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Browsing publications by Dr Arnaud Basle.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Karla Helena Bueno
Chinenye Ekemezie
Charlotte Brown
Charlotte Dingwall
Dr Arnaud Basle
et al.
A new family of bacterial ribosome hibernation factors2024
Dr Thomas McCorvie
Dr Jiazhi Tang
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Wyatt Yue
Architecture and regulation of filamentous human cystathionine beta-synthase2024
Linnea Blomgren
Dr Sabrina Mackinnon
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Wyatt Yue
Dr Thomas McCorvie
et al.
Dynamic inter-domain transformations mediate the allosteric regulation of human 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase2024
Dr Javier Abellon-Ruiz
Dr Augustinas Silale
Dr Andrew Frey
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Matthias Trost
et al.
BtuB TonB-dependent transporters and BtuG surface lipoproteins form stable complexes for vitamin B12 uptake in gut Bacteroides2023
Dr Augustinas Silale
Dr Yiling Zhu
Dr Satya Bhamidimarri
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dual function of OmpM as outer membrane tether and nutrient uptake channel in diderm Firmicutes2023
Omar Al-Jourani
Dr Jenn Ross
Dr Nick Bailey
Dr Tiaan Heunis
Joseph Manion
et al.
Identification of D-arabinan-degrading enzymes in mycobacteria2023
Jaeick Lee
Rosie Dalton
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Nicolas Vita
Professor Christopher Dennison
et al.
Important Structural Features of Thiolate-Rich Four-Helix Bundles for Cu(I) Uptake and Removal2023
Dr Augustinas Silale
Matthew Feasey
Dr Tiaan Heunis
Dr Yiling Zhu
Dr Hong Zheng
et al.
Outer membrane utilisomes mediate glycan uptake in gut Bacteroidetes2023
Dr Ani Paloyan
Dr Armen Sargsyan
Dr Cecilia Piergentili
Dr Will Stanley
Dr Arnaud Basle
et al.
Structural and biochemical characterisation of the N-carbamoyl-β-alanine amidohydrolase from Rhizobium radiobacter MDC 86062023
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Martin Noble
The CCP4 suite: integrative software for macromolecular crystallography2023
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Jon Marles-Wright
Versatile Chemo-Biocatalytic Cascade Driven by a Thermophilic and Irreversible C-C Bond-Forming α-Oxoamine Synthase2023
Elise Ling
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Ian Cowell
Professor Bert van den Berg
Professor Caroline Austin
et al.
A comprehensive structural analysis of the ATPase domain of Human DNA topoisomerase II Beta bound to AMPPNP, ADP and the bisdioxopiperazine, ICRF1932022
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Alan Cartmell
Author Correction: Sulfated glycan recognition by carbohydrate sulfatases of the human gut microbiota (Nature Chemical Biology, (2022), 18, 8, (841-849), 10.1038/s41589-022-01039-x)2022
Dr John Berrisford
Maria Fando
Dr Arnaud Basle
CCP4 Cloud for structure determination and project management in macromolecular crystallography2022
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Jon Marles-Wright
Characterization of inositol lipid metabolism in gut-associated Bacteroidetes.2022
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr David Bolam
Plant N-glycan breakdown by human gut Bacteroides2022
Dr Jenn Ross
Zak McIver
Dr Cecilia Piergentili
Dr Jasmine Bird
Dr Kevin Waldron
et al.
Pore dynamics and asymmetric cargo loading in an encapsulin nanocompartment.2022
Professor Bert van den Berg
Dr Augustinas Silale
Dr Arnaud Basle
Structural basis for host recognition and superinfection exclusion by bacteriophage T5.2022
Paola Lanzoni
Dr Anna Barwinska-Sendra
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Paula Salgado
Structure and assembly of the S-layer in C. difficile2022
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Alan Cartmell
Sulfated glycan recognition by carbohydrate sulfatases of the human gut microbiota2022
Dr Satya Bhamidimarri
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
Acquisition of ionic copper by the bacterial outer membrane protein OprC through a novel binding site2021
Dr Marco Salamina
Dr Richard Heath
Svitlana Korolchuk
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Martyna Pastok
et al.
