Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Comparative effects of plasma and preheating in assisting premixed ammonia/air flames: A DNS study | 2025 |
Vishnu Mohan Freddie Young Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of equivalence ratio on the statistics of the invariants of velocity gradient tensor and flow topologies in turbulent premixed lean H2-air flames | 2025 |
Freddie Young Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of preferential diffusion on the distribution of species in lean H2-air laminar premixed flames at different equivalence ratios | 2025 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
| A comparison between conventional and MILD combustion processes of turbulent stratified mixtures | 2024 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| A comparison of evaluation methodologies of the fractal dimension of premixed turbulent flames in 2D and 3D using Direct Numerical Simulation data | 2024 |
Dr Liyuan Liu Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Comprehensive Evaluation of Turbulence Models for Predicting Heat Transfer in Turbulent Channel Flow Across Various Prandtl Number Regimes | 2024 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of MILD combustion modelling in the context of Large Eddy Simulation | 2024 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| An Assessment of the Validity of Damköhler’s Hypotheses for Different Choices of Reaction Progress Variable in Homogenous Mixture Moderate or Intense Low-Oxygen Dilution (MILD) Combustion | 2024 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Sanjeev Ghai
| Anisotropy of Reynolds stresses and their dissipation rates in lean H2-air premixed flames in different combustion regimes | 2024 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Sanjeev Ghai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Assessment of Laws of the Wall During Flame–Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames Within Turbulent Boundary Layers | 2024 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Dr Markus Klein Professor Kenneth Dalgarno Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Binary Droplet Collisions in Bioprinting: Influence of Material Properties on Mixing and Repeatability | 2024 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein Dr Josef Hasslberger
| Choice of reaction progress variable under preferential diffusion effects in turbulent syngas combustion based on detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulations | 2024 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Sanjeev Ghai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis of the Closure of Turbulent Scalar Flux during Flame–Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames within Turbulent Boundary Layers | 2024 |
Vishnu Mohan Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Distributions of wall heat flux and wall shear stress and their interrelation during head-on quenching of premixed flames within turbulent boundary layers | 2024 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Effects of laminar burning velocity to friction velocity ratio on turbulent premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers | 2024 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of liquid water addition on turbulent premixed hydrogen/air combustion | 2024 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Effects of liquid water injection on flame surface topology and propagation characteristics in spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2024 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of wall temperature on scalar and turbulence statistics during premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers | 2024 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of water mist on the initial evolution of turbulent premixed hydrogen/air flame kernels | 2024 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Evolution of Displacement Speed Statistics during Head-On Flame-Wall Interaction within Turbulent Boundary Layers | 2024 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Harry Dunn Dr Umair Ahmed
| Evolution of Flame Displacement Speed Within Flame Front in Different Regimes of Premixed Turbulent Combustion | 2024 |
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha Dr Hazem Awad Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame Self-Interactions in MILD Combustion of Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Mixtures | 2024 |
Peter Brearley Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Implications of using scalar forcing to sustain reactant mixture stratification in Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent combustion | 2024 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of water-based alumina nanofluids in a square enclosure | 2024 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the flame surface density transport during flame-wall interaction of premixed flames within turbulent boundary layers | 2024 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Multiscale analysis of Reynolds stresses and its dissipation rates for premixed flame–wall interaction | 2024 |
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha Dr Hazem Awad Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| On the Definition of Reaction Progress Variable in Exhaust Gas Recirculation Type Turbulent MILD Combustion of Methane and n-Heptane | 2024 |
Vishnu Mohan Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Performance of flame surface density and scalar dissipation rate based mean reaction rate closures for fuel-rich ammonia-air turbulent premixed flames | 2024 |
Dr Elfego Ruiz Gutierrez Dr Josef Hasslberger Dr Markus Klein Professor Kenneth Dalgarno Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty et al. | Physically consistent modelling of surface tension forces in the Volume-of-Fluid method for three or more phases | 2024 |
Vishnu Mohan Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of wall shear stress during head-on flame-wall interaction | 2024 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Relation Between 3 and 2D Wrinkling Factors in Turbulent Premixed Flames | 2024 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Sanjeev Ghai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Relations between Reynolds stresses and their dissipation rates during premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers | 2024 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical Behaviour and Modelling of Variances of Reaction Progress Variable and Temperature During Flame-Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames Within Turbulent Boundary Layers | 2024 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Timescales associated with the evolution of reactive scalar gradient in premixed turbulent combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2024 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A direct numerical simulation analysis of localised forced ignition in turbulent slot jets of CH4/CO2 blends | 2023 |
Vishnu Mohan Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of turbulent burning velocity parametrizations for non-unity Lewis numbers | 2023 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Direct Numerical Simulation based comparison between conventional and MILD combustion processes of turbulent stratified mixtures | 2023 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Direct Numerical Simulation based comparison between Homogenous and Inhomogeneous mixture MILD Combustion Modelling in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations | 2023 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of MILD combustion modelling in the context of Large Eddy Simulation | 2023 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Assessment of MILD Combustion Modelling in the Context of Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes Simulations | 2023 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Advances in Computational Combustion: The UK Consortium on Turbulent Reacting Flows | 2023 |
Dr Elfego Ruiz Gutierrez Dr Josef Hasslberger Dr Markus Klein Professor Kenneth Dalgarno Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty et al. | Analysis and optimisation of mixing in binary droplet collisions | 2023 |
Dr Hazem Awad Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of dilution equation using DNS data of MILD combustion | 2023 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Analysis of water droplet interaction with turbulent premixed and spray flames using carrier phase Direct Numerical Simulations | 2023 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Comparison of flame propagation statistics in statistically turbulent premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulations of simple and detailed chemistry and transport | 2023 |
Arun Varma Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of body force on the statistical behaviour and modelling of scalar variance in turbulent premixed flames | 2023 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of fuel Lewis number on the minimum ignition energy and its transition for turbulent homogeneous fuel-air mixtures | 2023 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed
| Effects of fuel Lewis number on turbulent flow statistics in oblique-wall quenching of premixed V-shaped flames within turbulent channel flows | 2023 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Fuel Lewis Number on Wall Heat Transfer During Oblique Flame-Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames Within Turbulent Boundary Layers | 2023 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Effects of liquid water injection on turbulent premixed hydrogen/air combustion | 2023 |
Peter Brearley Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Mixture Distribution on the Structure and Propagation of Turbulent Stratified Slot-Jet Flames | 2023 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of spatial distribution of CO2 dilution on localised forced ignition of stoichiometric biogas-air mixtures | 2023 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Effects of water droplet injection on turbulent premixed flame propagation: A Direct Numerical Simulation investigation | 2023 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Evolution of displacement speed statistics during flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers | 2023 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Umair Ahmed
| Evolution of flame displacement speed within flame front in different regimes of turbulent premixed combustion | 2023 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame self interaction during turbulent boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed combustion | 2023 |
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame Self-interaction and Flow Topology in Turbulent Homogeneous Mixture n-Heptane MILD Combustion | 2023 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame self-interactions in MILD combustion of homogeneous and inhomogeneous mixtures | 2023 |
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flow topologies during Flame-Wall Interaction of premixed combustion in turbulent boundary layer | 2023 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Inertial effects on the interaction of water droplets with turbulent premixed flames: A direct numerical simulation analysis | 2023 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Influence of flow configuration and thermal wall boundary conditions on turbulence during premixed flame-wall interaction within low Reynolds number boundary layers | 2023 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Influence of the variation in laminar burning velocity to friction velocity ratio on turbulent premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers | 2023 |
