Mukilan Deivarajan Suresh Dr Tong Xin Professor Darren Evans
| Bugs and bytes: Entomological biomonitoring through the integration of deep learning and molecular analysis for merged community and network analysis | 2025 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Journal of Animal Ecology in 2023: Looking back and looking forward | 2024 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Conceptualising ecology to support more theory-driven research | 2024 |
Dr Dimitrios Petsopoulos Dr Jordan Cuff Dr James Kitson Professor Neil Boonham Professor Darren Evans et al. | Identifying archived insect bulk samples using DNA metabarcoding: A case study using the long-term Rothamsted Insect Survey | 2024 |
Ben Hawthorne Dr Jordan Cuff Professor Darren Evans
| Metabarcoding advances agricultural invertebrate biomonitoring by enhancing resolution, increasing throughput, and facilitating network inference | 2024 |
Dr Jordan Cuff Professor Darren Evans Dr Fredric Windsor
| Networking nutrients: how nutrition determines the structure of ecological networks | 2024 |
Dr Jordan Cuff Mukilan Deivarajan Suresh Matt Dopson Ben Hawthorne Thomas Howells et al. | A roadmap for biomonitoring in the 21st century: merging methods into metrics via ecological networks | 2023 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Environmental DNA as an emerging tool in botanical research | 2023 |
Professor Darren Evans
| How artificial light at night may rewire ecological networks: concepts and models | 2023 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Light pollution in complex ecological systems | 2023 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Mitigating the impacts of street lighting on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning | 2023 |
Professor Ian Singleton Professor Darren Evans
| Molecular Identification and Biotechnological Potential of Cerithidea cingulata-and Lottia scabra Associated Fungi as Extracellular Enzyme Producer and Anti-Vibriosis Agent | 2023 |
Dr Marco Fusi Professor Darren Evans Dr Darren O'Connell Professor Ulrich Salzmann
| Point of (no) return? Vegetation structure and diversity of restored mangroves in Sulawesi, Indonesia, 14–16 years on | 2023 |
Dr Jordan Cuff Dr James Kitson Professor Darren Evans
| The predator problem and PCR primers in molecular dietary analysis: swamped or silenced; depth or breadth? | 2023 |
Dr Fredric Windsor Professor Darren Evans
| Using ecological networks to answer questions in global biogeography and ecology | 2023 |
Dr Darren O'Connell Dr Marco Fusi Dr James Kitson Professor Darren Evans
| Assessing mangrove restoration practices using species-interaction networks | 2022 |
Dr Jordan Cuff Aifionn Evans Angel Porteous Julia Quinonez Professor Darren Evans et al. | Candy-striped spider leaf and habitat preferences for egg deposition | 2022 |
Dr Ellen Moss Professor Darren Evans
| Experimental Climate Warming Reduces Floral Resources and Alters Insect Visitation and Wildflower Seed Set in a Cereal Agro-Ecosystem | 2022 |
Dr Fredric Windsor Dr Clive Emary Dr James Kitson Dr Kirsten Miller Professor Darren Evans et al. | Network science: Applications for sustainable agroecosystems and food security | 2022 |
Professor Darren Evans Dr Marco Fusi
| Safeguarding Imperiled Biodiversity and Evolutionary Processes in the Wallacea Center of Endemism | 2022 |
Dr Kieran Peel Professor Darren Evans Dr Clive Emary
| Ternary network models for disturbed ecosystems | 2022 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Time counts in animal ecology | 2022 |
Dr Fredric Windsor Professor Darren Evans
| Using motifs in ecological networks to identify the role of plants in crop margins for multiple agriculture functions | 2022 |
Dr Kirsten Miller Professor Darren Evans
| A dearth of data: fitting parasitoids into ecological networks | 2021 |
Dr Clive Emary Professor Darren Evans
| Can a complex ecosystem survive the loss of a large fraction of its species? A random matrix theory of secondary extinction | 2021 |
Dr Fredric Windsor Professor Darren Evans
| Identifying plant mixes for multiple ecosystem service provision in agricultural systems using ecological networks | 2021 |
Dr Ellen Moss Professor Darren Evans
| Investigating the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in UK agro- ecosystems: An application of the DPSIR framework | 2021 |
Douglas Boyes Professor Darren Evans
| Is light pollution driving moth population declines? A review of causal mechanisms across the life cycle | 2021 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Journal journeys: Building on our reputation in animal ecology with new ways to publish | 2021 |
Dr Jordan Cuff Dr Fredric Windsor Dr James Kitson Professor Darren Evans
| Overcoming the pitfalls of merging dietary metabarcoding into ecological networks | 2021 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Pioneer herbaceous plants contribute to the restoration of pollination interactions in restinga habitats in tropical Atlantic Forest | 2021 |
Professor Ian Singleton Professor Darren Evans
| Potential of fungi isolated from a mangrove ecosystem in Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia: Protease, cellulase and anti-microbial capabilities | 2021 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Short-term positive effects of wildfire on diurnal insects and pollen transport in a Mediterranean ecosystem | 2021 |
Douglas Boyes Professor Darren Evans
| Street lighting has detrimental impacts on local insect populations | 2021 |
Dr Dimitrios Petsopoulos Jennifer Bell Dr James Kitson Professor Neil Boonham Professor Darren Evans et al. | Using network ecology to understand and mitigate long-term insect declines | 2021 |
Lisa Malm Professor Darren Evans
| Livestock grazing impacts upon components of the breeding productivity of a common upland insectivorous passerine: results from a long-term experiment | 2020 |
Professor Darren Evans Dr James Kitson
