Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Using an inferior decoy alternative to nudge COVID-19 vaccination | 2025 |
Alison Barnes Tara Kelly Keaton Irvine Dr Carl Peters Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya et al. | 5-year follow-up of the randomised Diabetes RemissionClinical Trial (DiRECT) of continued support for weight lossmaintenance in the UK: an extension study | 2024 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Associations of adherence to physical activity and dietary recommendations with weight recurrence 1–5 years after metabolic and bariatric surgery | 2024 |
Neha Jain Emma Adams Dr Emma Joyes Gillian McLellan Martin Burrows et al. | Engagement and access to support for oral health, substance use, smoking and diet by people with severe and multiple disadvantage: A qualitative study | 2024 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Evaluating the Let's Move It intervention programme theory for adolescents' physical activity: Theorized psychosocial mechanisms of behavioural changes | 2024 |
Dr Devashish Ray Raenhha Dhami Aritra Mukherjee Dr Jan Lecouturier Dr Laura McGowan et al. | Exploring personality correlates of falsification of COVID-19 lateral flow tests through vignettes | 2024 |
Neha Jain Emma Adams Dr Emma Joyes Gillian McLellan Dr Laura McGowan et al. | Factors affecting implementation of interventions for oral health, substance use, smoking and diet for people with severe and multiple disadvantage: a community-based qualitative study in England. | 2024 |
Deepti John Emma Adams Dr Laura McGowan Dr Emma Joyes Catherine Richmond et al. | Factors influencing implementation and sustainability of interventions to improve oral health and related health behaviours in adults experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage: a mixed-methods systematic review | 2024 |
Dr Devashish Ray Raenhha Dhami Dr Jan Lecouturier Dr Laura McGowan Aritra Mukherjee et al. | Falsification of home rapid antigen lateral flow tests during the COVID-19 pandemic | 2024 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Furthering Scientific Inquiry for Weight Loss Maintenance: Assessing the Psychological Processes Impacted by a Low intensity Technology-Assisted Intervention (NULevel Trial) | 2024 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Healthcare Professionals' Responses to Complaints: A Qualitative Interview Study With Patients, Carers and Healthcare Professionals Using the Theoretical Domains Framework and COM-B Model | 2024 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| How do behavioral public policy experts see the role of complex systems perspectives? An expert interview study | 2024 |
Dr Laura McGowan Deepti John Dr Ryan Kenny Dr Emma Joyes Emma Adams et al. | Improving oral health and related health behaviours (substance use, smoking, diet) in people with severe and multiple disadvantage: A systematic review of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions | 2024 |
Dr Jamie Catlow Professor Linda Sharp Dr Liya Lu Dr Rashmi Bhardwaj-Gosling Dr Emmanuel Ogundimu et al. | Nationally Automated Colonoscopy Performance Feedback Increases Polyp Detection: The NED APRIQOT Randomized Controlled Trial | 2024 |
Jan Lecouturier Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Reaching national Covid-19 vaccination targets whilst decreasing inequalities in vaccine uptake: Public health teams' challenges in supporting disadvantaged populations | 2024 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Statistical analysis plan for a cluster randomised controlled trial to compare screening, feedback and intervention for child anxiety problems to usual school practice: identifying Child Anxiety Through Schools-identification to intervention (iCATS-i2i) | 2024 |
Dr Giorgia Perri Professor John Mathers Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz Dr Craig Parker Professor Dame Louise Robinson et al. | The association between selenium status and global and attention specific cognition in very old adults in The Newcastle 85+ Study: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses | 2024 |
Professor Nicola Heslehurst Catherine McParlin Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Judith Rankin Dr Lisa Crowe et al. | The Gestational Obesity Weight Management: Implementation of National Guidelines (GLOWING) study: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial | 2024 |
Dr Laura McGowan Dr Fiona Graham Jan Lecouturier Dr Carlos Echevarria Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | The Views and Experiences of Integrated Care System Commissioners About the Adoption and Implementation of Virtual Wards in England: Qualitative Exploration Study | 2024 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Louis Goffe
| Understanding healthcare professionals' responses to patient complaints in secondary and tertiary care in the UK: A systematic review and behavioural analysis using the Theoretical Domains Framework | 2024 |
Louis Goffe Dr Fiona Graham Jan Lecouturier Dr Mei Yee Tang Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Understanding the public’s decision-making about seasonal flu vaccination during a pandemic: Application of the precaution adoption process model | 2024 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| "I am fatigued of being stigmatized": On the need to investigate stigma-related barriers to physical activity Je suis fatigué.e d'être stigmatisé.e » : Sur la nécessité d'étudier les barrières à l'activité physique liées à la stigmatisation | 2023 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| A dual process model to predict adolescents’ screen time and physical activity | 2023 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Associations of changes in physical activity and sedentary time with weight recurrence after bariatric surgery: a 5-year prospective study | 2023 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Beyond Individual Cognitions: Time for Intervention Science to Focus on Health Context and Audience | 2023 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Exploratory analysis of reflective, reactive, and homeostatic eating behaviour traits on weight change during the 18-month NoHoW weight maintenance trial | 2023 |
Deepti John Emma Adams Dr Laura McGowan Catherine Richmond Fiona Beyer et al. | Exploring factors that influence implementation and sustainability of interventions to improve oral health and related health behaviours in adults experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage: A mixed-methods systematic review | 2023 |
Professor Laura Ternent Tom Robinson Irene Soulsby David Green Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Exploring views of members of the public and policymakers on the acceptability of population level dietary and active-travel policies: a qualitative study | 2023 |
Deepti John Dr Laura McGowan Dr Ryan Kenny Dr Emma Joyes Emma Adams et al. | Interventions to improve oral health and related health behaviours of substance use, smoking, and diet in people with severe and multiple disadvantage: a systematic review of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness | 2023 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Long-Term Effect of Weight Regain Following Behavioral Weight Management Programs on Cardiometabolic Disease Incidence and Risk: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2023 |
Professor Nicola Heslehurst Dr Emer Cullen Professor Judith Rankin Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Maternal Obesity and Patterns in Postnatal Diet, Physical Activity and Weight among a Highly Deprived Population in the UK: The GLOWING Pilot Trial | 2023 |
Professor Nicola Heslehurst Cath McParlin Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Judith Rankin Emerita Professor Elaine McColl et al. | Midwives' survey of their weight management practice before and after the GLOWING guideline implementation intervention: A pilot cluster randomised controlled trial | 2023 |
Dr Morgan Beeson Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Natural experiments for the evaluation of place-based public health interventions: a methodology scoping review | 2023 |
Professor Mike Trenell Dr Renae Stefanetti Dr Sarah Charman Alison Barnes Dr Carl Peters et al. | Physical activity, inactivity and sleep during the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) | 2023 |
Louis Goffe Dr Fiona Graham Dr Mei Yee Tang Jan Lecouturier Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Using the precaution adoption process model to understand decision-making about the COVID-19 booster vaccine in England | 2023 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Weight regain after behavioural weight management programmes and its impact on quality of life and cost effectiveness: Evidence synthesis and health economic analyses | 2023 |
Dr Devashish Ray Professor Falko Sniehotta Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Louisa Jane Ells Gill O'Neill et al. | A collaborative approach to develop an intervention to strengthen health visitors' role in prevention of excess weight gain in children | 2022 |