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Kinetic study of the dominant chemical pathways to heat release in two reduced mechanisms for n-heptane combustion under MILD conditions | 2023 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical analysis of multi-regime combustion using flamelet generated manifolds - a highly-resolved Large-Eddy Simulation of the Darmstadt multi-regime burner | 2023 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of steady state laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in side-cooled trapezoidal enclosures heated from the bottom | 2023 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of steady state, laminar, natural convection of Bingham fluids in a trapezoidal enclosure heated from the bottom and cooled from the sides | 2023 |
Vishnu Mohan Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Proper orthogonal decomposition of wall heat flux for head-on premixed flame wall-interaction across turbulent boundary layers | 2023 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Liyuan Liu Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour and closure of turbulent scalar flux during turbulent premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers | 2023 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of scalar variance transport during flame-wall interaction in turbulent boundary layers | 2023 |
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Surface Density Function and its evolution in Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous mixture n-heptane MILD Combustion | 2023 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Surface topologies and self interactions in reactive and nonreactive Richtmyer–Meshkov instability | 2023 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Timescales associated with the evolution of reactive scalar gradient in premixed turbulent combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2023 |
Arun Varma Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulence effects on the statistical behaviour and modelling of flame surface density and the terms of its transport equation in turbulent premixed flames | 2023 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulent kinetic energy evolution in turbulent boundary layers during head-on interaction of premixed flames with inert walls for different thermal boundary conditions | 2023 |
Dr Jiawei Lai Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A comparison between head-on quenching of stoichiometric methane-air and hydrogen-air premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulations | 2022 |
Freddie Young Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty et al. | A comparison between statistical behaviours of scalar dissipation rate between homogeneous MILD combustion and premixed turbulent flames | 2022 |
Peter Brearley Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of the closure of cross-scalar dissipation rate of reaction progress variable and mixture fraction in turbulent stratified flames | 2022 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein
| Alignment statistics of pressure Hessian with strain rate tensor and reactive scalar gradient in turbulent premixed flames | 2022 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Jian Fang Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| An unstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement approach for Computational Fluid Dynamics of reacting flows | 2022 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of the evolution of the Surface Density Function during premixed V-shaped flame-wall interaction in a turbulent channel flow at Reτ = 395 | 2022 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty et al. | Assessment of Damköhler’s hypotheses in the thin reaction zones regime using multi-step chemistry Direct Numerical Simulations of statistically planar turbulent premixed flames | 2022 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Anthony Herbert Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein
| Assessment of Extrapolation Relations of Displacement Speed for Detailed Chemistry Direct Numerical Simulation Database of Statistically Planar Turbulent Premixed Flames | 2022 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Development and validation of models for turbulent reacting flows | 2022 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| DNS of turbulent spray flame water droplet interaction using an Euler-Lagrange-Lagrange scheme | 2022 |
Arun Varma Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of body forces on the statistics of flame surface density and its evolution in statistically planar turbulent premixed flames | 2022 |
Arun Varma Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Body Forces on Turbulent Kinetic Energy Transport in Premixed Flames | 2022 |
Arun Varma Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of buoyancy on turbulent scalar flux closure for turbulent premixed flames in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes simulations | 2022 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Energy integral equation for premixed flame-wall interaction in turbulent boundary layers and its application to turbulent burning velocity and wall flux evaluations | 2022 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein
| Enstrophy evolution during head-on wall interaction of premixed flames within turbulent boundary layers | 2022 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Entropy generation during head-on interaction of premixed flames with inert walls within turbulent boundary layers | 2022 |
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame self-interactions in turbulent homogeneous-mixture n-heptane MILD combustion | 2022 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame Surface Density based mean reaction rate closure for Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes methodology in turbulent premixed Bunsen flames with non-unity Lewis number | 2022 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Influence of flow configuration and thermal wall boundary conditions on turbulence during premixed flame-wall interaction within boundary layers. | 2022 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in a trapezoidal enclosure heated from bottom | 2022 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in a trapezoidal enclosure heated from the bottom | 2022 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Modeling subgrid-scale scalar dissipation rate in turbulent premixed flames using gene expression programming and deep artificial neural networks | 2022 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Multiscale analysis of anisotropy of Reynolds Stresses, sub-grid stresses and dissipation in statistically planar turbulent premixed flames | 2022 |
Dr Sanjeev Ghai Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Performance of wall functions in premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers | 2022 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Sanjeev Ghai
| Premixed Flame-Wall Interaction and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Turbulent Boundary Layers: Insights based on Direct Numerical Simulations | 2022 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein
| Relations between statistics of three-dimensional flame curvature and its two-dimensional counterpart in turbulent premixed flames | 2022 |
Peter Brearley Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar Forcing Methodology for Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Stratified Mixture Combustion | 2022 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar gradient and flame propagation statistics of a flame-resolved laboratory-scale turbulent stratified burner simulation | 2022 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Sanjeev Ghai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Scalar statistics in premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers under different flow configurations | 2022 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Statistics of flame topology in turbulent spray flame water droplet interaction | 2022 |
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Surface density function and its evolution in homogeneous and inhomogeneous n-heptane MILD combustion | 2022 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The effect of sweep-angle variation on the turbulence structure in high speed turbulent reactive flows | 2022 |
Dr Rafal Wrobel Archie Graham-Watson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Thermal Analysis of Direct Air-Cooled PM Machine for UAV Propulsion | 2022 |
Peter Brearley Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulent stratified mixture combustion with numerically forced bimodal mixture inhomogeneity | 2022 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Jian Fang Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Validation of the HAMISH code: DNS of combustion with Adaptive Mesh Refinement | 2022 |
Dr Jiawei Lai Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A comparison between head-on quenching of turbulent methane-air and hydrogen-air flames using detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulations | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| A comparison of entrainment velocity and displacement speed statistics in different regimes of turbulent premixed combustion | 2021 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A numerical investigation of the effects of fuel composition on the minimum ignition energy for homogeneous biogas-air mixtures | 2021 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A numerical investigation of the minimum ignition energy requirement for forced ignition of turbulent droplet-laden mixtures | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Algebraic Flame Surface Density modelling of high pressure turbulent premixed Bunsen flames | 2021 |
Sahin Yigit Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Analysis of the reverse teardrop shape of the velocity gradient tensor invariants joint PDF close to walls in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection | 2021 |
Peter Brearley Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation evaluation of the cross-scalar dissipation rate of reaction progress variable and mixture fraction in turbulent stratified flames | 2021 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori validation of scalar dissipation rate models for turbulent non-premixed flames | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Assessment of an evolution equation for the displacement speed of a constant-density reactive scalar field | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Assessment of Bray Moss Libby formulation for premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers: Influence of flow configuration | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Comparison of flame propagation statistics based on DNS of simple and detailed chemistry. Part 2: Influence of choice of reaction progress variable | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Comparison of flame propagation statistics extracted from DNS based on simple and detailed chemistry Part 1: Fundamental flame turbulence interaction | 2021 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Comparison of Surface Density Function (SDF) statistics between MILD and premixed turbulent combustion | 2021 |