| Molecular ecology as a tool for understanding pollination and other plant–insect interactions | 2020 |
Callum Macgregor Dr James Kitson Professor Darren Evans
| Construction, validation, and application of nocturnal pollen transport networks in an agro‐ecosystem: a comparison using light microscopy and DNA metabarcoding | 2019 |
Dr James Kitson Professor Darren Evans
| Detecting host–parasitoid interactions in an invasive Lepidopteran using nested tagging DNA metabarcoding | 2019 |
Callum Macgregor Professor Darren Evans
| Effects of street lighting technologies on the success and quality of pollination in a nocturnally pollinated plant | 2019 |
Callum Macgregor Professor Darren Evans
| Wildfire alters the structure and seasonal dynamics of nocturnal pollen‐transport networks | 2019 |
Professor Darren Evans
| 20th Anniversary Editorial: Animal Conservation 1998–2018 | 2018 |
Dr Rafael Raimundo Professor Darren Evans
| Adaptive Networks for Restoration Ecology | 2018 |
Dr James Kitson Professor Darren Evans
| Biomonitoring for the 21st Century: Integrating Next-Generation Sequencing Into Ecological Network Analysis | 2018 |
Dr Ellen Moss Professor Darren Evans
| Climate-warming alters the structure of farmland tri-trophic ecological networks and reduces crop yield | 2018 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Potentials and pitfalls in the analysis of bipartite networks to understand plant–microbe interactions in changing environments | 2018 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Structure and robustness of an epiphyte–phorophyte commensalistic network in a neotropical inselberg | 2018 |
Professor Darren Evans Dr Gordon Port
| Everything is connected: network thinking in entomology | 2017 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Invariant antagonistic network structure despite high spatial and temporal turnover of interactions | 2017 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Are generalist Aphidiinae (Hym. Braconidae) mostly cryptic species complexes? | 2016 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Is there a future for genome-editing technologies in conservation? | 2016 |
Professor Darren Evans Dr James Kitson
| Merging DNA metabarcoding and ecological network analysis to understand and build resilient terrestrial ecosystems | 2016 |
Dr James Kitson Professor Darren Evans
| Nested metabarcode tagging: a robust tool for studying species interactions in ecology and evolution | 2016 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Reducing agricultural loss and food waste: how will nature fare? | 2016 |
Callum Macgregor Professor Darren Evans
| The dark side of street lighting: impacts on moths and evidence for the disruption of nocturnal pollen transport | 2016 |
Professor Darren Evans
| The visualisation of ecological networks, and their use as a tool for engagement, advocacy and management | 2016 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Biodiversity offsetting: what are the challenges, opportunities and research priorities for animal conservation? | 2015 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Determining plant-leaf miner-parasitoid interactions: a DNA barcoding approach. | 2015 |
Callum Macgregor Professor Darren Evans
| Pollination by nocturnal Lepidoptera, and the effects of light pollution: a review | 2015 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Simulated climate-warming increases Coleoptera activity-densities and reduces community diversity in a cereal crop | 2015 |
Professor Darren Evans Dr Nick Littlewood
| The cascading impacts of livestock grazing in upland ecosystems: a 10-year experiment | 2015 |
Professor Darren Evans
| The structure and robustness of nocturnal Lepidopteran pollen-transfer networks in a biodiversity hotspot | 2015 |
Professor Darren Evans
| A comparison of social bee-plant networks between two urban areas | 2014 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Enhancing communication between conservation biologists and conservation practitioners: Letter from the Conservation Front Line | 2014 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Experimental evidence that livestock grazing intensity affects cyclic vole population regulation processes. | 2014 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Mixed grazing systems benefit both upland biodiversity and livestock production. | 2014 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Molecular analysis reveals high compartmentalization in aphid-primary parasitoid networks and low parasitoid sharing between crop and noncrop habitats. | 2014 |
Professor Darren Evans
| The success of the horse-chestnut leaf-miner, Cameraria ohridella, in the UK revealed with hypothesis-led citizen science. | 2014 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Addressing gender imbalances in Animal Conservation | 2013 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal networks vary throughout the growing season and between successional stages | 2013 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Challenges and opportunities for animal conservation from renewable energy development | 2013 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Networking agroecology: integrating the diversity of agroecosystem interactions | 2013 |
Professor Darren Evans
| The robustness of a network of ecological networks to habitat loss | 2013 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Confronting the costs and conflicts associated with biodiversity | 2010 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Multiple mechanisms control the breeding density of meadow pipit. | 2006 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Effects of grazing management on upland bird populations: disentangling habitat structure and arthropod food supply | 2003 |
Professor Darren Evans
| Maternal condition, yolk androgens and offspring performance: a supplemental feeding experiment in the lesser black-backed gull (Larus Fuscus). | 2003 |