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Browsing publications by Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Comparative effects of plasma and preheating in assisting premixed ammonia/air flames: A DNS study2025
Vishnu Mohan
Freddie Young
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of equivalence ratio on the statistics of the invariants of velocity gradient tensor and flow topologies in turbulent premixed lean H2-air flames2025
Freddie Young
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of preferential diffusion on the distribution of species in lean H2-air laminar premixed flames at different equivalence ratios2025
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
A comparison between conventional and MILD combustion processes of turbulent stratified mixtures2024
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
A comparison of evaluation methodologies of the fractal dimension of premixed turbulent flames in 2D and 3D using Direct Numerical Simulation data2024
Dr Liyuan Liu
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Turbulence Models for Predicting Heat Transfer in Turbulent Channel Flow Across Various Prandtl Number Regimes2024
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of MILD combustion modelling in the context of Large Eddy Simulation2024
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
An Assessment of the Validity of Damköhler’s Hypotheses for Different Choices of Reaction Progress Variable in Homogenous Mixture Moderate or Intense Low-Oxygen Dilution (MILD) Combustion2024
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Anisotropy of Reynolds stresses and their dissipation rates in lean H2-air premixed flames in different combustion regimes2024
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Assessment of Laws of the Wall During Flame–Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames Within Turbulent Boundary Layers2024
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Kenneth Dalgarno
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Binary Droplet Collisions in Bioprinting: Influence of Material Properties on Mixing and Repeatability2024
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Choice of reaction progress variable under preferential diffusion effects in turbulent syngas combustion based on detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulations2024
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis of the Closure of Turbulent Scalar Flux during Flame–Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames within Turbulent Boundary Layers2024
Vishnu Mohan
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Distributions of wall heat flux and wall shear stress and their interrelation during head-on quenching of premixed flames within turbulent boundary layers2024
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Effects of laminar burning velocity to friction velocity ratio on turbulent premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers2024
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of liquid water addition on turbulent premixed hydrogen/air combustion2024
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Effects of liquid water injection on flame surface topology and propagation characteristics in spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2024
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of wall temperature on scalar and turbulence statistics during premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers2024
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of water mist on the initial evolution of turbulent premixed hydrogen/air flame kernels2024
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Evolution of Displacement Speed Statistics during Head-On Flame-Wall Interaction within Turbulent Boundary Layers2024
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Harry Dunn
Dr Umair Ahmed
Evolution of Flame Displacement Speed Within Flame Front in Different Regimes of Premixed Turbulent Combustion2024
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha
Dr Hazem Awad
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame Self-Interactions in MILD Combustion of Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Mixtures2024
Peter Brearley
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Implications of using scalar forcing to sustain reactant mixture stratification in Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent combustion2024
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of water-based alumina nanofluids in a square enclosure2024
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the flame surface density transport during flame-wall interaction of premixed flames within turbulent boundary layers2024
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Multiscale analysis of Reynolds stresses and its dissipation rates for premixed flame–wall interaction2024
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
On the Definition of Reaction Progress Variable in Exhaust Gas Recirculation Type Turbulent MILD Combustion of Methane and n-Heptane2024
Vishnu Mohan
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Performance of flame surface density and scalar dissipation rate based mean reaction rate closures for fuel-rich ammonia-air turbulent premixed flames2024
Dr Elfego Ruiz Gutierrez
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Kenneth Dalgarno
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
et al.
Physically consistent modelling of surface tension forces in the Volume-of-Fluid method for three or more phases2024
Vishnu Mohan
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of wall shear stress during head-on flame-wall interaction2024
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Relation Between 3 and 2D Wrinkling Factors in Turbulent Premixed Flames2024
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Relations between Reynolds stresses and their dissipation rates during premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers2024
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical Behaviour and Modelling of Variances of Reaction Progress Variable and Temperature During Flame-Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames Within Turbulent Boundary Layers2024
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Timescales associated with the evolution of reactive scalar gradient in premixed turbulent combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2024
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A direct numerical simulation analysis of localised forced ignition in turbulent slot jets of CH4/CO2 blends2023
Vishnu Mohan
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of turbulent burning velocity parametrizations for non-unity Lewis numbers2023
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation based comparison between conventional and MILD combustion processes of turbulent stratified mixtures2023
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation based comparison between Homogenous and Inhomogeneous mixture MILD Combustion Modelling in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations2023
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of MILD combustion modelling in the context of Large Eddy Simulation2023
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Assessment of MILD Combustion Modelling in the Context of Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes Simulations2023
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Advances in Computational Combustion: The UK Consortium on Turbulent Reacting Flows2023
Dr Elfego Ruiz Gutierrez
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Kenneth Dalgarno
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
et al.
Analysis and optimisation of mixing in binary droplet collisions2023
Dr Hazem Awad
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of dilution equation using DNS data of MILD combustion2023
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Analysis of water droplet interaction with turbulent premixed and spray flames using carrier phase Direct Numerical Simulations2023
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Comparison of flame propagation statistics in statistically turbulent premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulations of simple and detailed chemistry and transport2023
Arun Varma
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of body force on the statistical behaviour and modelling of scalar variance in turbulent premixed flames2023
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of fuel Lewis number on the minimum ignition energy and its transition for turbulent homogeneous fuel-air mixtures2023
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Effects of fuel Lewis number on turbulent flow statistics in oblique-wall quenching of premixed V-shaped flames within turbulent channel flows2023
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Fuel Lewis Number on Wall Heat Transfer During Oblique Flame-Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames Within Turbulent Boundary Layers2023
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Effects of liquid water injection on turbulent premixed hydrogen/air combustion2023
Peter Brearley
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Mixture Distribution on the Structure and Propagation of Turbulent Stratified Slot-Jet Flames2023
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of spatial distribution of CO2 dilution on localised forced ignition of stoichiometric biogas-air mixtures2023
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Effects of water droplet injection on turbulent premixed flame propagation: A Direct Numerical Simulation investigation2023
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Evolution of displacement speed statistics during flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers2023
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Umair Ahmed
Evolution of flame displacement speed within flame front in different regimes of turbulent premixed combustion2023
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame self interaction during turbulent boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed combustion2023
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame Self-interaction and Flow Topology in Turbulent Homogeneous Mixture n-Heptane MILD Combustion2023
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame self-interactions in MILD combustion of homogeneous and inhomogeneous mixtures2023
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flow topologies during Flame-Wall Interaction of premixed combustion in turbulent boundary layer2023
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Inertial effects on the interaction of water droplets with turbulent premixed flames: A direct numerical simulation analysis2023
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Influence of flow configuration and thermal wall boundary conditions on turbulence during premixed flame-wall interaction within low Reynolds number boundary layers2023
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Influence of the variation in laminar burning velocity to friction velocity ratio on turbulent premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers2023
Dr Khalil Abo-Amsha
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Kinetic study of the dominant chemical pathways to heat release in two reduced mechanisms for n-heptane combustion under MILD conditions2023
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical analysis of multi-regime combustion using flamelet generated manifolds - a highly-resolved Large-Eddy Simulation of the Darmstadt multi-regime burner2023
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of steady state laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in side-cooled trapezoidal enclosures heated from the bottom2023
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of steady state, laminar, natural convection of Bingham fluids in a trapezoidal enclosure heated from the bottom and cooled from the sides2023
Vishnu Mohan
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Proper orthogonal decomposition of wall heat flux for head-on premixed flame wall-interaction across turbulent boundary layers2023
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Liyuan Liu
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour and closure of turbulent scalar flux during turbulent premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers2023
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of scalar variance transport during flame-wall interaction in turbulent boundary layers2023
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Surface Density Function and its evolution in Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous mixture n-heptane MILD Combustion2023
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Surface topologies and self interactions in reactive and nonreactive Richtmyer–Meshkov instability2023
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Timescales associated with the evolution of reactive scalar gradient in premixed turbulent combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2023
Arun Varma
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulence effects on the statistical behaviour and modelling of flame surface density and the terms of its transport equation in turbulent premixed flames2023
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulent kinetic energy evolution in turbulent boundary layers during head-on interaction of premixed flames with inert walls for different thermal boundary conditions2023
Dr Jiawei Lai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A comparison between head-on quenching of stoichiometric methane-air and hydrogen-air premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulations2022
Freddie Young
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
et al.
