Professor Sheena Ramsay Dr Ziyi Cai Dr David Sinclair Professor Matthew Prina Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Inequalities at Age of Diagnosis of Severe Mental Illness in England | 2025 |
Alison Barnes Tara Kelly Keaton Irvine Dr Carl Peters Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya et al. | 5-year follow-up of the randomised Diabetes RemissionClinical Trial (DiRECT) of continued support for weight lossmaintenance in the UK: an extension study | 2024 |
Dr Mackenzie Fong Dr Lorraine McSweeney Professor Ashley Adamson Scott Lloyd Dr Charlotte Rothwell et al. | A cross-sectional survey study exploring provision and delivery of expanded community tier 2 behavioural weight management services in England | 2024 |
Dr Angela Jones Professor Ashley Adamson
| Adaptation and Validation of the MapMe Body Image Scales in Spanish Parents of Schoolchildren | 2024 |
Dr Giorgia Perri Professor John Mathers Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz Dr Craig Parker Professor Dame Louise Robinson et al. | The association between selenium status and global and attention specific cognition in very old adults in The Newcastle 85+ Study: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses | 2024 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Dr Charlotte Rothwell Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Simon Barrett Scott Lloyd et al. | Tier 2 adult weight management services in the UK: A case study evaluation of local authority provision of targeted services for higher-risk groups in England | 2024 |
Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Laura Basterfield
| Tracking of MVPA across childhood and adolescence | 2024 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Kay Mann Dr Laura Cutler Professor Mark Pearce Dr Martin Tovee et al. | A Randomised Control Trial Investigating the Efficacy of the MapMe Intervention on Parental Ability to Correctly Categorise Overweight in Their Child and the Impact on Child BMI Z-Score Change at 1 Year | 2023 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Kimberley Davies Emma Foster Dr Angela Jones Professor John Mathers et al. | Assessment of Dietary Intake in Three Cohorts of Advanced Age in Two Countries: Methodology Challenges | 2023 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Dr Angela Jones Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Ashley Adamson
| Local authority delivery of a large-scale public health intervention: experiences, challenges, and solutions | 2023 |
Dr Oliver Shannon Professor Thomas Hill Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Mario Siervo Dr Graciela Muniz Terrera et al. | Mediterranean diet adherence is associated with lower dementia risk, independent of genetic predisposition: Findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study | 2023 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Dr Angela Jones Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Ashley Adamson
| Parent views of national child measurement programme feedback letters and engagement with the healthy weight maintenance MapMe tool | 2023 |
Dr Mandy Cheetham Dr Sam Redgate Clare Humble Emeritus Prof David Hunter Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | What I really want is academics who want to partner and who care about the outcome’: findings from a mixed-methods study of evidence use in local government in England | 2023 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Dr Bronia Arnott Dr Angela Jones Professor Ashley Adamson
| Challenges and opportunities of remote public involvement and community engagement during a pandemic: refining the MapMe childhood health weight intervention | 2022 |
Rebecca McIntyre Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Suzanne Spence
| Changes and differences in school food standards (2010-2021) and free school meal provision during COVID-19 across the UK: potential implications for children's diets | 2022 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Professor John Matthews Dr Lorraine McSweeney Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Jennifer Bradley et al. | The Effect of a Product Placement Intervention on Pupil’s Food and Drink Purchases in Two Secondary Schools: An Exploratory Study | 2022 |
Dr Jennifer Bradley Maisie Rowland Joe Matthews Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Suzanne Spence et al. | A comparison of food portion size estimation methods among 11-12 year olds: 3D food models vs an online tool using food portion photos (Intake24) | 2021 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Ngaire Kerse
| Association between dietary protein intake and change in grip strength over time among adults of advanced age: Life and Living in Advanced Age: A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LiLACS NZ) | 2021 |
Dr Mandy Cheetham Dr Samantha Redgate Clare Humble Professor Ashley Adamson
| Co-production in local government: process, codification and capacity building of new knowledge in collective reflection spaces. Workshops findings from a UK mixed methods study | 2021 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Mark Pearce
| Failure to launch: Predictors of unfavourable physical activity and sedentary behaviour trajectories from childhood to adolescence: the Gateshead Millennium Study | 2021 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Professor John Matthews Dr Lorraine McSweeney Maisie Rowland Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Implementation of Universal Infant Free School Meals: A pilot study in NE England exploring the impact on Key Stage 1 pupil's dietary intake | 2021 |
Dr Mackenzie Fong Dr Steph Scott Dr Viviana Albani Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Eileen Kaner et al. | 'Joining the Dots': Individual, sociocultural and environmental links between alcohol consumption, dietary intake and body weight—A narrative review | 2021 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Mark Pearce
| Moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity and sedentary behaviour across childhood and adolescence, and their combined relationship with obesity risk: a multi-trajectory analysis | 2021 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Suzanne Spence
| Opportunities for intervention and innovation in school food within UK schools | 2021 |
Natassia Robinson Dr Jill McKay Professor Mark Pearce Dr Viviana Albani Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | The biological and social determinants of childhood obesity: comparison of two cohorts 50 years apart | 2021 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Sarah Steven Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Roy Taylor et al. | Behaviour change during dietary Type 2 diabetes remission: a longitudinal qualitative evaluation of an intervention using a very low energy diet | 2020 |
Professor Emma Stevenson Dr Oliver Shannon Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Thomas Hill Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | NuBrain: UK consortium for optimal nutrition for healthy brain ageing | 2020 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Anna Haste Dr Linda Penn Dr Ruth Bell Professor Martin White et al. | Stakeholders' perceptions and experiences of the National Health Service diabetes prevention programme in England: qualitative study with service users, intervention providers and deliverers, commissioners and referrers | 2020 |
Louis Goffe Nadege Uwamahoro Chris Dixon Dr Alasdair Blain Professor Dave Kirk et al. | Supporting a healthier takeaway meal choice: creating a universal Health Rating for online takeaway fast-food outlets | 2020 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Suzanne Spence Maisie Rowland
| The Food provision, cUlture and Environment in secondary schooLs (FUEL) study: protocol of a mixed methods evaluation of national School Food Standards implementation in secondary schools and their impact on pupils' dietary intake and dental health | 2020 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Professor John Matthews Dr Lorraine McSweeney Maisie Rowland Phoebe Orango et al. | A natural experimental evaluation of the effect of universal infant free school meals on key stage 1 pupil’s dietary intake in northeast England: a pilot study | 2019 |
Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Kirby Sainsbury Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Frauke Becker et al. | Behavioural intervention for weight loss maintenance vs. standard weight advice in adults with obesity: a randomised controlled trial in the UK (NULevel Trial) | 2019 |
Dr Kay Mann Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kathryn Parkinson Jessica Reilly Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Birth weight and adolescent blood pressure measured at age 12 years in the Gateshead Millennium Study | 2019 |
Ali/Alison Barnes Dr Carl Peters Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya Dr Ahmad Al-Mrabeh Dr Kieren Hollingsworth et al. | Durability of a primary care-led weight-management intervention for remission of type 2 diabetes: 2-year results of the DiRECT open-label, cluster-randomised trial | 2019 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Dr Jennifer Bradley Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Suzanne Spence
| Exploring pupil and staff perceptions of school food and drinks: Findings from a feasibility study | 2019 |
Dr Steph Scott Cassey Muir Professor Eileen Kaner Dr Wendy Wrieden Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Exploring the links between unhealthy eating behaviour and heavy alcohol use in the social, emotional and cultural lives of young adults (age 18-25): A qualitative research study | 2019 |
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown Louis Goffe Dr Linda Penn Dr Wendy Wrieden Professor Martin White et al. | Feasibility and acceptability of a Takeaway Masterclass aimed at encouraging healthier cooking practices and menu options in takeaway food outlets | 2019 |
Louis Goffe Dr Frances Hillier-Brown Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Linda Penn Dr Wendy Wrieden et al. | Feasibility of working with a wholesale supplier to co-design and test acceptability of an intervention to promote smaller portions: an uncontrolled before-and-after study in British Fish & Chip shops | 2019 |
Dr Angela Jones Louisa Jane Ells Professor Ashley Adamson
| Improving child weight management uptake through enhanced National Child Measurement Programme parental feedback letters: A randomised controlled trial | 2019 |
Dr Mandy Cheetham Dr Samantha Redgate Clare Humble Professor Ashley Adamson
| Local Authority Champions of Research: a mixed methods proof of concept study | 2019 |
Dr Xanne Janssen Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Mark Pearce Jessica Reilly Dr Laura Basterfield et al. | Longitudinal changes in vigorous intensity physical activity from childhood to adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study | 2019 |
Dr Xanne Janssen Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce Jessica Reilly et al. | Non-linear longitudinal associations between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and adiposity across the adiposity distribution during childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study | 2019 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Parents' and carers' awareness and perceptions of UK supermarket policies on less healthy food at checkouts: A qualitative study | 2019 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Jennifer Bradley Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Suzanne Spence
| The 'Voice' of Key Stakeholders in a School Food and Drink Intervention in Two Secondary Schools in NE England: Findings from a Feasibility Study | 2019 |
Emma Foster Dr Clement Lee Ivan Poliakov Maisie Rowland Timur Osadchiy et al. | Validity and reliability of an online self-report 24-hour dietary recall method (Intake24): A doubly-labelled water study and repeated measures analysis | 2019 |
Professor Mark Pearce Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Ashley Adamson
| Bidirectional Associations Between Adiposity, Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity: A Longitudinal Study in Children | 2018 |
Professor Roy Taylor Ali/Alison Barnes Dr Carl Peters Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya Dr Kieren Hollingsworth et al. | Clinical and metabolic features of the randomised controlled Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) cohort | 2018 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Martin Tovee Dr Laura Cutler Dr Kathryn Parkinson Louisa Jane Ells et al. | Development of the MapMe intervention body image scales of known weight status for 4-5 and 10-11 year old children | 2018 |
Dr Viviana Albani Dr Jennifer Bradley Dr Wendy Wrieden Dr Steph Scott Cassey Muir et al. | Examining Associations between Body Mass Index in 18–25 Year-Olds and Energy Intake from Alcohol: Findings from the Health Survey for England and the Scottish Health Survey | 2018 |
Dr Jennifer Bradley Dr Emma Foster Professor Ashley Adamson
| Feasibility of an estimated method using graduated utensils to estimate food portion size in infants aged 4 to 18 months | 2018 |
Maisie Rowland Professor Ashley Adamson Ivan Poliakov Dr Jennifer Bradley Emma Simpson et al. | Field Testing of the Use of Intake24 - An Online 24-Hour Dietary Recall System | 2018 |
Dr Linda Penn Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Anna Haste Dr Marta Marques Kirsten Budig et al. | NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in England: formative evaluation of the programme in early phase implementation | 2018 |
Dr Steph Scott Fiona Beyer Dr Kathryn Parkinson Cassey Muir Professor Eileen Kaner et al. | Non-pharmacological interventions designed to reduce health risks due to unhealthy eating behaviour and linked risky or excessive drinking in adults aged 18-25 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 2018 |
Dr Steph Scott Fiona Beyer Dr Kathryn Parkinson Cassey Muir Professor Eileen Kaner et al. | Non-Pharmacological Interventions to Reduce Unhealthy Eating and Risky Drinking in Young Adults Aged 18-25 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2018 |
Ali/Alison Barnes Dr Carl Peters Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya Dr Ahmad Al-Mrabeh Dr Kieren Hollingsworth et al. | Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial | 2018 |
Dr Anna Haste Professor Ashley Adamson Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Dr Ruth Bell
| Problems recruiting and retaining postnatal women to a pilot randomised controlled trial of a web-delivered weight loss intervention. | 2018 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Martin White
| Socio-economic and age variations in response to supermarket-led checkout food policies: a repeated measures analysis | 2018 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Martin White Dr Jean Adams
| Supermarket policies on less-healthy food at checkouts: Natural experimental evaluation using interrupted time series analyses of purchases | 2018 |
Louis Goffe Dr Linda Penn Dr Jean Adams Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Martin White et al. | The challenges of interventions to promote healthier food in independent takeaways in England: qualitative study of intervention deliverers’ views | 2018 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Martin White Dr Jean Adams
| The nature of UK supermarkets’ policies on checkout food and associations with healthfulness and type of food displayed: cross-sectional study | 2018 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Mark Pearce Jessica Reilly Dr Xanne Janssen et al. | Timing of the decline in physical activity in childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Cohort Study | 2018 |
Dr Anna Haste Dr Linda Penn Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Marta Marques Kirsten Budig et al. | Using evidence-based guidelines to inform service provision: a structured mapping exercise within the National Health Service Diabetes Prevention Programme in England | 2018 |
Professor Roy Taylor Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| VLCD for weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes? – Authors' reply | 2018 |
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown Dr Wendy Wrieden Dr Jean Adams Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | A description of interventions promoting healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets in England: a systematic mapping and evidence synthesis | 2017 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Tim Rapley Professor Ashley Adamson
