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Browsing publications by Dr Simon Barrett.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Simon Barrett
Dr Cassey Muir
Professor Eileen Kaner
Professor Ruth McGovern
“They had clothes on their back and they had food in their stomach, but they didn't have me”: The contribution of parental mental health problems, substance use, and domestic violence and abuse on young people and parents2024
Professor Ruth McGovern
Dr Simon Barrett
A Behaviour Change Analysis of Safer Sleep Interventions for Infants at Risk of Sudden and Unexpected Death2024
Dr Cassey Muir
Dr Simon Barrett
Professor Ruth McGovern
Professor Eileen Kaner
Co-design workshops with families experiencing multiple and interacting adversities including parental mental health, substance use, domestic violence, and poverty: intervention principles and insights from mothers, fathers, and young people2024
Dr Simon Barrett
Debbie Smart
Dr Angela Bate
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
Exploring caregiver perspectives in the context of parental substance use: A qualitative study2024
Debbie Smart
Dr Simon Barrett
Hilda Frost
Emma Adams
Dr Hayley Alderson
et al.
Mechanisms That Promote and Support Family Preservation for Children at the Edge of Care: A Realist Synthesis2024
Dr Simon Barrett
Professor Ruth McGovern
Parental decision making about safer sleep practices: A qualitative study of the perspectives of families with additional health and social care needs2024
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Charlotte Rothwell
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Simon Barrett
Scott Lloyd
et al.
Tier 2 adult weight management services in the UK: A case study evaluation of local authority provision of targeted services for higher-risk groups in England2024
Dr Simon Barrett
Dr Cassey Muir
Dr Simon Hackett
Professor Eileen Kaner
Professor Ruth McGovern
et al.
Interventions to Reduce Parental Substance Use, Domestic Violence and Mental Health Problems, and Their Impacts Upon Children’s Well-Being: A Systematic Review of Reviews and Evidence Mapping2023
Dr Simon Barrett
Challenges and Approaches to Green Social Prescribing During and in the Aftermath of COVID-19: A Qualitative Study2022
Adenike Adesanya
Dr Simon Barrett
Dr Malcolm Moffat
Dr Ryc Aquino
Professor Judith Rankin
et al.
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Expectant and New Parent’s Experience of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Parental Responsiveness and Sensitivity, Bonding and Attunement in High-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Evidence2022
Dr Hayley Alderson
Dr Simon Barrett
Dr Samantha Burns
Victoria Cooling
Dr Simon Hackett
et al.
Parental intimate partner violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning from remote and hybrid working to influence future support2022
Dr Simon Barrett
Sexual harassment in secondary school: Prevalence and ambiguities. A mixed methods study in Scottish schools2022
Dr Simon Barrett
Supporting Vulnerable Populations During the Pandemic: Stakeholders’ Experiences and Perceptions of Social Prescribing in Scotland During Covid-192022
Dr Samantha Redgate
Debbie Smart
Emma Adams
Dr Hayley Alderson
Dr Simon Barrett
et al.
A realist synthesis of evidence on the effectiveness of community delivered interventions to reduce the likelihood of children going into care and promote family preservation.2021
Dr Samantha Burns
Dr Simon Barrett
Professor Eileen Kaner
Professor Ruth McGovern
Interventions to reduce parental substance use, domestic violence and mental health, and their impacts upon children’s wellbeing: a systematic review of reviews plus an evidence and gap map2021
Adenike Adesanya
Professor Judith Rankin
Dr Ryc Aquino
Dr Malcolm Moffat
Dr Simon Barrett
et al.
Rapid review of the impact of COVID-19 on parental responsiveness and sensitivity, bonding and attunement2021
Dr Simon Barrett
Weathering the storm: A qualitative study of social prescribing in urban and rural Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic2021
Dr Ryc Aquino
Professor Judith Rankin
Dr Malcolm Moffat
Professor Nicola Heslehurst
Dr Emer Cullen
et al.
Parents’ health-protective behaviours and infant care practices during pandemics: a systematic review2020