A comparison between statistical behaviours of scalar dissipation rate between homogeneous MILD combustion and premixed turbulent flames2022
Peter Brearley
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of the closure of cross-scalar dissipation rate of reaction progress variable and mixture fraction in turbulent stratified flames2022
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Alignment statistics of pressure Hessian with strain rate tensor and reactive scalar gradient in turbulent premixed flames2022
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Jian Fang
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
An unstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement approach for Computational Fluid Dynamics of reacting flows2022
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of the evolution of the Surface Density Function during premixed V-shaped flame-wall interaction in a turbulent channel flow at Reτ = 3952022
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
et al.
Assessment of Damköhler’s hypotheses in the thin reaction zones regime using multi-step chemistry Direct Numerical Simulations of statistically planar turbulent premixed flames2022
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Anthony Herbert
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Assessment of Extrapolation Relations of Displacement Speed for Detailed Chemistry Direct Numerical Simulation Database of Statistically Planar Turbulent Premixed Flames2022
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Development and validation of models for turbulent reacting flows2022
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
DNS of turbulent spray flame water droplet interaction using an Euler-Lagrange-Lagrange scheme2022
Arun Varma
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of body forces on the statistics of flame surface density and its evolution in statistically planar turbulent premixed flames2022
Arun Varma
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Body Forces on Turbulent Kinetic Energy Transport in Premixed Flames2022
Arun Varma
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of buoyancy on turbulent scalar flux closure for turbulent premixed flames in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes simulations2022
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Energy integral equation for premixed flame-wall interaction in turbulent boundary layers and its application to turbulent burning velocity and wall flux evaluations2022
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Enstrophy evolution during head-on wall interaction of premixed flames within turbulent boundary layers2022
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Entropy generation during head-on interaction of premixed flames with inert walls within turbulent boundary layers2022
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame self-interactions in turbulent homogeneous-mixture n-heptane MILD combustion2022
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame Surface Density based mean reaction rate closure for Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes methodology in turbulent premixed Bunsen flames with non-unity Lewis number2022
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Influence of flow configuration and thermal wall boundary conditions on turbulence during premixed flame-wall interaction within boundary layers.2022
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in a trapezoidal enclosure heated from bottom2022
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in a trapezoidal enclosure heated from the bottom2022
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Modeling subgrid-scale scalar dissipation rate in turbulent premixed flames using gene expression programming and deep artificial neural networks2022
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Multiscale analysis of anisotropy of Reynolds Stresses, sub-grid stresses and dissipation in statistically planar turbulent premixed flames2022
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Performance of wall functions in premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers2022
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Premixed Flame-Wall Interaction and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Turbulent Boundary Layers: Insights based on Direct Numerical Simulations2022
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Relations between statistics of three-dimensional flame curvature and its two-dimensional counterpart in turbulent premixed flames2022
Peter Brearley
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar Forcing Methodology for Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Stratified Mixture Combustion2022
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar gradient and flame propagation statistics of a flame-resolved laboratory-scale turbulent stratified burner simulation2022
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Sanjeev Ghai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Scalar statistics in premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers under different flow configurations2022
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Statistics of flame topology in turbulent spray flame water droplet interaction2022
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Surface density function and its evolution in homogeneous and inhomogeneous n-heptane MILD combustion2022
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The effect of sweep-angle variation on the turbulence structure in high speed turbulent reactive flows2022
Dr Rafal Wrobel
Archie Graham-Watson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Thermal Analysis of Direct Air-Cooled PM Machine for UAV Propulsion2022
Peter Brearley
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulent stratified mixture combustion with numerically forced bimodal mixture inhomogeneity2022
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Jian Fang
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Validation of the HAMISH code: DNS of combustion with Adaptive Mesh Refinement2022
Dr Jiawei Lai
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A comparison between head-on quenching of turbulent methane-air and hydrogen-air flames using detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulations2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
A comparison of entrainment velocity and displacement speed statistics in different regimes of turbulent premixed combustion2021
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A numerical investigation of the effects of fuel composition on the minimum ignition energy for homogeneous biogas-air mixtures2021
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A numerical investigation of the minimum ignition energy requirement for forced ignition of turbulent droplet-laden mixtures2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Algebraic Flame Surface Density modelling of high pressure turbulent premixed Bunsen flames2021
Sahin Yigit
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Analysis of the reverse teardrop shape of the velocity gradient tensor invariants joint PDF close to walls in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection2021
Peter Brearley
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation evaluation of the cross-scalar dissipation rate of reaction progress variable and mixture fraction in turbulent stratified flames2021
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori validation of scalar dissipation rate models for turbulent non-premixed flames2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Assessment of an evolution equation for the displacement speed of a constant-density reactive scalar field2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Assessment of Bray Moss Libby formulation for premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent boundary layers: Influence of flow configuration2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Comparison of flame propagation statistics based on DNS of simple and detailed chemistry. Part 2: Influence of choice of reaction progress variable2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Comparison of flame propagation statistics extracted from DNS based on simple and detailed chemistry Part 1: Fundamental flame turbulence interaction2021
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Comparison of Surface Density Function (SDF) statistics between MILD and premixed turbulent combustion2021
Dr Hazem Awad
Dr Khalil Abo Amsha
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Comparison of the reactive scalar gradient evolution between homogeneous MILD combustion and premixed turbulent flames2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Effect of non-ambient pressure conditions and Lewis number variation on direct numerical simulation of turbulent Bunsen flames at low turbulence intensity2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effect of sub-grid wrinkling factor modelling on the Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent stratified combustion2021
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Biogas Composition on the Edge Flame Propagation in Igniting Turbulent Mixing Layers2021
Arun Varma
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of body forces on vorticity and enstrophy evolutions in turbulent premixed flames2021