| A feasibility study with process evaluation of a preschool intervention to improve child and family lifestyle behaviours | 2017 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Sarah Steven Professor Roy Taylor et al. | Acceptability of a very-low-energy diet in Type 2 diabetes: patient experiences and behaviour regulation | 2017 |
Dr Emma Foster Adrian Hawkins Elaine Stamp Professor John Matthews Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Development of food photographs for use with children aged 18 months to 16 years: comparison against weighed food diaries - The Young Person's Food Atlas (UK) | 2017 |
Dr Rachel Tyrrell Fiona Greenhalgh Dr Susan Hodgson Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Food environments of young people: linking individual behaviour to environmental context | 2017 |
Emma Simpson Dr Jennifer Bradley Ivan Poliakov Dan Jackson Professor Patrick Olivier et al. | Iterative Development of an Online Dietary Recall Tool: INTAKE24 | 2017 |
Dr Kay Mann Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Mark Pearce Jessica Reilly Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Longitudinal study of the associations between change in sedentary behavior and change in adiposity during childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study | 2017 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Nuno Mendonca Professor Avan Sayer Professor Thomas Hill Dr Karen Davies et al. | Low protein intake, muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2017 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Jessica Reilly Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Xanne Janssen Dr Angela Jones et al. | Mothers' perceptions of child weight status and the subsequent weight gain of their children: a population based longitudinal study | 2017 |
Dr Steph Scott Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Eileen Kaner Shannon Robalino Dr Wendy Wrieden et al. | Non-pharmacological interventions designed to reduce health risks due to unhealthy eating behaviour and linked risky or excessive drinking in adults aged 18–25 years: a systematic review protocol | 2017 |
Dr Nuno Mendonca Dr Antoneta Granic Professor John Mathers Professor Thomas Hill Dr Mario Siervo et al. | Prevalence and determinants of low protein intake in very old adults: insights from the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2017 |
Louis Goffe Professor Stephen Rushton Professor Martin White Professor Ashley Adamson
| Relationship between mean daily energy intake and frequency of consumption of out-of-home meals in the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey | 2017 |
Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Laura Basterfield Jessica Reilly Dr Kathryn Parkinson et al. | Risk factors for eating disorder symptoms at 12 years of age: A 6-year longitudinal cohort study | 2017 |
Dr Steph Scott Jessica Reilly Dr Frances Hillier-Brown Professor Eileen Kaner Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Socio-ecological influences on adolescent (aged 10-17) alcohol use and linked unhealthy eating behaviours: Protocol for a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies | 2017 |
Dr Kirby Sainsbury Dr Claire Cleland Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Stephan Dombrowski et al. | Supporting the transition from weight loss to maintenance: development and optimisation of a face-to-face behavioural intervention component | 2017 |
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown Professor Martin White Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Ashley Adamson
| The impact of interventions to promote healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets open to the general public: a systematic review | 2017 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Thomas Hill Dr Karen Davies Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Vitamin D Status, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance Decline in Very Old Adults: A Prospective Study | 2017 |
Dr Anna Haste Professor Ashley Adamson Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Dr Ruth Bell et al. | Web-Based Weight Loss Intervention for Men With Type 2 Diabetes: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial | 2017 |
Dr Viviana Albani Dr Carlos Celis Morales Eileen Gibney Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Within-person reproducibility and sensitivity to dietary change of C15:0 and C17:0 levels in dried blood spots: Data from the European Food4Me Study | 2017 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Jessica Reilly Professor Mark Pearce Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Can’t play, won’t play: longitudinal changes in perceived barriers to participation in sports clubs across the child-adolescent transition | 2016 |
Dr Jennifer Bradley Emma Simpson Ivan Poliakov Professor John Matthews Professor Patrick Olivier et al. | Comparison of INTAKE24 (an Online 24-h Dietary Recall Tool) with Interviewer-Led 24-h Recall in 11–24 Year-Old | 2016 |
Louis Goffe Dr Frances Hillier-Brown Dr Wendy Wrieden Dr Amelia Lake Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | Comparison of sodium content of meals served by independent takeaways using standard versus reduced holed salt shakers: Cross-sectional study | 2016 |
Dr Kay Mann Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce Jessica Reilly et al. | Development of sedentary behaviour across childhood and adolescence: longitudinal analysis of the Gateshead Millennium Study | 2016 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood Professor Thomas Hill et al. | Dietary Patterns High in Red Meat, Potato, Gravy, and Butter Are Associated with Poor Cognitive Functioning but Not with Rate of Cognitive Decline in Very Old Adults | 2016 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Dr Karen Davies Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood et al. | Effect of dietary patterns of muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2016 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Dr Bronia Arnott Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Roy Taylor et al. | Efficacy and acceptability of very low energy diets in overweight and obese people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review with meta-analyses | 2016 |
Dr Viviana Albani Dr Carlos Celis Morales Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers Professor Lorraine Brennan et al. | Exploring the association of dairy product intake with the fatty acids C15:0 and C17:0 measured from dried blood spots in a multipopulation cohort: Findings from the Food4Me study | 2016 |
Rachel Tyrrell Professor Tim Townshend Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Amelia Lake
| I’m not trusted in the kitchen’: food environments and food behaviours of young people attending school and college | 2016 |
Dr Nuno Mendonca Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz Emeritus Professor Chris Seal et al. | Intakes of Folate and Vitamin B12 and Biomarkers of Status in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study | 2016 |
Dr Nuno Mendonca Professor Thomas Hill Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Dr Joanna Collerton et al. | Macronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2016 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Ngaire Kerse
| Macronutrient intake in advanced age: Te Puawaitanga o Nga Tapuwae Kia Ora Tonu, Life and Living in Advanced Age: A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LiLACS NZ) | 2016 |
Dr Nuno Mendonca Professor Thomas Hill Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Dr Joanna Collerton et al. | Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: Analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2016 |
Professor Ngaire Kerse Professor Ashley Adamson
| Micronutrient intake in advanced age: Te Puāwaitanga o Ngā Tapuwae Kia ora Tonu, Life and Living in Advanced Age: A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LiLACS NZ) | 2016 |
Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Anna Haste Dr Linda Penn Dr Ruth Bell Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | OP80 Formative evaluation of the UK NHS diabetes prevention programme demonstrator phase: review of baseline information | 2016 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson
