Dr Claire Wood Dr Robert Tinnion Dr Srinivasa Korada Professor Timothy Cheetham Professor Caroline Relton et al. | Growth and metabolic outcome in adolescents born preterm (GROWMORE): follow-up protocol for the Newcastle preterm birth growth study (PTBGS) | 2013 |
Richard Cooke Professor Nicholas Embleton
| High protein pre-term infant formula: Effect on nutrient balance, metabolic status and growth | 2006 |
Professor Nicholas Embleton Richard Cooke
| Protein requirements in preterm infants: Effect of different levels of protein intake on growth and body composition | 2005 |
Richard Cooke Dr Alan Fenton
| Postnatal growth retardation: A universal problem in preterm infants | 2004 |
Richard Cooke Professor Nicholas Embleton
| Nutrient balance and metabolic status in preterm infants fed two levels of dietary protein | 2002 |
Dr Michael Reid Richard Cooke
| Zinc protoporphyrin/haem ratio and plasma ferritin in preterm infants | 2002 |
Richard Cooke Professor Nicholas Embleton Jenny Wells
| Feeding preterm infants after hospital discharge: Growth and development at 18 months of age | 2001 |
Professor Nicholas Embleton Richard Cooke
| Postnatal malnutrition and growth retardation: An inevitable consequence of current recommendations in preterm infants? | 2001 |
Richard Cooke
| Factors affecting the measurement of energy expenditure during energy balance studies in preterm infants | 2000 |
Richard Cooke Professor Nicholas Embleton
| Feeding issues in preterm infants | 2000 |
David Rawlings Richard Cooke Dr Keith Faulkner Dr Sarah Robinson
| Body composition of preterm infants during infancy | 1999 |
Richard Cooke Professor Nicholas Embleton
| Feeding preterm infants after hospital discharge: Effect of diet on body composition | 1999 |
Richard Cooke Dr Michael Reid
| Iron nutritional status in preterm infants fed formulas fortified with iron | 1999 |
Richard Cooke
| Knee-heel length measurement in healthy preterm infants | 1999 |
Richard Cooke
| Pesticides in dietary foods for infants and young children. Report of the Working Group on Pesticides in Baby Foods of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) | 1999 |
Professor Nicholas Embleton Richard Cooke
| Regional changes in body composition of preterm infants during infancy | 1999 |
Professor Nicholas Embleton Richard Cooke
| Systematic underfeeding of preterm infants on neonatal intensive care units | 1999 |