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Browsing publications by Dr Shams Pathan.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Shams Pathan
CEO pay and family firm heterogeneity: A behavioral agency model perspective2024
Dr Shams Pathan
FinTech adoption in banks and their liquidity creation2024
Dr Mamiza Haq
Dr Shams Pathan
Institutional investors' horizons and bank transparency2024
Dr Shams Pathan
The bright side of common ownership: Evidence from bank transparency2024
Dr Shams Pathan
Transient institutional ownership, costly external finance and corporate cash holdings2024
Dr Shams Pathan
Dr Mamiza Haq
CEO Pay Gaps and Bank Risk-Taking2023
Dr Shams Pathan
Female directors, audit effort and financial reporting quality2023
Dr Shams Pathan
The past is never dead: Famine-CEOs and corporate social performance2023
Dr Shams Pathan
The valuation impact of gender quotas in the boardroom: Evidence from the European markets2023
Dr Shams Pathan
Environmental stocks, CEO health risk and COVID-192022
Dr Shams Pathan
Dr Mamiza Haq
Institutional investor horizon and bank risk-taking2021
Dr Shams Pathan
The impact of voluntary capital adequacy disclosure on bank lending and liquidity creation2021
Dr Shams Pathan
Do external labour market incentives constrain bad news hoarding? The CEO's industry tournament and crash risk reduction2020
Dr Shams Pathan
Size-conditioned mandatory capital adequacy disclosure and bank intermediation2020
Dr Shams Pathan
How do 'busy' and 'overlap' directors relate to CEO pay structure and incentives?2019
Dr Shams Pathan
New evidence on national culture and bank capital structure2018
Dr Mamiza Haq
Dr Shams Pathan
New evidence on national culture and bank capital structure2018
Dr Shams Pathan
Monitoring by busy and overlap directors: an examination of executive remuneration and financial reporting qualityCapacidad supervisora de los consejeros ocupadosy solapados: Un análisis de la remuneración ejecutiva yla calidad de la información financiera2017
Dr Shams Pathan
Do private equity target firms exhibit less effectual governance structures?2016
Dr Shams Pathan
Dr Mamiza Haq
Does skin in the game help? Bank franchise value, managerial incentives and 'going for broke'2016
Dr Shams Pathan
Financial constraints and dividend policy2016
Dr Shams Pathan
Monitoring capabilities of busy and overlap directors: Evidence from Australia2015
Dr Shams Pathan
The risk implication of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: An empirical examination of the US financial services industry2014
Dr Shams Pathan
Does board structure in banks really affect their performance?2013
Dr Shams Pathan
Competitive valuation effects of Australian IPOs2012
Dr Shams Pathan
Efficiency of microfinance institutions: A data envelopment analysis2010
Dr Shams Pathan
Endogenously structured boards of directors in banks2010
Dr Shams Pathan
Strong boards, CEO power and bank risk-taking2009
Dr Shams Pathan
Reforms in Thai bank governance: The aftermath of the Asian financial crisis2008
Dr Shams Pathan
Board size, independence and performance: An analysis of thai banks2007