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Browsing publications by Dr Nick Riches.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Nick Riches
Exploring early syntactic generalisation: evidence from a growth curve analysis of Spanish "se" constructions2025
Holly Jenkins
Dr Faye Smith
Dr Nick Riches
Assessing processing-based measures of implicit statistical learning: Three serial reaction time experiments do not reveal artificial grammar learning2024
Dr Faye Smith
Dr Nick Riches
Assessing serial recall as a measure of artificial grammar learning2024
Dr Natalia Pavlovskaya
Dr Nick Riches
Emerita Professor Martha Young-Scholten
First Exposure to Russian Word Forms by Adult English Speakers: Disentangling Language-Specific and Language-Universal Factors2024
Dr Saziye Tasdemir
Dr Elaine Lopez
Dr Müge Satar
Dr Nick Riches
Teachers’ Perceptions of Machine Translation as a Pedagogical Tool2023
Dr Nick Riches
Dr Carolyn Letts
Dr Hadeel Awad
Rachel Ramsey
Collocational knowledge in children: a comparison of English-speaking monolingual children, and children acquiring English as an Additional Language2022
Dr Nick Riches
Syntax and Grammar2019
Dr Nick Riches
Laura Jackson
Individual Differences in Syntactic Ability and Construction Learning: An Exploration of the Relationship2018
Dr Nick Riches
Maria Garraffa
A discourse account of intervention phenomena: An investigation of interrogatives2017
Dr Nick Riches
Complex sentence profiles in children with Specific Language Impairment: are they really atypical?2016
Dr Nick Riches
Elephants in Pyjamas: Testing the Weak Central Coherence Account of Autism Spectrum Disorders Using a Syntactic Disambiguation Task2016
Dr Nick Riches
Past tense –ed omissions by children with specific language impairment: the role of sonority and phonotactics2015
Dr Panos Athanasopoulos
Dr Alina Schartner
Dr Nick Riches
Two languages, two minds: Flexible cognitive processing driven by language of operation2015
Dr Nick Riches
Spoken word recognition in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and specific language impairment2013
Dr Nick Riches
Treating the passive in children with Specific Language Impairment: a usage-based approach2013
Dr Nick Riches
Interpretation of compound nouns by adolescents with specific language impairment and autism spectrum disorders: An investigation of phenotypic overlap2012
Dr Nick Riches
Sentence repetition in children with specific language impairment: an investigation of underlying mechanisms2012
Dr Nick Riches
Sentence repetition in children with specific language impairment: an investigation of underlying mechanisms2012
Dr Nick Riches
Non-word repetition in adolescents with Specific Language Impairment and Autism plus Language Impairments: A qualitative analysis2011
Dr Nick Riches
Gesture production and comprehension in children with specific language impairment2010
Dr Nick Riches
Sentence Repetition in Adolescents with Specific Language Impairments and Autism: an Investigation of Complex Syntax2010
Dr Nick Riches
Speech perception and phonological short-term memory capacity in language impairment: preliminary evidence from adolescents with specific language impairment (SLI) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD)2009
Dr Nick Riches
Verb schema use and input dependence in 5-year-old children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)2006
Dr Nick Riches
Verb learning in children with SLI: frequency and spacing effects2005