Dr Hazem Awad Dr Khalil Abo Amsha Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Comparison of the reactive scalar gradient evolution between homogeneous MILD combustion and premixed turbulent flames | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Effect of non-ambient pressure conditions and Lewis number variation on direct numerical simulation of turbulent Bunsen flames at low turbulence intensity | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effect of sub-grid wrinkling factor modelling on the Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent stratified combustion | 2021 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Biogas Composition on the Edge Flame Propagation in Igniting Turbulent Mixing Layers | 2021 |
Arun Varma Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of body forces on vorticity and enstrophy evolutions in turbulent premixed flames | 2021 |
Arun Varma Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of buoyancy on turbulent kinetic energy transport in turbulent premixed flames | 2021 |
Ilias Konstantinou Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Fuel Lewis Number on the Near-wall Dynamics for Statistically Planar Turbulent Premixed Flames Impinging on Inert Cold Walls | 2021 |
Lan Wang Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of the cold wall boundary on the flame structure and flame speed in premixed turbulent combustion | 2021 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of the spatial distribution of CO2 dilution on localised forced ignition of stoichiometric CH4 - CO2 - air mixtures | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Effects of Turbulent Boundary Layer on the Near-Wall Flame Dynamics in the Case of Adiabatic Walls | 2021 |
Arun Varma Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of turbulent length scale on the bending effect of turbulent burning velocity in premixed turbulent combustion | 2021 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Evolution of Surface Density Function in an open turbulent jet spray flame | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein
| Evolutions of strain rate and dissipation rate of kinetic energy in turbulent premixed flames | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame self-interactions in an open turbulent jet spray flame | 2021 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame self-interactions in globally stoichiometric spherically expanding flames propagating into fuel droplet-mists | 2021 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Inertial effects on globally stoichiometric spherically expanding turbulent flames propagating in droplet-laden mixtures | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of Thermal Expansion on Fluid Dynamics of Turbulent Premixed Combustion and Its Modelling Implications | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Influence of thermal wall boundary condition on scalar statistics during flame-wall interaction of premixed combustion in turbulent boundary layers | 2021 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Lewis Number effects on flame speed statistics in spherical turbulent premixed flames | 2021 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of reactive and non-reactive multiphase flows | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling the Stochastic Nature of Porosity in a Respirator Canister using Computational Fluid Dynamics | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Alexander Herbert Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| On the validity of Damköhler’s second hypothesis in statistically planar turbulent premixed flames in the thin reaction zones regime | 2021 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Gulcan Ozel Erol Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Physical effects of water droplets interacting with turbulent premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Principal strain rate evolution within turbulent premixed flames for different combustion regimes | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar fluctuation and its dissipation in turbulent reacting flows | 2021 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Scalar gradient and strain rate statistics in oblique premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent channel flows | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Structure and dynamics of small-scale turbulence in vaporizing two-phase flows | 2021 |
Felix Keil Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Sub-grid reaction progress variable variance closure in turbulent premixed flames | 2021 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The localised forced ignition and early stages of flame development in a turbulent planar jet | 2021 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein Dr Josef Hasslberger
| Vortex Dynamics and Fractal Structures in Reactive and Nonreactive Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability | 2021 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of coherent structures in bubble-laden channel flows | 2020 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of turbulent V-shaped flames propagating into droplet-laden mixtures | 2020 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of mixture stratification effects on unstrained laminar flames | 2020 |
Felix Keil Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Analysis of the closures of sub-grid scale variance of reaction progress variable for turbulent Bunsen burner flames at different pressure levels | 2020 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Applicability of extrapolation relations for curvature and stretch rate dependences of displacement speed for statistically planar turbulent premixed flames | 2020 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Comparison of two and three-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in cylindrical and annular enclosures | 2020 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Displacement speed statistics in an open turbulent jet spray flame | 2020 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of mean inflow velocity and droplet diameter on the propagation of turbulent V-shaped flames in droplet-laden mixtures | 2020 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Effects of Rayleigh-Bénard convection on spectra of viscoplastic fluids | 2020 |
Professor Mohamed Mamlouk Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Entropy generation analysis based on a three-dimensional agglomerate model of an anion exchange membrane fuel cell | 2020 |
Felix Keil Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Flame Surface Density transport statistics for high pressure turbulent premixed Bunsen flames in the context of Large Eddy Simulation | 2020 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Ignition and kernel to flame transition in a non-premixed CH4/CO2/air planar turbulent jet | 2020 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar mixed convection of water-based alumina nanofluid in a cylindrical enclosure with a rotating end wall: A numerical investigation | 2020 |
Dr Osman Turan Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Mixed convection of power-law fluids in cylindrical enclosures with a cold rotating top cover and a stationary heated bottom wall | 2020 |
Sahin Yigit Dr Josef Hasslberger Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Near wall Prandtl number effects on velocity gradient invariants and flow topologies in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection | 2020 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of the effects of spatial distribution of CO2 dilution on localised forced ignition of stoichiometric biogas-air mixtures | 2020 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Quantification of the flame structure at multi-scale levels | 2020 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Scaling of Second-Order Structure Functions in Turbulent Premixed Flames in the Flamelet Combustion Regime | 2020 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour and modelling of fuel mass fraction dissipation rate transport in turbulent flame-droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation study | 2020 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical Behaviours of turbulent scalar fluxes in high pressure turbulent premixed combustion in the context of Large Eddy Simulations | 2020 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of Two-phase Coupling in Turbulent Spherically Expanding Flames in Mono-sized Fuel-droplet Mists | 2020 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Surface density function evolution and the influence of strain rates during turbulent boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed combustion | 2020 |
Peter Brearley Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The relation between flame surface area and turbulent burning velocity in statistically planar turbulent stratified flames | 2020 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Vortex dynamics and fractal structures in reactive Richtmyer-Meshkov instability | 2020 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Workshop on Fundamental Understanding and Modelling of High Pressure Turbulent Premixed Combustion | 2020 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori analysis of an alternative wrinkling factor definition for flame surface density based Large Eddy Simulation modelling of turbulent premixed combustion | 2019 |
Samuel Wood Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Combined Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Linear Driving Force Kinetics in Small Activated Carbon Beds | 2019 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Direct Numerical Simulation Investigation of Spherically Expanding Flames Propagating in Fuel Droplet-Mists for Different Droplet Diameters and Overall Equivalence Ratios | 2019 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A numerical investigation of the behaviour of the minimum ignition energy for turbulent droplet-laden mixtures | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Algebraic and transport equation based FSD modelling in turbulent premixed combustion LES | 2019 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Algebraic Flame Surface Density modelling of high pressure turbulent premixed Bunsen flames | 2019 |
Dr Xiang Shen Professor Barrie Mecrow Dr Xu Deng Chris Spargo Dr Richard Whalley et al. | Direct Air Cooling of High-Power Permanent Magnet Machines | 2019 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of turbulent V-flames propagating into droplet-laden mixtures with an overall equivalence ratio of unity | 2019 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Gulcan Ozel Erol Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Edge flame propagation statistics in igniting mono-disperse droplet-laden mixtures | 2019 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of biogas composition on the edge flame propagation in igniting turbulent mixing layers | 2019 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of fuel composition on the minimum ignition energy and its transition for homogeneous biogas-air mixtures | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on the evolution of curvature in spherically expanding turbulent premixed flames | 2019 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of reaction progress variable definition on the Flame Surface Density transport statistics and closure for different combustion regimes | 2019 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of turbulence intensity and biogas composition on the localised forced ignition of turbulent mixing layers | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Bill Papapostolou
| Evaluation of flame area based on detailed chemistry DNS of premixed turbulent hydrogen-air flames in different regimes of combustion | 2019 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Evolution of flame curvature in turbulent premixed Bunsen flames at different pressure levels | 2019 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame curvature distribution in high pressure turbulent Bunsen premixed flames | 2019 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flow topologies in primary atomization of liquid jets: A direct numerical simulation analysis | 2019 |
