Dr Richard Francksen Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Matt Hiron
| Agriculturally Improved and Semi-Natural Permanent Grasslands Provide Complementary Ecosystem Services in Swedish Boreal Landscapes | 2024 |
Nick Brodin Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Richard Francksen
| Chick diet in UK Little Terns Sternula albifrons | 2024 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| The phenology and clutch size of UK Blue Tits does not differ with woodland composition | 2024 |
Dr Peter Stephens Professor Mark Whittingham
| Camera trapping with photos and videos: implications for ecology and citizen science | 2023 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Model selection in occupancy models: Inference versus prediction | 2023 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study | 2022 |
Danielle Robinson Dr Steven Newman Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Richard Francksen Professor Selina Stead et al. | Fisher–shark interactions: A loss of support for the Maldives shark sanctuary from reef fishers whose livelihoods are affected by shark depredation | 2022 |
Nadheer Fazaa Dr Richard Francksen Professor Mark Whittingham
| Land use change in Baghdad City and assessment of the Jadriyah and Umm Al-Khanazeer Island Important Bird Area (IBA) from 1984 to 2020 | 2022 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Large-scale mammal monitoring: The potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom | 2022 |
Caroline Rhymer Dr Richard Francksen Professor Mark Whittingham
| Permanent grasslands in Europe: Land use change and intensification decrease their multifunctionality | 2022 |
Sienaa Al-Zurfi Nadheer Fazaa Dr Mukhtar Haba Professor Mark Whittingham
| Study of insect diversity in areas surrounding The Central Marsh in southern Iraq | 2022 |
Dr Richard Francksen Caroline Rhymer Dr Gavin Stewart Professor Mark Whittingham
| The Effects of Nitrogen Fertilisation on Plant Species Richness in European Permanent Grasslands: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2022 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Dylan Young Professor Mark Reed
| Trade-offs between the natural environment and recreational infrastructure: A case study about peatlands under different management scenarios | 2022 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Global inequities and political borders challenge nature conservation under climate change | 2021 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Impacts of invasive plants on animal behaviour | 2021 |
Nadheer Fazaa Dr Jonathon Dunn Professor Mark Whittingham
| Pollution threatens water quality in the Central Marshes of Southern Iraq | 2021 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Automated detection and classification of birdsong: An ensemble approach | 2020 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Richard Francksen Dr Matt Hiron Caroline Rhymer
| Do biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments inform stakeholders how to simultaneously conserve biodiversity and increase ecosystem service provisioning in grasslands? | 2020 |
Dr Niki Rust Dr Beth Clark Professor Mark Whittingham Professor Philip McGowan
| How to transition to reduced-meat diets that benefit people and the planet | 2020 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Ailsa McKenzie Dr Richard Francksen Dr Matthew Grainger Nadheer Fazaa et al. | Offshore refuges support higher densities and show slower population declines of wintering Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres: a response | 2020 |
Professor Mark Reed Dr Regina Hansda Heidi Saxby Lowell Mills Professor Guy Garrod et al. | Social barriers and opportunities to the implementation of the England Peat Strategy : Final report | 2020 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Better Model Transfers Require Knowledge of Mechanisms | 2019 |
Dr Richard Francksen Professor Mark Whittingham
| Measures of predator diet alone may underestimate the collective impact on prey: Common buzzard Buteo buteo consumption of economically important red grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica | 2019 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Ailsa McKenzie Dr Richard Francksen Dr Matthew Grainger Nadheer Fazaa et al. | Offshore refuges support higher densities and show slower population declines of wintering Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres | 2019 |
Dr Johan Oldekop Professor Mark Whittingham
| Reductions in deforestation and poverty from decentralized forest management in Nepal | 2019 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| The influence of different aspects of grouse moorland management on nontarget bird assemblages | 2019 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| A diagnostic framework for food system governance arrangements: The case of South Africa | 2018 |
Dr Johan Oldekop Professor Mark Whittingham
| An upside to globalization: international migration drives reforestation in Nepal | 2018 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Economical crowdsourcing for camera trap image classification | 2018 |
Nadheer Fazaa Professor Mark Whittingham