| Parental perception of weight status: Influence on children's diet in the Gateshead Millennium Study | 2016 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Dr Tim Rapley Dr Katie Haighton Professor Ashley Adamson
| Perceptions of nursery staff and parent views of healthy eating promotion in preschool settings: an exploratory qualitative study | 2016 |
Louis Goffe Dr Wendy Wrieden Dr Linda Penn Dr Frances Hillier-Brown Dr Amelia Lake et al. | Reducing the salt added to takeaway food: within-subjects comparison of salt delivered by five and 17 holed salt shakers in controlled conditions | 2016 |
Professor Thomas Hill Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Dr Joanna Collerton Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz et al. | Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and its determinants in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ study | 2016 |
Dr Anna Haste Dr James Newham Dr Ruth Bell Professor Ashley Adamson Emerita Professor Elaine McColl et al. | Systematic Review and meta-analysis of internet-delivered interventions providing personalised feedback for weight loss in overweight and obese adults | 2016 |
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor John Mathers Dr Carl Peters et al. | The Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT): protocol for a cluster randomised trial | 2016 |
Dr Anna Haste Dr Angela Rodrigues Dr Linda Penn Rosemary Bell Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in England: Lessons learnt from process evaluation of the demonstrator site phase | 2016 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson
| Tracking of toddler fruit and vegetable preferences to intake and adiposity later in childhood | 2016 |
Professor Thomas Hill Dr Nuno Mendonca Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Mario Siervo Emerita Professor Carol Jagger et al. | What do we know about the nutritional status of the very old? Insights from three cohorts of advanced age from the UK and New Zealand | 2016 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Angela Jones Dr Martin Tovee Louisa Jane Ells Professor Mark Pearce et al. | A cluster randomised trial testing an intervention to improve parents' recognition of their child's weight status: study protocol | 2015 |
Professor Ngaire Kerse Professor Ashley Adamson
| Cohort Profile: Te Puawaitanga o Nga Tapuwae Kia Ora Tonu, Life and Living in Advanced Age: A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LiLACS NZ) | 2015 |
Dr Jennifer Bradley Emma Simpson Professor Ashley Adamson Ivan Poliakov Professor Patrick Olivier et al. | Comparison of INTAKE24 (an online 24hr dietary recall tool) with an interviewer-led 24hr recall method in 11-16 year olds | 2015 |
Dr Nuno Mendonca Dr Antoneta Granic Professor John Mathers Dr Wendy Wrieden Dr Mario Siervo et al. | Contribution of animal products to dietary intakes in the very old | 2015 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce Jessica Reilly Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Determinants of changes in sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time among 9 and 12 year old children | 2015 |
Dr Nuno Mendonca Professor Thomas Hill Dr Antoneta Granic Professor John Mathers Dr Wendy Wrieden et al. | Dietary intake and food sources in the very old | 2015 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood Professor Thomas Hill et al. | Dietary Patterns and Socioeconomic Status in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study | 2015 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Professor Martin White Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Matthews
| Does the use of passive or active consent affect consent or completion rates, or dietary data quality? Repeat cross-sectional survey among school children aged 11–12 years | 2015 |
Dr Jean Adams Louis Goffe Dr Amelia Lake Professor Martin White Dr Wendy Wrieden et al. | Frequency and socio-demographic correlates of eating meals out and take-away meals at home: cross-sectional analysis of the UK national diet and nutrition survey, waves 1-4 (2008-12) | 2015 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Laura Basterfield Jessica Reilly Professor Ann Le Couteur et al. | Influence of adiposity on health- related quality of life in the Gateshead Millennium Study cohort: Longitudinal study at 12 years | 2015 |
Emma Simpson Dr Jennifer Bradley Ivan Poliakov Dr Emma Foster Dan Jackson et al. | Iterative development of an online dietary recall tool, INTAKE24 | 2015 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Jessica Reilly Professor Mark Pearce Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Longitudinal associations between sports participation, body composition and physical activity from childhood to adolescence | 2015 |
Nuno Mendonça Professor Thomas Hill Dr Antoneta Granic Professor John Mathers Dr Wendy Wrieden et al. | Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old | 2015 |
Dr Xanne Janssen Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce Jessica Reilly et al. | Objective measurement of sedentary behavior: impact of non-wear time rules on changes in sedentary time | 2015 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson
| Parental perception of weight status: Influence on children's diet in the Gateshead Millennium Study | 2015 |
Dr Jean Adams Louis Goffe Professor Ashley Adamson Joel Halligan Dr Nicola O'Brien et al. | Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of cooking skills in UK adults: cross-sectional analysis of data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey | 2015 |
Joel Halligan Dr Nicki O'Brien Dr Frauke Becker Louis Goffe Dr Heather Brown et al. | Research to support the evaluation and implementation of adult cooking skills interventions in the UK: pilot RCT with process and economic evaluations [ISRCTN 91580447] | 2015 |
Dr Elizabeth Evans Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Heather Brown Dr Stephan Dombrowski et al. | The NULevel trial of a scalable, technology-assisted weight loss maintenance intervention for obese adults after clinically significant weight loss: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial | 2015 |
Dr Lorraine McSweeney Dr Tim Rapley Professor Ashley Adamson
| The Preschool Child, Food Photography and a Parent's Bed; A Feasibility Study to Determine Acceptable Visual Data Collection Methods | 2015 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Professor John Matthews Professor Martin White Professor Ashley Adamson
| A repeat cross-sectional study examining the equitable impact of nutritional standards for school lunches in England in 2008 on the diets of 4-7y olds across the socio-economic spectrum | 2014 |
Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos Dr Elizabeth Evans Dr Nicola O'Brien Professor Paula Moynihan Dr Thomas Meyer et al. | Association of behaviour change techniques with effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials | 2014 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor Ashley Adamson
| Challenges involved in measuring intake in early life: focus on methods | 2014 |
Dr Emma Foster Adrian Hawkins Emma Simpson Professor Ashley Adamson
| Developing an interactive portion size assessment system (IPSAS) for use with children | 2014 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Developing technological solutions for dietary assessment in children and young people | 2014 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Elaine Stamp Professor John Matthews Professor Martin White Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Did School Food and Nutrient-Based Standards in England Impact on 11–12Y Olds Nutrient Intake at Lunchtime and in Total Diet? Repeat Cross-Sectional Study | 2014 |
Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos Professor Paula Moynihan Dr Thomas Meyer Professor Ashley Adamson Linda Errington et al. | Effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | 2014 |
Dr Antoneta Granic karen Davies Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood et al. | Food for Thought: Dietary Patterns and Their Effects on Cognitive Decline in the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2014 |
