Jessica Tarn Emmanuella Traianos Amy Collins Dr Myrto Stylianou Dr Jehill Parikh et al. | The Effects Of Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Fatigue In Participants With Primary Sjögren's Syndrome | 2023 |
Dr Alexander Yao Joanne Newton Vincent Deary James O'Hara Emerita Professor Janet Wilson et al. | General illness and psychological factors in patients with chronic nasal symptoms | 2018 |
Dr Murugu Veerasamy Dr Richard Edwards Professor Gary Ford Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood Joanne Newton et al. | Acute Coronary Syndrome among Older Patients: A Review | 2015 |
Dr Katie Hackett Joanne Newton Dr Tim Rapley Vincent Deary Professor Niina Kolehmainen et al. | Identifying participation barriers and key intervention targets for an autoimmune disease | 2015 |
Jill Collerton Dr Andrew Kingston karen Davies Professor John Bond Professor Martin Eccles et al. | Falls are common in 85 year olds, are associated with physical and psychological morbidity, and have marked consequences for health services: Results from the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2011 |
Dr Mark Hudson Joanne Newton Dr Martin Prince Professor David Jones
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Dr Anna Baragiotta Emeritus Professor Oliver James Professor David Jones Joanne Newton Professor Margaret Bassendine et al. | Vitamin D receptor (VDR) TaqI polymorphism in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) | 2001 |