaney
Resilience, adaptation and adaptability2010
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
State and economy: governing uneven development in the UK2010
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Towards the resilient region?2010
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
'Towards the resilient region?: Policy activism and peripheral region development'2010
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Danny MacKinnon
A Geographical Political Economy of Evolution in Economic Geography2009
Professor Andy Pike
Brand and branding geographies2009
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Danny MacKinnon
Professor Andy Pike
Evolution in Economic Geography: Institutions, Political Economy, and Adaptation2009
Professor Andy Pike
Geographies of brands and branding2009
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
The state and uneven development: the governance of economic development in England in the post-devolution UK2009
Professor Andy Pike
Whither Regional Studies?2009
Professor Andy Pike
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Andrew Gillespie
Professor Richard Harris
Angela Hull
et al.
Final editorial for the Newcastle editorial team2008
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Alison Stenning
Professor Andy Pike
Mapping Corporations, Connecting Communities: Remaking Steel Geographies in Northern England and Southern Poland2008
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
The Government’s review of sub-national economic development and regeneration: key issues2008
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
Coming in from the cold? Trade unions in local and regional development2007
Professor Andy Pike
Contesting closures: the limits and prospects of social agency2007
Professor Andy Pike
Economic geography: Past, present and future2007
Professor Andy Pike
Editorial: Whither regional studies?2007
Professor Andy Pike
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Andrew Gillespie
Professor Richard Harris
Angela Hull
et al.
Regional Studies: 40 years and more…2007
Professor Andy Pike
The Entrepreneurship Policy Delivery Framework in eastern Germany2007
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
What kind of local and regional development and for whom?2007
Professor John Tomaney
Professor Andy Pike
Deepening Democracy and Engaging Civil Society? Economic and Social Partners and Devolved Governance in the UK2006
Professor John Tomaney
Professor Andy Pike
Deepening democracy and engaging civil society? 'Economic and social partners' and devolved governance in the UK2006
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
Devolution and the Trades Union Congress in North East England and Wales2006
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
Devolution and the Trades Union Congress in North East England and Wales2006
Professor Andy Pike
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Andrew Gillespie
Professor Richard Harris
Angela Hull
et al.
Editorial: On the move...2006
Professor Andy Pike
Entrepreneurship in the districts Mittweida in Saxony and Altenburger Land in Thuringia2006
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Local and Regional Development2006
Professor Andy Pike
'Shareholder value' versus the regions: The closure of the Vaux Brewery in Sunderland2006
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Anthony Champion
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Lynne Humphrey
Professor John Tomaney
et al.
The economic viability and self-containment of geographical economies: a framework for analysis2006
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
Trade Unions in Local and Regional Regeneration2006
Dr Nicholas Henry
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Dr Peter O'Brien
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
et al.
What works in regional economic development: learning from international best practice2006
Professor Andy Pike
Building a geographical political economy of closure: The case of R&DCo in North East England2005
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Devolution, the governance of regional development and the Trade Union Congress in the North East region of England2004
Professor Andy Pike
Heterodoxy and the governance of economic development2004
Professor Andy Pike
Innovation and social learning: institutional adaptation in an era of technological change2004
Professor Andy Pike
Privatization and labor: Responses and consequences in global perspective2004
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Sub-national governance and economic and social development2004
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
Trade unions in local and regional development and governance: The Northern Trades Union Congress in North East England2004
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
Devolution and the Trades Union Congress in the north east region of England and Wales2003
Professor Andy Pike
Labour geographies: workers and the landscapes of capitalism2003