Sahin Yigit Dr Osman Turan Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Free convection of power-law fluids in enclosures with partially heating from bottom and symmetrical cooling from sides | 2019 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Heat flux and flow topology statistics in oblique and head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames by isothermal inert walls | 2019 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Ignition and early stages of flame propagation in a non-premixed biogas planar turbulent jet | 2019 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Ignition kernel development and subsequent flame propagation in a planar methane/air turbulent jet | 2019 |
Ilias Konstantinou Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of fuel Lewis number on flame-wall interaction for impinging turbulent premixed flames | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Insights into the bending effect in premixed turbulent combustion using the Flame Surface Density transport | 2019 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Lewis number effects on flame speed statistics in spherical turbulent premixed flames | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Mean behaviour of flame displacement speed in boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed turbulent combustion | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Modelling turbulent scalar fluxes in high pressure turbulent premixed combustion LES | 2019 |
Ilias Konstantinou Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Near-wall behaviour of turbulence in flame-wall interaction of premixed turbulent combustion in boundary layers | 2019 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of aspect ratio influences on Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Bingham fluids in vertical cylindrical annuli | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Oblique flame-wall interaction in premixed turbulent combustion under isothermal and adiabatic wall boundary conditions | 2019 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| On the Minimum Ignition Energy and its transition in the localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| On the stress-strain alignment in premixed turbulent flames | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| On the validity of Damköhler's first hypothesis in turbulent Bunsen burner flames: A computational analysis | 2019 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Propagation of Spherically Expanding Turbulent Flames into Fuel Droplet-Mists | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Scalar gradient and strain rate statistics in oblique premixed flame-wall interaction with turbulent boundary layers | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Special issue on UKCTRF workshop 2018 | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy transport in boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed combustion | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy transport in boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed flames | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviours of conditioned two-point second-order structure functions in turbulent premixed flames in different combustion regimes | 2019 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of progress variable and mixture fraction gradients in an open turbulent jet spray flame | 2019 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of reaction progress variable and mixture fraction gradients of a pulverised coal jet flame using Direct Numerical Simulation data | 2019 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of Scalar Flux Transport of Major Species in Different Premixed Turbulent Combustion Regimes for H2-air Flames | 2019 |
Ilias Konstantinou Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Markus Klein
| Statistics of turbulence during head-on quenching of premixed turbulent combustion in boundary layers | 2019 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of two-phase coupling in turbulent spherically expanding flames in mono-sized fuel-droplet mists | 2019 |
Felix Keil Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Sub-grid reaction progress variable variance closure in turbulent premixed flames | 2019 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Surface Density Function evolution in spherically expanding flames in globally stoichiometric droplet-laden mixtures | 2019 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Surface density function evolution in spherically expanding flames in globally stoichiometric droplet-laden mixtures | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The Impact of Canister Geometry on Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Filter Performance: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis | 2019 |
Dr Markus Klein Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The signature of flame instabilities on the transport of curvature in turbulent premixed flames | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Vectorial structure of the near-wall premixed flame | 2019 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A computational fluid dynamics analysis of transient flow through a generic Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Respirator Canister | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of pressure variation in turbulent premixed Bunsen burner flames-Part 1: Scalar gradient and strain rate statistics | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of pressure variation in turbulent premixed Bunsen burner flames-Part 2: Surface Density Function transport statistics | 2018 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A direct numerical simulation analysis of spherically expanding turbulent flames in fuel droplet-mists for an overall equivalence ratio of unity | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A DNS Study of Closure Relations for Convection Flux Term in Transport Equation for Mean Reaction Rate in Turbulent Flow | 2018 |
Bruno De Souza Machado Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Professor Mohamed Mamlouk Dr Prodip Das
| A Three-dimensional Agglomerate Model of an Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell | 2018 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| An experimental and numerical investigation of spark ignition of a turbulent biogas iet | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of flame curvature evolution in a turbulent premixed bluff body burner | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of the Flame-Wall Interaction in Premixed Turbulent Combustion | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation of head-on quenching of statistically planar turbulent premixed methane-air flames using a detailed chemical mechanism | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Jiawei Lai
| Direct Numerical Simulations of premixed turbulent combustion: Relevance and applications to engineering computational analyses | 2018 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of detailed chemistry on multiscale analysis of head-on quenching in premixed turbulent combustion | 2018 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Ilias Konstantinou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on the statistics of the invariants of velocity gradient tensor and local flow topologies in turbulent premixed flames | 2018 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of turbulence intensity on the minimum ignition energy for the localised forced ignition of homogeneous mixtures | 2018 |
Dr Osman Turan Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of wall heating on laminar mixed convection in a cylindrical enclosure with a rotating end wall | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Josef Hasslberger
| Evaluation of flame area based on detailed chemistry DNS of premixed Hydrogen-Air flames in premixed turbulent flames in different regimes of combustion | 2018 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Evolution of spherically expanding turbulent flames in droplet-laden mixtures: A direct numerical simulation analysis | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame curvature distribution in high pressure turbulent Bunsen premixed flames | 2018 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flow topologies in bubble-induced turbulence: A direct numerical simulation analysis | 2018 |
Jiawei Lai Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flow topology distribution in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flame: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Daniel Wacks
| Generalised Flame Surface Density statistics conditional on flow topologies for turbulent H2-air premixed flames in different regimes of combustion | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Bill Papapostolou Dr Daniel Wacks Dr Markus Klein
| Generalized flame surface density transport conditional on flow topologies for turbulent H2-air premixed flames in different regimes of combustion | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of the Lewis number on effective strain rates in weakly turbulent premixed combustion | 2018 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influences of Boundary Condition on Laminar Natural Convection of Bingham Fluids in Square Cross-Sectioned Cylindrical Annular Enclosures with Differentially Heated Vertical Walls | 2018 |
Dr Osman Turan Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar mixed convection of power-law fluids in cylindrical enclosures with heated rotating top wall | 2018 |
Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Local flow topology analysis applied to bubble induced turbulence | 2018 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of Variance and Co-variance in Turbulent Flame–Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2018 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Multiscale analysis of head-on quenching premixed turbulent flames | 2018 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Natural convection of Bingham fluids in rectangular cross-sectional cylindrical annuli with differentially heated vertical walls | 2018 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of aspect ratio influences on Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in vertical cylindrical annuli | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Daniel Wacks
| Scalar dissipation rate transport conditional on flow topologies in different regimes of premixed turbulent combustion | 2018 |
Gulcan Ozel Erol Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Spherically expanding turbulent flames in fuel-droplet mists: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2018 |
Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of scalar flux transport of major species in different premixed turbulent combustion regimes for turbulent H2-air flames | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of Strain Rates and Surface Density Function in a Flame-Resolved High-Fidelity Simulation of a Turbulent Premixed Bluff Body Burner | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Strain rate and flame orientation statistics in the near-wall region for turbulent flame-wall interaction | 2018 |
Dr Umair Ahmed Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Stress-strain alignment in premixed turbulent combustion | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Surface Density Function statistics in Hydrogen-air flames for different turbulent premixed combustion regimes | 2018 |
