Professor Michael Harrison
| Balancing the formal and the informal in user-centred design | 2021 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Control Rooms from a Human-Computer Interaction Perspective | 2021 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Proving Display Conformance and Action Consistency: The Example of an Integrated Clinical Environment | 2021 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Examples of the application of formal methods to interactive systems | 2020 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Supporting the Analysis of Safety Critical User Interfaces: An Exploration of Three Formal Tools | 2020 |
Professor Michael Harrison Dr Leo Freitas Dr Michael Drinnan Costanzo Di Maria
| Formal Techniques in the Safety Analysis of Software Components of a new Dialysis Machine | 2019 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Formal verification of interactive computing systems: Opportunities and challenges | 2019 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Formal Modelling as a Component of User Centred Design | 2018 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Verification Templates for the Analysis of User Interface Software Design | 2018 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Case Studies | 2017 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Demonstrating that medical devices satisfy user related safety requirements | 2017 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Don’t go in there! using the APEX framework in the design of ambient assisted living systems | 2017 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Evaluation of Formal IDEs for Human-Machine Interface Design and Analysis: The Case of CIRCUS and PVSio-web | 2017 |
Professor Michael Harrison Dr Michael Drinnan Dr Leo Freitas Costanzo Di Maria Emeritus Professor Michael Whitaker et al. | Safety Analysis of Software Components of a Dialysis Machine Using Model Checking | 2017 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| The Specification and Analysis of Use Properties of a Nuclear Control System | 2017 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Verification of User Interface Software: The Example of Use-Related Safety Requirements and Programmable Medical Devices | 2017 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Formal verification of a space system's user interface with the IVY workbench | 2016 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Modelling information resources and their salience in medical device design | 2016 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Reusing models and properties in the analysis of similar interactive devices | 2015 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Supporting the Design of an Ambient Assisted Living System Using Virtual Reality Prototypes | 2015 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Templates as heuristics for proving properties of medical devices | 2015 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A Virtual Environment based Serious Game to Support Health Education | 2014 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Formal Verification of Safety-Critical User Interfaces: A Space System Case Study | 2014 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Prototyping and analysing ubiquitous computing environments using multiple layers | 2014 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Analysing interactive devices based on information resource constraints | 2013 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Automated theorem proving for the systematic analysis of an infusion pump | 2013 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Integrating formal predictions of interactive system behaviour with user evaluation | 2013 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Verification of interactive software for medical devices: PCA infusion pumps and FDA regulation as an example | 2013 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Formal analysis of ubiquitous computing environments through the APEX framework | 2012 |
Dr Nigel Thomas Professor Michael Harrison Yishi Zhao Xiao Chen
| From Protocols to People: Large Scale Analysis in Markovian Process Algebra | 2012 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Scalable context-dependent analysis of emergency egress models | 2012 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Supporting Field Investigators with PVS: A Case Study in the Healthcare Domain | 2012 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Using PVS to Investigate Incidents through the Lens of Distributed Cognition | 2012 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Modelling and analysing the interactive behaviour of an infusion pump | 2011 |
Dr Nigel Thomas Professor Michael Harrison
| Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Policies in a Smart Hospital Environment | 2011 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A Process Algebraic Fluid Flow Model of Emergency Egress | 2010 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A Scalable Fluid Flow Process Algebraic Approach to Emergency Egress Analysis | 2010 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Modelling interactive experience, function and performance in ubiquitous systems | 2010 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Prototipagem rápida de ambientes ubíquos | 2010 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Representations for an iterative resource-based design approach | 2010 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Scalable Analysis of Collective Behaviour in Smart Service Systems | 2010 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| An Infrastructure for Experience Centered Agile Prototyping of Ambient Intelligence | 2009 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Bridging the Gulf between Interaction Engineering and Human Reliability Assessment | 2009 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Engineering Crowd Interaction within Smart Environments | 2009 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Including User Behavior as Model Checking Analysis | 2009 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Interaction Engineering Using the IVY Tool | 2009 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A Fluid Flow Approach to Usability Analysis of Multi-user Systems | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 27th International Conference (SAFECOMP). 22-25 September 2008. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Connecting Rigorous System Analysis to Experience-Centered Design | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Considering context and users in interactive systems analysis | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison Professor Christian Kray
| Exploring an option space to engineer a ubiquitous computing system | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison Professor Christian Kray Zhiyu Sun Huqui Zhang
| Factoring user experience into the design of ambient and mobile systems | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Formal analysis of interactive systems: opportunities and weaknesses | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Preface | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Resources for Situated Actions | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| SBML: A user interface mark-up language based on interaction style | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Systematic analysis of control panel interfaces using formal tools | 2008 |
Professor Michael Harrison Professor Christian Kray
| Exploring an option space to engineer a ubiquitous computing system | 2007 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Names and Reference in User Interfaces | 2007 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| An integrated framework for the analysis of dependable interactive systems (IFADIS): Its tool support and evaluation | 2006 |
Professor Michael Harrison Professor Christian Kray
| Connecting rigorous system analysis to experience centred design in ambient and mobile systems | 2006 |