Arun Varma
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of buoyancy on turbulent kinetic energy transport in turbulent premixed flames2021
Ilias Konstantinou
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Fuel Lewis Number on the Near-wall Dynamics for Statistically Planar Turbulent Premixed Flames Impinging on Inert Cold Walls2021
Lan Wang
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of the cold wall boundary on the flame structure and flame speed in premixed turbulent combustion2021
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of the spatial distribution of CO2 dilution on localised forced ignition of stoichiometric CH4 - CO2 - air mixtures2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Effects of Turbulent Boundary Layer on the Near-Wall Flame Dynamics in the Case of Adiabatic Walls2021
Arun Varma
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of turbulent length scale on the bending effect of turbulent burning velocity in premixed turbulent combustion2021
Dr Sean Malkeson
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Evolution of Surface Density Function in an open turbulent jet spray flame2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Evolutions of strain rate and dissipation rate of kinetic energy in turbulent premixed flames2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame self-interactions in an open turbulent jet spray flame2021
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame self-interactions in globally stoichiometric spherically expanding flames propagating into fuel droplet-mists2021
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Inertial effects on globally stoichiometric spherically expanding turbulent flames propagating in droplet-laden mixtures2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of Thermal Expansion on Fluid Dynamics of Turbulent Premixed Combustion and Its Modelling Implications2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Influence of thermal wall boundary condition on scalar statistics during flame-wall interaction of premixed combustion in turbulent boundary layers2021
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Lewis Number effects on flame speed statistics in spherical turbulent premixed flames2021
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of reactive and non-reactive multiphase flows2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling the Stochastic Nature of Porosity in a Respirator Canister using Computational Fluid Dynamics2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Alexander Herbert
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
On the validity of Damköhler’s second hypothesis in statistically planar turbulent premixed flames in the thin reaction zones regime2021
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Physical effects of water droplets interacting with turbulent premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Principal strain rate evolution within turbulent premixed flames for different combustion regimes2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar fluctuation and its dissipation in turbulent reacting flows2021
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Scalar gradient and strain rate statistics in oblique premixed flame-wall interaction within turbulent channel flows2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Structure and dynamics of small-scale turbulence in vaporizing two-phase flows2021
Felix Keil
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Sub-grid reaction progress variable variance closure in turbulent premixed flames2021
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The localised forced ignition and early stages of flame development in a turbulent planar jet2021
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Vortex Dynamics and Fractal Structures in Reactive and Nonreactive Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability2021
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of coherent structures in bubble-laden channel flows2020
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of turbulent V-shaped flames propagating into droplet-laden mixtures2020
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of mixture stratification effects on unstrained laminar flames2020
Felix Keil
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Analysis of the closures of sub-grid scale variance of reaction progress variable for turbulent Bunsen burner flames at different pressure levels2020
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Applicability of extrapolation relations for curvature and stretch rate dependences of displacement speed for statistically planar turbulent premixed flames2020
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Comparison of two and three-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in cylindrical and annular enclosures2020
Dr Sean Malkeson
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Displacement speed statistics in an open turbulent jet spray flame2020
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of mean inflow velocity and droplet diameter on the propagation of turbulent V-shaped flames in droplet-laden mixtures2020
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Effects of Rayleigh-Bénard convection on spectra of viscoplastic fluids2020
Professor Mohamed Mamlouk
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Entropy generation analysis based on a three-dimensional agglomerate model of an anion exchange membrane fuel cell2020
Felix Keil
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Flame Surface Density transport statistics for high pressure turbulent premixed Bunsen flames in the context of Large Eddy Simulation2020
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Ignition and kernel to flame transition in a non-premixed CH4/CO2/air planar turbulent jet2020
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar mixed convection of water-based alumina nanofluid in a cylindrical enclosure with a rotating end wall: A numerical investigation2020
Dr Osman Turan
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Mixed convection of power-law fluids in cylindrical enclosures with a cold rotating top cover and a stationary heated bottom wall2020
Sahin Yigit
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Near wall Prandtl number effects on velocity gradient invariants and flow topologies in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection2020
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of the effects of spatial distribution of CO2 dilution on localised forced ignition of stoichiometric biogas-air mixtures2020
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Quantification of the flame structure at multi-scale levels2020
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Scaling of Second-Order Structure Functions in Turbulent Premixed Flames in the Flamelet Combustion Regime2020
Dr Sean Malkeson
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour and modelling of fuel mass fraction dissipation rate transport in turbulent flame-droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation study2020
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical Behaviours of turbulent scalar fluxes in high pressure turbulent premixed combustion in the context of Large Eddy Simulations2020
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of Two-phase Coupling in Turbulent Spherically Expanding Flames in Mono-sized Fuel-droplet Mists2020
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Surface density function evolution and the influence of strain rates during turbulent boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed combustion2020
Peter Brearley
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The relation between flame surface area and turbulent burning velocity in statistically planar turbulent stratified flames2020
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Vortex dynamics and fractal structures in reactive Richtmyer-Meshkov instability2020
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Workshop on Fundamental Understanding and Modelling of High Pressure Turbulent Premixed Combustion2020
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori analysis of an alternative wrinkling factor definition for flame surface density based Large Eddy Simulation modelling of turbulent premixed combustion2019
Samuel Wood
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Combined Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Linear Driving Force Kinetics in Small Activated Carbon Beds2019
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation Investigation of Spherically Expanding Flames Propagating in Fuel Droplet-Mists for Different Droplet Diameters and Overall Equivalence Ratios2019
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A numerical investigation of the behaviour of the minimum ignition energy for turbulent droplet-laden mixtures2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Algebraic and transport equation based FSD modelling in turbulent premixed combustion LES2019
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Algebraic Flame Surface Density modelling of high pressure turbulent premixed Bunsen flames2019
Dr Xiang Shen
Professor Barrie Mecrow
Dr Xu Deng
Chris Spargo
Dr Richard Whalley
et al.