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie Emerita Professor Elaine McColl Professor Jeremy Parr Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Ann Le Couteur et al. | Parents' and Child Health Professionals' Attitudes Towards Dietary Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2014 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Angela Jones Dr Kathryn Parkinson Jessica Reilly Professor Mark Pearce et al. | Physical activity, diet and BMI in children aged 6–8 years: a cross-sectional analysis | 2014 |
Dr Emma Foster Adrian Hawkins Dr Jennifer Bradley Professor Ashley Adamson
| Reducing the cost of dietary assessment: Self-Completed Recall and Analysis of Nutrition for use with children (SCRAN24) | 2014 |
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Martin White Dr Jean Adams Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | The effectiveness of interventions targeting specific out-of-home food outlets: protocol for a systematic review | 2014 |
Professor John Mathers Professor Thomas Hill Dr Emma Foster Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Ruth Valentine et al. | Twenty years of research in the Human Nutrition Research Centre, Newcastle University, 1994-2014 | 2014 |
Dr Lucia Rehackova Dr Bronia Arnott Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | Acceptability of very low energy diets in type 2 diabetic individuals: A systematic review | 2013 |
Denise Howel Elaine Stamp Dr Thomas Chadwick Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Martin White et al. | Are social inequalities widening in generalised and abdominal obesity and overweight among English adults? | 2013 |
Professor Mark Pearce Dr Peter James Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Angela Jones Dr Laura Basterfield et al. | Creation of an Adiposity Index for Children Aged 6–8 Years: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2013 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Professor John Matthews Professor Martin White Professor Ashley Adamson
| Did legislation to regulate school meals in England widen dietary inequalities in children aged 4-7 years? A repeat cross-sectional study | 2013 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Jessica Reilly Dr Emma Slack Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce et al. | Diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour in 11-13 year old UK adolescents: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2013 |
Dr Caroline Shaw Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Angela Jones Professor John Mathers et al. | Dietary patterns as predictors of childhood adiposity | 2013 |
Rachel Tyrrell Professor Ashley Adamson
| Exploring the food environment of young people: Is there a relationship between out of home food outlets and dietary intake? | 2013 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| From awareness to action: Can knowledge about what constitutes a healthy diet and lifestyle be translated into sustainable behaviour change? | 2013 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Front of pack nutrition labelling: are multiple formats a problem for consumers? | 2013 |
Sandra Fernandes-Machado Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Martin Tovee Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | Implicit and reflective predictors of food choices: A dual process model approach | 2013 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Laura Cutler Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Martin Tovee Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | Improving parental recognition of childhood overweight: The Map Me Study | 2013 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Laura Cutler Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Martin Tovee Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | Improving parental recognition of childhood overweight: the Map Me Study | 2013 |
Alex Munro Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| Lifecourse patterns of protein consumption and physical capability in later life | 2013 |
Dr Ruth Bell Peter Tennant Catherine McParlin Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Measuring physical activity in pregnancy: a comparison of accelerometry and self completion questionnaires in overweight and obese women | 2013 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Angela Jones Professor Ashley Adamson
| Mothers' judgements about their child's weight: distinguishing facts from values | 2013 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Pregnancy and birth cohort resources in Europe: a large opportunity for aetiological child health research | 2013 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Suzanne Spence
| School food standards in the UK: implementation and evaluation | 2013 |
Anna Sherrington Dr James Newham Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Professor Ashley Adamson Emerita Professor Elaine McColl et al. | Systematic review of internet-based interventions providing individualised feedback for weight loss in overweight adults | 2013 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Dr Jennifer Bradley Elaine Stamp Professor John Matthews Professor Martin White et al. | The Impact of Food and Nutrient-Based Standards on Primary School Children's Lunch and Total Dietary Intake: A Natural Experimental Evaluation of Government Policy in England | 2013 |
Jessica Reilly Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Emma Slack Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Angela Jones et al. | Tracking of fruit and vegetable consumption from childhood to adolescence: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2013 |
Dr Suzanne Spence Dr Jing Shen Dr Jennifer Bradley Professor Martin White Professor Luke Vale et al. | An evaluation of the effect of the New School Food Policy on children's nutritional intake and socio-economic consequences in North East England | 2012 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ann Le Couteur Professor Ashley Adamson
| Earlier predictors of eating disorder symptoms in 9-year old children. A longitudinal Study | 2012 |
Professor Mark Pearce Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kay Mann Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Early Predictors of Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in 8-10 Year Old Children: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2012 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson Jessica Reilly Dr Kathryn Parkinson et al. | Effect of choice of outcome measure on studies of the etiology of obesity in children | 2012 |
Dr Jean Adams Rachel Tyrrell Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Martin White
| Effect of Restrictions on Television Food Advertising to Children on Exposure to Advertisements for 'Less Healthy' Foods: Repeat Cross-sectional Study | 2012 |
Peter Curtis Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| Effects on nutrient intake of a family-based intervention to promote increased consumption of low-fat starchy foods through education, cooking skills and personalised goal setting: the Family Food and Health Project | 2012 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson Parimala Saminathan Dr Kathryn Parkinson et al. | Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Adiposity in English Children | 2012 |
Dr Jean Adams Joel Halligan Dr Duika Burges Watson Vicky Ryan Dr Linda Penn et al. | The Change4Life Convenience Store Programme to Increase Retail Access to Fresh Fruit and Vegetables: A Mixed Methods Process Evaluation | 2012 |
Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson
| To what extent do weight gain and eating avidity during infancy predict later adiposity? | 2012 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce Professor Caroline Relton Professor Ann Le Couteur Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Cohort Profile: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2011 |
Professor Luke Vale Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Julia Critchley Professor Stephen Rushton Dr Sarah Kelly et al. | Economic evaluation: evaluating the short-term impacts of the school food policy and experimental modelling of longer term impacts | 2011 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Ashley Adamson Jessica Frary Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce et al. | Longitudinal Study of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Children | 2011 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Robert Hyland Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Parental perceptions of weight status in children: the Gateshead Millennium Study | 2011 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Mark Pearce Dr Joseph Reilly Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Physical Activity and Diet: impact on BMI in 6-8 year old children | 2011 |
