Aikaterini Deligianni Dr Jack Hale Dr George Kotsikos
| Development of piezoelectric thick-film sensors to be embedded into adhesively bonded joints | 2016 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Self-weight loading of horizontal hydraulic cylinders with axial load | 2016 |
Professor Geoff Gibson Tarak Assaleh Dr Jack Hale
| Acoustic emission monitoring of multiaxial ultimate elastic wall stress tests of glass fibre-reinforced epoxy composite pipes | 2015 |
Ali Daraji Dr Jack Hale
| Active vibration reduction by optimally placed sensors and actuators with application to stiffened plates by beams | 2014 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Design, Installation and Calibration of a Strain Gauge Structural Monitoring System for a Timber Windmill | 2014 |
Ali Daraji Dr Jack Hale
| Reduction of structural weight, costs and complexity of a control system in the active vibration reduction of flexible structures | 2014 |
Dr Jack Hale Dr Ivan CK Tam
| Development of Polymer Based Piezoelectric Paint Sensor for Dynamic Strain Measurement | 2013 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Sensitivity of piezoelectric sensors fabricated with various types of commercial PZT powder | 2013 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Vibration based algorithm for crack detection in cantilever beam containing two different types of cracks | 2013 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Structural Monitoring an Ancient Post Mill | 2012 |
Professor Geoff Gibson Tarak Assaleh Dr Jack Hale
| Qualification and lifetime modelling of fibreglass pipe | 2011 |
Dr Ismael Payo Dr Jack Hale
| Sensitivity Analysis of Piezoelectric Paint Sensors Made up of PZT Ceramic Powder and Water-Based Acrylic Polymer | 2011 |
Tarak Assaleh Professor Geoff Gibson Dr Jack Hale
| Ultimate elastic wall stress (UEWS) test of glass fibre reinforced epoxy (GRE) pipe | 2011 |
Dr Ismael Payo Dr Jack Hale
| A piezoelectric paint thick-film strain sensor for vibration monitoring purposes | 2010 |
Dr Ismael Payo Dr Jack Hale
| Dynamic characterization of piezoelectric paint sensors under biaxial strain | 2010 |
Professor Geoff Gibson Tarak Assaleh Dr Jack Hale
| Qualification and Test Procedures for Fiberglass Pipe for Oil and Gas Applications | 2010 |
Mahyar Mahinzaeim Dr David Swailes Dr Jack Hale
| Bounded Vibration Controls of Distributed-Parameter Systems with Applications to a Beam on Viscoelectic Supports | 2009 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Pressure Wave Piezoelectric Sensor | 2009 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Pressure Wave Piezoelectric Sensor | 2009 |
Dr George Kotsikos Dr Jack Hale Professor Alan Jack Professor Geoff Gibson
| Mechanical and electrical engineering aspects of long-distance underground power transmission | 2008 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Order and Chaos in a Rotor Bearing System with Unbalance and Clearance | 2008 |
Mahyar Mahinzaeim Dr Jack Hale Dr David Swailes
| Active Vibration Regulation of a Convertible Vehicle Using System Identification | 2007 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Piezoelectric paint: Effects of harsh weathering on aging | 2007 |
Mahyar Mahinzaeim Dr Jack Hale Dr David Swailes
| The application of an active vibration regulation system to improving driving comfort in convertible vehicles: A comparative study of regulator design methodologies | 2007 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Wireless monitor for cathodic protection in remote sites: a case study for a university spin-out company | 2007 |
Dr Jack Hale
| The design of a modular probe incorporating thick-film sensors for detecting phase interfaces in oil well primary separator plant | 2006 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Design and testing of a thick-film dual-modality sensor for composition measurements in heterogeneous mixtures | 2005 |
Dr Jack Hale Emeritus Professor Jim White Robin Stephenson
| Development of piezoelectric paint thick-film vibration sensors | 2005 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Dual-modality probe for characterization of heterogeneous mixtures | 2005 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Novel autoantigens in the proteome of psoriatic epidermis | 2005 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Structural monitoring for rare events in remote locations | 2005 |
Robin Stephenson Dr Jack Hale Emeritus Professor Jim White