Direct Air Cooling of High-Power Permanent Magnet Machines2019
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of turbulent V-flames propagating into droplet-laden mixtures with an overall equivalence ratio of unity2019
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Edge flame propagation statistics in igniting mono-disperse droplet-laden mixtures2019
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of biogas composition on the edge flame propagation in igniting turbulent mixing layers2019
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of fuel composition on the minimum ignition energy and its transition for homogeneous biogas-air mixtures2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on the evolution of curvature in spherically expanding turbulent premixed flames2019
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of reaction progress variable definition on the Flame Surface Density transport statistics and closure for different combustion regimes2019
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of turbulence intensity and biogas composition on the localised forced ignition of turbulent mixing layers2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Evaluation of flame area based on detailed chemistry DNS of premixed turbulent hydrogen-air flames in different regimes of combustion2019
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Evolution of flame curvature in turbulent premixed Bunsen flames at different pressure levels2019
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame curvature distribution in high pressure turbulent Bunsen premixed flames2019
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flow topologies in primary atomization of liquid jets: A direct numerical simulation analysis2019
Sahin Yigit
Dr Osman Turan
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Free convection of power-law fluids in enclosures with partially heating from bottom and symmetrical cooling from sides2019
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Heat flux and flow topology statistics in oblique and head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames by isothermal inert walls2019
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Ignition and early stages of flame propagation in a non-premixed biogas planar turbulent jet2019
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Ignition kernel development and subsequent flame propagation in a planar methane/air turbulent jet2019
Ilias Konstantinou
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of fuel Lewis number on flame-wall interaction for impinging turbulent premixed flames2019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Insights into the bending effect in premixed turbulent combustion using the Flame Surface Density transport2019
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Lewis number effects on flame speed statistics in spherical turbulent premixed flames2019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Mean behaviour of flame displacement speed in boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed turbulent combustion2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Modelling turbulent scalar fluxes in high pressure turbulent premixed combustion LES2019
Ilias Konstantinou
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Near-wall behaviour of turbulence in flame-wall interaction of premixed turbulent combustion in boundary layers2019
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of aspect ratio influences on Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Bingham fluids in vertical cylindrical annuli2019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Oblique flame-wall interaction in premixed turbulent combustion under isothermal and adiabatic wall boundary conditions2019
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
On the Minimum Ignition Energy and its transition in the localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures2019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
On the stress-strain alignment in premixed turbulent flames2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
On the validity of Damköhler's first hypothesis in turbulent Bunsen burner flames: A computational analysis2019
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Propagation of Spherically Expanding Turbulent Flames into Fuel Droplet-Mists2019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Scalar gradient and strain rate statistics in oblique premixed flame-wall interaction with turbulent boundary layers2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Special issue on UKCTRF workshop 20182019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy transport in boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed combustion2019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy transport in boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed flames2019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviours of conditioned two-point second-order structure functions in turbulent premixed flames in different combustion regimes2019
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of progress variable and mixture fraction gradients in an open turbulent jet spray flame2019
Dr Umair Ahmed
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of reaction progress variable and mixture fraction gradients of a pulverised coal jet flame using Direct Numerical Simulation data2019
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of Scalar Flux Transport of Major Species in Different Premixed Turbulent Combustion Regimes for H2-air Flames2019
Ilias Konstantinou
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Markus Klein
Statistics of turbulence during head-on quenching of premixed turbulent combustion in boundary layers2019
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of two-phase coupling in turbulent spherically expanding flames in mono-sized fuel-droplet mists2019
Felix Keil
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Sub-grid reaction progress variable variance closure in turbulent premixed flames2019
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Surface Density Function evolution in spherically expanding flames in globally stoichiometric droplet-laden mixtures2019
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Surface density function evolution in spherically expanding flames in globally stoichiometric droplet-laden mixtures 2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The Impact of Canister Geometry on Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Filter Performance: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis2019
Dr Markus Klein
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The signature of flame instabilities on the transport of curvature in turbulent premixed flames2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Vectorial structure of the near-wall premixed flame2019
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A computational fluid dynamics analysis of transient flow through a generic Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Respirator Canister2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of pressure variation in turbulent premixed Bunsen burner flames-Part 1: Scalar gradient and strain rate statistics2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of pressure variation in turbulent premixed Bunsen burner flames-Part 2: Surface Density Function transport statistics2018
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A direct numerical simulation analysis of spherically expanding turbulent flames in fuel droplet-mists for an overall equivalence ratio of unity2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A DNS Study of Closure Relations for Convection Flux Term in Transport Equation for Mean Reaction Rate in Turbulent Flow2018
Bruno De Souza Machado
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Professor Mohamed Mamlouk
Dr Prodip Das
A Three-dimensional Agglomerate Model of an Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell2018
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
An experimental and numerical investigation of spark ignition of a turbulent biogas iet2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of flame curvature evolution in a turbulent premixed bluff body burner2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of the Flame-Wall Interaction in Premixed Turbulent Combustion2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation of head-on quenching of statistically planar turbulent premixed methane-air flames using a detailed chemical mechanism2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Jiawei Lai
Direct Numerical Simulations of premixed turbulent combustion: Relevance and applications to engineering computational analyses2018
Dr Umair Ahmed
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of detailed chemistry on multiscale analysis of head-on quenching in premixed turbulent combustion2018
Dr Daniel Wacks
Ilias Konstantinou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on the statistics of the invariants of velocity gradient tensor and local flow topologies in turbulent premixed flames2018
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of turbulence intensity on the minimum ignition energy for the localised forced ignition of homogeneous mixtures2018
Dr Osman Turan
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of wall heating on laminar mixed convection in a cylindrical enclosure with a rotating end wall2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Evaluation of flame area based on detailed chemistry DNS of premixed Hydrogen-Air flames in premixed turbulent flames in different regimes of combustion2018
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Evolution of spherically expanding turbulent flames in droplet-laden mixtures: A direct numerical simulation analysis2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame curvature distribution in high pressure turbulent Bunsen premixed flames2018
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flow topologies in bubble-induced turbulence: A direct numerical simulation analysis2018
Jiawei Lai
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flow topology distribution in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flame: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Daniel Wacks
Generalised Flame Surface Density statistics conditional on flow topologies for turbulent H2-air premixed flames in different regimes of combustion2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Dr Daniel Wacks
Dr Markus Klein
Generalized flame surface density transport conditional on flow topologies for turbulent H2-air premixed flames in different regimes of combustion2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of the Lewis number on effective strain rates in weakly turbulent premixed combustion2018
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influences of Boundary Condition on Laminar Natural Convection of Bingham Fluids in Square Cross-Sectioned Cylindrical Annular Enclosures with Differentially Heated Vertical Walls2018
Dr Osman Turan
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar mixed convection of power-law fluids in cylindrical enclosures with heated rotating top wall2018
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Local flow topology analysis applied to bubble induced turbulence2018
Dr Sean Malkeson
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of Variance and Co-variance in Turbulent Flame–Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2018
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Multiscale analysis of head-on quenching premixed turbulent flames2018
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Natural convection of Bingham fluids in rectangular cross-sectional cylindrical annuli with differentially heated vertical walls2018
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of aspect ratio influences on Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in vertical cylindrical annuli2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Daniel Wacks