Dr Osman Turan Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The effects of bottom wall heating on mixed convection of yield stress fluids in cylindrical enclosures with a rotating end wall | 2018 |
Bruno De Souza Machado Professor Mohamed Mamlouk Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Three-dimensional Agglomerate Model of an Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell using air at the cathode - A parametric study | 2018 |
Sahin Yigit Dr Josef Hasslberger Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Three-dimensional high-fidelity simulations of Rayleigh-Bénard convection of yield stress fluids in cubic enclosures at high Rayleigh numbers | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Transient performance of Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear canisters | 2018 |
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay Dr Bill Papapostolou Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Transition the minimum ignition energy for the localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Transport equations for reaction rate in laminar and turbulent premixed flames characterized by non-unity Lewis number | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulent scalar fluxes in H2-air premixed flames at low and high Karlovitz numbers | 2018 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A priori and a posteriori analysis of algebraic flame surface density modeling in the context of Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent premixed combustion | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori Direct Numerical simulation assessment of models for generalized sub-grid scale turbulent kinetic energy in turbulent premixed flames | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A balance equation for the mean rate of product creation in premixed turbulent flames | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A comparison of strategies for Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulence chemistry interaction in generic planar turbulent premixed flames | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A DNS study of closure relations for convection flux in transport equation for mean reaction rate | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Alternative definition of wrinkling factor in the context of FSD based LES modelling of turbulent premixed combustion | 2017 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Assessment of algebraic Flame Surface Density closures in the context of Large Eddy Simulations of head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames | 2017 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Corrigendum to “Vorticity and enstrophy transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames”, [Eur. J. Mech. Fluids/B,DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechu.2016.10.013] | 2017 |
Dr Osman Turan Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Critical Condition for Rayleigh-Bénard Convection of Bingham Fluids in Rectangular Enclosures | 2017 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation of head-on quenching of statistically planar methane-air flames using a detailed chemical mechanism | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent premixed Bunsen flames at ambient and elevated pressures | 2017 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Distributions of flow topology and enstrophy in different turbulent premixed combustion regimes: a direct numerical simulation investigation | 2017 |
Bill Papapostolou Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Enstrophy transport conditional on local flow topologies in different regimes of premixed turbulent combustion | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| First investigations using the HAMISH code: an adaptive mesh solver for turbulent reacting flow | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame curvature in high pressure Bunsen flames | 2017 |
Johannes Sellmann Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame Surface Density based modelling of head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame-Wall Interaction in premixed reactive turbulence | 2017 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Heat flux and flow topology statistics in oblique quenching of turbulent premixed flames by isothermal inert walls | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of Lewis number on effective strain rates in turbulent premixed flames | 2017 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influences of aspect ratio and wall boundary condition on laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Bingham Fluids in rectangular enclosures | 2017 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influences of aspect ratio on natural convection of power-law fluids in cylindrical annular space with differentially heated vertical walls | 2017 |
Bruno De Souza Machado Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Dr Prodip Das
| Influences of flow direction, temperature and relative humidity on the performance of a representative anion exchange membrane fuel cell: A computational analysis | 2017 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Large Eddy Simulation of Premixed Combustion: Sensitivity to Subgrid Scale Velocity Modeling | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of turbulent scalar fluxes in the broken reaction zones regime | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Multiscale analysis of turbulence-flame interaction in premixed flames | 2017 |
Sahin Yigit Dr Osman Turan Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Natural convection of power-law fluids in rectangular cross-sectional cylindrical annular enclosures with differentially heated vertical walls | 2017 |
Dr Osman Turan Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of mixed convection of Bingham fluids in cylindrical enclosures with heated rotating top wall | 2017 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Rayleigh-Bénard power-law fluid convection in rectangular enclosures | 2017 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of vorticity and enstrophy transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames | 2017 |
Dr Osman Turan Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The comparison of the effects of top and bottom wall heating on mixed convection of yield stress fluids in a cylindrical container with rotating end wall | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The first investigation of the HAMISH code: An adaptive mesh solver for turbulent reacting flows | 2017 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulent kinetic energy transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations | 2017 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulent scalar flux transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames: a direct numerical simulations approach to assess models for Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes simulations | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Vorticity budgets in premixed combusting turbulent flows at different Lewis numbers | 2017 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Ilias Konstantinou
| Vorticity statistics based on velocity and density-weighted velocity in premixed reactive turbulence | 2017 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A priori assessment of scalar dissipation rate closure for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion using a detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulation database | 2016 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Modeling of Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in Head-On Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames | 2016 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Transport Equation for Reaction Rate in Turbulent Flows | 2016 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of the combined modelling of sub-grid transport and filtered flame propagation for premixed turbulent combustion | 2016 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Fuel Lewis Number on Localised Forced Ignition of Globally Stoichiometric Stratified Mixtures: A Numerical Investigation | 2016 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of fuel Lewis number on localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures: A numerical investigation | 2016 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis Number on Head on Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2016 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on vorticity and enstrophy transport in turbulent premixed flames | 2016 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Mixture Distribution on Localised Forced Ignition of Stratified Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study | 2016 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame Structure and Propagation in Turbulent Flame-Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2016 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flow topologies in different regimes of premixed turbulent combustion: A direct numerical simulation analysis | 2016 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flow topology and alignments of scalar gradients and vorticity in turbulent spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2016 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical annular cavity with differentially heated vertical walls subjected to constant heat fluxes | 2016 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modeling of Progress Variable Variance Transport in Head-On Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2016 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of Lewis Number dependence of Scalar dissipation rate transport for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion | 2016 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Bingham fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical annular enclosures | 2016 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Bingham fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical enclosures | 2016 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in square cross-sectional cylindrical annular enclosures | 2016 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical annular cavity | 2016 |
Sahin Yigit Tim Graham Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of steady-state laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical annular cavity with differentially-heated vertical walls | 2016 |
Chris Stafford Dr David Swailes Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Particle dispersion in inhomogeneous turbulence: An analysis of pdf-based models | 2016 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Yuan GAO
| Scale similarity based models and their application to subgrid scale scalar flux modelling in the context of turbulent premixed flames | 2016 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical Analysis of the Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction Gradients in Flames Propagating into Droplet Mist: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2016 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical Analysis of Turbulent Flame-Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study | 2016 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of fuel mass fraction variance transport in turbulent flame-droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2016 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical Behaviour of Scalar Dissipation Rate in Head-on Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2016 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of sub-grid scale stress tensor closures for turbulent premixed combustion | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A comparison of scalar dissipation rate transport between simple and detailed chemistry based Direct Numerical Simulations | 2015 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of the combined modelling of subgrid transport and filtered flame propagation for premixed turbulent combustion | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Yuan GAO