| Effect of exposure of piezoelectric paint to water and salt solution | 2004 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Investigation of heterogeneous mixtures with dual-modality transducers fabricated using thick-film technology | 2004 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Invited Paper: Measurement techniques in High speed roller chains | 2004 |
Professor Geoff Gibson Ramadan Saied Emeritus Professor Terry Evans Dr Jack Hale
| Multi-axial and high temperature performance of fiberglass pipe | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor Jim White Benjamin De Poumeyrol Dr Jack Hale Robin Stephenson
| Piezoelectric paint: Ceramic-polymer composites for vibration sensors | 2004 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Piezoelectric Paint: Thick-film sensors for structural monitoring of shock and vibration | 2004 |
Dr Jack Hale
| A hybrid interative algorithm for electrical capacitance tomography | 2003 |
Dr Jack Hale
| A Sensor System for Oil-Water Separators: Materials Considerations | 2003 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Characterisation of heterogeneous mixtures by using thick film ultrasonic transducers | 2003 |
Professor Geoff Gibson Ramadan Saied Emeritus Professor Terry Evans Dr Jack Hale
| Failure envelopes for glass fibre pipes in water up to 160ÂșC | 2003 |
Dr Jack Hale
| [Invited Paper] Piezoelectric Paint for Dynamic Structural Monitoring | 2002 |
Dr Jack Hale Professor Geoff Gibson Dr Stephen Speake
| Biaxial failure envelope and creep testing of fibre reinforced plastic pipes in high temperature aqueous environments | 2002 |
Benjamin De Poumeyrol Dr Jack Hale Ismail Gniedi
| Characterisation of piezoelectric paint dymanic strain sensors | 2002 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Invited Paper: Piezoelectric Paint for Dynamic Structural Monitoring | 2002 |
Dr Jack Hale Benjamin De Poumeyrol Ismail Gniedi
| Manufacture and application of piezoelectric paint sensors | 2002 |
Benjamin De Poumeyrol Dr Jack Hale Robin Stephenson
| Physical Characteristics of Piezoelectric Paint Sensors | 2002 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Pigment sensors: A piezoelectric coating can make vibrations measurable | 2002 |
Dr Jack Hale
| Pigment-Sensoren: Ein Piezoelktrischer Lack kann Vibrationen Mess Bar Machen | 2002 |
Dr Jack Hale Ismail Gniedi
| Thick-film piezoelectric strain sensors - Experimental determination of the effects of sensor dimensions on strain sensitivity | 2002 |
Benjamin De Poumeyrol Robin Stephenson Dr Jack Hale
| Characterisation of Paint Based Thick-Film Piezoelectric Strain Sensors | 2001 |
Dr Jack Hale Robin Stephenson Benjamin De Poumeyrol
| Field trial of paint based thick-film piezoelectic strain sensors on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge | 2001 |
Robin Stephenson David Glennie Professor Neville Fawcett Dr Jack Hale
| A Method of Measuring the Dynamic Loads in High-Speed Timing Chains | 2000 |
Robin Stephenson David Glennie Professor Neville Fawcett Dr Jack Hale
| A method of measuring the dynamic loads in high-speed timing chains | 2000 |
Dr George Kotsikos Emeritus Professor Terry Evans Professor Geoff Gibson Dr Jack Hale
| Environmentally enhanced fatigue damage in glass fibre reinforced composites characterized by acoustic emission | 2000 |
Dr George Kotsikos Emeritus Professor Terry Evans Dr Jack Hale Professor Geoff Gibson
| Evaluation of the Effects of Preexposure in Marine Environments of Structural Glass Reinforced Composites by Acoustic Emission Testing | 2000 |
Professor Geoff Gibson Emeritus Professor Terry Evans Dr George Kotsikos Dr Stephen Speake Dr Jack Hale et al. | Fatigue of marine laminates in aqueous environments | 2000 |
Dr Jack Hale Professor Brian Shaw Dr Stephen Speake Professor Geoff Gibson
| High temperature failure envelopes for thermosetting composite pipes in water | 2000 |
Dr Jack Hale Jon Tuck
| A novel thick-film strain transducer using piezoelectric paint | 1999 |
Dr Jack Hale Jon Tuck
| A novel thick-film strain transducer using piezoelectric paint | 1999 |
Robin Colls Dr Jack Hale
| A simplified dynamic model for high-speed roller chains | 1999 |
Dr George Kotsikos Emeritus Professor Terry Evans Professor Geoff Gibson Dr Jack Hale
| Use of Acoustic Emission to Characterize Corrosion Fatigue Damage Accumulation in Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Laminates | 1999 |