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Browsing publications by Professor John Bythell.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Professor John Bythell
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Ruben De La Torre Cerro
et al.
High coral heat tolerance at local-scale thermal refugia2024
Dr Liam Lachs
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
et al.
Natural selection could determine whether Acropora corals persist under expected climate change2024
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr Liam Lachs
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
et al.
Selective breeding enhances coral heat tolerance to marine heatwaves2024
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr Peter Mumby
Professor John Bythell
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr James Guest
et al.
Emergent increase in coral thermal tolerance reduces mass bleaching under climate change2023
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Professor John Bythell
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
et al.
No apparent trade-offs associated with heat tolerance in a reef-building coral2023
Professor John Bythell
Surface flow for colonial integration in reef-building corals2022
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Dr Liam Lachs
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
et al.
Within-population variability in coral heat tolerance indicates climate adaptation potential2022
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr Liam Lachs
et al.
An Experimental Framework for Selectively Breeding Corals for Assisted Evolution2021
Dr Liam Lachs
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Dr James Guest
Fine-tuning heat stress algorithms to optimise global predictions of mass coral bleaching.2021
Dr Liam Lachs
Dr Adriana Humanes Schumann
Emeritus Professor Alasdair Edwards
Professor John Bythell
Dr James Guest
et al.
Photogrammetry as a tool to improve ecosystem restoration.2021
Dr Reia Guppy
Barbara Brown
Professor John Bythell
Preserving the viscous coral surface mucus layer using low-acid glycol methacrylate (GMA) resin2019
Professor John Bythell
Emeritus Professor Barbara Brown
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Do reef corals age?2018
Emily O'Hara
Dr Gary Caldwell
Professor John Bythell
Equistatin and equinatoxin gene expression is influenced by environmental temperature in the sea anemone Actinia equina2018
Cassie Bakshani
Dr ana Morales Garcia
Dr Mike Althaus
Dr Matt Wilcox
Professor Jeffrey Pearson
et al.
Evolutionary conservation of the antimicrobial function of mucus: a first defence against infection2018
Dr Michael Sweet
Professor John Bythell
The role of viruses in coral health and disease2017
Dr Michael Sweet
Professor John Bythell
Baseline coral disease surveys within three marine parks in Sabah, Borneo2015
David Smith
Dr Peter Leary
Professor John Bythell
Dr Michael Sweet
Microbial Communities Associated with Healthy and White Syndrome-Affected Echinopora lamellosa in Aquaria and Experimental Treatment with the Antibiotic Ampicillin2015
Dr Michael Sweet
Professor John Bythell
White Syndrome in Acropora muricata: nonspecific bacterial infection and ciliate histophagy2015
Dr Michael Sweet
Professor John Bythell
Experimental antibiotic treatment identifies potential pathogens of white band disease in the endangered Caribbean coral Acropora cervicornis2014
Dr Michael Sweet
Professor John Bythell
Algae as Reservoirs for Coral Pathogens2013
Dr Michael Sweet
Professor John Bythell
Assessment of the microbial communities associated with white syndrome and brown jelly syndrome in aquarium corals2013
Dr Michael Sweet
Professor John Bythell
Ciliate and bacterial communities associated with White Syndrome and Brown Band Disease in reef-building corals2012
Dr Michael Sweet
Angharad Jones
Professor John Bythell
Coral diseases in aquaria and in nature2012
Caroline Palmer
Professor John Bythell
Enzyme activity demonstrates multiple pathways of innate immunity in Indo-Pacific anthozoans2012
Dr Michael Sweet
Dr Nigel Kirkham
Mark Bendall
Professor John Bythell
Evidence of Melanoma in Wild Marine Fish Populations2012
Professor John Bythell
A comparative study of phenoloxidase activity in diseased and bleached colonies of the coral Acropora millepora2011
Dr Michael Sweet
Dr Aldo Croquer-Pedron
Professor John Bythell
Bacterial assemblages differ between compartments within the coral holobiont2011
Professor John Bythell
Biology and ecology of coral mucus release2011
Professor John Bythell
Climate change impedes scleractinian corals as primary reef ecosystem engineers2011
Caroline Palmer
Professor John Bythell
Corals use similar immune cells and wound-healing processes as those of higher organisms2011
Dr Michael Sweet
Dr Aldo Croquer-Pedron
Professor John Bythell
Development of bacterial biofilms on artificial corals in comparison to surface-associated microbes of hard corals2011
Dr Michael Sweet
Dr Aldo Croquer-Pedron
Professor John Bythell
Dynamics of bacterial community development in the reef coral Acropora muricata following experimental antibiotic treatment2011
Amita Jatkar
Emeritus Professor Barbara Brown
Professor John Bythell
Dr Reia Guppy
Dr Nick Morris
et al.
