Alan Horgan
| Analysis of lesion localisation at colonoscopy: outcomes from a multi-centre U.K. study | 2017 |
Alan Horgan
| Development and evaluation of a cadaveric training curriculum for low rectal cancer surgery in the English LOREC National Development Programme | 2014 |
Professor Alexander Phillips Alan Horgan
| Fast track surgery and preoperative optimization | 2014 |
Alan Horgan Professor Vinidh Paleri Professor David Deehan
| Cadaveric Hands-on Training for Surgical Specialties: Is This Back to the Future for Surgical Skills Development? | 2011 |
Alan Horgan
| A prospective case-matched comparison of clinical and financial outcomes of open versus laparoscopic colorectal resection | 2007 |
Alan Horgan
| Endoluminal insertion of colonic stents | 2007 |
Alan Horgan
| Flexible sigmoidoscopy in the community: Is medical supervision necessary? | 2007 |
Alan Horgan
| The need for nurse-led pre-assessment in a community based endoscopy clinic | 2007 |
Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Dr Gendie Lash Dr Brian Shenton Alan Horgan
| Tumour cell dissemination following endoscopic stent insertion | 2007 |
Sophie Noblett Alan Horgan
| Cardiovascular assessment in patients following bowel preparation without intravenous fluid replacement: Increased age does not mean decreased function | 2006 |
Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Alan Horgan
| Nurse led flexible sigmoidoscopy in primary care - the first thousand patients | 2006 |
Paul Hainsworth Alan Horgan
| Pre-operative oral carbohydrate loading in colorectal surgery: a randomized controlled trial | 2006 |
Sophie Noblett Dr Christopher Snowden Dr Brian Shenton Alan Horgan
| Randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of Doppler-optimized fluid management on outcome after elective colorectal resection | 2006 |
Sanjay Chaudhri Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Rob Pickard Alan Horgan
| Successful voiding after trial without catheter is not synonymous with recovery of bladder function after colorectal surgery | 2006 |
Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Alan Horgan
| The two week rule for colorectal cancer: Experience of a nurse led flexible sigmoidoscopy clinic in primary care | 2006 |
Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Alan Horgan
| Direct access colonoscopy: A cost effective investigation for 2 week rule colorectal cancer referrals | 2005 |
Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Alan Horgan
| Evolution of the two-week rule pathway - Direct access colonoscopy vs outpatient appointments: one year's experience and patient satisfaction survey | 2005 |
Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Alan Horgan
| Flexible sigmoidoscopy in the community: a pilot project | 2005 |
Alan Horgan
| Laparoscopic colorectal resection in the UK: a cost-effective alternative in selected patients | 2005 |
Sanjay Chaudhri Alan Horgan
| Preoperative intensive, community-based vs. traditional stoma education: A randomized, controlled trial | 2005 |
Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Lauren Stewart Alan Horgan
| Delays between diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer: Will a dedicated nurse practitioner help? | 2004 |
Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Alan Horgan
| Direct access colonoscopy versus outpatient appointments for two week rule referrals: Patient satisfaction survey | 2004 |
Sophie Noblett Dr Karthik MaruthaChalam Sanjay Chaudhri Alan Horgan
| Two week rule cancer referral: Direct endoscopy versus outpatient assessment | 2004 |
Sanjay Chaudhri Professor Helen Arthur Dr Mark Bennett Alan Horgan
| Angiogenesis in rectal cancer: Can preoperative endoscopic biopsies predict tumour behaviour? | 2003 |
Alan Horgan
| Patient suitability for nurse led follow up: A prospective audit | 2003 |
Sanjay Chaudhri Dr Emma Reay Salil Nair Louise Jones Alex Nath et al. | Two week referrals for colorectal cancer: Does it delay final diagnosis? | 2003 |
Alan Horgan
| Preoperative staging of rectal cancer allows selection of patients for preoperative radiotherapy - Reply | 2000 |