| Applications of scale similarity based models to subgrid scale scalar flux modelling in the context of turbulent premixed flames | 2015 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori assessment of sub-grid scale stress tensor closures for turbulent premixed combustion | 2015 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Aspect ratio effects on laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in rectangular enclosures: A numerical investigation | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Assessment of dynamic closure for premixed combustion large eddy simulation | 2015 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Assessment of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes modelling of Scalar Dissipation Rate transport in turbulent oblique premixed flames | 2015 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Assessment of sub-grid scalar flux modelling in premixed flames for Large Eddy Simulations: A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Assessment of the performances of sub-grid scalar flux models for premixed flames with different global Lewis numbers: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2015 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of turbulent kinetic energy transport in head on quenching of turbulent premixed flames | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| DNS Assessment of a Simple Model for Evaluating Velocity Conditioned to Unburned Gas in Premixed Turbulent Flames | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Dynamic closure of scalar dissipation rate for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulations analysis | 2015 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of aspect ratio on laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in rectangular enclosures: A numerical investigation | 2015 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of aspect ratio on natural convection of Bingham Fluids in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated horizontal walls heated from below | 2015 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of combustion regime on localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2015 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of droplets on flame structure in premixed spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2015 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of energy deposition characteristics on localised forced Ignition of homogeneous mixtures | 2015 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of fuel Lewis number and the energy deposition characteristics on localized forced ignition of homogeneous mixture: A numerical investigation | 2015 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of fuel Lewis number and the energy deposition characteristics on localized forced ignition of homogeneous mixture: A numerical investigation | 2015 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of fuel Lewis number on localised forced ignition of globally stoichiometric stratified mixtures: A numerical investigation | 2015 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of mixture distribution on localised forced ignition of stratified mixtures: A Numerical Investigation | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Turbulent Reynolds number on turbulent scalar flux modelling in premixed flames using Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Enstrophy evolution in turbulent premixed combusting flows | 2015 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame structure and propagation in turbulent flame-droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2015 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Flame structure and topology in turbulent spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2015 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in inclined differentially heated square enclosures subjected to constant wall temperatures | 2015 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar Natural Convection of Bingham Fluids in Inclined Differentially Heated Square Enclosures Subjected to Uniform Wall Temperatures | 2015 |
David Butz Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Large Eddy Simulations of a turbulent premixed swirl flame using an algebraic Scalar Dissipation Rate closure | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of Entropy Generation in Turbulent Premixed Flames for Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2015 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of Progress Variable Variance Transport in Head on Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Non-local vorticity statistics in premixed turbulent combustion | 2015 |
Dr Tamir Brosh Dipal Patel Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of localised forced ignition of pulverised coal particle-laden mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) analysis | 2015 |
Sahin Yigit Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical Investigation of natural convection of power-law fluids in square cross-section annular cylindrical spaces with differentially heated vertical wall: Effects of different boundary condition | 2015 |
Dr Tamir Brosh Dr Daniel Wacks Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| On conditions for self-sustained combustion of pulverised coal particle-laden mixtures following localised forced ignition: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2015 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport and Its Modelling for Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Combustion | 2015 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical Analysis of the Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction Gradients in Flames Propagating into Droplet Mist: A DNS Analysis | 2015 |
Johannes Sellmann Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of Flame Surface Density transport in head on quenching of turbulent premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2015 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of scalar dissipation rate for head on quenching of turbulent premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2015 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A posteriori testing of the Flame Surface Density transport equation for LES | 2014 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Algebraic Closure of Scalar Dissipation Rate for Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Combustion | 2014 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori and a-posteriori analysis of algebraic flame surface density modelling in the context of large eddy simulation of turbulent premixed combustion | 2014 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Boundary condition effects on laminar natural convection of powerlaw fluids in a square enclosure heated from below with differentially heated horizontal walls | 2014 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent premixed flame-droplet interaction | 2014 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Energy Deposition Characteristics in Localised Forced Ignition of Turbulent Homogeneous Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) Analysis | 2014 |
Dr Tamir Brosh Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Equivalence Ratio and Turbulent Velocity Fluctuation on Early Stages of Pulverised Coal Combustion Following Localised Ignition: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2014 |
Jiawei Lai Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis Number on Head on Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flame: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2014 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of mixture distribution on localised forced ignition of globally stoichiometric stratified mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study | 2014 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of sub–grid velocity fluctuation closure on LES modelling of Scalar Dissipation Rate | 2014 |
Dr Tamir Brosh Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Ignition of pulverized coal particle-laden mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2014 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influences of boundary conditions on laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated side walls | 2014 |
Yuan Gao Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Local Strain Rate and Curvature Dependences of Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2014 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Localised forced ignition of globally stoichiometric stratified mixtures: A numerical investigation | 2014 |
Dr Tamir Brosh Dipal Patel Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Localised Forced Ignition of Pulverised Coal Particle-Laden Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2014 |
Dipal Patel Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Localised Forced Ignition of Stratified Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) Analysis | 2014 |
Mohit Katragadda Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the curvature term in the Flame surface density transport equation: a direct numerical simulations based analysis | 2014 |
Mohit Katragadda Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the Strain Rate Contribution to the Flame Surface Density Transport for Non-Unity Lewis Number Flames in Large Eddy Simulations | 2014 |
Mohit Katragadda Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the Tangential Strain Rate Term in the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation in the Context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulations: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2014 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar dissipation rate transport and its modelling for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion: A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2014 |
Yuan GAO Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in the Context of Large Eddy Simulations for Turbulent Premixed Flames with Non-Unity Lewis Number | 2014 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis of premixed flame droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation investigation | 2014 |
Dr Daniel Wacks Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis of the effects of droplets on premixed flame propagation: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2014 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of vorticity alignment with local strain rates in turbulent premixed flames | 2014 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Streamline segment statistics of turbulent premixed flames with nonunity Lewis numbers | 2014 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Validation and Implementation of algebraic LES modelling of Scalar Dissipation Rate for reaction rate closure in turbulent premixed combustion | 2014 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Direct Numerical Simulation-Based Analysis of Entropy Generation in Turbulent Premixed Flames | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A posteriori testing of algebraic flame surface density models for LES | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Algebraic closure of Scalar Dissipation Rate for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-posteriori testing of Algebraic Flame Surface Density models for LES | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation modelling of co-variance transport in turbulent stratified flames | 2013 |