| Evaluation of the ecosystem services of the central marsh in southern Iraq | 2018 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Outstanding Challenges in the Transferability of Ecological Models | 2018 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Publisher Correction: Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality | 2018 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality | 2018 |
Dr Matt Hiron Professor Mark Whittingham
| Species contributions to single biodiversity values under-estimate community contribution to a wider range of values to society | 2018 |
Professor Mark Reed Professor Selina Stead Professor Mark Whittingham
| A Place-Based Approach to Payments for Ecosystem Services | 2017 |
Nadheer Fazaa Dr Jonathon Dunn Professor Mark Whittingham
| Distributions and Community Composition of Birds in Iraq’ s Central Marsh | 2017 |
Dr Richard Francksen Professor Mark Whittingham
| Numerical and functional responses of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo to prey abundance on a Scottish grouse moor | 2017 |
Dr Andrew Hudson Professor Lynn Frewer Paul Brereton Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Gavin Stewart et al. | The Agri-food chain and Antimicrobial Resistance: a review | 2017 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Achieving and communicating globally relevant applied ecological research | 2016 |
Dr Richard Francksen Professor Mark Whittingham
| Assessing prey provisioned to Common Buzzard Buteo buteo chicks: a comparison of methods | 2016 |
Dr Jeremy Franks Dr Steven Emery Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Ailsa McKenzie
| Farmer attitudes to cross-holding agri-environment schemes and their implications for Countryside Stewardship | 2016 |
Dr Jonathon Dunn Professor Mark Whittingham Professor Philip McGowan
| Optimising different types of biodiversity coverage of protected areas with a case study using Himalayan Galliformes | 2016 |
Dr Ailsa McKenzie Dr Nigel Critchley Caroline Rhymer Professor Mark Whittingham
| The effects of soil compaction mitigation on below-ground fauna: how earthworms respond to mechanical loosening and power harrow cultivation | 2016 |
Dr Maria Zwart Dr Jonathon Dunn Professor Philip McGowan Professor Mark Whittingham
| Wind farm noise suppresses territorial defense behavior in a songbird | 2016 |
Dr Richard Francksen Professor Mark Whittingham
| Winter diet of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo on a Scottish grouse moor | 2016 |
Dr Jonathon Dunn Dr Maria Zwart Professor Mark Whittingham
| Desk based evaluation of wind farms and habitat management in Scotland | 2015 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Management by proxy? The use of indices in applied ecology | 2015 |
Dr Jonathon Dunn Professor Mark Whittingham Professor Philip McGowan
| Mapping the potential distribution of the Critically Endangered Himalayan Quail Ophrysia superciliosa using proxy species and species distribution modelling | 2015 |
Christopher Rhodes Professor Mark Whittingham
| The relative value of field survey and remote sensing for biodiversity assessment | 2015 |
Maria Zwart Professor Mark Whittingham Professor Philip McGowan
| Using environmental impact assessment and post-construction monitoring data to inform wind energy developments | 2015 |
Mieke Zwart Professor Philip McGowan Professor Mark Whittingham
| The Use of Automated Bioacoustic Recorders to Replace Human Wildlife Surveys: An Example Using Nightjars | 2014 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| A framework for managing airport grasslands and birds amidst conflicting priorities | 2013 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Celebrating the golden jubilee of the Journal of Applied Ecology | 2013 |
Dr Ailsa McKenzie Dr Steven Emery Dr Jeremy Franks Professor Mark Whittingham
| Landscape-scale conservation: collaborative agri-environment schemes could benefit both biodiversity and eccosystem services, but will farmers be willing to participate? | 2013 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Visual soil evaluation in relation to measured soil physical properties in a survey of grassland soil compaction in England and Wales | 2013 |
Caroline Rhymer Claire Devereux Professor Mark Whittingham
| Diet of Starling Sturnus vulgaris nestlings on farmland: the importance of Tipulidae larvae | 2012 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Ensuring applied ecology has impact | 2012 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Habitat associations of wintering granivorous birds on the Canary Islands | 2012 |
Claudia Garratt Dr Jeroen Minderman Professor Mark Whittingham
| Should we stay or should we go now? What happens to small mammals when grass is mown, and the implications for birds of prey | 2012 |
Dr Ben Brilot Professor Daniel Nettle Professor Mark Whittingham Professor Melissa Bateson Professor Jenny Read et al. | When is general wariness favored in avoiding multiple predators? | 2012 |
Claudia Garratt Professor Mark Whittingham
| Creating ephemeral resources: how long do the beneficial effects of grass cutting last for birds? | 2011 |
Dr Ailsa McKenzie Professor Carlo Leifert Peter Shotton Professor Mark Whittingham
| Disentangling the effects of fertilisers and pesticides on winter stubble use by farmland birds | 2011 |
Claudia Garratt Emeritus Professor Monica Hughes Professor Mark Whittingham