Professor Mark Pearce Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kay Mann Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Kathryn Parkinson et al. | Predictors of childhood physical activity: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2011 |
Professor Mark Pearce Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kay Mann Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Kathryn Parkinson et al. | Predictors of childhood physical activity: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2011 |
Professor Mark Pearce Dr Laura Basterfield Dr Kay Mann Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Kathryn Parkinson et al. | Predictors of childhood physical activity: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2011 |
Dr Jean Adams Rachel Tyrrell Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Martin White
| Socio-economic differences in exposure to television food advertisements in the UK: a cross-sectional study of advertisements broadcast in one television region | 2011 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ann Le Couteur
| Stability of habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviour monitoring by accelerometry in 6-8 year olds | 2011 |
Dr Tina Biss Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Chris Seal Professor Farhad Kamali
| The potential impact of dietary vitamin K status on anticoagulation control in children receiving warfarin | 2011 |
Angela Craigie Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| Tracking of obesity-related behaviours from childhood to adulthood: A systematic review | 2011 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Angela Jones Professor Ashley Adamson
| When do mothers think their child is overweight? | 2011 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Why healthy eating is bad for young people's health: identity, belonging and food | 2011 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Laura Basterfield
| Correlates of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour in English children | 2010 |
Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ann Le Couteur Professor Ashley Adamson
| Do maternal ratings of appetite in infants predict later Child Eating Behviour Questionnaire scores and body mass index? | 2010 |
Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson
| Food knowledge, attitudes and preferences and BMI in children: The Gateshead Millennium Study | 2010 |
Chris Speed Dr Ben Heaven Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Bond Dr Sally Corbett et al. | LIFELAX - diet and LIFEstyle versus LAXatives in the management of chronic constipation in older people: randomised controlled trial | 2010 |
Catherine McParlin Professor Steve Robson Peter Tennant Professor Judith Rankin Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Objectively measured physical activity during pregnancy: a study in obese and overweight women | 2010 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson
| Packaged food intake by British children aged 0 to 6 years | 2010 |
Thomas Burgoine Dr Amelia Lake Elaine Stamp Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Changing foodscapes 1980-2000, using the ASH30 Study | 2009 |
Dr Amelia Lake Dr Robert Hyland Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Combining social and nutritional perspectives: from adolescence to adulthood (the ASH30 Study) | 2009 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Robert Hyland Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Ann Le Couteur et al. | Developing a focus group approach for exploring parents' perspectives on childhood overweight | 2009 |
Dr Amelia Lake Professor Tim Townshend Dr Seraphim Alvanides Elaine Stamp Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Diet, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and perceptions of the environment in young adults | 2009 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Dietary assessment at the end of life's spectrum | 2009 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Wendy Wrieden
| Estimation of portion size in children's dietary assessment: lessons learnt | 2009 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Joanna Collerton Dr Karen Davies Dr Emma Foster Emerita Professor Carol Jagger et al. | Nutrition in advanced age: dietary assessment in the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2009 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers Dr Seraphim Alvanides Thomas Burgoine
| Obesogenic Environments: Exploring Longitudinal Change in Food Environments and BMI Across Twenty Years (the ASH30 Study) | 2009 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Kathryn Parkinson Professor Ashley Adamson
| Parental perceptions of body size and childhood adiposity at 6-8 years in the Gateshead Millennium Study | 2009 |
Dr Angela Jones Dr Kathryn Parkinson Dr Robert Hyland Professor Ashley Adamson
| Parental recognition of overweight in children aged 6-8 years: Findings from the Gateshead Millennium Study | 2009 |
Angela Craigie Professor John Matthews Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr Amelia Lake Professor John Mathers et al. | Raised adolescent body mass index predicts the development of adiposity and a central distribution of body fat in adulthood: a longitudinal study | 2009 |
Dr Amelia Lake Professor Ashley Adamson Angela Craigie Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor John Mathers et al. | Tracking of Dietary Intake and Factors Associated with Dietary Change from Early Adolescence to Adulthood: The ASH30 Study | 2009 |
Elaine Stamp Denise Howel Dr Thomas Chadwick Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Martin White et al. | Are inequalities in overweight, obesity and high waist-hip ratio among English adults widening? | 2008 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor John Matthews Emeritus Professor Lindsay Marshall Professor John Mathers Dr Wendy Wrieden et al. | Children's estimates of food portion size: The development and evaluation of three portion size assessment tools for use with children | 2008 |
Dr Emma Foster Dr Marilyn O'Keeffe Professor John Matthews Professor John Mathers Dr Wendy Wrieden et al. | Children's estimates of food portion size: The effect of timing of dietary interview on the accuracy of children's portion size estimates | 2008 |
Dr Wendy Wrieden Professor Ashley Adamson
| Estimation of typical food portion sizes for children of different ages in Great Britain | 2008 |
Dr Laura Basterfield Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Kathryn Parkinson
| Surveillance of physical activity in the UK is flawed: validation of the Health Survey for England Physical Activity Questionnaire | 2008 |
Professor Mark Pearce Professor Caroline Relton Professor Nigel Unwin Professor Ashley Adamson
| The relation between diarrhoeal episodes in infancy and both blood pressure and sodium intake in later life: The Newcastle Thousand Families Study | 2008 |
Alison Hossack Elaine Stamp Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson
| A longitudinal study of tracking of adiposity from early adolescence to young adulthood: Northumberland, UK (ASH 17) | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor John Matthews Professor Paula Moynihan Dr Sarah Kelly Dr Jean Adams et al. | Changes in consumption of sugars by English adolescents over 20 years | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Commentary on Rugg-Gunn A.J., Adamson A.J., Appleton D.R., Butler T.J. & Hackett A.F. (1993) Sugars consumption by 379 11-12-year-old English children in 1990 compared with results in 1980. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics; 6, 419-431 | 2007 |
Dr Amelia Lake Chris Speed Anna Brookes Dr Ben Heaven Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Development of a series of patient information leaflets for constipation using a range of cognitive interview techniques: LIFELAX | 2007 |
