Margaret Adesugba Dr Elizabeth Oughton Professor Sally Shortall
| Farm household livelihood strategies | 2021 |
Professor Guy Garrod Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Farming groups and empowerment of women smallholder farmers | 2021 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Ailsa McKenzie Dr Richard Francksen Dr Matthew Grainger Nadheer Fazaa et al. | Offshore refuges support higher densities and show slower population declines of wintering Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres: a response | 2020 |
Mwana Othman Dr Elizabeth Oughton Professor Guy Garrod
| Significance of farming groups for resource access and livelihood improvement of rural smallholder women farmers | 2020 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Ailsa McKenzie Dr Richard Francksen Dr Matthew Grainger Nadheer Fazaa et al. | Offshore refuges support higher densities and show slower population declines of wintering Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres | 2019 |
Professor Mark Reed Steven Vella Professor Lynn Frewer Rosmarie Neumann Dr Elizabeth Oughton et al. | A theory of participation: What makes stakeholder and public engagement in environmental management work? | 2018 |
Lisa Bunclark John Gowing Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Understanding farmers’ decisions on adaptation to climate change: Exploring adoption of water harvesting technologies in Burkina Faso | 2018 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Competing paradigms of flood management in the Scottish/English borderlands | 2016 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton Dr Andrew Donaldson Dr David Passmore
| Flood risk management, an approach to managing crossborder hazards | 2016 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| How to make sense of our rivers: using assemblage to understand angling | 2014 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Making sense of policy implementation: the construction and uses of expertise and evidence in managing freshwater environments | 2013 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton Dr Steven Emery
| Defra NE0109 Social Research Evidence Review to Inform Natural Environment Policy. Final Project Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 2011 |
Dr Steven Emery Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Interventions in managing environment conflicts: what works, in what contexts and why? Final report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 2011 |
Dr Susan Baines Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Working life in rural micro-enterprises: Old forms of organisation in the new economy | 2011 |
Dr Mitchell Ness Dr Mary Brennan Dr Elizabeth Oughton Emeritus Professor Christopher Ritson Dr Eric Ruto et al. | Modelling consumer behavioural intentions towards food with implications for marketing quality low-input and organic food | 2010 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Interdisciplinarity within and beyond geography: introduction to Special Section | 2009 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Interdisciplinarity within and beyond geography: Introduction to special section | 2009 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Interdisciplinary research: framing and reframing | 2009 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Interdisciplinary research: Framing and reframing | 2009 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock
| Conservation in context: A view from below - implementation of conservation policies on the North York Moors | 2008 |
Dr Mitchell Ness Dr Elizabeth Oughton Emeritus Professor Christopher Ritson Dr Mary Brennan Dr Eric Ruto et al. | Improvement of Food Quality and Safety in the European Organic and “Low Input” Supply Chain | 2008 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Rural gender relations issues and case studies | 2007 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| Rethinking the European countryside-can we learn from the South? | 2006 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock
| The relationship between consumption and production: conceptualizing well-being inside the household | 2006 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| 'What do you mean?' The importance of language in developing interdisciplinary research | 2006 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock
| A capabilities approach to sustainable household livelihoods | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Elizabeth Oughton Dr Susan Baines
| Getting by with a little help from your family: Toward a policy-relevant model of the household | 2003 |
Dr Elizabeth Oughton Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Susan Baines
| Micro-businesses and social inclusion in rural households: A comparative analysis | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| The household as a focus for research | 2003 |
Dr Susan Baines Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Elizabeth Oughton Elisabet Ljunggren
| Work and employment in rural, non-farming micro-businesses: a return to old ways of working? | 2003 |
Dr Susan Baines Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| A household based approach to the small business family | 2002 |
Dr Susan Baines Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| A household based approach to the small family business | 2002 |
Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| The household in the economy | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor Jane Wheelock Dr Elizabeth Oughton
| The household as a focus for research | 1996 |