Discriminative SKP2 Interactions with CDK-Cyclin Complexes Support a Cyclin A-Specific Role in p27KIP1 Degradation2021
Declan Gray
Amy Glenwright
Dr Arnaud Basle
Carl Morland
Dr David Bolam
et al.
Insights into SusCD-mediated glycan import by a prominent gut symbiont2021
Adam Crawshaw
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Paula Salgado
A practical overview of molecular replacement: Clostridioides difficile PilA1, a difficult case study2020
Dr Anna Barwinska-Sendra
Dr Kacper Sendra
Dr Arnaud Basle
Eilidh Mackenzie
Dr Emma Tarrant
et al.
An evolutionary path to altered cofactor specificity in a metalloenzyme2020
Dr Arnaud Basle
Ascertaining the biochemical function of an essential pectin methylesterase in the gut microbe bacteroides thetaiotaomicron2020
Dr Didier Ndeh
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Alan Cartmell
Author Correction: Metabolism of multiple glycosaminoglycans by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron is orchestrated by a versatile core genetic locus (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (646), 10.1038/s41467-020-14509-4)2020
Dr Cecilia Piergentili
Dr Will Stanley
Laurene Adam
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Kevin Waldron
et al.
Dissecting the structural and functional roles of a putative metal entry site in encapsulated ferritins2020
Dr Didier Ndeh
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten
Dr Alan Cartmell
Metabolism of multiple glycosaminoglycans by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron is orchestrated by a versatile core genetic locus2020
Dr Lucy Crouch
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Chris Lamb
Professor Christopher Stewart
Kate Cooke
et al.
Prominent members of the human gut microbiota express endo-acting O-glycanases to initiate mucin breakdown2020
Mariusz Madej
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
Structural and functional insights into oligopeptide acquisition by the RagAB transporter from Porphyromonas gingivalis2020
Dr Anne Doble
Dr David Bulmer
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
Uptake of monoaromatic hydrocarbons during biodegradation by FadL channel-mediated lateral diffusion2020
Dr Alan Cartmell
Dr Jose Munoz Munoz
Dr Jonathan Briggs
Dr Didier Ndeh
Dr Elisabeth Lowe
et al.
Author Correction: A surface endogalactanase in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron confers keystone status for arabinogalactan degradation2019
Dr Aurore Labourel
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Jose Munoz Munoz
Dr Didier Ndeh
Simon Booth
et al.
Structural and functional analyses of glycoside hydrolase 138 enzymes targeting chain A galacturonic acid in the complex pectin rhamnogalacturonan II2019
Dr Anna Barwinska-Sendra
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Kevin Waldron
A charge polarization model for the metal-specific activity of superoxide dismutases2018
Dr Alan Cartmell
Dr Jose Munoz Munoz
Dr Jonathan Briggs
Dr Didier Ndeh
Dr Elisabeth Lowe
et al.
A surface endogalactanase in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron confers keystone status forarabinogalactan degradation2018
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Lorraine Hewitt
Dr Alan Koh
Dr Heather Lamb
Paul Thompson
et al.
Crystal structure of NucB, a biofilm-degrading endonuclease2018
Dr Javier Abellon-Ruiz
Dr Michael Zahn
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
Crystal structure of the Acinetobacter baumannii outer membrane protein Omp332018
Dr Jonathan Briggs
Xiaoyang Zhang
Dr Didier Ndeh
Dr Aurore Labourel
Dr Arnaud Basle
et al.
Dietary pectic glycans are degraded by coordinated enzyme pathways in human colonic Bacteroides2018
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Abdelnasser El Ghazouani
Jaeick Lee
Professor Christopher Dennison
Insight into Metal Removal from Peptides that Sequester Copper for Methane Oxidation2018
Anuwat Aunkham
Dr Michael Zahn
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Wipa Suginta
Professor Bert van den Berg
et al.