Dr Amelia Lake Dr Robert Hyland Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Healthy eating: Perceptions and practice (the ASH30 study) | 2007 |
Dr Zoe Weir Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Ruth Bell
| Maternal obesity: when should we intervene? A systematic review of interventions to prevent and treat maternal obesity | 2007 |
Dr Ruth Bell Dr Zoe Weir Dr Katherine Stothard Professor Mark Pearce Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Maternal obesity: when should we intervene? A systematic review of lifestyle interventions before, during and after pregnancy | 2007 |
Dr Robert Hyland Charlotte Wood Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers Michael Hill et al. | Peer educators' perceptions of training for and implementing a community-based nutrition intervention for older adults | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Tim Butler
| Sugars consumption by 379 11-12-year-old English children in 1990 compared with results in 1980 | 2007 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Thomas Chadwick Denise Howel Dr Sarah Kelly Christopher Law et al. | The changing social patterning of obesity: an analysis to inform practice and policy development | 2007 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Chris Seal Dr Nick Steen Professor John Mathers et al. | The nutrition knowledge of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation | 2007 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor John Matthews Professor Julie Harris Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Accuracy of estimates of food portion size using food photographs - The importance of using age-appropriate tools | 2006 |
Dr Wendy Wrieden Professor Ashley Adamson
| Calculation of typical food portion sizes for adults aged 19-64 years and older individuals aged 65 years and over | 2006 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Conducting randomised controlled trials in primary care: Lessons from an obesity management trial | 2006 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Development of a computer-based tool for measuring schoolchildren's diets | 2006 |
Dr Amelia Lake Professor Tim Townshend Professor Ashley Adamson
| Diet, physical activity and the obesogenic environment: are they related? | 2006 |
Dr Wendy Wrieden Professor Ashley Adamson
| Differences in typical food portion sizes eaten by institutionalised older adults compared with free-living | 2006 |
Dr Amelia Lake Dr Robert Hyland Professor John Mathers Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Food shopping and preparation among the 30-somethings: whose job is it? (The ASH30 study) | 2006 |
Dr Amelia Lake Professor John Mathers Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Longitudinal change in food habits between adolescence (11–12 years) and adulthood (32–33 years): the ASH30 Study | 2006 |
Dr Robert Hyland Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Paula Moynihan
| Nutrition-related health promotion through an after-school project: The responses of children and their families | 2006 |
Dr Robert Hyland Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Paula Moynihan
| Nutrition-related health promotion through an after-school project: The responses of children and their families | 2006 |
Paul Hindmarch Emeritus Professor Chris Seal Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers Professor Paula Moynihan et al. | Attitudes and perceptions towards healthier eating of older adults residing in sheltered housing | 2005 |
Dr Sarah Kelly Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Paula Moynihan
| Comparison of methods to estimate non-milk extrinsic sugars and their application to sugars in the diet of young adolescents | 2005 |
Dr Amelia Lake Professor John Mathers Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Gender and socio-demographic factors influencing dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: The ASH30 study | 2005 |
Angela Craigie Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Amelia Lake Megan Gibbons Professor John Matthews et al. | Lifecourse influences on nutrient intake in adulthood | 2005 |
Dr Amelia Lake Professor John Mathers Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Longitudinal dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: Explanatory factors for dietary change | 2005 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor John Matthews Professor John Mathers Professor Paula Moynihan Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Packaged food intake by children aged 0 to 16 years (g/kg body weight) | 2005 |
Dr Robert Hyland Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Chris Seal Professor John Mathers Professor Paula Moynihan et al. | Perceptions of peer educators on their training and delivery of a dietary intervention to older adults | 2005 |
Dr Amelia Lake Dr Robert Hyland Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Social and nutritional perspectives on dietary changes in the life course: from adolescence to adulthood | 2005 |
Dr Emma Foster Dr Catherine Higgins Professor Ashley Adamson
| The impact of a school-based nutrition education intervention on dietary intake and cognitive and attitudinal variables relating to fruits and vegetables | 2005 |
Dr Amelia Lake Professor John Mathers Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Tracking and change in food habits between adolescence and adulthood: a longitudinal study | 2005 |
Angela Craigie Professor John Mathers Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Change in nutrient intake between adolescence and adulthood: A 21-year longitudial study | 2004 |
Dr Vida Zohoori Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Paula Moynihan Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Changes in water intake of Northumbrian adolescents 1980 to 2000 | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor John Matthews Professor Paula Moynihan Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Changes over 20 years in macronutrient intake and body mass index in 11- to 12-year-old adolescents living in Northumberland | 2004 |
Dr Amelia Lake Anna Brookes Chris Speed Dr Sally Corbett Professor Paula Moynihan et al. | Development of patient information leaflets for constipation using a range of cognitive interviewing techniques: LIFELAX | 2004 |
Dr Amelia Lake Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Robert Hyland Professor John Mathers
| Dietary change and perceptions of change over time | 2004 |
Professor Martin White Dr Simon Raybould Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| Do 'food deserts' exist? A multi-level, geographical analysis of the relationship between retail food access, socio-economic position and dietary intake. | 2004 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| Effecting dietary change | 2004 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Charlotte Wood Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Chris Seal Professor John Mathers et al. | Knowledge of food safety practices amongst older adults | 2004 |
Dr Amelia Lake Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr Robert Hyland Professor John Mathers Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Longitudinal dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: perceptions, attributions and evidence | 2004 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor John Matthews Professor Ashley Adamson
| The development and evaluation of portion size assessment tools for use with children | 2004 |
Charlotte Wood Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Chris Seal Professor John Mathers Professor Paula Moynihan et al. | The nutrient intake of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation | 2004 |
Dr Jennifer Soutter Professor Ashley Adamson
| A cluster randomised trial to evaluate a nutrition training programme | 2003 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor Ashley Adamson
| A comparison of children's and adult's ability to estimate portion size using food photographs | 2003 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Leslie Carlin Dr Wendy Wrieden Professor John Matthews Professor John Mathers et al. | FAST- Food Assessment in Schools Tool | 2003 |
Dr Wendy Wrieden Professor Ashley Adamson
