Wael Almurashi Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Professor Ghada Khattab
| Static and dynamic cues in vowel production in Hijazi Arabic | 2020 |
Dan McCarthy Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| F2R: A Technique for Collapsing F2onset and F2mid into a Single Acoustic Attribute | 2019 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Native language influence on brass instrument performance: An application of generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) to midsagittal ultrasound images of the tongue | 2019 |
Wael Almurashi Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Professor Ghada Khattab
| Static and dynamic cues in vowel production in Hijazi Arabic | 2019 |
Nief Al-Gamdi Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Professor Ghada Khattab
| The acoustic properties of laryngeal contrast in Najdi Arabic initial stops | 2019 |
Yiling Chen Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| The effect of explicit instruction and auditory/audio-visual training on Chinese learners' acquisition of English intonation | 2019 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Professor Ghada Khattab
| Acoustic correlates of the voicing contrast in Lebanese Arabic singleton and geminate stops | 2018 |
Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Wasan Alsiraih
| Nasalisation in the production of Iraqi Arabic pharyngeals | 2018 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Revisiting Acoustic Correlates of Pharyngealization in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic: Implications for Formal Representations | 2017 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Professor Ghada Khattab
| Acoustic cue weighting in the singleton vs geminate contrast in Lebanese Arabic: The case of fricative consonants | 2015 |
Na Kitikanan Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Professor Ghada Khattab
| An acoustic investigation of the production of English /s/ by L2 Thai learners | 2015 |
Professor Gerry Docherty Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| From Newcastle MOUTH to Aussie ears: Australians’ perceptual assimilation and adaptation for Newcastle UK vowels | 2015 |
Professor Gerry Docherty Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Susan Wood
| Perceiving and adapting to regional accent differences among vowel subsystems | 2015 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Spectral tilt as an acoustic correlate to pharyngealisation in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic | 2015 |
Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| The acquisition of gemination in Lebanese-Arabic children | 2015 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Effects of short-term exposure to unfamiliar regional accents: Australians’ categorization of London and Yorkshire English consonants | 2014 |
Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Geminate timing in Lebanese Arabic: the relationship between phonetic timing and phonological structure | 2014 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Book review "Articulatory Phonetics Edited by Bryan Gick, Ian Wilson Donald Derrick (Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, 2013)" | 2013 |
Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Influence of geminate structure on early Arabic templatic patterns | 2013 |
Reenu Punnoose Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| The contested fifth liquid in Malayalam: a window into the lateral-rhotic relationship in Dravidian languages | 2013 |
Na Kitikanan Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| The earliest stage of voiceless fricative acquisition among Thai learners of Mandarin Chinese | 2012 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Professor Ghada Khattab
| Multiple Cues for the Singleton-Geminate Contrast in Lebanese Arabic: Acoustic Investigation of Stops and Fricatives | 2011 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Aspects phonétiques et phonologiques de la gémination en Arabe Libanais | 2010 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi Professor Ghada Khattab
| Multiple cues for the singleton-geminate contrast in Lebanese Arabic: the role of non-temporal characteristics | 2010 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Static and Dynamic Cues in Vowel Production and Perception: Cross-Linguistic Investigation of Moroccan Arabic, Jordanian Arabic and French | 2010 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Effect of pharyngealisation on vowels revisited: Static and Dynamic analyses of vowels in Moroccan and Jordanian Arabic | 2009 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Hyunsoon KIM: "La palatalisation en coréen comme exemple de coarticulation : données ciné-IRM stroboscopiques et acoustiques des mouvements graduels de la langue", translated from English [Korean Palatalization as Coarticulation: stroboscopic cine-MRI and acoustic data on gradual tongue movements] | 2009 |
Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Phonetic cues to gemination in Lebanese Arabic | 2009 |
Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Durational Cues for Gemination in Lebanese Arabic | 2008 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| L’espace vocalique perceptif dépend de la densité des systèmes vocaliques : Étude translinguistique en arabe marocain, en arabe jordanien et en français | 2008 |
Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Phonetic cues to gemination in Lebanese Arabic | 2008 |
Professor Ghada Khattab Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Phonetic patterns of gemination in Lebanese Arabic | 2008 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| [PhD Thesis] Indices dynamiques et perception des voyelles: étude translinguistique en arabe dialectal et en français | 2007 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| An acoustic comparison of vowel systems in Adult-Directed-Speech and Child-Directed-Speech: Evidence from French, English & Japanese | 2007 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Production et perception des voyelles en arabe marocain et arabe jordanien: pertinence des indices statiques et dynamiques | 2007 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Röle des indices statiques et dynamiques dans la classification des voyelles en arabe marocain et arabe jordanien : étude acoustico-perceptive | 2007 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Static and Dynamic cues in vowel production: a cross dialectal study in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic | 2007 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Analyse dynamique de la réduction vocalique en contexte CV à partir des pentes formantiques en arabe dialectal et en français | 2006 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Does vowel space size depend on language vowel inventories? Evidence from two Arabic dialects and French | 2005 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| L'équation du locus comme mesure de la coarticulation VC et CV : étude préliminaire en Arabe Dialectal Jordanien | 2004 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| The status of vowels in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic: insights from production and perception | 2004 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Phonetic variation in production and perception of speech: a comparative study of two Arabic dialects | 2003 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Inter-dialectal and inter-individual variability in production and perception: a preliminary study in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic | 2002 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Variabilité inter-langue et inter-individuelle en production et en perception : étude préliminaire en arabe dialectal et en français | 2002 |
Dr Jalal-eddin Al-Tamimi
| Variabilité phonétique en production et en perception de la parole: Le cas de l'arabe jordano-palestinien | 2002 |