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Browsing publications by Dr Richard Holliday.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
An ‘Index of Oro-dental Disease’: A holistic method for understanding the impacts of different risk factors on oral health in archaeological populations2025
Joshua Jackson
Dr Richard Holliday
The impact of e-cigarette use on periodontal health: a systematic review and meta-analysis2025
Joshua Jackson
Bronagh McGuckin
Dr Richard Holliday
An update on e-cigarettes and orthodontics2024
James Allison
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Justin Durham
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Bioaerosols and Airborne Transmission in the Dental Clinic2024
Anthony Weke
Dr Richard Holmes
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Dr Roland Finch
Chrissie Butcher
et al.
Delivering smoking cessation interventions in NHS primary dental care - lessons from the ENHANCE-D trial2024
Dr Richard Holliday
Smokeless Tobacco Cessation Support in Dental Hospitals in Pakistan: Dentists and Dental Patients’ Perspectives on Current Practices, Support Needed, and Opportunities Available2024
Dr Richard Holmes
Dr Richard Holliday
Smoking cessation interventions in NHS primary dental care: the ENHANCE-D trial2024
Rijula Karanjkar
Professor Janice Ellis
Dr Richard Holliday
Effect of tobacco and nicotine in causing staining of dental hard tissues and dental materials: A systematic review and meta‐analysis2023
Dr Richard Holliday
Anthony Weke
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Misleading and worrying2023
Joshua Jackson
Anthony Weke
Dr Richard Holliday
Nicotine pouches: a review for the dental team2023
Dr Richard Holliday
Behaviour change intervention for smokeless tobacco (ST) cessation delivered through dentists within a dental setting: a feasibility study protocol2022
Anthony Weke
Dr Richard Holliday
Electronic cigarettes: an update on products, regulation, public health approaches and oral health2022
Christopher O'Connor
Dr Richard Holliday
General dental practitioner views on the current and future provision of advanced NHS restorative dentistry services: a cross-sectional survey in England2022
James Allison
Christopher Dowson
Kimberley Pickering
Greta Cervinskyte
Professor Justin Durham
et al.
Local Exhaust Ventilation to Control Dental Aerosols and Droplets2022
Dr Edgar Beltran Zuniga
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
James Allison
Monkeypox: what do dental professionals need to know?2022
James Allison
Christopher Dowson
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Dr Christopher Nile
Professor Justin Durham
et al.
Waterline Disinfectants Reduce Dental Bioaerosols: A Multitracer Validation2022
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
Dr Ralf Kist
Professor Philip Preshaw
Electronic Cigarettes and Oral Health2021
Dr Hayley Llandro
James Allison
Dr Charlotte Currie
David Edwards
Charlotte Bowes
et al.
Evaluating aerosol and splatter during orthodontic debonding: implications for the COVID-19 pandemic2021
James Allison
Dr Charlotte Currie
David Edwards
Charlotte Bowes
Jamie Coulter
et al.
Evaluating aerosol and splatter following dental procedures: Addressing new challenges for oral health care and rehabilitation2021
Dr Richard Holliday
James Allison
Dr Charlotte Currie
David Edwards
Charlotte Bowes
et al.
Evaluating contaminated dental aerosol and splatter in an open plan clinic environment: Implications for the COVID-19 pandemic2021
Dr Richard Holliday
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Philip Preshaw
Interventions for tobacco cessation delivered by dental professionals2021
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Richard Holliday
Kimberley Pickering
No benefit of an adjunctive phototherapy protocol in treatment of periodontitis: A split-mouth randomized controlled trial2021
Dr Richard Holliday
Oral and periodontal implications of tobacco and nicotine products2021
James Allison
David Edwards
Charlotte Bowes
Kimberley Pickering
Christopher Dowson
et al.
The effect of high-speed dental handpiece coolant delivery and design on aerosol and droplet production2021
Dr Susan Bissett
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Chris Vernazza
Professor Philip Preshaw
Exploring the use of mouth guards in Muay Thai: a questionnaire survey2020
Dr Richard Holliday
Vicky Ryan
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Philip Preshaw
Letter to the editor regarding “Impact of cigarette smoking and vaping on the outcome of full-mouth ultrasonic scaling among patients with gingival inflammation: a prospective study”2020
Dr Richard Holliday
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Dr Suzanne McDonald
et al.