Scalar dissipation rate transport conditional on flow topologies in different regimes of premixed turbulent combustion2018
Gulcan Ozel Erol
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Spherically expanding turbulent flames in fuel-droplet mists: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2018
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of scalar flux transport of major species in different premixed turbulent combustion regimes for turbulent H2-air flames2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of Strain Rates and Surface Density Function in a Flame-Resolved High-Fidelity Simulation of a Turbulent Premixed Bluff Body Burner2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Strain rate and flame orientation statistics in the near-wall region for turbulent flame-wall interaction2018
Dr Umair Ahmed
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Stress-strain alignment in premixed turbulent combustion2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Surface Density Function statistics in Hydrogen-air flames for different turbulent premixed combustion regimes2018
Dr Osman Turan
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The effects of bottom wall heating on mixed convection of yield stress fluids in cylindrical enclosures with a rotating end wall2018
Bruno De Souza Machado
Professor Mohamed Mamlouk
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Three-dimensional Agglomerate Model of an Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell using air at the cathode - A parametric study2018
Sahin Yigit
Dr Josef Hasslberger
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Three-dimensional high-fidelity simulations of Rayleigh-Bénard convection of yield stress fluids in cubic enclosures at high Rayleigh numbers2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Transient performance of Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear canisters2018
Dr Charles Turquand d'Auzay
Dr Bill Papapostolou
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Transition the minimum ignition energy for the localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Transport equations for reaction rate in laminar and turbulent premixed flames characterized by non-unity Lewis number2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulent scalar fluxes in H2-air premixed flames at low and high Karlovitz numbers2018
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A priori and a posteriori analysis of algebraic flame surface density modeling in the context of Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent premixed combustion2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori Direct Numerical simulation assessment of models for generalized sub-grid scale turbulent kinetic energy in turbulent premixed flames2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A balance equation for the mean rate of product creation in premixed turbulent flames2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A comparison of strategies for Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulence chemistry interaction in generic planar turbulent premixed flames2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A DNS study of closure relations for convection flux in transport equation for mean reaction rate2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Alternative definition of wrinkling factor in the context of FSD based LES modelling of turbulent premixed combustion2017
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Assessment of algebraic Flame Surface Density closures in the context of Large Eddy Simulations of head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames2017
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Corrigendum to “Vorticity and enstrophy transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames”, [Eur. J. Mech. Fluids/B,DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechu.2016.10.013]2017
Dr Osman Turan
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Critical Condition for Rayleigh-Bénard Convection of Bingham Fluids in Rectangular Enclosures2017
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation of head-on quenching of statistically planar methane-air flames using a detailed chemical mechanism2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent premixed Bunsen flames at ambient and elevated pressures2017
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Distributions of flow topology and enstrophy in different turbulent premixed combustion regimes: a direct numerical simulation investigation2017
Bill Papapostolou
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Enstrophy transport conditional on local flow topologies in different regimes of premixed turbulent combustion2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
First investigations using the HAMISH code: an adaptive mesh solver for turbulent reacting flow2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame curvature in high pressure Bunsen flames2017
Johannes Sellmann
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame Surface Density based modelling of head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame-Wall Interaction in premixed reactive turbulence2017
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Heat flux and flow topology statistics in oblique quenching of turbulent premixed flames by isothermal inert walls2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of Lewis number on effective strain rates in turbulent premixed flames2017
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influences of aspect ratio and wall boundary condition on laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Bingham Fluids in rectangular enclosures2017
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influences of aspect ratio on natural convection of power-law fluids in cylindrical annular space with differentially heated vertical walls2017
Bruno De Souza Machado
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dr Prodip Das
Influences of flow direction, temperature and relative humidity on the performance of a representative anion exchange membrane fuel cell: A computational analysis2017
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Large Eddy Simulation of Premixed Combustion: Sensitivity to Subgrid Scale Velocity Modeling2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of turbulent scalar fluxes in the broken reaction zones regime2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Multiscale analysis of turbulence-flame interaction in premixed flames2017
Sahin Yigit
Dr Osman Turan
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Natural convection of power-law fluids in rectangular cross-sectional cylindrical annular enclosures with differentially heated vertical walls2017
Dr Osman Turan
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of mixed convection of Bingham fluids in cylindrical enclosures with heated rotating top wall2017
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Rayleigh-Bénard power-law fluid convection in rectangular enclosures2017
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of vorticity and enstrophy transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames2017
Dr Osman Turan
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The comparison of the effects of top and bottom wall heating on mixed convection of yield stress fluids in a cylindrical container with rotating end wall2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The first investigation of the HAMISH code: An adaptive mesh solver for turbulent reacting flows2017
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulent kinetic energy transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations2017
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulent scalar flux transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames: a direct numerical simulations approach to assess models for Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes simulations2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Vorticity budgets in premixed combusting turbulent flows at different Lewis numbers2017
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Ilias Konstantinou
Vorticity statistics based on velocity and density-weighted velocity in premixed reactive turbulence2017
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A priori assessment of scalar dissipation rate closure for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion using a detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulation database2016
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Modeling of Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in Head-On Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames2016
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Transport Equation for Reaction Rate in Turbulent Flows2016
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of the combined modelling of sub-grid transport and filtered flame propagation for premixed turbulent combustion2016
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Fuel Lewis Number on Localised Forced Ignition of Globally Stoichiometric Stratified Mixtures: A Numerical Investigation2016
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of fuel Lewis number on localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures: A numerical investigation2016
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis Number on Head on Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2016
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on vorticity and enstrophy transport in turbulent premixed flames2016
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Mixture Distribution on Localised Forced Ignition of Stratified Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study2016
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame Structure and Propagation in Turbulent Flame-Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2016
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flow topologies in different regimes of premixed turbulent combustion: A direct numerical simulation analysis2016
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flow topology and alignments of scalar gradients and vorticity in turbulent spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2016
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical annular cavity with differentially heated vertical walls subjected to constant heat fluxes2016
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modeling of Progress Variable Variance Transport in Head-On Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2016
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of Lewis Number dependence of Scalar dissipation rate transport for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion2016
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Bingham fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical annular enclosures2016
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Bingham fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical enclosures2016
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in square cross-sectional cylindrical annular enclosures2016
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical annular cavity2016
Sahin Yigit
Tim Graham
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of steady-state laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in square cross-sectioned cylindrical annular cavity with differentially-heated vertical walls2016
Chris Stafford
Dr David Swailes
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Particle dispersion in inhomogeneous turbulence: An analysis of pdf-based models2016
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Yuan GAO
Scale similarity based models and their application to subgrid scale scalar flux modelling in the context of turbulent premixed flames2016