Mohit Katragadda Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori DNS modelling of the strain rate term of the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation in the context of LES | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Aspect ratio and boundary conditions effects on laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in a rectangular enclosure with differentially heated side walls | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Conditional velocity statistics for high and low Damköhler number turbulent premixed combustion in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Determination of three-dimensional quantities related to scalar dissipation rate and its transport from two-dimensional measurements: Direct Numerical Simulation based validation | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on conditional fluid velocity statistics in low Damkohler number turbulent premixed combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of turbulent Reynolds number on turbulent scalar flux transport in premixed flames | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in a square enclosure submitted from below to a uniform heat flux density | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in a square enclosure submitted from below to a uniform heat flux density | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Large Eddy Simulation of premixed combustion using SDR approach | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent premixed combustion | 2013 |
Mohit Katragadda Yuan Gao Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the strain rate contribution to the FSD transport for non-unity Lewis number flames in LES | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Reynolds Number Effects on Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport and Its Modeling in Turbulent Premixed Combustion | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar dissipation rate modelling for Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent premixed flames | 2013 |
Yuan Gao Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar dissipation rate transport in the context of LES for turbulent premixed flames with non-unity Lewis number | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in the Context of LES of Premixed Turbulent Flames: A DNS Analysis | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis and a-priori modelling of flame surface density transport in turbulent stratified flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviours of scalar dissipation rate transport equation terms for turbulent premixed flames in the context of Large Eddy Simulations | 2013 |
Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction Gradients from DNS of Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of the scalar dissipation rate using Direct Numerical Simulations and Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence data | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Streamline segment analysis of turbulent premixed flames | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulent Reynolds number dependence of Flame Surface Density transport in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulations | 2013 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Unsteady effects in laminar premixed flames with transverse mixture stratification | 2013 |
Mohit Katragadda Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Modelling of the Curvature Term of the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation for Nonunity Lewis Number Flames in the Context of Large Eddy Simulations | 2012 |
Mohit Katragadda Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori DNS assessment of wrinkling factor based algebraic Flame Surface Density models in the context of Large Eddy Simulations for non-unity Lewis number flames in the thin reaction zones regime | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori DNS modelling of the turbulent scalar fluxes for low Damköhler number stratified flames | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Boundary condition effects on natural convection of Bingham fluids in a square enclosure with differentially heated horizontal walls | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Boundary condition effects on natural convection of Bingham fluids in a square enclosure with differentially heated horizontal walls. | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Displacement Speed Statistics for Stratified Mixture Combustion in an Igniting Turbulent Planar Jet | 2012 |
Dr Yuefen Gao Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of curvature and tangential strain rate on scalar dissipation rate transport of turbulent premixed flames in the thin reaction zone regime | 2012 |
Mohit Katragadda Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation for LES | 2012 |
Mohit Katragadda Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Turbulent Reynolds Number on the Performance of Algebraic Flame Surface Density Models for Large Eddy Simulation in the Thin Reaction Zones Regime: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influences of boundary conditions on laminar natural convection in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated side walls | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar Natural Convection of Power-Law Fluids in a Square Enclosure With Differentially Heated Sidewalls Subjected to Constant Wall Heat Flux | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of yield stress fluids in a square enclosure | 2012 |
Mohit Katragadda Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation for Large Eddy Simulations | 2012 |
Mohit Katragadda Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation for Large Eddy Simulations | 2012 |
Mohit Katragadda Dr Sean Malkeson Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulation | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Non-unity Lewis number effects on turbulent premixed combustion closure: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy in turbulent premixed flames | 2012 |
Mohit Katragadda Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour of the curvature term of the FSD transport equation in the context of RANS | 2012 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Alignment statistics of active and passive scalar gradients in turbulent stratified flames | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of Flame Surface Density transport for turbulent stratified flames in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori DNS modelling of co-variance transport in turbulent stratified flames | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Aspect ratio effects in laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated side walls | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Comparison of 2D and 3D density-weighted displacement speed statistics and implications for laser based measurements of flame displacement speed using direct numerical simulation data | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Determination of 3D Flame Surface Density variables from 2D measurements: Validation using Direct Numerical Simulation | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on Flame Surface Density transport in the context of Large Eddy Simulation | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on Flame Surface Density transport in turbulent premixed combustion | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on scalar variance transport in turbulent premixed flames | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty Mohit Katragadda
| Effects of Lewis number on turbulent kinetic energy transport in turbulent premixed combustion | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Turbulent Reynolds number on the displacement speed statistics in the Thin Reaction Zones regime turbulent premixed combustion | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in a square enclosure with vertical walls subjected to constant heat flux | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation for Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the tangential strain rate term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulation | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Natural convection of power law fluids in enclosures | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of localised forced ignition of quiescent globally stoichiometric stratified mixtures | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Physics and modelling of turbulent transport | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar dissipation rate approach to reaction rate closure | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis and modelling of turbulent fuel mass fraction flux in turbulent stratified flames using Direct Numerical Simulations | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis of cross scalar dissipation rate transport in turbulent partially premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis of scalar dissipation rate transport in turbulent partially premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics and modelling of turbulent kinetic energy transport in different regimes of premixed combustion | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of Conditional Fluid Velocity in the Corrugated Flamelets Regime of Turbulent Premixed Combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of cross-scalar dissipation rate based on reaction progress variable and mixture fraction for turbulent stratified flames: A DNS study | 2011 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of algebraic models of variances and scalar dissipation rates for Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulations for low Damköhler number turbulent partially-premixed combustion | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori DNS assessment of algebraic LES Flame Surface Density models for non-unity Lewis number flames in the thin reaction zones regime | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Comparison of FSD models for LES | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Computational analysis of the effects of process parameters on molten pool transport in Copper-Nickel dissimilar laser weld pool | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on scalar dissipation transport and its modelling implications for turbulent premixed combustion | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects on fuel Lewis number on localised forced ignition of turbulent mixing layers | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in a rectangular cavity with differently heated side walls: A numerical study | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in a square enclosure with differentially heated side walls | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of fuel mass fraction variance transport in turbulent stratified flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Natural convection of yield stress fluids in enclosures | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of edge flame propagation behaviour in an igniting turbulent planar jet | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis of co-variance transport in low Damköhler number number turbulent stratified flames: a DNS study | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis of displacement speed in turbulent stratified flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis of fuel mass fraction variance transport in turbulent partially-premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The scalar gradient alignment