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Browsing publications by Dr Tina Biss.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Tina Biss
Systematic analysis of the design, methodology, and patient population characteristics of the pediatric direct oral anticoagulant trials of venous thromboembolism treatment2025
Dr Tina Biss
Apixaban overdose in children: case report and proposed management. A brief communication from the Pediatric and Neonatal Thrombosis and Hemostasis SSC of ISTH2024
Dr Tina Biss
Considerations for instituting pediatric pulmonary embolism response teams: A tool kit2024
Dr Peter Carey
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Geoff Shenton
Dr Tina Biss
Professor Roderick Skinner
et al.
Allogenic haematopoeitic stem cell transplant as cure for severe transfusion-dependent non-dominant hereditary spherocytosis due to homozygous SPTA1 mutation2023
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Paul Brennan
Philip Griffiths
Professor Rita Horvath
Professor Patrick Chinnery
et al.
GWAS meta-analysis of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy implicates multiple hepatic genes and regulatory elements2022
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Katherine Talks
Immune tolerance induction in severe haemophilia A: A UKHCDO inhibitor and paediatric working party consensus update2021
Dr Tina Biss
Pediatric May-Thurner Syndrome—Systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis2021
Dr Tina Biss
Professor Farhad Kamali
CYP2C9, VKORC1, and CYP4F2 polymorphisms and pediatric warfarin maintenance dose: a systematic review and meta-analysis2020
Dr Tina Biss
Consensus-based clinical recommendations and research priorities for anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis in children hospitalized for COVID-19–related illness2020
Dr Katherine Talks
Dr Tina Biss
Guidelines on the use of prophylactic factor replacement for children and adults with Haemophilia A and B2020
Dr Tina Biss
PROTECT VIII Kids: BAY 94-9027 (PEGylated Recombinant Factor VIII) safety and efficacy in previously treated children with severe haemophilia A2020
Dr Tina Biss
Dr John Hanley
Therapeutic metamorphosis: Findings from a grounded theory study of the impact of low-dose prophylaxis in children living with haemophilia in India2020
Dr Tina Biss
A HaemSTAR-led, UK-wide 'flash-mob' audit of intravenous immunoglobulin use in immune thrombocytopenia2019
Dr Tina Biss
Characterization and treatment of congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura2019
Dr Lee Ferguson
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Tina Biss
Monitoring of Antiplatelet Therapy in Children on Ventricular Assist Device Support: Comparsion of Multiplate and Thromboelastography Platelet Mapping2019
Dr Kathryn Musgrave
Dr Peter Carey
Dr Tina Biss
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms in Children and Adolescents and Thrombosis at Unusual Sites: The Role of Driver Mutations2019
Dr Tina Biss
Results of a multinational survey of diagnostic and management practices of thromboembolic pulmonary embolism in children2019
Dr Tina Biss
BSH Guideline: Management of thrombotic and haemostatic issues in paediatric malignancy2018
Dr Tina Biss
Clinical presentation and therapeutic management of venous thrombosis in young children: A retrospective analysis2018
Dr Tina Biss
Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Children With Hemophilia A2018
Dr Tina Biss
Identifying Children with HEreditary Coagulation disorders (iCHEC): A protocol for a prospective cohort study2018
Dr Tina Biss
Pulmonary embolism in childhood: How can we be sure not to miss it?2018
Dr Tom Creasey
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Peter Carey
Pyridoxine-sensitive X-linked ‘sideroblastic’ anaemia in the absence of ring sideroblasts – molecular diagnosis2018
Dr Tina Biss
Recommendations for future research in relation to pediatric pulmonary embolism: Communication from the SSC of the ISTH2018
Dr Emma Kampouraki
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Hilary Wynne
Dr Tina Biss
Dr John Hanley
et al.
Assessment of the efficacy of a novel tailored vitamin K dosing regimen in lowering the International Normalised Ratio in over-anticoagulated patients: A randomised clinical trial2017
Dr Emma Kampouraki
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Tina Biss
Professor Farhad Kamali
Association between CYP4F2 genotype and circulating plasma vitamin K concentration in children on chronic warfarin therapy: Possible long-term implications for bone development and vascular health2017
Dr Kate Musgrave
Dr Frederik van Delft
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Tina Biss
Cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in children and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia – a cohort study from the United Kingdom2017
Dr Tina Biss
Professor John Dark
Descending aortic aneurysm in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: options for repair2017
Dr Kate Musgrave
Kat Webber
Dr Peter Avery
Dr Tina Biss
Evaluation of the age-dependent dosing recommendations for the administration of daily tinzaparin in children with thrombosis2017
Dr Tina Biss
Pulmonary embolism and in situ pulmonary artery thrombosis in paediatrics: A systematic review2017
Dr Tina Biss
Strategies to prevent and manage thrombotic complications of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and young people vary between centers in the United Kingdom2016
Dr Tina Biss
Venous Thromboembolism in Children: Is It Preventable?2016
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Katherine Talks
Whole exome sequencing identifies genetic variants in inherited thrombocytopenia with secondary qualitative function defects2016
Dr John Hanley
Dr Katherine Talks
Dr Tina Biss
Paul Fearon
Bilateral upper limb compartment syndrome induced by strenuous exercise in a patient with haemophilia A and a low titre inhibitor2015
Dr John Hanley
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Katherine Talks
Professor Colin Wilson
Interventions for preventing thrombosis in solid organ transplant recipients2015
Dr Kate Musgrave
Dr Frederik van Delft
Dr Tina Biss
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis As a Complication of Treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in Children and Young Adults2014
Dr Tina Biss
Dr Peter Avery
Emily Swinburne
Professor Farhad Kamali
Maintenance warfarin dose in children is determined by S-warfarin clearance which is in turn influenced by CYP2C9 genotype2014