Professor Michael Harrison Dr Alison Steven Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Sue Vernon
| Demonstration of safety in healthcare organisations | 2006 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Interactive Systems: Design, Specification and Verification. 12th International Workshop (DSVIS). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. 13-15 July 2005 | 2006 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Investigation of structural properties of hazard mitigation arguments | 2006 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Qualitative analysis of dependability argument structure | 2006 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Time as a dimension in the design and analysis of interactive systems | 2006 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Analysing user confusion in context aware mobile applications | 2005 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Measuring reuse in hazard analysis | 2005 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Using interaction style to match the ubiquitous user interface to the device-to-hand | 2005 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A framework and supporting tool for the model-based analysis for dependable interactive systems in the context of industrial design | 2004 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Analysing and modelling context in mobile systems to support design | 2004 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Analysing dynamic function scheduling decisions | 2004 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| How explicit are the barriers to failure in safety arguments? | 2004 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| PaintShop: a Microworld Experiment Investigating Temporal Decisions in a Supervisory Control Task | 2004 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Time Design: Analysing Human Temporal Control Behaviour in Dynamic Real-Time Systems | 2004 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Putting Time (back) into Dynamic Function Allocation | 2003 |
Professor Michael Harrison Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
| Relating the automation of functions in multiagent control systems to a system engineering representation | 2003 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Reuse in hazard analysis: Idenfication and support | 2003 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Augmenting descriptive scenario analysis for improvements in human reliability design | 2002 |
Professor Michael Harrison Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
| Automating functions in multi-agent control systems: supporting the decision process | 2002 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Blending Descriptive and Numeric Analysis in Human Reliability Design | 2002 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Eine Methodik zur Analyse hochzuverl assiger interaktiver Systeme | 2002 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Improving Hazard Classification through the Reuse of Descriptive Arguments | 2002 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| The temporal dimension of dynamic function allocation | 2002 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Time-related trade-offs in dynamic function scheduling | 2002 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Towards usable and relevant model checking techniques for the analysis of dependable interactive systems | 2002 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A toolset supported approach for designing and testing virtual environment interaction techniques | 2001 |
Professor Michael Harrison Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
| An evaluation of two function allocation methods | 2001 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Formal interactive systems analysis and usability inspection methods: Two incompatible worlds? | 2001 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Model checking interactor specifications | 2001 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Prototyping pre-implementation designs of virtual environment behaviour | 2001 |
Professor Michael Harrison Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
| THEA - A Reference Guide | 2001 |
Professor Michael Harrison Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
| THEA: A technique for human error assessment early in design | 2001 |
Professor Michael Harrison Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
| Allocation of function: scenarios, context and the economics of effort. | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright James Fields Professor Michael Harrison
| Analyzing Human-Computer Interaction as Distributed Cognition: the resources model | 2000 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Representational Reasoning and Verification | 2000 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A Case Study in the Specification and Analysis of Design Alternatives for a User Interface | 1999 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Case Based Reasoning Systems for Knowledge Mediation | 1999 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Integrating joint behaviour and dialogue description | 1998 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Representational reasoning and verification | 1998 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| The role of verification in interactive systems design | 1998 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A representational approach to the specification of presentations | 1997 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| A Software Engineering Model for Case Memory Systems | 1997 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Abstract Models for HCI | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright Professor Michael Harrison
| Accountability of work activity in high-consequence work systems: Human error in context | 1997 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Formally verifying interactive systems: a review | 1997 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Impact and the Design of the Human-Machine Interface | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright Professor Michael Harrison
| Locating the scene: The particular and the general in contexts for ambulance control | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright Professor Michael Harrison
| Objectives, strategies and resources as design drivers | 1997 |
Professor Michael Harrison Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
| Supporting Concepts of Operator Control in the Design of Functionally Distributed Systems | 1997 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Using executable interactor specifications to explore the impact of operator interaction errors | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright Professor Michael Harrison
| Designing human-system interaction using the resources model | 1996 |
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright Professor Michael Harrison
| Distributed information resources: a new approach to interaction modelling | 1996 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Impact as a Human Factor in Interactive System Design | 1996 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Risk Analysis, impact and interaction modelling | 1996 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| The formal specification of interactive systems | 1996 |
Professor Michael Harrison Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
| The user context and formal specification in interactive system design | 1996 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Event Model of Human-System Interaction | 1995 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Mapping User Requirements to Implementations | 1995 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Using Interaction Framework to guide the design of interactive systems | 1995 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Abstract Interaction Objects | 1993 |
Professor Michael Harrison
| Using temporal logic to support the specification and prototyping of interactive control systems | 1992 |