| Foraging habitat selection by breeding Common Kestrels Falco tinnunculus on lowland farmland in England | 2011 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Identifying governance strategies that effectively support ecosystem services, resource sustainability, and biodiversity | 2011 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Model selection and model averaging in behavioural ecology: the utility of the IT-AIC framework | 2011 |
Dr Jeremy Franks Dr Steven Emery Professor Mark Whittingham Dr Ailsa McKenzie
| Options for landscape scale collaboration under the UK's environmental stewardship scheme | 2011 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| The future of agri-environment schemes: biodiversity gains and ecosystem service delivery? | 2011 |
Dr Ailsa McKenzie Professor Mark Whittingham
| Birds select conventional over organic wheat when given free choice | 2010 |
Caroline Rhymer Professor Mark Whittingham
| Can ecosystem services be integrated with conservation? A case study of breeding waders on grassland | 2010 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Impacts of climate on prey abundance account for fluctuations in a population of a northern wader at the southern edge of its range | 2010 |
Marco Girardello Professor Mark Whittingham Professor Stephen Rushton
| Models of climate associations and distributions of amphibians in Italy | 2010 |
Dr Jeroen Minderman Professor Mark Whittingham
| Novel environment exploration and home range size in starlings Sturnus vulgaris | 2010 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Putting applied ecology into practice | 2010 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Freezing behaviour on attack by a potential predator is an adaptive risk-assessment period in chaffinches. | 2009 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Habitat associations of British breeding farmland birds | 2009 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Heavier birds react faster to predators: individual differences in the detection of stalking and ambush predators | 2009 |
Marco Girardello Professor Mark Whittingham Professor Stephen Rushton
| Identifying important areas for butterfly conservation in Italy | 2009 |
Dr Jeroen Minderman Professor Mark Whittingham
| Personality traits in wild starlings: exploration behavior and environmental sensitivity | 2009 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Very short delays prior to escape from potential predators may function efficiently as adaptive risk-assessment periods | 2009 |
Dr Ailsa McKenzie Professor Mark Whittingham
| Why are birds more abundant on organic farms? | 2009 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Anti-predator signals in the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs in response to habitat structure and different predator types | 2008 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Claire Devereux
| Changing grass height alters foraging site selection by wintering farmland birds | 2008 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Habitat affects escape behaviour and alarm calling in Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris | 2008 |
Claire Devereux Professor Mark Whittingham
| Minimal effects of wind turbines on the distribution of wintering farmland birds | 2008 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Should conservation strategies consider spatial generality? Farmland birds show regional not national patterns of habitat association | 2007 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Survival rates of tropical birds in Nigeria, West Africa | 2007 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Vigilance in the third dimension: head movement not scan duration varies in response to different predator models | 2007 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Will agri-environment schemes deliver substantial biodiversity gain, and if not why not? | 2007 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Age-dependent diet choice in an avian top predator | 2006 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Claire Devereux
| Altering perceived predation risk and food availability: Management prescriptions to benefit farmland birds on stubble fields | 2006 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Diet and habitat structure interact to influence patch choice in a granivorous bird, the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs | 2006 |
Claire Devereux Professor Mark Whittingham
| Does sward density affect prey availability for grassland birds? | 2006 |
Karen Jones Professor Mark Whittingham
| Interaction between seed crypsis and habitat structure influence patch choice in a granivorous bird, the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs | 2006 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Noise, predation risk compensation and vigilance in the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs | 2006 |
Claire Devereux Professor Mark Whittingham
| Predator detection and avoidance by starlings under differing scenarios of predation risk | 2006 |
Claire Devereux Professor Mark Whittingham
| Predator detection and avoidance by starlings under differing scenarios of predation risk | 2006 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Time in captivity and individual differences influence experimental success: foraging trials on wild-caught chaffinches | 2006 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Time in captivity, individual differences and foraging behaviour in wild-caught chaffinches | 2006 |