Louis Goffe Dr Fiona Graham Jan Lecouturier Dr Mei Yee Tang Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | A comparison of seasonal influenza and novel Covid-19 vaccine intentions: a cross-sectional survey of vaccine hesitant adults in England during the 2020 pandemic | 2022 |
Dr Devashish Ray Professor Falko Sniehotta Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
| Barriers and facilitators to implementing practices for prevention of childhood obesity in primary care: a mixed methods systematic review. | 2022 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Effect of communicating community immunity on COVID-19 vaccine-hesitant people from ethnically diverse backgrounds: an experimental vignette study in the UK | 2022 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Identifying Child Anxiety Through Schools-identification to intervention (iCATS-i2i): protocol for single-arm feasibility trial | 2022 |
Dr Charlotte Currie Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Sally O'Keeffe
| Intervention Development for Health Behaviour Change: Integrating Evidence and the Perspectives of Users and Stakeholders. | 2022 |
Dr Keegan Knittle Dr Sarah Charman Dr Sophie O'Connell Dr Leah Avery Professor Mike Catt et al. | Movement as Medicine for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Pilot Feasibility Study of a Physical Activity Promotion Intervention for At-Risk Patients in Primary Care | 2022 |
Dr Fiona Graham Helen Martin Jan Lecouturier Professor Amy O'Donnell Dr Mei Yee Tang et al. | Shared medical appointments in English primary care for long-term conditions: a qualitative study of the views and experiences of patients, primary care staff and other stakeholders | 2022 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| A Theory- And Evidence-Based Digital Intervention Tool for Weight Loss Maintenance (NoHoW Toolkit): Systematic Development and Refinement Study | 2021 |
Louis Goffe Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Achieving long-term retention of GPs will require funding, support, and a reduction in workload demands | 2021 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Association between characteristics of behavioural weight loss programmes and weight change after programme end: Systematic review and meta-analysis | 2021 |
Dr Fiona Graham Dr Mei Yee Tang Dr Katherine Jackson Helen Martin Professor Amy O'Donnell et al. | Barriers and facilitators to implementation of shared medical appointments in primary care for the management of long-term conditions: A systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies | 2021 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Cancer prevention through weight control—where are we in 2020? | 2021 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Codesign and development of a primary school based pathway for child anxiety screening and intervention delivery: A protocol, mixed-methods feasibility study | 2021 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Professor Roy Taylor Alison Barnes Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Delivering the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) in primary care: Experiences of healthcare professionals | 2021 |
Louis Goffe Dr Mei Yee Tang Fiona Beyer Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Effectiveness of personal letters to healthcare professionals in changing professional behaviours: a systematic review protocol | 2021 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Kirby Sainsbury
| Evidence-Based Digital Tools for Weight Loss Maintenance: The NoHoW Project | 2021 |
Dr Emma Joyes Dr Laura McGowan Emma Adams Dr Hosein Shabaninejad Fiona Beyer et al. | Exploring interventions to improve the oral health and related health behaviours of adults experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage: protocol for a qualitative study with stakeholders | 2021 |
Louis Goffe Dr Fiona Graham Dr Mei Yee Tang Jan Lecouturier Professor Clare Bambra et al. | Factors associated with vaccine intention in adults living in England who either did not want or had not yet decided to be vaccinated against COVID-19 | 2021 |
Dr Laura McGowan Dr Emma Joyes Emma Adams Dr Aishah Coyte Catherine Richmond et al. | Investigating the Effectiveness and Acceptability of Oral Health and Related Health Behaviour Interventions in Adults with Severe and Multiple Disadvantage: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Systematic Review | 2021 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Investigating which behaviour change techniques work for whom in which contexts delivered by what means: Proposal for an international collaboratory of Centres for Understanding Behaviour Change (CUBiC) | 2021 |
Professor Nicola Heslehurst Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Judith Rankin Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
| Midwives' survey of weight management practices before and after implementation of the GLOWING guideline: a pilot, cluster, randomised controlled trial | 2021 |
Jan Lecouturier Dr Fiona Graham Dr Mei Yee Tang Louis Goffe Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Public understanding of COVID-19 antibody testing and test results: A qualitative study conducted in the U.K. early in the pandemic | 2021 |
Dominika Kwasnicka Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Setting performance and learning goals is useful for active and inactive individuals, if goals are personalized and flexible: commentary on Swann et al. (2020) | 2021 |
Dominika Kwasnicka Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Marta Marques
| The H2020 “NoHoW Project”: A Position Statement on Behavioural Approaches to Longer-Term Weight Management | 2021 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Active travelling to school is not associated with increased total daily physical activity levels, or reduced obesity and cardiovascular/pulmonary health parameters in 10–12-year olds: a cross-sectional cohort study | 2020 |
Dr Christopher Marshall Madeleine Still Akvile Stoniute Professor Dawn Craig Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Barriers and facilitators to organ donation in people from minority ethnic backgrounds: a logic model | 2020 |
Dr Christopher Marshall Madeleine Still Akvile Stoniute Professor Dawn Craig Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Barriers, facilitators and interventions concerning organ donation in people from minority ethnic backgrounds: updating the evidence base | 2020 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Sarah Steven Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Roy Taylor et al. | Behaviour change during dietary Type 2 diabetes remission: a longitudinal qualitative evaluation of an intervention using a very low energy diet | 2020 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| From Boulder to Stockholm in 70 Years: Single Case Experimental Designs in Clinical Research | 2020 |
Professor Emma Stevenson Dr Oliver Shannon Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Thomas Hill Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | NuBrain: UK consortium for optimal nutrition for healthy brain ageing | 2020 |
Dr Richard Holliday Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Professor Philip Preshaw Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Suzanne McDonald et al. | Perceived influences on smoking behaviour and perceptions of dentist-delivered smoking cessation advice: A qualitative interview study | 2020 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Anna Haste Dr Linda Penn Dr Ruth Bell Professor Martin White et al. | Stakeholders' perceptions and experiences of the National Health Service diabetes prevention programme in England: qualitative study with service users, intervention providers and deliverers, commissioners and referrers | 2020 |
Dr Laura McGowan Dr Emma Joyes Emma Adams Catherine Richmond Dr Hosein Shabaninejad et al. | Systematic review of oral health and related health behaviour interventions in adults with severe and multiple disadvantages | 2020 |
Dr Morven Brown Professor Linda Sharp Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Roderick Skinner Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | The development of health behaviour change interventions for childhood cancer survivors: The need for a behavioural science approach | 2020 |
Dr Luca Panzone Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Fred Lemke
| The effect of traffic-light labels and time pressure on estimating kilocalories and carbon footprint of food | 2020 |
Dr Jamie Catlow Professor Linda Sharp Dr Liya Lu Selina McCarthy Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | The National Endoscopy Database (NED) Automated Performance Reports to Improve Quality Outcomes Trial (APRIQOT) randomised control trial design | 2020 |
Dominika Kwaśnicka Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta
| ‘It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle’: a longitudinal, data-prompted interview study of weight loss maintenance | 2019 |