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical Analysis of the Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction Gradients in Flames Propagating into Droplet Mist: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2016
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical Analysis of Turbulent Flame-Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study2016
Dr Daniel Wacks
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of fuel mass fraction variance transport in turbulent flame-droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2016
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical Behaviour of Scalar Dissipation Rate in Head-on Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2016
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation assessment of sub-grid scale stress tensor closures for turbulent premixed combustion2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A comparison of scalar dissipation rate transport between simple and detailed chemistry based Direct Numerical Simulations2015
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of the combined modelling of subgrid transport and filtered flame propagation for premixed turbulent combustion2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Yuan GAO
Applications of scale similarity based models to subgrid scale scalar flux modelling in the context of turbulent premixed flames2015
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori assessment of sub-grid scale stress tensor closures for turbulent premixed combustion2015
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Aspect ratio effects on laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in rectangular enclosures: A numerical investigation2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Assessment of dynamic closure for premixed combustion large eddy simulation2015
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Assessment of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes modelling of Scalar Dissipation Rate transport in turbulent oblique premixed flames2015
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Assessment of sub-grid scalar flux modelling in premixed flames for Large Eddy Simulations: A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Assessment of the performances of sub-grid scalar flux models for premixed flames with different global Lewis numbers: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2015
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of turbulent kinetic energy transport in head on quenching of turbulent premixed flames2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
DNS Assessment of a Simple Model for Evaluating Velocity Conditioned to Unburned Gas in Premixed Turbulent Flames2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Dynamic closure of scalar dissipation rate for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulations analysis2015
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of aspect ratio on laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of power-law fluids in rectangular enclosures: A numerical investigation2015
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of aspect ratio on natural convection of Bingham Fluids in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated horizontal walls heated from below2015
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of combustion regime on localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2015
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of droplets on flame structure in premixed spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2015
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of energy deposition characteristics on localised forced Ignition of homogeneous mixtures2015
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of fuel Lewis number and the energy deposition characteristics on localized forced ignition of homogeneous mixture: A numerical investigation2015
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of fuel Lewis number and the energy deposition characteristics on localized forced ignition of homogeneous mixture: A numerical investigation2015
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of fuel Lewis number on localised forced ignition of globally stoichiometric stratified mixtures: A numerical investigation2015
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of mixture distribution on localised forced ignition of stratified mixtures: A Numerical Investigation2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Turbulent Reynolds number on turbulent scalar flux modelling in premixed flames using Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Enstrophy evolution in turbulent premixed combusting flows2015
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame structure and propagation in turbulent flame-droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2015
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Flame structure and topology in turbulent spray flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2015
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in inclined differentially heated square enclosures subjected to constant wall temperatures2015
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar Natural Convection of Bingham Fluids in Inclined Differentially Heated Square Enclosures Subjected to Uniform Wall Temperatures2015
David Butz
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Large Eddy Simulations of a turbulent premixed swirl flame using an algebraic Scalar Dissipation Rate closure2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of Entropy Generation in Turbulent Premixed Flames for Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2015
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of Progress Variable Variance Transport in Head on Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Non-local vorticity statistics in premixed turbulent combustion2015
Dr Tamir Brosh
Dipal Patel
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of localised forced ignition of pulverised coal particle-laden mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) analysis2015
Sahin Yigit
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical Investigation of natural convection of power-law fluids in square cross-section annular cylindrical spaces with differentially heated vertical wall: Effects of different boundary condition2015
Dr Tamir Brosh
Dr Daniel Wacks
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
On conditions for self-sustained combustion of pulverised coal particle-laden mixtures following localised forced ignition: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2015
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport and Its Modelling for Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Combustion2015
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical Analysis of the Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction Gradients in Flames Propagating into Droplet Mist: A DNS Analysis2015
Johannes Sellmann
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of Flame Surface Density transport in head on quenching of turbulent premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2015
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of scalar dissipation rate for head on quenching of turbulent premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2015
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A posteriori testing of the Flame Surface Density transport equation for LES2014
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Algebraic Closure of Scalar Dissipation Rate for Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Combustion2014
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori and a-posteriori analysis of algebraic flame surface density modelling in the context of large eddy simulation of turbulent premixed combustion2014
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Boundary condition effects on laminar natural convection of powerlaw fluids in a square enclosure heated from below with differentially heated horizontal walls2014
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent premixed flame-droplet interaction2014
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Energy Deposition Characteristics in Localised Forced Ignition of Turbulent Homogeneous Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) Analysis2014
Dr Tamir Brosh
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Equivalence Ratio and Turbulent Velocity Fluctuation on Early Stages of Pulverised Coal Combustion Following Localised Ignition: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2014
Jiawei Lai
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis Number on Head on Quenching of Turbulent Premixed Flame: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2014
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of mixture distribution on localised forced ignition of globally stoichiometric stratified mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study2014
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of sub–grid velocity fluctuation closure on LES modelling of Scalar Dissipation Rate2014
Dr Tamir Brosh
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Ignition of pulverized coal particle-laden mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2014
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influences of boundary conditions on laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated side walls2014
Yuan Gao
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Local Strain Rate and Curvature Dependences of Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in Turbulent Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2014
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Localised forced ignition of globally stoichiometric stratified mixtures: A numerical investigation2014
Dr Tamir Brosh
Dipal Patel
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Localised Forced Ignition of Pulverised Coal Particle-Laden Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2014
Dipal Patel
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Localised Forced Ignition of Stratified Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) Analysis2014
Mohit Katragadda
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the curvature term in the Flame surface density transport equation: a direct numerical simulations based analysis2014
Mohit Katragadda
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the Strain Rate Contribution to the Flame Surface Density Transport for Non-Unity Lewis Number Flames in Large Eddy Simulations2014
Mohit Katragadda
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the Tangential Strain Rate Term in the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation in the Context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulations: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2014
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar dissipation rate transport and its modelling for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion: A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2014
Yuan GAO
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in the Context of Large Eddy Simulations for Turbulent Premixed Flames with Non-Unity Lewis Number2014
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis of premixed flame droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation investigation2014
Dr Daniel Wacks
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis of the effects of droplets on premixed flame propagation: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2014
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of vorticity alignment with local strain rates in turbulent premixed flames2014
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Streamline segment statistics of turbulent premixed flames with nonunity Lewis numbers2014
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Validation and Implementation of algebraic LES modelling of Scalar Dissipation Rate for reaction rate closure in turbulent premixed combustion2014
