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Browsing publications by Emeritus Professor Pete Wright.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Simon Bowen
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Cyclical experience-based design: A proposal for engaging stakeholders in a co-creative model for primary health care service design2021
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Dr Kirby Sainsbury
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Frauke Becker
et al.
Behavioural intervention for weight loss maintenance vs. standard weight advice in adults with obesity: a randomised controlled trial in the UK (NULevel Trial)2019
Shichao Zhao
Professor Dave Kirk
Dr Simon Bowen
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Cross-cultural Understanding of Chinese Traditional Puppetry: Integrating Digital Technology to Enhance Audience Engagement2019
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Engineering Pathways in Central Carbon Metabolism Help to Increase Glycan Production and Improve N-Type Glycosylation of Recombinant Proteins in E. coli2019
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Engineering the flagellar type III secretion system: Improving capacity for secretion of recombinant protein2019
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Rob Anderson
Dr Dan Lambton-Howard
Tom Nappey
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Infrastructuring public service transformation: Creating collaborative spaces between communities and institutions through HCI research2019
Sunil Rodger
Dan Jackson
Dr John Vines
James McLaughlin
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
JourneyCam: Exploring Experiences of Accessibility and Mobility among Powered Wheelchair Users through Video and Data2019
Sara Nabil Ahmed
Jan Kučera
Nikoletta Karastathi
Professor Dave Kirk
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Seamless Seams: Crafting Techniques for Embedding Fabrics with Interactive Actuation2019
Shichao Zhao
Professor Dave Kirk
Dr Simon Bowen
Dr David Chatting
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Supporting the Cross-cultural Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Puppetry Through a Digital Gesture Library2019
Janis Meissner
Angelika Strohmayer
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
A Schnittmuster for crafting context-sensitive toolkits2018
Matt Marshall
Professor John Vines
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Dave Kirk
Dr Toby Lowe
et al.
Accountability work: Examining the values, technologies and work practices that facilitate transparency in Charities2018
Sara Nabil Ahmed
Dr Simon Bowen
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Dave Kirk
ActuEating: Desiging, Studying and Exploring Actuating Decorative Artefacts2018
Sara Nabil Ahmed
Reem Talhouk
Professor Dave Kirk
Dr Simon Bowen
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Decorating public and private spaces: Identity and pride in a refugee camp2018
Dr Rosin McNaney
Professor John Vines
Andrew Dow
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Enabling participation of people with Parkinson's and their caregivers in Co-inquiry around collectivist health technologies2018
Shichao Zhao
Dr Simon Bowen
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Enhancing the Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Painting Using Interactive Technology2018
Dr Vasilis Vlachokyriakos
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Infrastructuring the Solidarity Economy: Unpacking Strategies and Tactics in Designing Social Innovation2018
Aare Puussaar
Dr Ian Johnson
Dr Kyle Montague
Professor Philip James
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Making open data work for civic advocacy2018
Dr Gerard Wilkinson
Dr Tom Bartindale
Tom Nappey
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Media of things: Supporting the production of metadata rich media through IoT sensing2018
Dr Ian Johnson
Aare Puussaar
Jennifer Manuel
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Neighbourhood Data: Exploring the Role of Open Data in Locally Devolved Policymaking Processes2018
Dr Kellie Morrissey
Dr Andy Garbett
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Edward Jenkins
et al.
Care and Connect: Exploring Dementia-Friendliness Through an Online Community Commissioning Platform2017
Dave Green
Dr Guy Schofield
Dr Gary Pritchard
Professor Patrick Olivier
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Cinehacking Cape Town - Embracing informality in pursuit of high quality media2017
Dr John McCarthy
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Commentary: Making Interactivity Meaningful for Contemporary HCI2017
Janis Meissner
Professor John Vines
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Tom Nappey
Jekaterina Maksimova
et al.
Do-It-Yourself Empowerment as Experienced by Novice Makers with Disabilities2017
Dave Green
Dr Simon Bowen
Dr Jonathan Hook
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Enabling Polyvocality in Interactive Documentaries through "Structural Participation"2017
Aare Puussaar
Dr Adrian Clear
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Enhancing Personal Informatics Through Social Sensemaking2017
Dr Vasilis Vlachokyriakos
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
HCI, solidarity movements and the solidarity economy2017
Dr John Vines
Roisin McNaney
Amey Holden
Ivan Poliakov
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Our Year with the Glass: Expectations, Letdowns and Ethical Dilemmas of Technology Trials with Vulnerable People2017
Dr Robyn Taylor
Bettina Nissen
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Performing Research: Four Contributions to HCI2017
Konstantinos Kazakos
Dr Madeline Balaam
Amey Holden
Dr Papreen Nahar
Professor Peter Phillimore
et al.
A Real-Time IVR Platform for Community Radio2016
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
An iTRAQ characterisation of the role of TolC during electron transfer from Shewanella oneidensis MR-12016
Dr Rachel Clarke
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Anti-Solutionist Strategies: Seriously Silly Design Fiction2016
Anja Thieme
Dr John McCarthy
Dr Karim Ladha
Dan Jackson
Diana Nowacka
et al.