Dr Richard Holliday Professor Philip Preshaw Vicky Ryan Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Suzanne McDonald et al. | A feasibility study with embedded pilot randomised controlled trial and process evaluation of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation in patients with periodontitis | 2019 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Attribution of weight regain to emotional reasons amongst European adults with overweight and obesity who regained weight following a weight loss attempt | 2019 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Kirby Sainsbury Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Frauke Becker et al. | Behavioural intervention for weight loss maintenance vs. standard weight advice in adults with obesity: a randomised controlled trial in the UK (NULevel Trial) | 2019 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Keegan Knittle Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Combining the reasoned action approach and habit formation to reduce sitting time in classrooms: Outcome and process evaluation of the Let's Move It teacher intervention | 2019 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Kirby Sainsbury Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Marta Marques
| Corrigendum to “The complexity of self-regulating food intake in weight loss maintenance. A qualitative study among short- and long-term weight loss maintainers” [Soc. Sci. Med. 208 (2018) 18–24](S027795361830251X)(10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.05.016) | 2019 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Justin Presseau Dr Angela Rodrigues Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Developing Behavior Change Interventions for Self-Management in Chronic Illness | 2019 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Justin Presseau Dr Angela Rodrigues Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Developing Behavior Change Interventions for Self-Management in Chronic Illness: An Integrative Overview | 2019 |
Ali/Alison Barnes Dr Carl Peters Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya Dr Ahmad Al-Mrabeh Dr Kieren Hollingsworth et al. | Durability of a primary care-led weight-management intervention for remission of type 2 diabetes: 2-year results of the DiRECT open-label, cluster-randomised trial | 2019 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Evaluation of a personalised adherence intervention to improve photoprotection in adults with Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP): Protocol for the trial of XPAND | 2019 |
Dr James Durrand Professor Falko Sniehotta Angie Habgood Professor Gerard Danjoux
| Exploring patient attitudes to behaviour change before surgery to reduce peri-operative risk: preferences for short- vs. long-term behaviour change | 2019 |
Dr Sebastian Potthoff Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Matthew Breckons Dr Leah Avery et al. | Exploring the role of competing demands and routines during the implementation of a self-management tool for type 2 diabetes: a theory-based qualitative interview study | 2019 |
Dr Christopher Marshall Madeleine Still Jenny Hasenfuss Akvile Stoniute Professor Dawn Craig et al. | Identifying interventions to increase organ donation rates in people from minority ethnic backgrounds | 2019 |
Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Kirby Sainsbury Dr Marta Marques Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Prevalence and predictors of weight loss maintenance: a retrospective population‐based survey of European adults with overweight and obesity | 2019 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Psychological correlates of adherence to photoprotection in a rare disease: International survey of people with Xeroderma Pigmentosum | 2019 |
Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Falko Sniehotta
| The NoHoW protocol: a multicentre 2×2 factorial randomised controlled trial investigating an evidence-based digital toolkit for weight loss maintenance in European adults | 2019 |
Professor Martin White Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Joan Mackintosh Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | The Recognition-Response Gap in Acute Stroke: Examining the Relationship between Stroke Recognition and Response in a General Population Survey | 2019 |
Dr Sebastian Potthoff Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Marta Marques Fiona Beyer Dr Richard Thomson et al. | The relationship between habit and healthcare professional behaviour in clinical practice: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2019 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Using the critical incident technique for qualitative process evaluation of interventions: The example of the “Let's Move It” trial | 2019 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Miles Witham
| Association Between Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Opioid, Hypnotic, or Anticholinergic Medication Use in Older People: Data from the Physical Activity Cohort Scotland Study | 2018 |
Professor Roy Taylor Ali/Alison Barnes Dr Carl Peters Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya Dr Kieren Hollingsworth et al. | Clinical and metabolic features of the randomised controlled Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) cohort | 2018 |
Dr Justin Presseau Joan Mackintosh Dr Gillian Hawthorne Dr Jill Francis Professor Marie Johnston et al. | Cluster randomised controlled trial of a theory-based multiple behaviour change intervention aimed at healthcare professionals to improve their management of Type 2 diabetes in primary care | 2018 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Design and development of a complex narrative intervention delivered by text messages to reduce binge drinking among socially disadvantaged men | 2018 |
Professor Nicola Heslehurst Professor Judith Rankin Catherine McParlin Professor Falko Sniehotta Denise Howel et al. | GestationaL Obesity Weight management: Implementation of National Guidelines (GLOWING): A pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a guideline implementation intervention for the management of maternal obesity by midwives | 2018 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Natasha Kriznik Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Intervention strategies to improve nutrition and health behaviours before conception | 2018 |
Dr Linda Penn Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Anna Haste Dr Marta Marques Kirsten Budig et al. | NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in England: formative evaluation of the programme in early phase implementation | 2018 |
Ali/Alison Barnes Dr Carl Peters Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya Dr Ahmad Al-Mrabeh Dr Kieren Hollingsworth et al. | Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial | 2018 |
Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Kirby Sainsbury Dominika Kwasnicka Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Support needs of patients with obesity in primary care: a practice-list survey | 2018 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Texting to Reduce Alcohol Misuse (TRAM): main findings from a randomized controlled trial of a text message intervention to reduce binge drinking among disadvantaged men | 2018 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Kirby Sainsbury Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Marta Marques
| The complexity of self-regulating food intake in weight loss maintenance. A qualitative study among short- and long-term weight loss maintainers | 2018 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Rute Vieira Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Understanding and predicting a complex behaviour using n-of-1 methods: Photoprotection in xeroderma pigmentosum | 2018 |
Dr Anna Haste Dr Linda Penn Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Marta Marques Kirsten Budig et al. | Using evidence-based guidelines to inform service provision: a structured mapping exercise within the National Health Service Diabetes Prevention Programme in England | 2018 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Professor Falko Sniehotta
| A qualitative investigation of the role of emotion regulation in weight loss maintenance and its interaction with motivation and behavioural self-regulation | 2017 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Sarah Steven Professor Roy Taylor et al. | Acceptability of a very-low-energy diet in Type 2 diabetes: patient experiences and behaviour regulation | 2017 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Rute Velosa Vieira
| An investigation of the predictors of photoprotection and UVR dose to the face in patients with XP: A protocol using observational mixed methods | 2017 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mark Birch-Machin Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Aware, motivated and striving for a ‘safe tan’: an exploratory mixed-method study of sun-protection during holidays | 2017 |
Dr Suzanne McDonald Dr Rute Velosa Vieira Dr Alan Godfrey Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Martin White et al. | Changes in physical activity during the retirement transition: a series of novel n-of-1 natural experiments | 2017 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Complex systems and individual-level approaches to population health: a false dichotomy? | 2017 |