Structural basis for chitin acquisition by marine Vibrio species2018
Dr Arnaud Basle
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
Dr Didier Ndeh
Target highlights from the first post-PSI CASP experiment (CASP12, May-August 2016)2018
Monisha Pathania
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
Unusual constriction zones in the major porins OmpU and OmpT from Vibrio cholerae2018
Judith Unterlass
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Julie Tucker
Dr Celine Cano
Professor Martin Noble
et al.
Validating and enabling phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH) as a target for fragment-based drug discovery in PHGDH-amplified breast cancer2018
Dr Max Temple
Dr Fiona Cuskin
Dr Arnaud Basle
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
Dr Elisabeth Lowe
et al.
A Bacteroidetes locus dedicated to fungal 1,6-β-glucan degradation: unique substrate conformation drives specificity of the key endo-1,6-β-glucanase2017
Dr Jose Munoz Munoz
Dr Alan Cartmell
Dr Arnaud Basle
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
An evolutionarily distinct family of polysaccharide lyases removes rhamnose capping of complex arabinogalactan proteins2017
Dr Didier Ndeh
Dr Artur Rogowski
Dr Alan Cartmell
Ana De Jesus Vaz Luís
Dr Arnaud Basle
et al.
Complex pectin metabolism by gut bacteria reveals novel catalytic functions2017
Dr Alan Cartmell
Dr Elisabeth Lowe
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Susan Firbank
Dr Didier Ndeh
et al.
How members of the human gut microbiota overcome the sulfation problem posed by glycosaminoglycans2017
Dr Javier Abellon-Ruiz
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
Structural basis for maintenance of bacterial outer membrane lipid asymmetry2017
Amy Glenwright
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Susan Firbank
Dr Hong Zheng
Dr David Bolam
et al.
Structural basis for nutrient acquisition by dominant members of the human gut microbiota2017
Judith Unterlass
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Julie Tucker
Dr Celine Cano
Professor Martin Noble
et al.
Structural insights into the enzymatic activity and potential substrate promiscuity of human 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH)2017
Dr Arnaud Basle
Semeli Platsaki
Professor Christopher Dennison
Visualizing Biological Copper Storage: The Importance of Thiolate-Coordinated Tetranuclear Clusters2017
Gianpiero Landolfi
Dr Arnaud Basle
Semeli Platsaki
Jaeick Lee
Dr Kevin Waldron
et al.
Bacterial cytosolic proteins with a high capacity for Cu(I) that protect against copper toxicity2016
Dr Imma Venditto
Ana De Jesus Vaz Luís
Dr Arnaud Basle
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
Professor William Willats
et al.
Complexity of the Ruminococcus flavefaciens cellulosome reflects an expansion in glycan recognition2016
Dr Lucy Crouch
Dr Fiona Cuskin
Justina Briliūtė
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr David Bolam
et al.
Degradation of complex N-glycans by gut Bacteroides species2016
Dr Elisabeth Lowe
Dr Fiona Cuskin
Dr Max Temple
Dr Arnaud Basle
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
et al.
Fungal cell wall glucan metabolism by Bacteroides in the human gut2016
Monisha Pathania
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
et al.
Gram-negative trimeric porins have specific LPS binding sites that are essential for porin biogenesis2016
Dr Fiona Cuskin
Dr Lucy Crouch
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr David Bolam
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
et al.
Pivotal alpha mannosidase generates specificity for N-glycans through requirement for GlcNac at+2 subsite.2016
Professor Bert van den Berg
Anupama Chembath
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Julian Rutherford
Structural basis for Mep2 ammonium transceptor activation by phosphorylation2016
Dr Michael Zahn
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
Structural Insights into Outer Membrane Permeability of Acinetobacter baumannii2016
Dr Imma Venditto
Ana De Jesus Vaz Luís
Dr Julia Schuckel
Dr Arnaud Basle
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
et al.