Professor Andy Pike
Placing the social economy2003
Professor Andy Pike
Syndicats, Développement et Gouvernance Locale et Régionale2003
Professor Andy Pike
Challenge funding, contracts and area regeneration: A decade of innovation and policy management and co-ordination2002
Professor Andy Pike
Coalfields regeneration: Dealing with the consequences of industrial decline2002
Professor Andy Pike
Divided Europe: society and territory2002
Professor Andy Pike
Post-devolution blues? Economic development in the Anglo-Scottish Borders2002
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor John Tomaney
Regionalisation, devolution and the trade union movement2002
Professor Andy Pike
Task forces and the organisation of economic development: The case of the North East region of England2002
Dr Peter O'Brien
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
The TUC and New Labour's "Regional Fix"2002
Professor Andy Pike
Coalfields regeneration: Dealing with the consequences of industrial decline2001
Professor Andy Pike
Coalfields regeneration: dealing with the consequences of industrial decline and Regional agencies and area-based regeneration [Book reviews]2001
Professor Andy Pike
Corporate retreat and host economy abandonment in the era of the ‘globalisation’ of capital: the case of ‘Manufacturing Co’ in the North East region of England2001
Professor Andy Pike
Corporate Retreat and the Abandonment of Host Economies in the Era of the 'Globalisation' of Capital: The Case of Manufacturing Co. in the North East Region Of England2001
Professor John Tomaney
Professor Andy Pike
James Cornford
Defence closure and job loss: the case of Swan Hunter on Tyneside2001
Professor Andy Pike
Production, places and environment: Changing perspectives in economic geography2001
Professor Andy Pike
Reflections on the task force model in economic development2001
Professor Stuart Dawley
Professor Andy Pike
The ebb and flow of TNC's (dis)investment in host regions: microelectronics in North East England2001
Professor Andy Pike
Professor Andy Pike
James Cornford
Professor John Tomaney
Defence closure and job loss: The case of Swan Hunter on tyneside2000
Professor Andy Pike
'Economy' and 'Energy'2000
Professor Andy Pike
Restructuring Industries, Institutions and Territory: The Experience of Europe's Regions2000
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
Far Eastern FDI and the political economy of local development: the case of Sedgefield Borough in North East England1999
Professor Andy Pike
In situ restructuring in branch plants and their local economic development implications1999
Professor John Tomaney
Professor Andy Pike
James Cornford
Plant closure and the local economy: The case of Swan Hunter on Tyneside1999
Professor Andy Pike
Spaces of globalization: Reasserting the power of the local1999
Paul Chatterton
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Professor Andy Pike
Dr Paul Benneworth
David Bradley
et al.
The economic links between Leeds and the Yorkshire and the Humber region1999
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
The limits to localization in declining industrial regions? Trans-national corporations and economic development is Sedgefield Borough1999
Professor John Tomaney
Professor Andy Pike
James Cornford
The political economy of a shipyard closure: the case of Swan Hunter on Tyneside1999
Professor Andy Pike
The politics of factory closures and task forces in the North East region of England1999
Professor Andy Pike
Making performance plants from branch plants? In situ restructuring in the automobile industry in the United Kingdom1998
Professor Andy Pike
New Lifestyles, New Regions: Integrated Approaches to Local and Regional Development and Planning Policy1998
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
The political economy of manufacturing change in the regions1998
Professor Andy Pike
European research in regional science .5. Convergence and divergence among European regions - Armstrong,HW, Vickerman,RW1997
Professor Andy Pike
Greenfields and Brownfields: automotive industrial development in the UK and Portugal1997
Professor Andy Pike
Professor David Charles
Skills and Company Performance1997
Professor Andy Pike
Professor David Charles
Skills and Organisational Performance1997
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
The impact of EU (regional) policy on peripheral regions1997
Professor Andy Pike
The internationalization process: European firms in global competition - Nilsson,JE, Dicken,P, Peck,J1997
Professor Andy Pike
Professor John Tomaney
The State of the Economy in Sedgefield District1997
Professor Andy Pike
Greenfields, Brownfields and industrial policy for the automobile industry in the UK1996
Professor Andy Pike
The factory and the city: The story of the Cowley automobile workers in Oxford - Hayter,T, Harvey,D1996
Professor Andy Pike
Towards a new map of automobile manufacturing in Europe? New production concepts and spatial restructuring - Hudson,R, Schamp,EW1996
Professor Andy Pike

Young Research Workers in Economic Geography