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Direct Numerical Simulation-Based Analysis of Entropy Generation in Turbulent Premixed Flames2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A posteriori testing of algebraic flame surface density models for LES2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Algebraic closure of Scalar Dissipation Rate for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-posteriori testing of Algebraic Flame Surface Density models for LES2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation modelling of co-variance transport in turbulent stratified flames2013
Mohit Katragadda
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori DNS modelling of the strain rate term of the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation in the context of LES2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Aspect ratio and boundary conditions effects on laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in a rectangular enclosure with differentially heated side walls2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Conditional velocity statistics for high and low Damköhler number turbulent premixed combustion in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Determination of three-dimensional quantities related to scalar dissipation rate and its transport from two-dimensional measurements: Direct Numerical Simulation based validation2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on conditional fluid velocity statistics in low Damkohler number turbulent premixed combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of turbulent Reynolds number on turbulent scalar flux transport in premixed flames2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in a square enclosure submitted from below to a uniform heat flux density2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in a square enclosure submitted from below to a uniform heat flux density2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Large Eddy Simulation of premixed combustion using SDR approach2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent premixed combustion2013
Mohit Katragadda
Yuan Gao
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the strain rate contribution to the FSD transport for non-unity Lewis number flames in LES2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Reynolds Number Effects on Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport and Its Modeling in Turbulent Premixed Combustion2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar dissipation rate modelling for Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent premixed flames2013
Yuan Gao
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar dissipation rate transport in the context of LES for turbulent premixed flames with non-unity Lewis number2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in the Context of LES of Premixed Turbulent Flames: A DNS Analysis2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis and a-priori modelling of flame surface density transport in turbulent stratified flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviours of scalar dissipation rate transport equation terms for turbulent premixed flames in the context of Large Eddy Simulations2013
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction Gradients from DNS of Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of the scalar dissipation rate using Direct Numerical Simulations and Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence data2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Streamline segment analysis of turbulent premixed flames2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulent Reynolds number dependence of Flame Surface Density transport in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulations2013
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Unsteady effects in laminar premixed flames with transverse mixture stratification2013
Mohit Katragadda
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Modelling of the Curvature Term of the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation for Nonunity Lewis Number Flames in the Context of Large Eddy Simulations2012
Mohit Katragadda
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori DNS assessment of wrinkling factor based algebraic Flame Surface Density models in the context of Large Eddy Simulations for non-unity Lewis number flames in the thin reaction zones regime2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori DNS modelling of the turbulent scalar fluxes for low Damköhler number stratified flames2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Boundary condition effects on natural convection of Bingham fluids in a square enclosure with differentially heated horizontal walls2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Boundary condition effects on natural convection of Bingham fluids in a square enclosure with differentially heated horizontal walls.2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Displacement Speed Statistics for Stratified Mixture Combustion in an Igniting Turbulent Planar Jet2012
Dr Yuefen Gao
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of curvature and tangential strain rate on scalar dissipation rate transport of turbulent premixed flames in the thin reaction zone regime2012
Mohit Katragadda
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation for LES2012
Mohit Katragadda
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Turbulent Reynolds Number on the Performance of Algebraic Flame Surface Density Models for Large Eddy Simulation in the Thin Reaction Zones Regime: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influences of boundary conditions on laminar natural convection in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated side walls2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar Natural Convection of Power-Law Fluids in a Square Enclosure With Differentially Heated Sidewalls Subjected to Constant Wall Heat Flux2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection of yield stress fluids in a square enclosure2012
Mohit Katragadda
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation for Large Eddy Simulations2012
Mohit Katragadda
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation for Large Eddy Simulations2012
Mohit Katragadda
Dr Sean Malkeson
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulation2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Non-unity Lewis number effects on turbulent premixed combustion closure: A Direct Numerical Simulation analysis2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy in turbulent premixed flames2012
Mohit Katragadda
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour of the curvature term of the FSD transport equation in the context of RANS2012
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Alignment statistics of active and passive scalar gradients in turbulent stratified flames2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of Flame Surface Density transport for turbulent stratified flames in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori DNS modelling of co-variance transport in turbulent stratified flames2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Aspect ratio effects in laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated side walls2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Comparison of 2D and 3D density-weighted displacement speed statistics and implications for laser based measurements of flame displacement speed using direct numerical simulation data2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Determination of 3D Flame Surface Density variables from 2D measurements: Validation using Direct Numerical Simulation2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on Flame Surface Density transport in the context of Large Eddy Simulation2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on Flame Surface Density transport in turbulent premixed combustion2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on scalar variance transport in turbulent premixed flames2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Mohit Katragadda
Effects of Lewis number on turbulent kinetic energy transport in turbulent premixed combustion2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Turbulent Reynolds number on the displacement speed statistics in the Thin Reaction Zones regime turbulent premixed combustion2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in a square enclosure with vertical walls subjected to constant heat flux2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the curvature term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation for Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the tangential strain rate term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulation2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Natural convection of power law fluids in enclosures2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of localised forced ignition of quiescent globally stoichiometric stratified mixtures2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Physics and modelling of turbulent transport2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar dissipation rate approach to reaction rate closure2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis and modelling of turbulent fuel mass fraction flux in turbulent stratified flames using Direct Numerical Simulations2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis of cross scalar dissipation rate transport in turbulent partially premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis of scalar dissipation rate transport in turbulent partially premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics and modelling of turbulent kinetic energy transport in different regimes of premixed combustion2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of Conditional Fluid Velocity in the Corrugated Flamelets Regime of Turbulent Premixed Combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of cross-scalar dissipation rate based on reaction progress variable and mixture fraction for turbulent stratified flames: A DNS study2011
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of algebraic models of variances and scalar dissipation rates for Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulations for low Damköhler number turbulent partially-premixed combustion2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori DNS assessment of algebraic LES Flame Surface Density models for non-unity Lewis number flames in the thin reaction zones regime2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Comparison of FSD models for LES2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Computational analysis of the effects of process parameters on molten pool transport in Copper-Nickel dissimilar laser weld pool2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on scalar dissipation transport and its modelling implications for turbulent premixed combustion2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects on fuel Lewis number on localised forced ignition of turbulent mixing layers2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in a rectangular cavity with differently heated side walls: A numerical study2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Laminar natural convection of Bingham fluids in a square enclosure with differentially heated side walls2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of fuel mass fraction variance transport in turbulent stratified flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Natural convection of yield stress fluids in enclosures2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of edge flame propagation behaviour in an igniting turbulent planar jet2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis of co-variance transport in low Damköhler number number turbulent stratified flames: a DNS study2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis of displacement speed in turbulent stratified flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis of fuel mass fraction variance transport in turbulent partially-premixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The scalar gradient alignment statistics of flame kernels and its modelling implications for turbulent premixed combustion2010
