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Browsing publications by Professor Darren Evans.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Mukilan Deivarajan Suresh
Dr Tong Xin
Professor Darren Evans
Bugs and bytes: Entomological biomonitoring through the integration of deep learning and molecular analysis for merged community and network analysis2025
Professor Darren Evans
Journal of Animal Ecology in 2023: Looking back and looking forward2024
Professor Darren Evans
Conceptualising ecology to support more theory-driven research2024
Dr Dimitrios Petsopoulos
Dr Jordan Cuff
Dr James Kitson
Professor Neil Boonham
Professor Darren Evans
et al.
Identifying archived insect bulk samples using DNA metabarcoding: A case study using the long-term Rothamsted Insect Survey2024
Ben Hawthorne
Dr Jordan Cuff
Professor Darren Evans
Metabarcoding advances agricultural invertebrate biomonitoring by enhancing resolution, increasing throughput, and facilitating network inference2024
Dr Jordan Cuff
Professor Darren Evans
Dr Fredric Windsor
Networking nutrients: how nutrition determines the structure of ecological networks 2024
Dr Jordan Cuff
Mukilan Deivarajan Suresh
Matt Dopson
Ben Hawthorne
Thomas Howells
et al.
A roadmap for biomonitoring in the 21st century: merging methods into metrics via ecological networks2023
Professor Darren Evans
Environmental DNA as an emerging tool in botanical research2023
Professor Darren Evans
How artificial light at night may rewire ecological networks: concepts and models2023
Professor Darren Evans
Light pollution in complex ecological systems2023
Professor Darren Evans
Mitigating the impacts of street lighting on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning2023
Professor Ian Singleton
Professor Darren Evans
Molecular Identification and Biotechnological Potential of Cerithidea cingulata-and Lottia scabra Associated Fungi as Extracellular Enzyme Producer and Anti-Vibriosis Agent2023
Dr Marco Fusi
Professor Darren Evans
Dr Darren O'Connell
Professor Ulrich Salzmann
Point of (no) return? Vegetation structure and diversity of restored mangroves in Sulawesi, Indonesia, 14–16 years on2023
Dr Jordan Cuff
Dr James Kitson
Professor Darren Evans
The predator problem and PCR primers in molecular dietary analysis: swamped or silenced; depth or breadth?2023
Dr Fredric Windsor
Professor Darren Evans
Using ecological networks to answer questions in global biogeography and ecology2023
Dr Darren O'Connell
Dr Marco Fusi
Dr James Kitson
Professor Darren Evans
Assessing mangrove restoration practices using species-interaction networks2022
Dr Jordan Cuff
Aifionn Evans
Angel Porteous
Julia Quinonez
Professor Darren Evans
et al.
Candy-striped spider leaf and habitat preferences for egg deposition2022
Dr Ellen Moss
Professor Darren Evans
Experimental Climate Warming Reduces Floral Resources and Alters Insect Visitation and Wildflower Seed Set in a Cereal Agro-Ecosystem2022
Dr Fredric Windsor
Dr Clive Emary
Dr James Kitson
Dr Kirsten Miller
Professor Darren Evans
et al.
Network science: Applications for sustainable agroecosystems and food security2022
Professor Darren Evans
Dr Marco Fusi
Safeguarding Imperiled Biodiversity and Evolutionary Processes in the Wallacea Center of Endemism2022
Dr Kieran Peel
Professor Darren Evans
Dr Clive Emary
Ternary network models for disturbed ecosystems2022
Professor Darren Evans
Time counts in animal ecology2022
Dr Fredric Windsor
Professor Darren Evans
Using motifs in ecological networks to identify the role of plants in crop margins for multiple agriculture functions2022
Dr Kirsten Miller
Professor Darren Evans
A dearth of data: fitting parasitoids into ecological networks2021
Dr Clive Emary
Professor Darren Evans
Can a complex ecosystem survive the loss of a large fraction of its species? A random matrix theory of secondary extinction2021
Dr Fredric Windsor
Professor Darren Evans
Identifying plant mixes for multiple ecosystem service provision in agricultural systems using ecological networks2021
Dr Ellen Moss
Professor Darren Evans
Investigating the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in UK agro- ecosystems: An application of the DPSIR framework2021
Douglas Boyes
Professor Darren Evans
Is light pollution driving moth population declines? A review of causal mechanisms across the life cycle2021
Professor Darren Evans
Journal journeys: Building on our reputation in animal ecology with new ways to publish2021
Dr Jordan Cuff
Dr Fredric Windsor
Dr James Kitson
Professor Darren Evans
Overcoming the pitfalls of merging dietary metabarcoding into ecological networks2021
Professor Darren Evans
Pioneer herbaceous plants contribute to the restoration of pollination interactions in restinga habitats in tropical Atlantic Forest2021
Professor Ian Singleton
Professor Darren Evans
Potential of fungi isolated from a mangrove ecosystem in Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia: Protease, cellulase and anti-microbial capabilities2021
Professor Darren Evans
Short-term positive effects of wildfire on diurnal insects and pollen transport in a Mediterranean ecosystem2021
Douglas Boyes
Professor Darren Evans
Street lighting has detrimental impacts on local insect populations2021
Dr Dimitrios Petsopoulos
Jennifer Bell
Dr James Kitson
Professor Neil Boonham
Professor Darren Evans
et al.