Challenges for Designing new Technology for Health and Wellbeing in a Complex Mental Healthcare Context2016
Dr Vasilis Vlachokyriakos
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Digital Civics: Citizen empowerment with and through technology2016
Rachel Clarke
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Dr Danilo Di Mascio
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Re-configuring Participatory Media for Citizen Elders in Urban Planning2016
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Dr Vasilis Vlachokyriakos
Dr Robert Comber
Bettina Nissen
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Re-Making Places: HCI, 'Community Building' and Change2016
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr Guy Schofield
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Scaffolding Community Documentary Film Making Using Commissioning Templates2016
Rachel Clarke
Dr Jo Briggs
Professor Ann Light
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Situated Encounters with Socially Engaged Art in Community-Based Design2016
Dr Rachel Clarke
Dr Jo Briggs
Professor Ann Light
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Situated Encounters with Socially Engaged Arts in Community-based Design2016
Dr Simon Bowen
Professor Abi Durrant
Bettina Nissen
Professor John Bowers
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
The value of designers' creative practice within complex collaborations2016
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr Guy Schofield
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
TryFilm: Situated Support for Interactive Media Productions2016
Professor Dave Kirk
Professor Abi Durrant
Gavin Wood
Dr Tuck Leong
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Understanding the Sociality of Experience in Mobile Music Listening with Pocketsong2016
Professor Dave Kirk
Professor Abi Durrant
Gavin Wood
Dr Tuck Leong
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Understanding the Sociality of Experience in Mobile Music Listening with Pocketsong2016
Dr Vidya Sarangapani
Dr Ahmed Kharrufa
Dr Madeline Balaam
Professor David Leat
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Virtual.Cultural.Collaboration - Mobile phones, video technology, and cross-cultural learning2016
Dr John Vines
Dr Gary Pritchard
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Dr Katie Brittain
et al.
An Age-Old Problem: Examining the Discourses of Ageing in HCI and Strategies for Future Research2015
Dr John Vines
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Authenticity, Relatability and Collaborative Approaches to Sharing Knowledge about Assistive Living Technology2015
Dave Green
Dr Simon Bowen
Dr Guy Schofield
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr Clara Crivellaro
et al.
Beyond Participatory Production: Digitally Supporting Grassroots Documentary2015
Dr Guy Schofield
Dr Tom Bartindale
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Bootlegger: Turning Fans into Film Crew2015
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Dr Robert Comber
Professor Martyn Dade-Robertson
Dr Simon Bowen
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Contesting the City: Enacting the political through digitally supported urban walks2015
Thomas Smith
Dr Simon Bowen
Bettina Nissen
Professor John Bowers
Dr Jonathan Hook
et al.
Exploring gesture sonification to support reflective craft practice2015
Dr Robyn Taylor
Professor John Bowers
Bettina Nissen
Gavin Wood
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Making Magic: Designing for Open Interactions in Museum Settings2015
Dr Jonathan Hook
Dr Rachel Clarke
Dr John McCarthy
Jane Dudman
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Making the invisible visible: Design to support the documentation of participatory arts experiences2015
Dr Rachel Clarke
Dr John Vines
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr John Shearer
et al.
MyRun: Balancing Design for Reflection, Recounting and Openness in a Museum-based Participatory Platform2015
Dr John McCarthy
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Taking [A]Part: The Politics and Aesthetics of Participation in Experience-Centred Design2015
Dr John Vines
Dr Rachel Clarke
Professor Ann Light
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
The beginnings, middles and endings of participatory research in HCI: An introduction to the special issue on 'perspectives on participation'2015
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Heather Brown
Dr Stephan Dombrowski
et al.
The NULevel trial of a scalable, technology-assisted weight loss maintenance intervention for obese adults after clinically significant weight loss: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial2015
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Dr John McCarthy
The politics and aesthetics of participatory HCI2015
Dr Robyn Taylor
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr Philip Heslop
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor John Bowers
et al.
"Which Brew are you Going to Choose?" An interactive 'Tea-Decider-er' in a Teahouse Shop Window2014
Dr Robyn Taylor
Dr Guy Schofield
Dr John Shearer
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Nightingallery: theatrical framing and orchestration in participatory performance2014
Dr Clara Crivellaro
Dr Robert Comber
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
A pool of dreams: facebook, politics and the emergence of a social movement2014
Dr Jonathan Hook
Sanne Verbaan
Professor Abi Durrant
Professor Patrick Olivier
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
A Study of the Challenges Related to DIY Assistive Technology in the Context of Children with Disabilities2014
Dr Guy Schofield
Dave Green
Thomas Smith
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Cinejack: using live music to control narrative visuals2014
Dr John Vines
Tess Denman-Cleaver
Dr Paul Dunphy
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Experience design theatre: exploring the role of live theatre in scaffolding design dialogues2014
Dr Tom Bartindale
Daniel Jackson
Dr Karim Ladha
Seb Mellor
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
RedTag: automatic content metadata capture for cameras2014
Gavin Wood
Dr John Vines
Dr Madeline Balaam
Dr Nick Taylor
Tom Smith
et al.