Dr Rute Velosa Vieira Dr Suzanne McDonald Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Dynamic modelling of n-of-1 data: Powerful and flexible data analytics applied to individualised studies | 2017 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Factors associated with change in objectively measured physical activity in older people - Data from the physical activity cohort Scotland study | 2017 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Modifying alcohol consumption to reduce obesity (MACRO): Development and feasibility trial of a complex community-based intervention for men | 2017 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Modifying Alcohol Consumption to Reduce Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study of a Complex Community-based Intervention for Men | 2017 |
Dominika Kwasnicka Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta
| N-of-1 study of weight loss maintenance assessing predictors of physical activity, adherence to weight loss plan and weight change | 2017 |
Dr Sebastian Potthoff Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Marie Johnston Dr Leah Avery et al. | Planning to be routine: habit as a mediator of the planning-behaviour relationship in healthcare professionals | 2017 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Predictors of Physical Activity After Gastric Bypass - a Prospective Study | 2017 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Marta Marques
| Prevalence of personal weight control attempts in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2017 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Randomised controlled feasibility study of a school-based multi-level intervention to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviour among vocational school students | 2017 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Real Time Monitoring of Engagement with a Text Message Intervention to Reduce Binge Drinking Among Men Living in Socially Disadvantaged Areas of Scotland | 2017 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Dr Claire Cleland Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Stephan Dombrowski et al. | Supporting the transition from weight loss to maintenance: development and optimisation of a face-to-face behavioural intervention component | 2017 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mark Birch-Machin Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Systematic and iterative development of a smartphone application to promote sun-protection amongst holidaymaker | 2017 |
Dr Suzanne McDonald Dr Rute Velosa Vieira Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | The state of the art and future opportunities for using longitudinal n-of-1 methods in health behaviour research: a systematic literature overview | 2017 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Rui Vieira Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Using n-of-1 methods to understand a complex behaviour: photoprotection in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum | 2017 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Justin Presseau Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| “You Can't Always Get What You Want”: A Novel Research Paradigm to Explore the Relationship between Multiple Intentions and Behaviours | 2016 |
Dr Sebastian Potthoff Professor Falko Sniehotta Fiona Beyer Andrew Bryant Dr Richard Thomson et al. | A Systematic Review assessing the relationship between habit and healthcare professional behavior in clinical practice | 2016 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| A systematic review of school-based interventions targeting physical activity and sedentary behaviour among older adolescents | 2016 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Dr Jean Adams
| Acceptability of financial incentives for health behaviour change to public health policymakers: a qualitative study | 2016 |
Dr Frauke Becker Professor Laura Ternent Professor Falko Sniehotta Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Dr Jean Adams et al. | Acceptability of Financial Incentives for Health Behaviours: A Discrete Choice Experiment | 2016 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Sarah Charman Professor Roy Taylor Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell et al. | Can a behavioural intervention targeting physical activity behaviour of adults with Type 2 diabetes be delivered faithfully by healthcare professionals during routine primary care? | 2016 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Sarah Charman Professor Roy Taylor Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell et al. | Can a behavioural intervention targeting physical activity behaviour of adults with type 2 diabetes be delivered faithfully by healthcare professionals during routine primary care? | 2016 |
Dr Justin Presseau Joan Mackintosh Dr Gillian Hawthorne Dr Ian Steen Dr Tom Coulthard et al. | Cluster randomised Trial of a theory-based multiple behavior change intervention aimed at primary healthcare professionals' management of type 2 diabetes | 2016 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Commentary: The Impact of Asking Intention or Self-Prediction Questions on Subsequent Behavior: A Meta-Analysis | 2016 |
Professor Adam Todd Professor Andy Husband Professor Clare Bambra Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions | 2016 |
Professor Adam Todd Professor Andy Husband Professor Clare Bambra Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Community pharmacy-delivered interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management, including meta-analysis for smoking cessation | 2016 |
Dr Marta Marques Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Designing theory-based mHealth tools for weight loss maintenance: The NoHow toolkit | 2016 |
Dr Suzanne McDonald Dr Rute Velosa Vieira Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Michael White Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Does physical activity and sedentary behavior change during the retirement transition? Findings from a series of novel N-of-1 natural experiments | 2016 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Drowning in Data: 7,500 responses to a text message intervention | 2016 |
Dr Rute Velosa Vieira Professor Robin Henderson Dr Suzanne McDonald Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Dynamic modelling of single-case (N-of-1) data: challenges and novel applications | 2016 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Effectiveness of a text message intervention to reduce binge drinking in disadvantaged men | 2016 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Dr Bronia Arnott Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Roy Taylor et al. | Efficacy and acceptability of very low energy diets in overweight and obese people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review with meta-analyses | 2016 |
Aodhan Hickey Dr James Newham Dominika Kwasnicka Dr Suzanne McDonald Dr Silvia Del Din et al. | Estimating cut points: a simple method for new wearables | 2016 |
Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Ben Heaven Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Suzanne Moffatt Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Integrating Evidence From Systematic Reviews, Qualitative Research, and Expert Knowledge Using Co-Design Techniques to Develop a Web-Based Intervention for People in the Retirement Transition | 2016 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| 'Let's Move It' - a school-based multilevel intervention to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour among older adolescents in vocational secondary schools: a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial | 2016 |
Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Motivational, Volitional and Multiple Goal Predictors of Walking in People with Type 2 Diabetes | 2016 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Sarah Charman Professor Mike Catt Professor Roy Taylor Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Movement as medicine for type 2 diabetes: a clustered pilot randomised controlled trial of a theory-informed multifaceted behavioural intervention to increase physical activity of adults with type 2 diabetes in the primary care setting | 2016 |
Dr Suzanne McDonald Dr Rute Velosa Vieira Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Michael White Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | N-of-1 methods in health behavior research: a systematic review | 2016 |
Dr Suzanne McDonald Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| N-of-1 Randomised Controlled Trials in health psychology and behavioural medicine: A commentary on Nyman et al., 2016 | 2016 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Anna Haste Dr Linda Penn Dr Ruth Bell Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | OP80 Formative evaluation of the UK NHS diabetes prevention programme demonstrator phase: review of baseline information | 2016 |
Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Alan Godfrey Dr Ben Heaven Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Suzanne Moffatt et al. | Pilot randomised controlled trial of a web-based intervention to promote healthy eating, physical activity and meaningful social connections compared with usual care control in people of retirement age recruited from workplaces | 2016 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Preoperative predictors of adherence to dietary and physical activity recommendations and weight loss one year after surgery | 2016 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Reducing alcohol consumption in obese men: A priority for action | 2016 |
Sandra Fernandes-Machado Dr Paul Gellert Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Social cognitions about food choice in children aged five to eight years: feasibility and predictive validity of an age appropriate measurement | 2016 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Sarah Charman Louise Taylor Dr Darren Flynn Professor Roy Taylor et al. | Systematic development of a theory-informed multifaceted behavioral intervention to increase physical activity of adults with type 2 diabetes in routine primary care: movement as medicine for type 2 diabetes | 2016 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Sarah Charman Louise Taylor Dr Darren Flynn Professor Roy Taylor et al. | Systematic development of a theory-informed multifaceted behavioural intervention to increase physical activity of adults with Type 2 diabetes in routine primary care: Movement as Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes | 2016 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Telling a story to change behaviour: Evaluation of a narrative based intervention | 2016 |
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor John Mathers Dr Carl Peters et al. | The Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT): protocol for a cluster randomised trial | 2016 |
Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Matthew Breckons Dr Leah Avery
| The impact of dual processes and competing goals on health professionals' uptake of a new information prescription for diabetes | 2016 |
Dr Anna Haste Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Linda Penn Rosemary Bell Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in England: Lessons learnt from process evaluation of the demonstrator site phase | 2016 |
Dominika Kwaśnicka Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Theoretical explanations for maintenance of behaviour change: a systematic review of behaviour theories | 2016 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Dr Rute Velosa Vieira Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Using n-of-1 methodology to inform the development of individualized, evidence-based interventions for patients with xeroderma pigmentosum | 2016 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Sarah Steven Professor Roy Taylor Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | A qualitative process evaluation of a diabetes remission programme using very low energy diets. | 2015 |
Dr Emma Giles Professor Falko Sniehotta Emerita Professor Elaine McColl John Adams
| Acceptability of financial incentives and penalties for encouraging uptake of healthy behaviours: focus groups | 2015 |
Matthew Holmes Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Jean Adams
| Acceptability of financial incentives for breastfeeding: thematic analysis of readers' comments to UK online news reports | 2015 |
Dr Emma Giles Shannon Robalino Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Jean Adams Emerita Professor Elaine McColl et al. | Acceptability of financial incentives for encouraging uptake of healthy behaviours: A critical analysis using systematic methods | 2015 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Sarah Charman Dr Michael Lavender Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell et al. | Barriers and enabling factors to use of a physical activity behavioural intervention for adults with Type 2 diabetes delivered in primary care: Qualitative findings from the Movement as Medicine Open Pilot Study | 2015 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Sarah Charman Dr Michael Lavender Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell et al. | Barriers and enabling factors to use of a physical activity behavioural intervention for adults with Type 2 diabetes delivered in primary care: qualitative findings from the Movement as Medicine open pilot study | 2015 |
Jenni Hislop Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Benefits of Incentives for Breastfeeding and Smoking cessation in pregnancy (BIBS): a mixed-methods study to inform trial design | 2015 |
Dr Suzanne McDonald Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Changes in physical activity during the retirement transition: a theory-based, qualitative interview study | 2015 |
Dominika Kwasnicka Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Data-prompted interviews: Using individual ecological data to stimulate narratives and explore meanings | 2015 |
Joan Mackintosh Colin Hoddinott Dr Gillian Hawthorne Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Ian Steen et al. | Delivered as intended? Assessing fidelity of delivery of an intervention to improve quality of care for patients with Type 2 diabetes | 2015 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Gary Ford Professor Falko Sniehotta Joan Mackintosh Dr Paul Gellert et al. | Differences between US and UK adults in stroke preparedness : evidence from parallel population-based community surveys | 2015 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Gary Ford Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta Joan Mackintosh et al. | Differences Between US and UK Adults in Stroke Preparedness Evidence From Parallel Population-Based Community Surveys | 2015 |
Dr James Newham Dr Justin Presseau Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Differential responses to interventions targeting physical activity compared to sedentary time: a randomized n-of-1 design | 2015 |
Dr Jean Adams Dr Belinda Bateman Dr Frauke Becker Dr Darren Flynn Dr Yemi Oluboyede et al. | Effectiveness and acceptability of parental financial incentives and quasi-mandatory schemes for increasing uptake of vaccinations in preschool children: systematic review, qualitative study, and discrete choice experiment | 2015 |
Dr James Newham Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor John Mathers
| Features of physical activity interventions associated with effectiveness in musculoskeletal disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis | 2015 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Justin Presseau Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| On the development, evaluation and evolution of health behaviour theory | 2015 |
Dr Paul Gellert Dr Keegan Knittle Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Perceived Control and Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation for Oral Self-Care: A Full Factorial Experimental Test of Theory-Based Persuasive Messages | 2015 |
Dr Sebastian Potthoff Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Leah Avery
| Planning to be routine: habit as a mediator of the planning-behaviour relationship in healthcare professionals | 2015 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Predictors of Preoperative Weight Loss in Morbidly Obese Adults Waiting for Bariatric Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study | 2015 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Quantitative analysis of the perceived barriers and motivators to physical activity post-stroke | 2015 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Paul Gellert
| Social cognitions measured in 4 to 6 year olds are predictive of objectively measured physical activity | 2015 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Darren Flynn Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell et al. | Successful Behavioural Strategies to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Glucose Control in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes | 2015 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Testing the feasibility and acceptability of a behaviour change intervention to increase physical activity after stroke | 2015 |
Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Suzanne McDonald Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos Linda Errington et al. | The features of interventions associated with long-term effectiveness of physical activity interventions in adults aged 55 to 70 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2015 |
Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Heather Brown Dr Stephan Dombrowski et al. | The NULevel trial of a scalable, technology-assisted weight loss maintenance intervention for obese adults after clinically significant weight loss: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial | 2015 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Falko Sniehotta
| The Question–Behavior Effect: Genuine Effect or Spurious Phenomenon? A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials With Meta-Analyses | 2015 |
Dr Paul Gellert Professor Miles Witham Professor Falko Sniehotta