Using network ecology to understand and mitigate long-term insect declines2021
Lisa Malm
Professor Darren Evans
Livestock grazing impacts upon components of the breeding productivity of a common upland insectivorous passerine: results from a long-term experiment2020
Professor Darren Evans
Dr James Kitson
Molecular ecology as a tool for understanding pollination and other plant–insect interactions2020
Callum Macgregor
Dr James Kitson
Professor Darren Evans
Construction, validation, and application of nocturnal pollen transport networks in an agro‐ecosystem: a comparison using light microscopy and DNA metabarcoding2019
Dr James Kitson
Professor Darren Evans
Detecting host–parasitoid interactions in an invasive Lepidopteran using nested tagging DNA metabarcoding2019
Callum Macgregor
Professor Darren Evans
Effects of street lighting technologies on the success and quality of pollination in a nocturnally pollinated plant2019
Callum Macgregor
Professor Darren Evans
Wildfire alters the structure and seasonal dynamics of nocturnal pollen‐transport networks2019
Professor Darren Evans
20th Anniversary Editorial: Animal Conservation 1998–20182018
Dr Rafael Raimundo
Professor Darren Evans
Adaptive Networks for Restoration Ecology2018
Dr James Kitson
Professor Darren Evans
Biomonitoring for the 21st Century: Integrating Next-Generation Sequencing Into Ecological Network Analysis2018
Dr Ellen Moss
Professor Darren Evans
Climate-warming alters the structure of farmland tri-trophic ecological networks and reduces crop yield2018
Professor Darren Evans
Potentials and pitfalls in the analysis of bipartite networks to understand plant–microbe interactions in changing environments2018
Professor Darren Evans
Structure and robustness of an epiphyte–phorophyte commensalistic network in a neotropical inselberg2018
Professor Darren Evans
Dr Gordon Port
Everything is connected: network thinking in entomology2017
Professor Darren Evans
Invariant antagonistic network structure despite high spatial and temporal turnover of interactions2017
Professor Darren Evans
Are generalist Aphidiinae (Hym. Braconidae) mostly cryptic species complexes?2016
Professor Darren Evans
Is there a future for genome-editing technologies in conservation?2016
Professor Darren Evans
Dr James Kitson
Merging DNA metabarcoding and ecological network analysis to understand and build resilient terrestrial ecosystems2016
Dr James Kitson
Professor Darren Evans
Nested metabarcode tagging: a robust tool for studying species interactions in ecology and evolution2016
Professor Darren Evans
Reducing agricultural loss and food waste: how will nature fare?2016
Callum Macgregor
Professor Darren Evans
The dark side of street lighting: impacts on moths and evidence for the disruption of nocturnal pollen transport2016
Professor Darren Evans
The visualisation of ecological networks, and their use as a tool for engagement, advocacy and management2016
Professor Darren Evans
Biodiversity offsetting: what are the challenges, opportunities and research priorities for animal conservation?2015
Professor Darren Evans
Determining plant-leaf miner-parasitoid interactions: a DNA barcoding approach.2015
Callum Macgregor
Professor Darren Evans
Pollination by nocturnal Lepidoptera, and the effects of light pollution: a review2015
Professor Darren Evans
Simulated climate-warming increases Coleoptera activity-densities and reduces community diversity in a cereal crop2015
Professor Darren Evans
Dr Nick Littlewood
The cascading impacts of livestock grazing in upland ecosystems: a 10-year experiment2015
Professor Darren Evans
The structure and robustness of nocturnal Lepidopteran pollen-transfer networks in a biodiversity hotspot2015
Professor Darren Evans
A comparison of social bee-plant networks between two urban areas2014
Professor Darren Evans
Enhancing communication between conservation biologists and conservation practitioners: Letter from the Conservation Front Line2014
Professor Darren Evans
Experimental evidence that livestock grazing intensity affects cyclic vole population regulation processes.2014
Professor Darren Evans
Mixed grazing systems benefit both upland biodiversity and livestock production.2014
Professor Darren Evans
Molecular analysis reveals high compartmentalization in aphid-primary parasitoid networks and low parasitoid sharing between crop and noncrop habitats.2014
Professor Darren Evans
The success of the horse-chestnut leaf-miner, Cameraria ohridella, in the UK revealed with hypothesis-led citizen science.2014
Professor Darren Evans
Addressing gender imbalances in Animal Conservation2013
Professor Darren Evans
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal networks vary throughout the growing season and between successional stages2013
Professor Darren Evans
Challenges and opportunities for animal conservation from renewable energy development2013
Professor Darren Evans
Networking agroecology: integrating the diversity of agroecosystem interactions2013
Professor Darren Evans
The robustness of a network of ecological networks to habitat loss2013
Professor Darren Evans
Confronting the costs and conflicts associated with biodiversity2010
Professor Darren Evans
Multiple mechanisms control the breeding density of meadow pipit.2006
Professor Darren Evans
Effects of grazing management on upland bird populations: disentangling habitat structure and arthropod food supply2003
Professor Darren Evans
Maternal condition, yolk androgens and offspring performance: a supplemental feeding experiment in the lesser black-backed gull (Larus Fuscus).2003