Dr Parth Patel
| Focal firms and interorganisational relationships in small economies: Towards a multi-level theoretical framework for enhancing value co-creation and performance | 2024 |
Professor Susan Kirk Dr Parth Patel
| Public service leadership: follower interpersonal communication satisfaction in transformational leadership and growth satisfaction, job stress and burnout | 2023 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Perceptions of Indian managers on the impact of convergent technologies on work and resultant organisational performance in service industry | 2022 |
Dr Parth Patel Dr Sawlat Zaman
| Fostering Business Growth and Innovation Through Internationalization: The Interesting Illustration of the Indian IT Industry | 2021 |
Dr Ali Alzubaidi Dr Parth Patel Dr Ellis Solaiman
| A Blockchain-based Approach for Assessing Compliance with SLA-guaranteed IoT Services | 2020 |
Mohammed Yekini Dr Natalia Yakovleva Dr Faten Baddar Alhusan Dr Parth Patel
| The Economic Resources Spiral Model of Work Engagement | 2020 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Updated Precarious Employment Framework: Refined Dimensions, Pathways to Negative Outcomes and Future Research Agenda | 2020 |
Dr Parth Patel
| A research agenda examining the adjustment of Western expatriates in India to determine their success and failure | 2019 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Global staffing and control in emerging multinational corporations and their subsidiaries in developed countries: Indian IT EMNCs in Australia | 2019 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Interactive effects of national culture & different types of fits (PO, PS and PG fit) on creation of facades of conformity and its subsequent impact on employee’s performance | 2019 |
Dr Parth Patel
| National identity and cross-border business focus of expatriates and host-country managers in the United Arab Emirates | 2019 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Organisational support for grieving employees in Australia | 2019 |
Dr Parth Patel
| The impact of online learning on students’ skills enhancement and its subsequent impact on career growth: The moderating role of country of residence | 2019 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Work-readiness of Indian graduates: A multi-stakeholder approach to assess competence deficits and causes, and possible solutions | 2019 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Career impact and mobility from an online MBA | 2018 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Revisiting team engagement in the Indian start-up context: Exploring the potential antecedents | 2018 |
Dr Parth Patel
| The relevance of the 457-temporary skilled work visa for Indian IT firms operating in Australia | 2018 |
Dr Parth Patel
| The transfer of HRM practices from emerging Indian IT MNEs to their subsidiaries in Australia: The MNE diamond model | 2018 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Growth strategies and institutional constraints of Indian IT multinationals operating in Australia: A review of literature and exploration of antecedents | 2017 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Indian IT MNEs and the transfer of HRM practices in their subsidiaries in developed countries | 2017 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Migration challenges and career habitus of South Asian professionals and managers in Australia | 2017 |
Dr Parth Patel
| An examination of the mediated model of theory of planned behaviour to understand gender equity initiatives of HR managers in Bangladesh | 2016 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Cultural value orientations and employee preference for HRM practices in northern European countries: A research agenda on the Swedish perspective | 2016 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Cultural value orientations and staffing practices of Indian employees in Australia: A Review and Research Agenda | 2016 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Does the religiosity of managers influence their attitudes towards women as managers? – An examination of a mediated model in Bangladesh | 2016 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Global staffing and control in emerging multinational corporations and their developed country subsidiaries: The case of Indian MNCs in Australia | 2016 |
Dr Parth Patel
| Location and firm-specific influences over the adaptation of HRM practices in multinational enterprises from emerging economies: Evidence from Indian MNE with subsidiaries in Australia | 2016 |
Dr Parth Patel
| The control of subsidiaries in MNCs from emerging economies in developed countries: The case of Indian multinationals in Australia | 2014 |