Claire Devereux Professor Mark Whittingham
| What attracts birds to newly mown pasture? Decoupling the action of mowing from the provision of short swards | 2006 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Why do we still use stepwise modelling in ecology and behaviour? | 2006 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Designing lowland landscapes for farmland birds: scenario testing with GIS | 2005 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Habitat selection by yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella on lowland farmland at two spatial scales: Implications for conservation management | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor Julian Morris Professor Mark Whittingham
| Indirect effects of pesticides on breeding yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) | 2005 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Modelling relationships between birds and vegetation structure using airborne LiDAR data: A review with case studies from agricultural and woodland environments | 2005 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Modelling relationships between organisms and vegetation structure using airborne LiDAR data | 2005 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Quantifying the interaction between food density and habitat structure in determining patch selection | 2005 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Stubble height affects the use of stubble fields by farmland birds | 2005 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| The management of crop structure: A general approach to reversing the impacts of agricultural intensification on birds? | 2005 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Warmer springs advance the breeding phenology of golden plovers Pluvialis apricaria and their prey (Tipulidae) | 2005 |
Professor Mark Whittingham Stephen Butler
| The effect of limited visibility on vigilance behaviour and speed of predator detection: implications for the conservation of granivorous passerines | 2004 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| The effects of habitat structure on predation risk of birds in agricultural landscapes | 2004 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| The effects of habitat structure on predation risk of birds in agricultural landscapes. | 2004 |
Claire Devereux Professor Mark Whittingham
| The effects of sward height, density and drainage on starlings and lapwings foraging on grassland habitats | 2004 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Use of unimproved and improved lowland grassland by wintering birds in the UK. | 2004 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Do habitat association models have any generality? Predicting skylark abundance Alauda arvensis in different regions of southern England | 2003 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Good foragers can also be good detectors | 2003 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| What makes free-range broiler chickens range? | 2003 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Nest-site selection by golden plover: why do shorebirds avoid nesting on slopes? | 2002 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| The influence of substrate on the functional response of an avian granivore and its implications for farmland bird conservation | 2002 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| The selection of stubble fields by wintering granivorous birds reflects vegetation cover and food abundance | 2002 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Use of field margins by foraging yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella | 2002 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Widespread local house-sparrow extinctions | 2002 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs foraging patterns, nestling survival and territory distribution on lowland farmland | 2001 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Effects of human approaches to nests of northern New Zealand dotterels | 2001 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Foraging habitat selection by yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella nesting in agriculturally contrasting regions in lowland England | 2001 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Habitat selection by golden plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks | 2001 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Habitat characteristics affecting use of lowland agricultural grasslands by birds in winter | 2000 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Time budgets and foraging of breeding golden plover Pluvialis apricaria | 2000 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Evaluation of radiotelemetry methods in measuring habitat choice by young Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks | 1999 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Night-time activity by Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks | 1999 |
Professor Mark Whittingham
| Notes on the ecology, conservation and taxonomic status of the Hylorchilus wrens | 1993 |