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Browsing publications by Professor Colin Bryson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Colin Bryson
The salience of social relationships and networks in enabling student engagement and success2016
Professor Colin Bryson
Clarifying the concept of student engagement2014
Professor Colin Bryson
Professor Colin Bryson
Nottingham tales: Diverse student journeys through their undergraduate degrees2014
Professor Colin Bryson
Ruth Furlonger
Fae Rinaldo-Langridge
Partnership - turning theory into practice2014
Professor Colin Bryson
Reflections and Considerations about the Future of Student Engagement2014
Professor Colin Bryson
Understanding and developing student engagement2014
Professor Colin Bryson
Understanding and Developing Student Engagement: Perspectives from Universities and Students2014
Professor Colin Bryson
Ruth Furlonger
Unleashing the full potential for student engagement through students as partners2014
Professor Colin Bryson
Creating space for student autonomy and engagement through partnership and letting go2013
Professor Colin Bryson
Supporting sessional teaching staff in the UK – to what extent is there real progress?2013
Professor Colin Bryson
The Salience of Social Relationships and Networks in Enabling Student Engagement and Success2013
Professor Colin Bryson
Emotional work: students realising, negotiating and overcoming barriers2012
Professor Colin Bryson
The nature of academic engagement: what the students tell us2012
Professor Colin Bryson
Understanding student engagement through the student journey in Higher Education2012
Professor Colin Bryson
Clarifying the concept of engagement; a fruitful approach to underpin policy and practice2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Diverse approaches to peer support in the context of a large university2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Professor Stephen McHanwell
Enhancing the value of the student experience at Newcastle through an articulating graduateness approach2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Improving transition through a multi-stranded and student empowered and led approach to engagement2011
Professor Colin Bryson
In search of conceptual clarity about student engagement in order to deliver better policy and practice2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Keynote address: In search of conceptual clarity abiout student engagement2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Andrew Philipson
Peer support and student engagement - an evaluation of diverse approaches2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Student engagement and empowerment in action in a problematic setting2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Student engagement via empoerment and partnership2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Student engagement: conceptions and ways forward2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Andrew Philipson
Student peer mentoring schemes at Newcastle University2011
Professor Colin Bryson
The class of 2012; engaged students or consumers?2011
Professor Colin Bryson
The RAISE Network2011
Professor Colin Bryson
Enhancing integration and success through a holistic engagement approach2010
Professor Colin Bryson
Reaching a common understanding of the meaning of student engagement2010
Professor Colin Bryson
Student engagement and the key role it plays2010
Professor Colin Bryson
Student Engagement and why it matters so much2010
Professor Colin Bryson
Student engagement: paradigm change or political expediency2010
Professor Colin Bryson
The central role of student engagement in facilitating transition2010
Professor Colin Bryson
The social life of students; support mechanisms at university2010
Professor Colin Bryson
What students tell us about what influences their engagement with communities in HE2010
Professor Colin Bryson
Why does student engagement matter? Introduction for the NUS/HEA Student Engagement Hub2010
Professor Colin Bryson
An in-depth investigation of students' engagement throughout their first year at university2009
Professor Colin Bryson
Settled in well socially socially, but just getting by academically2009
Professor Colin Bryson
Student expectations in Higher Education2009
Professor Colin Bryson
A relationship heading for divorce? Assessment and Student Engagement2008
Professor Colin Bryson
How the sector supports and develops part-time teaching staff2008
Professor Colin Bryson
'I am going to work really hard': expectations and reality checks2008
Professor Colin Bryson
Making the most of part-time teachers: support and development issies for part-time teachers in Business Schools2008
Professor Colin Bryson
Student engagement2008
Professor Colin Bryson
The role and development of part-time teachers; issues and opportunities2008
Professor Colin Bryson
The student perspective on enhancing their experience of, and and their engagement with, their studies2008