Measuring mucus thickness in reef corals using a technique devised for vertebrate applications2010
Dr Olga Pantos
Professor John Bythell
A novel reef coral symbiosis2010
Amita Jatkar
Emeritus Professor Barbara Brown
Professor John Bythell
Dr Reia Guppy
Dr Nick Morris
et al.
Coral Mucus: The Properties of Its Constituent Mucins2010
Caroline Palmer
Professor John Bythell
Levels of immunity parameters underpin bleaching and disease susceptibility of reef corals2010
Dr Michael Sweet
Dr Aldo Croquer-Pedron
Professor John Bythell
Temporal and Spatial Patterns in Waterborne Bacterial Communities of an Island Reef System2010
Professor John Bythell
Vertical distribution and diel patterns of zooplankton abundance and biomass at Conch Reef, Florida Keys (USA)2010
Professor John Bythell
Bleaching and related ecological factors2009
Professor John Bythell
Amita Jatkar
Response of two species of Indo-Pacific corals, Porites cylindrica and Stylophora pistillata, to short-term thermal stress: The host does matter in determining the tolerance of corals to bleaching2009
Professor John Bythell
The unknowns in coral disease identification: An experiment to assess consensus of opinion amongst experts.2009
Humood Naser
Professor John Bythell
Dr Jeremy Thomason
Ecological assessment: An initial evaluation of the ecological input in environmental impact assessment reports in Bahrain2008
Professor Nick Polunin
Professor John Bythell
Dr Christopher Sweeting
An environmental impact assessment of the Bao Fu Men grounding on Falahiyat Reef, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia2007
Professor Nick Polunin
Professor John Bythell
Dr Christopher Sweeting
Dean Hallam
An environmental impact assessment of the MV Cabanos grounding on Falahiyat Reef, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia2007
Professor John Bythell
Are infectious diseases really killing corals? Alternative interpretations of the experimental and ecological data2007
Stuart Field
Professor John Bythell
Effects of artificial settlement plate materials and methods of deployment on the sessile epibenthic community development in a tropical environment2007
Nicholas Graham
Professor John Bythell
Dr Shaun Wilson
Professor Nick Polunin
Phase shifts and the role of herbivory in the resilience of coral reefs2007
Professor John Bythell
The hologenome theory disregards the coral holobiont2007
Professor John Bythell
Bacterial community structure associated with white band disease in the elkhorn coral Acropora palmata determined using culture-independent 16S rRNA techniques2006
Dr Reia Guppy
Professor John Bythell
Environmental effects on bacterial diversity in the surface mucus layer of the reef coral Montastraea faveolata2006
Professor John Bythell
Dr Olga Pantos
The influence of microbial communities in mediating enviromental stress events on coral reefs2006
Emeritus Professor Barbara Brown
Professor John Bythell
Perspectives on mucus secretion in reef corals2005
Simon Dunn
Dr Jeremy Thomason
Dr Martin Le Tissier
Professor John Bythell
Heat stress induces different forms of cell death in sea anemones and their endosymbiotic algae depending on temperature and duration2004
Professor John Bythell
Dr Olga Pantos
White plague, white band, and other "white" diseases2004
Dr Olga Pantos
Dr Rory Cooney
Dr Martin Le Tissier
Dr Michael Barer
Professor Anthony O'Donnell
et al.
The bacterial ecology of a plague-like disease affecting the Caribbean coral Montastrea annularis2003
Professor John Bythell
Acropora in the U.S. Virgin Islands: A Wake or an Awakening? A Status Report Prepared for the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration2002
Dr Rory Cooney
Dr Olga Pantos
Dr Martin Le Tissier
Dr Michael Barer
Professor Anthony O'Donnell
et al.
Characterization of the bacterial consortium associated with black band disease in coral using molecular microbiological techniques2002
Simon Dunn
Dr Jeremy Thomason
Dr Martin Le Tissier
Professor John Bythell
Detection of cell death activity during experimentally induced bleaching of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia sp.2002
Professor John Bythell
Dr Michael Barer
Dr Rory Cooney
Dr James Guest
Professor Anthony O'Donnell
et al.
Histopathological methods for the investigation of microbial communities associated with disease lesions in reef corals2002
Simon Dunn
Professor John Bythell
Dr Martin Le Tissier
Dr William Burnett
Dr Jeremy Thomason
et al.
Programmed cell death and cell necrosis activity during hyperthermic stress-induced bleaching of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia sp.2002
Professor John Bythell
Jong-Hyun Lee
Three-dimensional morphometric measurements of reef corals using underwater photogrammetry techniques2001
Professor John Bythell
Local variability but landscape stability in coral reef communities following repeated hurricane impacts2000
Dr David Mantle
Professor John Bythell
Dr Jeremy Thomason
Oxidative-stress: Comparison of species specific and tissue specific effects in the marine bivalves Mytilus edulis (L.) and Dosinia lupinus (L.)2000