| The role of perceived barriers and objectively measured physical activity in adults aged 65-100 | 2015 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Martin White Joan Mackintosh Dr Paul Gellert Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | The stroke 'Act FAST' campaign: Remembered but not understood? | 2015 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| A mobile phone intervention to reduce binge drinking among disadvantaged men: study protocol for a randomised controlled cost-effectiveness trial | 2014 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| A qualitative theory guided analysis of stroke survivors' perceived barriers and facilitators to physical activity | 2014 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mark Birch-Machin Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Acceptability and feasibility of a mobile-phone intervention to promote sun safe behaviors amongst holidaymakers: findings from the internal pilot of the miskin randomized trial | 2014 |
Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Paula Moynihan Dr Thomas Meyer et al. | Association of behaviour change techniques with effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials | 2014 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Association of Day Length and Weather Conditions with Physical Activity Levels in Older Community Dwelling People | 2014 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Can a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions to Engage in Physical Activity in Young People with Asthma? | 2014 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Can a theory-informed interactive animation increase intentions to engage in physical activity in young people with asthma? | 2014 |
Dr Jean Adams Dr Emma Giles Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Carrots, Sticks, and Health Behaviours: A Framework for Documenting the Complexity of Financial Incentive Interventions to Change Health Behaviours | 2014 |
Professor Adam Todd Professor Andy Husband Professor Clare Bambra Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: protocol for a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions | 2014 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Dog ownership and physical activity in later life: A cross-sectional observational study | 2014 |
Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos Professor Paula Moynihan Dr Thomas Meyer Professor Ashley Adamson Linda Errington et al. | Effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | 2014 |
Dr Bronia Arnott Dr Lucia Rehackova Linda Errington Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | Efficacy of behavioural interventions for transport behaviour change: systematic review, meta-analysis and intervention coding | 2014 |
Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Goal conflict and goal facilitation in community-based cardiac rehabilitation: A theory-based interview study | 2014 |
Dr Justin Presseau Dr Gillian Hawthorne Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Nick Steen Dr Jill Francis et al. | Improving Diabetes care through Examining, Advising, and prescribing (IDEA): Protocol for a theory-based cluster randomised controlled trial of a multiple behaviour change intervention aimed at primary healthcare professionals | 2014 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Sarah Charman Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Nick Steen Emerita Professor Elaine McColl et al. | Integrating an Evidence-Based Behaviour Change Intervention Targeting Physical Activity Behaviour into Routine Primary Care: Movement as Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes: An open pilot study | 2014 |
Dr Paul Gellert Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Intention and planning predicting medication adherence following coronary artery bypass graft surgery | 2014 |
Professor Nicola Heslehurst Dr Lisa Crowe Shannon Robalino Professor Falko Sniehotta Emerita Professor Elaine McColl et al. | Interventions to change maternity healthcare professionals' behaviours to promote weight-related support for obese pregnant women: a systematic review | 2014 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Dr Keegan Knittle Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Long term maintenance of weight loss with non-surgical interventions in obese adults: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials | 2014 |
Dr Leah Avery Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Sarah Charman Dr Nick Steen Emerita Professor Elaine McColl et al. | Movement as Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes: Protocol for an open pilot study and external pilot clustered randomised controlled trial to assess acceptability, feasibility and fidelity of a multifaceted behavioural intervention targeting physical activity in primary care | 2014 |
Dr Sarah Wigham Professor Laura Ternent Andrew Bryant Shannon Robalino Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Parental Financial Incentives for Increasing Preschool Vaccination Uptake: Systematic Review | 2014 |
Dr Linda Penn Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Martin White
| Perspectives of UK Pakistani women on their behaviour change to prevent type 2 diabetes: qualitative study using the theory domain framework | 2014 |
Dr Paul Gellert Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Planning Predicts Dental Service Attendance and the Effect is Moderated by Dental Anxiety and Educational Status: Findings from a One-Year Prospective Study | 2014 |
Dr Justin Presseau Dr Tarja Heponiemi Professor Martin Eccles Dr Nick Steen Dr Susan Moloney et al. | Reflective and Automatic Processes in Health Care Professional Behavior: A Dual Process Model Tested Across Multiple Behaviours | 2014 |
Dr Emma Giles Shannon Robalino Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Jean Adams et al. | The Effectiveness of Financial Incentives for Health Behaviour Change: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2014 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Stephan Dombrowski
| The effectiveness of gain- versus loss-framed health messages to improve oral health in Iranian secondary schools: a cluster-randomised controlled trial | 2014 |
Jenni Hislop Dr Stephan Dombrowski Fiona Stewart Professor Falko Sniehotta
| The push me, pull you of financial incentives and health inequalities: a mixed methods study investigating smoking cessation in pregnancy and breastfeeding | 2014 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Justin Presseau Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Time to retire the theory of planned behaviour | 2014 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Weight loss maintenance: An agenda for health psychology | 2014 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| A systematic review of perceived barriers and motivators to physical activity after stroke | 2013 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Dr Bronia Arnott Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Acceptability of very low energy diets in type 2 diabetic individuals: A systematic review | 2013 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Adolescent sunscreen use in springtime: A prospective predictive study informed by a belief elicitation investigation | 2013 |
Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Alan Godfrey Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos Linda Errington Dr Thomas Meyer et al. | Are behavioral interventions effective in increasing physical activity at 12 to 36 months in adults aged 55 to 70 years? A systematic review and meta-analysis | 2013 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Are Interventions to Promote Sun-Protective Behaviors in Recreational and Tourist Settings Effective? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis and Moderator Analysis | 2013 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Are Interventions to Promote Sun-Protective Behaviors in Recreational and Tourist Settings Effective? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis and Moderator Analysis | 2013 |
Dominika Kwasnicka Dr Justin Presseau Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Does planning how to cope with anticipated barriers facilitate health-related behavior change? A systematic review | 2013 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Stephan Dombrowski
| Does theory influence the effectiveness of health behavior interventions? Meta-analysis | 2013 |
Dr Bronia Arnott Dr Lucia Rehackova Linda Errington Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | Efficacy of Behavioural Interventions for Transport Behaviour Change: A Systematic Review with Narrative Moderator Analyses | 2013 |
Dr Justin Presseau Dr Jill Francis Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Goal conflict and goal facilitation as predictors of daily accelerometer-assessed physical activity | 2013 |
Sandra Fernandes-Machado Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Martin Tovee Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | Implicit and reflective predictors of food choices: A dual process model approach | 2013 |
Dr Linda Penn Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Martin White