| How accurate are standard children's food portion sizes for estimation of dietary intake of children of different ages? | 2003 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Improving management of obesity in primary care: Cluster randomised trial | 2003 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| The evaluation of a training programme to improve the management of obesity in primary care | 2003 |
Charlotte Wood Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers Professor Paula Moynihan
| The nutrition knowledge of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation | 2003 |
Angela Craigie Dr Amelia Lake Megan Gibbons Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor John Mathers et al. | Tracking of adiposity and dietary intake from adolescence to adulthood: a longitudinal study | 2003 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Paula Moynihan
| A questionnaire assessment of nutrition knowledge - validity and reliability issues | 2002 |
Dr Amelia Lake Angela Craigie Megan Gibbons Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor John Mathers et al. | Aggregation of diets containing fatty and sugary foods and fruit and vegetables within cohabiting couples | 2002 |
Helen Moore Jill Griffiths Kathleen Hesketh Professor Ashley Adamson
| An evaluation of a brief educational intervention to improve the management of obesity in primary care: the BiO Project | 2002 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Samantha Revill Professor Ashley Adamson
| Intake of NME sugars: effect of a school-based intervention | 2002 |
Dr Amelia Lake Angela Craigie Megan Gibbons Dr Robert Hyland Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn et al. | Investigating change in eating patterns from adolescence to adulthood: a preliminary analysis | 2002 |
Peter Curtis Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| Parental change in starch and fat intake, after a "starchy food" intervention | 2002 |
Angela Craigie Dr Amelia Lake Megan Gibbons Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn et al. | The stability of food intake between adolescence and adulthood: a 21-year follow-up | 2002 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
| Trends of overweight and obesity in 11-12 year old adolescents between 1980 and 2000 measuring using different BMI cut-offs | 2002 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
| Trends of overweight and obesity in 11-12-year-old adolescents between 1980 and 2000, measured using different BMI cut-offs | 2002 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| A profile of the food beliefs of obese people in primary care | 2001 |
Peter Curtis Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| Associations between fruit and vegetable, starch and fat consumption? | 2001 |
Dr Amelia Lake Angela Craigie Megan Gibbons Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn et al. | Body mass index from young adolescence to adulthood: a 20 year follow-up | 2001 |
Dr Rosie Stacy Sally Spendiff Professor Ashley Adamson
| Dietary change and perceptions of self: a qualitative study. | 2001 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr Tim Butler Professor Ashley Adamson
| Dietary intake of folate by adolescents and the potential effect of flour fortification with folic acid | 2001 |
Una Tohill Peter Curtis Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| Individual's perception of diet with regard to health compared with recorded intake | 2001 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor Ashley Adamson
| Portion size estimation by Primary school children | 2001 |
Anne Spendiff Professor Ashley Adamson Peter Curtis Professor John Mathers
| Relationship between consumer attitudes to starchy foods and starch consumption | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Sources of dietary sugars in adolescents in 1980, 1990 and 2000 | 2001 |
Helen Moore Professor Ashley Adamson
| The design features and practicalities of conducting a pragmatic cluster randomized trial of obesity management in primary care | 2001 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Julie Hooper Professor Ashley Adamson
| The effect of an after school ‘Food Club’ on food preparation skills and nutritional knowledge | 2001 |
Samantha Revill Professor Ashley Adamson Julie Hooper Professor Paula Moynihan
| The effect of an after-school 'Food Club' on intake of foods and nutrients by children from deprived social backgrounds | 2001 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Tracey Cowell Dr Rosie Stacy Paul McNamee Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | The Good Food Club: setting up an after school food club to teach practical food preparation using healthy foods, at Key Stage 3 | 2001 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
| Twenty years of change in the dietary intake and BMI of Northumbrian adolescents | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Water intake in English adolescent children in 2000 compared with 1980 | 2001 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Peter Curtis Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Anne Spendiff Professor John Mathers et al. | A family-based intervention to increase consumption of starchy foods | 2000 |
Dr Catherine Higgins Dr Emma Foster Professor Ashley Adamson
| Children’s understanding of fruits and vegetables – implications for nutrition education | 2000 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr Tim Butler Professor Paula Moynihan
| Implications of fortification of white flour with folic acid on total folate intake by adolescents | 2000 |
Helen Moore Professor Ashley Adamson
| Nutrition and the health care agenda: a primary care perspective | 2000 |
Samantha Revill Professor Ashley Adamson Julie Hooper Professor Paula Moynihan
| Nutritional knowledge, food preparation, knowledge and cooking confidence of 187 schoolchildren | 2000 |
Dr Emma Foster Professor Ashley Adamson Dr Catherine Higgins
| The consumption of fruits and vegetables by Scottish children of primary school age | 2000 |
Peter Curtis Professor Ashley Adamson Professor John Mathers
| The relationship between starch and fat consumption in a UK population | 2000 |
Professor Martin White Dr Leslie Carlin Professor Judith Rankin Professor Ashley Adamson
| Effectiveness of interventions to promote healthy eating in people from ethnic groups: a review | 1998 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
| Confectionery consumption, oral hygiene and caries in 12 year old English schoolchildren | 1997 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
| Associations between dietary intake, dental caries experience and salivary bacterial levels in 12-year-old English schoolchildren | 1996 |
Professor Ashley Adamson
| Community nutrition and dietetics: A survey of nutrition group members in 1995 | 1996 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr Tim Butler
| Dietary sources of calcium and the contribution of flour fortification to total calcium intake in the diets of Northumbrian adolescents | 1996 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr Tim Butler
| The contribution of foods from outside the home to the nutrient intake of young adolescents | 1996 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Paula Moynihan Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
| Dietary sources of calcium and the contribution of flour fortification to total calcium intake | 1994 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
| Dietary sources of iron in English adolescents | 1994 |
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Professor Ashley Adamson
| Sugars consumption by 379 11-12 year old English children in 1990 compared with results in 1980 | 1993 |
Professor Paula Moynihan Professor Ashley Adamson Professor Roderick Skinner Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr David Appleton et al. | The intake of nutrients by Northumbrian adolescents from one-parent families and from unemployed families | 1993 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr Tim Butler
| Dietary sources of energy, protein, unavailable carbohydrate and fat in 11-12 year old English children in 1990 compared with results in 1980 | 1992 |
Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn Dr Tim Butler
| Nutritional intake, height and weight of 11 to 12 year old Northumbrian Children in 1990 compared with information obtained in 1980 | 1992 |