statistics of flame kernels and its modelling implications for turbulent premixed combustion | 2010 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of the Flame Surface Density transport equation in the context of Large Eddy Simulation | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent flame expansion in fine sprays | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of global flame curvature on the Surface Density Function transport in Turbulent premixed flame kernels in the Thin Reaction Zones regime | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on scalar transport in turbulent premixed flames | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on the reactive scalar gradient alignment with local strain rate in turbulent premixed flames | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on turbulent scalar transport and its modelling in turbulent premixed flames | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of non-unity Lewis number effects on scalar dissipation rate transport in turbulent premixed flames | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical investigation of edge flame propagation behaviour in an igniting turbulent planar jet | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Physical insight and modelling for Lewis number effects on turbulent heat and mass transport in turbulent premixed flames | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar Dissipation Rate Modeling and its Validation | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar Dissipation rate transport modelling of partially premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical analysis of displacement speed in partially premixed flames using DNS | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The effects of Lewis number of the fuel on Displacement Speed of Edge Flames in Igniting Turbulent Mixing Layers | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The effects of turbulence on molten pool transport during melting and solidification processes in continuous laser welding of copper-nickel dissimilar couple | 2009 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A priori assessment of closures for scalar dissipation rate transport in turbulent premixed flames using direct numerical simulation | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A priori direct numerical simulation assessment of algebraic flame surface density models for turbulent premixed flames in the context of large eddy simulation | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| An algebraic model for scalar dissipation rate in Turbulent Premixed Flames | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of Scalar Dissipation rate transport in combusting stratified charge mixtures using Direct Numerical Simulations | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation of localised forced ignition of turbulent mixing layers: the effects of mixture fraction and its gradient | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Lewis number on the scalar flux in turbulent premixed flames | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of Prandtl Number in molten pool transport and thermal transport regimes in surface melting processes | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of strain rate and curvature on Surface Density Function transport in turbulent premixed CH4-air and H2-air flames: A comparative study | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of turbulence on self-sustained combustion in premixed flame kernels: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of Lewis number on the Surface Density Function transport in the thin reaction zones regime for turbulent premixed flames | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The effects of initial kernel radius on the Surface Density transport in turbulent flame kernels | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Thermal transport regimes and effects of Prandtl number in molten pool transport in laser surface melting processes | 2008 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A priori analysis of the curvature and propagation terms of the flame surface density transport equation for large eddy simulation | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) analysis of algebraic Flame Surface Density models for turbulent premixed flames in the context of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Analysis of direct numerical simulations of ignition fronts in turbulent non-premixed flames in the context of conditional moment closure | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Comparison of displacement speed statistics of turbulent premixed flames in the regimes representing combustion in Corrugated Flamelets and the Thin Reaction Zones | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of turbulence on spark ignition in inhomogeneous mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of Damköhler number on turbulence-scalar interaction in premixed flames, Part I: Physical Insight | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of Damköhler number on turbulence-scalar interaction in premixed flames, Part II: Model Development | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Measurement of Flame Surface Density for turbulent premixed flames using PLIF and DNS | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of turbulent molten pool convection in laser welding of a copper–nickel dissimilar couple | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar dissipation rate transport in the corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes for turbulent premixed flames | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Scalar dissipation rate transport in the corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes for turbulent premixed flames | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Stretch rate effects on displacement speed in turbulent premixed flame kernels in the thin reaction zones regime | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| The effects of mixture fraction and its gradient on the localised ignition of turbulent mixing layer | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Thermal transport regimes and generalized regime diagrams for high energy surface melting processes | 2007 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of droplets with spark ignition | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Distinct influences of turbulence in momentum, heat and mass transfers during melt pool convection in a typical laser surface alloying process | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effect of process parameters in transport phenomena in laser surface alloying process | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of initial radius on the propagation of spherical premixed flame kernels in turbulent environment | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of strain rate and curvature on the propagation of a spherical flame kernel in the thin reaction zones regime | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of turbulence on self-sustained combustion in premixed flame kernels: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of Damköhler Number on scalar dissipation rate modelling in turbulent premixed flames | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of Lewis Number on strain rate effects in turbulent premixed flame propagation in the thin reaction zones regime | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of conditional turbulent flux terms in igniting turbulent non-premixed flames in the context of Conditional Moment Closure | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of the curvature and propagation terms of the Flame Surface Density (FSD) transport equation in the context of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Numerical Investigation of edge flame propagation characteristics in turbulent mixing layers | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistical behaviour and modelling of flame normal vector in turbulent premixed flames | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Statistics of the conditional scalar dissipation from DNS and experiments | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulence modelling strategies in molten pool convection in laser-aided surface processing of materials | 2006 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| [PhD thesis] Fundamental study of turbulent premixed combustion using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) | 2005 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) analysis of the transport equation for Flame Surface Density (FSD) in the context of Large Eddy Simulation | 2005 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Curvature and wrinkling of premixed flame kernels-Comparisons of OH PLIF and DNS data | 2005 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of strain rate and curvature on flame displacement speed in a spherical kernel in the thin reaction zones regime | 2005 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of strain rate and curvature on Surface Density Function transport in turbulent premixed flames in the thin reaction zones regime | 2005 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effects of turbulence on spark ignition in inhomogeneous mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study | 2005 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influence of Lewis Number on curvature effects in turbulent premixed flame propagation in the thin reaction zones regime | 2005 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Influences of positive and negative surface tension coefficients on laminar and turbulent weld pool convection in a Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Process: A comparative study | 2005 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A priori investigation for flame wrinkling in large eddy simulation | 2004 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A scaling analysis of turbulent transport in laser surface alloying process | 2004 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of turbulent transport in laser surface alloying | 2004 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Mutual interaction of flame normal components in turbulent premixed flames | 2004 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Three dimensional modelling of turbulent weld pool convection in GTAW process | 2004 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Turbulent premixed flame propagation: A comparison of spherical kernels and planar flames | 2004 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Unsteady effects of strain rate and curvature on turbulent premixed flames in an inlet-outlet configuration | 2004 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of turbulent transport in arc welding pools | 2003 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Modelling of turbulent transport in laser surface alloying | 2003 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Studies on turbulent momentum, heat and species transport in binary alloy solidification in a top cooled rectangular cavity | 2003 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Tangential strain rate and curvature effects on the displacement speed of an unsteady turbulent premixed flame in a quasi-stationary configuration | 2003 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A generalized object-oriented computational method for simulation of power and process cycles | 2002 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| Effect of process parameters on turbulent convection on arc welding pools | 2002 |
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
| A k-epsilon model for turbulent convection in Gas Tungsten Arc Weld pools [ME Thesis] | 2001 |