| Participants' perspectives on making and maintaining behavioural changes in a lifestyle intervention for type 2 diabetes prevention: a qualitative study using the theory domain framework | 2013 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Justin Presseau
| Physical activity Type 2 Diabetes: The role of goal facilitation and goal conflict | 2013 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Predicting Automaticity in Exercise Behaviour: The Role of Perceived Behavioural Control, Affect, Intention, Action Planning and Behaviour | 2013 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Paul Gellert Professor Miles Witham
| Psychological theory in an interdisciplinary context: psychological, demographic, health-related, social, and environmental correlates of physical activity in a representative cohort of community-dwelling older adults | 2013 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Joan Mackintosh Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Emeritus Professor Richard Thomson Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers et al. | Stroke 'Act FAST' campaign, remembered but not understood? Experimental evidence from a population-based survey | 2013 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Marie Johnston
| The Best Laid Plans: Planning Skill Determines the Effectiveness of Action Plans and Implementation Intentions | 2013 |
Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Thomas Meyer Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | The effect of behaviour change techniques on interventions promoting components of a Mediterranean diet among adults of retirement age | 2013 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Joan Mackintosh Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers et al. | The impact of the UK 'Act FAST' stroke awareness campaign: content analysis of patients, witness and primary care clinicians' perceptions. | 2013 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| The systematic development of a brief intervention to increase walking in the general public using an "extended" theory of planned behavior | 2013 |
Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Ben Heaven Dr Claire Cleland Professor John Mathers Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Using innovative co-design methods to develop interventions for people in the retirement transition: LiveWell programme | 2013 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Darren Flynn Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell
| What Behaviour Change Techniques used in Behavioural Interventions are Associated with Improvements in Physical Activity Behaviour and HbA1c in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes? | 2013 |
Dominika Kwaśnicka Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Martin White
| What does theory tell us about behaviour change maintenance? A structured review | 2013 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Perceived behaviour control and coping planning predict dental brushing behaviour among Iranian adolescents | 2012 |
Dr Nicola O'Brien Dr Alan Godfrey Professor John Mathers Professor Lynn Rochester Dr Suzanne McDonald et al. | A meta-analysis of physical activity interventions in the 'retirement window' | 2012 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Darren Flynn Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell
| A systematic review of behaviour change interventions targeting physical activity, exercise and HbA1c in adults with Type 2 diabetes | 2012 |
Dr Emma Giles Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Professor Falko Sniehotta
| A systematic review of the use of financial incentives and penalties to encourage uptake of healthy behaviors: protocol | 2012 |
Dominika Kwaśnicka Dr Justin Presseau Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Are coping planning interventions effective in promoting health behaviour change? A systematic review of RCTs | 2012 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Are we enacting our plans? Conditional and unconditional effects of an action planning intervention | 2012 |
Dr Suzanne McDonald Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Martin White Dr Nicola O'Brien
| Changes in physical activity in the retirement window: A theory-based interview study | 2012 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Darren Flynn Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell
| Changing Physical Activity Behavior in Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Behavioral Interventions | 2012 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Marie Johnston Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Developing and testing an intervention for obese adults based on effective behaviour change techniques | 2012 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Linda Taylor Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Mike Trenell
| Development of a behavioural intervention targeting free-living physical activity in adults with type 2 diabetes in primary care: Movement as Medicine | 2012 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Does answering questions about a health-related behaviour change that behaviour? | 2012 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Marie Johnston
| Good planners can already plan but poor planners benefit from action plans | 2012 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Identifying active ingredients in complex behavioural interventions for obese adults with obesity-related co-morbidities or additional risk factors for co-morbidities: a systematic review | 2012 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Marie Johnston Jennifer Brown Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | Optimizing acceptability and feasibility of an evidence-based behavioral intervention for obese adults with obesity-related co-morbidities or additional risk factors for co-morbidities: An open-pilot intervention study in secondary care | 2012 |
Dr Linda Penn Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Martin White
| Participant perspectives on a lifestyle intervention for the prevention of type 2 diabetes: a qualitative evaluation within the 'New life, New you' pilot study | 2012 |
Dr Suzanne McDonald Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Physical activity in the retirement window: A theory-based interview study | 2012 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Psychological, health-related, social and environmental predictors of physical activity in the over 65s | 2012 |
Dr Justin Presseau Professor Marie Johnston Professor Martin Eccles Dr Jill Francis Dr Nick Steen et al. | Reflective and automatic processes in healthcare professional behaviour: an application of a dual process model | 2012 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Miles Witham
| Social, Environmental and Psychological Factors Associated with Objective Physical Activity Levels in the Over 65s | 2012 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Justin Presseau Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Testing self-regulation interventions to increase walking using factorial randomized N-of-1 trials | 2012 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Justin Presseau
| The habitual use of the Self-Report Habit Index | 2012 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Marie Johnston
| The Use of Pedometers in Stroke Survivors: Are They Feasible and How Well Do They Defect Steps? | 2012 |
Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Two-year findings of an implementation intention intervention for teenage women show reduced consultations for emergency contraception or pregnancy testing and a trend towards reduced pregnancy rates | 2012 |
Jane Beenstock Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Martin White Dr Ruth Bell Emeritus Professor Eugene Milne et al. | What helps and hinders midwives in engaging with pregnant women about stopping smoking? A cross-sectional survey of perceived implementation difficulties among midwives in the North East of England | 2012 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Joan Mackintosh Professor Martin White Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers et al. | Witness response at onset of acute stroke: a qualitative theory-guided study | 2012 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Stephan Dombrowski
| A refined taxonomy of behaviour change techniques to help people change their physical activity and healthy eating behaviours: The CALO-RE taxonomy | 2011 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Behaviour change plus pedometer in increasing physical activity in sedentary older women [abstract] | 2011 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Do brief online planning interventions increase physical activity amongst university students? A randomised controlled trial | 2011 |
Dr Justin Presseau Dr Jill Francis Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Goal conflict, goal facilitation and health professionals' provision of physical activity advice in primary care: An exploratory prospective study | 2011 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Stephan Dombrowski Dr Suzanne McDonald Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Randomised Controlled Feasibility Trial of an Evidence-Informed Behavioural Intervention for Obese Adults with Additional Risk Factors | 2011 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Stephan Dombrowski