Perceived influences on smoking behaviour and perceptions of dentist-delivered smoking cessation advice: A qualitative interview study2020
Emily Carter
Dr Charlotte Currie
Bis Asuni
Sarah Simpson
Dr Christopher Donnell
et al.
The first six weeks - setting up a UK urgent dental care centre during the COVID-19 pandemic2020
James Allison
Dr Graham Walton
Dr Ben Cole
Professor Justin Durham
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
et al.
Ventilation is key, open a window2020
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Vicky Ryan
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Dr Suzanne McDonald
et al.
A feasibility study with embedded pilot randomised controlled trial and process evaluation of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation in patients with periodontitis2019
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Effect of nicotine on human gingival, periodontal ligament and oral epithelial cells. A systematic review of the literature2019
Dr Claire Field
Dr Heidi Bateman
Dr Richard Holliday
Dr Robert Wassell
Clinical Performance2018
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Richard Holliday
Dental professionals’ opinions and knowledge of smoking cessation and electronic cigarettes: a cross-sectional survey in the north of England2018
Dr Richard Holliday
Vicky Ryan
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Philip Preshaw
Letter to the editor: RE: Comparison of periodontal parameters and self‐perceived oral symptoms among cigarette smokers, individuals vaping electronic cigarettes and never‐smokers: A pilot study2018
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Smoking: Developing the evidence base2018
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Tobacco education in UK dental schools: A survey of current practice2018
Dr Nadia Rostami
Professor Alastair Hawkins
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
et al.
A Critical Role for Extracellular DNA in Dental Plaque Formation2017
Dr Richard Holliday
Dr Ralf Kist
Professor Philip Preshaw
E-cigarettes and oral health: a balanced viewpoint2017
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Smoking cessation: The role of e-cigarettes2017
Dr Richard Holliday
Dr Ralf Kist
E-cigarette vapour is not inert and exposure can lead to cell damage2016
Dr Richard Holliday
Stewart Barclay
Matthew Garnett
Fiona Stacey
Acidic Saliva Substitutes2015
Professor Peter Heasman
Dr Richard Holliday
Andrew Bryant
Professor Philip Preshaw
Evidence for the occurrence of gingival recession and non-carious cervical lesions as a consequence of traumatic toothbrushing2015
Dr Richard Holliday
Operator's ability at assessing a high speed (air turbine) handpiece prior to use: an audit2015
Dr Richard Holliday
Operator's ability at assessing a high-speed (air turbine) handpiece before use: an audit2015
Dr Richard Holliday
The Dental Perspective on Electronic Cigarettes: the good, the bad and the ugly2015
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Philip Preshaw
Professor Nicholas Jakubovics
The ultrastructure of subgingival dental plaque, revealed by high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy2015
Dr Richard Holliday
Margaret Corson
Electronic cigarettes: harm reduction or another addiction?; the dental perspective2014
Dr Richard Holliday
Nichola Lush
Jonathan Chapple
Francis Nohl
Dr Ben Cole
et al.
Hypodontia: Aesthetics and Function. Part 2: Management.2014
Nichola Lush
Dr Richard Holliday
Jonathan Chapple
Francis Nohl
Dr Ben Cole
et al.
Hypodontia: Aesthetics and Functions Part 1: Aetiology and the Problems2014
Dr Richard Holliday
Aws Alani
Traditional and Contemporary Techniques for Optimizing Root Canal Irrigation2014
Professor Philip Preshaw
Dr Richard Holliday
Professor Peter Heasman
Outcomes of non-surgical periodontal treatment by dental hygienists in training: impact of site- and patient-level factors2013
Dr Richard Holliday
Emma Beecroft
Bilateral mandibular premolar dens invaginations: a case report2012
Dr Richard Holliday
Superior position of the mandibular foramen and the necessary alterations in the local anaesthetic technique: a case report.2011
Dr Richard Holliday
The Golden Proportion2011
Dr Richard Holliday
A clinical audit into record keeping in oral surgery2010
Duaa Turani
Dr Richard Holliday
Resin-Composite Restorations, Can They Be Repaired Using Any Composite System?2010