The Department Of Hidden Stories: Playful Digital Storytelling for Children in a Public Library2014
Dr Paul Dunphy
Dr John Vines
Rachel Clarke
Dr Vasilis Vlachokyriakos
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Understanding the experience-centeredness of privacy and security technologies2014
Bettina Nissen
Professor John Bowers
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Dr Jonathan Hook
Volvelles, domes and wristbands: embedding digital fabrication within a visitor's trajectory of engagement2014
Dr Guy Schofield
Dave Green
Dr Jonathan Hook
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Cinehack: Supporting Micro-budget Digital Film and Video Production2013
Dr John Vines
Dr Rachel Clarke
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Dr John McCarthy
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Configuring participation: On how we involve users in design2013
Dr Robyn Taylor
Dr Guy Schofield
Dr Jonathan Hook
Dr Karim Ladha
Professor John Bowers
et al.
Crafting interactive systems: learning from digital art practice2013
Dr Rachel Clarke
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Dr Madeline Balaam
Dr John McCarthy
Digital portraits: photo-sharing after domestic violence2013
Dr Jonathan Hook
Sanne Verbaan
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Exploring the Design of Technologies and Services that Support Do-It-Yourself Assistive Technology Practice2013
Dr John Vines
Anja Thieme
Dr Robert Comber
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
HCI in the press: online public reactions to mass media portrayals of HCI research2013
Dr Nick Taylor
Dr Keith Cheverst
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Leaving the Wild: Lessons from Community Technology Handovers2013
Reuben Kirkham
Seb Mellor
Dave Green
Dr Karim Ladha
Dr Cassim Ladha
et al.
The Break-Time Barometer: An Exploratory System for Workplace Break-time Social Awareness2013
Dr Marianna Obrist
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Theory and Practice in UX Research: Uneasy Bedfellows?2013
Dr Jo Briggs
Dr Jonathan Hook
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Unlimited editions: three approaches to the dissemination and display of digital art2013
Dr Jonathan Hook
Dr John McCarthy
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Waves: exploring idiographic design for live performance2013
Dr Jonathan Hook
Dr Guy Schofield
Dr Robyn Taylor
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr John McCarthy
et al.
Exploring HCI's Relationship with Liveness (CHI'12 Workshop)2012
Dr John Vines
Dr Rachel Clarke
Dr Tuck Leong
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Perspectives on participation: evaluating cross-disciplinary tools, methods and practices2012
Dr Tom Bartindale
Dr Nick Taylor
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
StoryCrate: Tabletop Storyboarding for Live Film Production2012
Dr Nick Taylor
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
Viewpoint: Empowering Communities with Situated Voting Devices2012
Dr Jonathan Hook
Dr John McCarthy
Mr S Taylor Taylor
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
A VJ Centered Exploration of Expressive Interaction2011
Dr Robyn Taylor
Dr Guy Schofield
Dr John Shearer
Joanne Wallace
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
et al.
Designing from within: humanaquarium2011
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Knowledge capture for self management of long-term conditions2011
Dr Tuck Leong
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Music in Households in the Digital Economy2011
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
The Photostroller: Supporting Diverse Care Home Residents in Engaging with the World2011
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Dr John McCarthy
Experience-centred Design: Designers, users, and communities in dialogue2010
Professor John Bowers
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
The prayer companion: openness and specificity, materiality and spirituality2010
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
The Prayer Companion: Openness and specificity, materiality and spirituality2010
Dr Tuck Leong
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Understanding experience using dialogical methods - The case of serendipity2010
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Aesthetics and experience-centered design2008
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Empathy and experience in HCI2008
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Technology scruples: why intimidation will not save the recording industry and how enchantment might2008
Professor Michael Harrison
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Relating the automation of functions in multiagent control systems to a system engineering representation2003
Professor Michael Harrison
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Automating functions in multi-agent control systems: supporting the decision process2002
Professor Michael Harrison
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
An evaluation of two function allocation methods2001
Professor Michael Harrison
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
THEA - A Reference Guide2001
Professor Michael Harrison
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
THEA: A technique for human error assessment early in design2001
Professor Michael Harrison
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Allocation of function: scenarios, context and the economics of effort.2000
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
James Fields
Professor Michael Harrison
Analyzing Human-Computer Interaction as Distributed Cognition: the resources model2000
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Michael Harrison
Accountability of work activity in high-consequence work systems: Human error in context1997
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Michael Harrison
Locating the scene: The particular and the general in contexts for ambulance control1997
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Michael Harrison
Objectives, strategies and resources as design drivers1997
Professor Michael Harrison
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Supporting Concepts of Operator Control in the Design of Functionally Distributed Systems1997
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Michael Harrison
Designing human-system interaction using the resources model1996
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
Professor Michael Harrison
Distributed information resources: a new approach to interaction modelling1996
Professor Michael Harrison
Emeritus Professor Pete Wright
The user context and formal specification in interactive system design1996