| Specifying interventions to change physical activity and healthy eating: Development of a revised 40-item taxonomy of behaviour change techniques | 2011 |
Dr Leah Avery Dr Darren Flynn Professor Mike Trenell Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Systematic Review to identify active ingredients in behaviour change interventions targeting physical activity in adults with type 2 diabetes | 2011 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Targeting those in need: Baseline data from the first English National Health Service (NHS) Health Trainer Service | 2011 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Adoption of community-based cardiac rehabilitation programs and physical activity following phase III cardiac rehabilitation in Scotland: A prospective and predictive study | 2010 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| An intervention to promote walking amongst the general population based on an 'extended' theory of planned behaviour: A waiting list randomised controlled trial | 2010 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Behavioural Interventions for Obese Adults with Additional Risk Factors for Morbidity: Systematic Review of Effects on Behaviour, Weight and Disease Risk Factors | 2010 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Do pedometers increase physical activity in sedentary older women? A randomized controlled trial | 2010 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| The importance of making explicit links between the theoretical constructs and behaviour change techniques | 2010 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Using theories of behaviour change to inform interventions for addictive behaviours | 2010 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| What underlies the perception that a medical intervention is effective? An exploratory study among smokers | 2010 |
Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Jill Francis
| With a little help from my goals: Integrating intergoal facilitation with the theory of planned behaviour to predict physical activity | 2010 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| An experimental test of the theory of planned behaviour | 2009 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Development and exploratory cluster-randomised opportunistic trial of a theory-based intervention to enhance physical activity among adolescents | 2009 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Disentangling the relation between intentions, planning, and behaviour: A moderated mediation analysis | 2009 |
Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Jill Francis
| Multiple goals and time constraints: perceived impact on physicians' performance of evidence-based behaviours | 2009 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Predicting changes in physical activity among adolescents: the role of self-efficacy, intention, action planning and coping planning | 2009 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Predicting transitions from preintentional, intentional and actional stages of change | 2009 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Towards a theory of intentional behaviour change: Plans, planning, and self-regulation | 2009 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Two alternative models of health behaviour and recovery from activity limitations due to acute injury: A prospective study | 2009 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] A theory of planned behaviour intervention to promote walking: A waiting list randomised controlled trial | 2008 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] Limitations to the reasoned action approach in behavioural science: A full-factorial experimental test of the theory of planned behaviour | 2008 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] Moderator effects of planning on the TPB-physical activity relationship over one academic year | 2008 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| [Meeting Abstract] Systematic development, application and refinement of an evidence- and theory-based behaviour change intervention tool | 2008 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Jill Francis
| [Meeting Abstract] Theory-based qualitative investigation of GPs' views on factors facilitating and conflicting evidence-based management of diabetes | 2008 |
Dr Justin Presseau Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Jill Francis
| Personal projects analysis: Opportunities and implications for multiple goal assessment, theoretical integration, and behaviour change | 2008 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
| Prediction of behaviour vs. prediction of behaviour change: The role of motivational moderators in the theory of planned behaviour | 2008 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Preventive health behavior and adaptive accuracy of risk perceptions | 2008 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| The feasibility of using pedometers and brief advice to increase activity in sedentary older women - a pilot study | 2008 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Book review] Behavioural change: An evidence-based handbook for social and public health | 2007 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Current issues and future directions in Psychology and Health: Towards a cumulative science of behaviour change: Do current conduct and reporting of behavioural interventions fall short of best practice? | 2007 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Dynamics in self-regulation: Plan execution self-efficacy and mastery of action plans | 2007 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Increasing physical exercise levels - Age-specific benefits of planning | 2007 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Predicting binge-drinking behaviouir using an extended TPB: Examining the impact of anticipated regret and descriptive norms | 2007 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Stephan Dombrowski
| Randomized controlled trial of a one-minute intervention changing oral self-care behavior | 2007 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Stage-specific effects of an action control intervention on dental flossing | 2007 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] Adaptive accuracy and minimization: What we do shapes our risk perceptions | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] Ambulation behaviour compared across three studies using Item Response Theory (IRT) | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] Motivational determinants of binge-drinking behaviour | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] Probing phase-specific self-efficacy beliefs | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] RCT of motivational and volitional leaflet interventions on oral-hygiene behaviour | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] Self-monitoring interventions for health behaviour change | 2006 |
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] Social-cognitive predictors of physical activity in adolescents | 2006 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta
| [Meeting Abstract] TPB and planning as predictors of changes in physical exercise | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Action plans and coping plans for physical exercise: A longitudinal intervention study in cardiac rehabilitation | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Adherence to a daily flossing regimen in university students: effects of planning when, where, how and what to do in the face of barriers | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| On the interplay of physical activity, depressive symptoms, and self-regulation in cardiac patients. | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Physical activity and depressive symptoms in cardiac rehabilitation: Long-term effects of a self-management intervention | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| The role of action control in implementing intentions during the first weeks of behaviour change | 2006 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Action planning and coping planning for long-term lifestyle change: Theory and assessment | 2005 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Bridging the intention-behaviour gap: Planning, self-efficacy, and action control in the adoption and maintenance of physical exercise | 2005 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Discontinuity patterns in stages of the precaution adoption process model: Meat consumption during a livestock epidemic | 2005 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Long-term effects of two psychological interventions on physical exercise and self-regulation following coronary rehabilitation | 2005 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta
| Predicting physical exercise in cardiac rehabilitation: The role of phase-specific self-efficacy beliefs | 2005 |