The complexity of the Ruminococcus flavefaciens cellulosome reflects an expansion in glycan recognition2016
Dr Aurore Labourel
Dr Lucy Crouch
Dr Adam Jackson
Dr Artur Rogowski
Dr Joseph Gray
et al.
The Mechanism by Which Arabinoxylanases Can Recognize Highly Decorated Xylans2016
Dr Nicolas Vita
Semeli Platsaki
Dr Arnaud Basle
Stephen Allen
Dr Kevin Waldron
et al.
A four-helix bundle stores copper for methane oxidation2015
Dr Artur Rogowski
Jon Briggs
Dr Elisabeth Lowe
Dr Arnaud Basle
Carl Morland
et al.
Glycan complexity dictates microbial resource allocation in the large intestine2015
Dr Michael Zahn
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Bert van den Berg
Small-Molecule Transport by CarO, an Abundant Eight-Stranded β-Barrel Outer Membrane Protein from Acinetobacter baumannii2015
Dr Fiona Cuskin
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Alison Day
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
Dr Elisabeth Lowe
et al.
The GH130 Family of Mannoside Phosphorylases Contains Glycoside Hydrolases That Target β-1,2-Mannosidic Linkages in Candida Mannan2015
William Wilson
Dr Hue Hornig - Do
Dr Francesco Bruni
Professor Rick Lewis
Dr Lorraine Hewitt
et al.
A human mitochondrial poly(A) polymerase mutation reveals the complexities of post-transcriptional mitochondrial gene expression2014
Dr Artur Rogowski
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
Dr David Bolam
et al.
Evidence That GH115 alpha-Glucuronidase Activity, Which Is Required to Degrade Plant Biomass, Is Dependent on Conformational Flexibility2014
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Rick Lewis
Some of the most interesting CASP11 targets through the eyes of their authors2014
Dr Robert Cleverley
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Nhat Khai Bui
Dr Lorraine Hewitt
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
et al.
Structure and function of a spectrin-like regulator of bacterial cytokinesis2014
Dr Adriana Badarau
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Susan Firbank
Professor Christopher Dennison
Crosstalk between Cu(I) and Zn(II) homeostasis via Atx1 and cognate domains2013
Dr Adriana Badarau
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Susan Firbank
Professor Christopher Dennison
Investigating the Role of Zinc and Copper Binding Motifs of Trafficking Sites in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 68032013
Dr Max Temple
Dr Artur Rogowski
Dr Arnaud Basle
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
Understanding How Noncatalytic Carbohydrate Binding Modules Can Display Specificity for Xyloglucan2013
Dr Elisabeth Lowe
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Susan Firbank
Dr David Bolam
A scissor blade-like closing mechanism implicated in transmembrane signaling in a Bacteroides hybrid two-component system2012
Dr Fiona Cuskin
Dr James Flint
Carl Morland
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Alexandra Solovyova
et al.
How nature can exploit nonspecific catalytic and carbohydrate binding modules to create enzymatic specificity2012
Dr John Berrisford
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Rick Lewis
Dr Jon Marles-Wright
The Bacterial Stressosome: A Modular System that Has Been Adapted to Control Secondary Messenger Signaling2012
Dr Abdelnasser El Ghazouani
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Joseph Gray
Professor David Graham
Dr Susan Firbank
et al.
Variations in methanobactin structure influences copper utilization by methane-oxidizing bacteria2012
Cedric Montanier
Dr James Flint
Dr Arnaud Basle
Professor Rick Lewis
Emeritus Professor Harry Gilbert
et al.
A novel, noncatalytic carbohydrate-binding module displays specificity for galactose-containing polysaccharides through calcium-mediated oligomerization2011
Dr Abdelnasser El Ghazouani
Dr Arnaud Basle
Dr Susan Firbank
Dr Charles Knapp
Dr Joseph Gray
et al.
Copper-Binding Properties and Structures of Methanobactins from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b2011
Dr Arnaud Basle
Disulfide bond tethering of extracellular loops does not affect the closure of OmpF porin at acidic pH2010