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation analysis of the Flame Surface Density transport equation in the context of Large Eddy Simulation2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent flame expansion in fine sprays2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of global flame curvature on the Surface Density Function transport in Turbulent premixed flame kernels in the Thin Reaction Zones regime2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on scalar transport in turbulent premixed flames2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on the reactive scalar gradient alignment with local strain rate in turbulent premixed flames2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on turbulent scalar transport and its modelling in turbulent premixed flames2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of non-unity Lewis number effects on scalar dissipation rate transport in turbulent premixed flames2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical investigation of edge flame propagation behaviour in an igniting turbulent planar jet2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Physical insight and modelling for Lewis number effects on turbulent heat and mass transport in turbulent premixed flames2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar Dissipation Rate Modeling and its Validation2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar Dissipation rate transport modelling of partially premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS)2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical analysis of displacement speed in partially premixed flames using DNS2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The effects of Lewis number of the fuel on Displacement Speed of Edge Flames in Igniting Turbulent Mixing Layers2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The effects of turbulence on molten pool transport during melting and solidification processes in continuous laser welding of copper-nickel dissimilar couple2009
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A priori assessment of closures for scalar dissipation rate transport in turbulent premixed flames using direct numerical simulation2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A priori direct numerical simulation assessment of algebraic flame surface density models for turbulent premixed flames in the context of large eddy simulation2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
An algebraic model for scalar dissipation rate in Turbulent Premixed Flames2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of Scalar Dissipation rate transport in combusting stratified charge mixtures using Direct Numerical Simulations2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation of localised forced ignition of turbulent mixing layers: the effects of mixture fraction and its gradient2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Lewis number on the scalar flux in turbulent premixed flames2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of Prandtl Number in molten pool transport and thermal transport regimes in surface melting processes2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of strain rate and curvature on Surface Density Function transport in turbulent premixed CH4-air and H2-air flames: A comparative study2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of turbulence on self-sustained combustion in premixed flame kernels: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of Lewis number on the Surface Density Function transport in the thin reaction zones regime for turbulent premixed flames2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The effects of initial kernel radius on the Surface Density transport in turbulent flame kernels2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Thermal transport regimes and effects of Prandtl number in molten pool transport in laser surface melting processes2008
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A priori analysis of the curvature and propagation terms of the flame surface density transport equation for large eddy simulation2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A-priori Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) analysis of algebraic Flame Surface Density models for turbulent premixed flames in the context of Large Eddy Simulation (LES)2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Analysis of direct numerical simulations of ignition fronts in turbulent non-premixed flames in the context of conditional moment closure2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Comparison of displacement speed statistics of turbulent premixed flames in the regimes representing combustion in Corrugated Flamelets and the Thin Reaction Zones2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of turbulence on spark ignition in inhomogeneous mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of Damköhler number on turbulence-scalar interaction in premixed flames, Part I: Physical Insight2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of Damköhler number on turbulence-scalar interaction in premixed flames, Part II: Model Development2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Measurement of Flame Surface Density for turbulent premixed flames using PLIF and DNS2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of turbulent molten pool convection in laser welding of a copper–nickel dissimilar couple2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar dissipation rate transport in the corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes for turbulent premixed flames2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Scalar dissipation rate transport in the corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes for turbulent premixed flames2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Stretch rate effects on displacement speed in turbulent premixed flame kernels in the thin reaction zones regime2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
The effects of mixture fraction and its gradient on the localised ignition of turbulent mixing layer2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Thermal transport regimes and generalized regime diagrams for high energy surface melting processes2007
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of droplets with spark ignition2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Distinct influences of turbulence in momentum, heat and mass transfers during melt pool convection in a typical laser surface alloying process2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effect of process parameters in transport phenomena in laser surface alloying process2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of initial radius on the propagation of spherical premixed flame kernels in turbulent environment2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of strain rate and curvature on the propagation of a spherical flame kernel in the thin reaction zones regime2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of turbulence on self-sustained combustion in premixed flame kernels: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of Damköhler Number on scalar dissipation rate modelling in turbulent premixed flames2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of Lewis Number on strain rate effects in turbulent premixed flame propagation in the thin reaction zones regime2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of conditional turbulent flux terms in igniting turbulent non-premixed flames in the context of Conditional Moment Closure2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of the curvature and propagation terms of the Flame Surface Density (FSD) transport equation in the context of Large Eddy Simulation (LES)2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Numerical Investigation of edge flame propagation characteristics in turbulent mixing layers2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistical behaviour and modelling of flame normal vector in turbulent premixed flames2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Statistics of the conditional scalar dissipation from DNS and experiments2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulence modelling strategies in molten pool convection in laser-aided surface processing of materials2006
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
[PhD thesis] Fundamental study of turbulent premixed combustion using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)2005
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) analysis of the transport equation for Flame Surface Density (FSD) in the context of Large Eddy Simulation2005
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Curvature and wrinkling of premixed flame kernels-Comparisons of OH PLIF and DNS data2005
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of strain rate and curvature on flame displacement speed in a spherical kernel in the thin reaction zones regime2005
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of strain rate and curvature on Surface Density Function transport in turbulent premixed flames in the thin reaction zones regime2005
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effects of turbulence on spark ignition in inhomogeneous mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study2005
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influence of Lewis Number on curvature effects in turbulent premixed flame propagation in the thin reaction zones regime2005
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Influences of positive and negative surface tension coefficients on laminar and turbulent weld pool convection in a Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Process: A comparative study2005
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A priori investigation for flame wrinkling in large eddy simulation2004
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A scaling analysis of turbulent transport in laser surface alloying process2004
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of turbulent transport in laser surface alloying2004
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Mutual interaction of flame normal components in turbulent premixed flames2004
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Three dimensional modelling of turbulent weld pool convection in GTAW process2004
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Turbulent premixed flame propagation: A comparison of spherical kernels and planar flames2004
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Unsteady effects of strain rate and curvature on turbulent premixed flames in an inlet-outlet configuration2004
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of turbulent transport in arc welding pools2003
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Modelling of turbulent transport in laser surface alloying2003
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Studies on turbulent momentum, heat and species transport in binary alloy solidification in a top cooled rectangular cavity2003
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Tangential strain rate and curvature effects on the displacement speed of an unsteady turbulent premixed flame in a quasi-stationary configuration2003
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A generalized object-oriented computational method for simulation of power and process cycles2002
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
Effect of process parameters on turbulent convection on arc welding pools2002
Professor Nilanjan Chakraborty
A k-epsilon model for turbulent convection in Gas Tungsten Arc Weld pools [ME Thesis]2001