Professor Caroline Austin Ka Lee Becky Swan Mushtaq Khazeem Catriona Manville et al. | TOP2B: The first thirty years | 2018 |
Catriona Manville Kayleigh Smith Dr Zbyslaw Sondka Holly Rance Dr Ian Cowell et al. | Genome-wide ChIP-seq analysis of human TOP2B occupancy in MCF7 breast cancer epithelial cells | 2015 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Adiponectin Corrects High-Fat Diet-Induced Disturbances in Muscle Metabolomic Profile and Whole-Body Glucose Homeostasis | 2013 |
Dr Kay Padget Hannah Curtis Dr Ian Cowell Dr Zbyslaw Sondka Dr Nick Morris et al. | MRE11 facilitates the removal of human topoisomerase II complexes from genomic DNA | 2012 |
Pawel Stocki Dr Xiao Wang Dr Nick Morris Professor Anne Dickinson
| HSP70 Natively and Specifically Associates with an N-terminal Dermcidin-derived Peptide That Contains an HLA-A*03 Antigenic Epitope | 2011 |
Amita Jatkar Emeritus Professor Barbara Brown Professor John Bythell Dr Reia Guppy Dr Nick Morris et al. | Measuring mucus thickness in reef corals using a technique devised for vertebrate applications | 2010 |
Dr Kaveh Emami Dr Nick Morris Dr Simon Cockell Professor Angharad MR Gatehouse
| Changes in Protein Expression Profiles between a Low Phytic Acid Rice (Oryza sativa L. Ssp japonica) Line and Its Parental Line: A Proteomic and Bioinformatic Approach | 2010 |
Amita Jatkar Emeritus Professor Barbara Brown Professor John Bythell Dr Reia Guppy Dr Nick Morris et al. | Coral Mucus: The Properties of Its Constituent Mucins | 2010 |
Pawel Stocki Dr Nick Morris Dr Xiao Wang Professor Anne Dickinson
| Identification of potential HLA class I and class II epitope precursors associated with heat shock protein 70 (HSPA) | 2010 |
Dr Nick Morris Professor Anil Wipat
| Guidelines for reporting the use of gel electrophoresis in proteomics | 2008 |
Catriona Manville Dr Emma Clark Dr Kay Padget james Harvey Dr Nick Morris et al. | Bioinformatic analysis of topoisomerase II binding sites | 2007 |
Dr Gary Litherland Dr Nick Morris Professor Mark Walker Emeritus Professor Steve Yeaman
| Role of glycogen content in insulin resistance in human muscle cells | 2007 |
Dr Frank Gibson Professor Anil Wipat Dr Matthew Pocock Dr Nick Morris
| GELI: a data model for the representation of a gel electrophoresis experiment | 2006 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Recent trends in knowledge and data integration for the life sciences | 2006 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Syntaxin 6 regulates Glut4 trafficking in 3T3-L1 adipocytes | 2003 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Cloning and characterization of a 22 kDa protein from rat adipocytes: a new member of the reticulon family | 1999 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Cloning and preliminary characterization of a 121 kDa protein with multiple predicted C2 domains | 1999 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Insulin inhibits the phosphorylation of alpha-Gi-2 in intact hepatocytes. | 1995 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Multi-site phosphorylation of the inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein Gi-2 occurs in rat hepatocytes | 1994 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Regulation of hepatocyte adenylate cyclase by amylin and CGRP: A single receptor displaying apparent negative co-operativity towards CGRP and simple saturation kinetics for amylin, a requirement for phosphodiesterase inhibition to observe elevated hepatocyte cyclic AMP levels and the phosphorylation of Gi-2 | 1994 |
Dr Nick Morris
| A mnemonical or negative co-operativity model for the activation of adenylyl cyclase by a common G-protein coupled CGRP/amylin receptor | 1993 |
Dr Nick Morris
| The occurrence of three isoenzymes of protein kinase C (alpha, beta and gamma) in retinas of different species. | 1992 |
Dr Nick Morris
| DARPP-32 like protein in specific snail (Helix aspersa) neurones | 1991 |
Dr Nick Morris
| Protein kinase C (α and β) immunoreactivity in rabbit and rat retina. Effect of phorbol esters and transmitter agonists on immunoreactivity and the translocation of the enzyme from cytosolic to membrane compartments. | 1991 |