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Browsing publications by Professor Ashley Adamson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Sheena Ramsay
Dr Ziyi Cai
Dr David Sinclair
Professor Matthew Prina
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Inequalities at Age of Diagnosis of Severe Mental Illness in England2025
Alison Barnes
Tara Kelly
Keaton Irvine
Dr Carl Peters
Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya
et al.
5-year follow-up of the randomised Diabetes RemissionClinical Trial (DiRECT) of continued support for weight lossmaintenance in the UK: an extension study2024
Dr Mackenzie Fong
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Professor Ashley Adamson
Scott Lloyd
Dr Charlotte Rothwell
et al.
A cross-sectional survey study exploring provision and delivery of expanded community tier 2 behavioural weight management services in England2024
Dr Angela Jones
Professor Ashley Adamson
Adaptation and Validation of the MapMe Body Image Scales in Spanish Parents of Schoolchildren2024
Dr Giorgia Perri
Professor John Mathers
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Dr Craig Parker
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
et al.
The association between selenium status and global and attention specific cognition in very old adults in The Newcastle 85+ Study: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses2024
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Charlotte Rothwell
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Simon Barrett
Scott Lloyd
et al.
Tier 2 adult weight management services in the UK: A case study evaluation of local authority provision of targeted services for higher-risk groups in England2024
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Laura Basterfield
Tracking of MVPA across childhood and adolescence2024
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Kay Mann
Dr Laura Cutler
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Martin Tovee
et al.
A Randomised Control Trial Investigating the Efficacy of the MapMe Intervention on Parental Ability to Correctly Categorise Overweight in Their Child and the Impact on Child BMI Z-Score Change at 1 Year2023
Professor Ashley Adamson
Kimberley Davies
Emma Foster
Dr Angela Jones
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Assessment of Dietary Intake in Three Cohorts of Advanced Age in Two Countries: Methodology Challenges2023
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Ashley Adamson
Local authority delivery of a large-scale public health intervention: experiences, challenges, and solutions2023
Dr Oliver Shannon
Professor Thomas Hill
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Mario Siervo
Dr Graciela Muniz Terrera
et al.
Mediterranean diet adherence is associated with lower dementia risk, independent of genetic predisposition: Findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study2023
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Ashley Adamson
Parent views of national child measurement programme feedback letters and engagement with the healthy weight maintenance MapMe tool2023
Dr Mandy Cheetham
Dr Sam Redgate
Clare Humble
Emeritus Prof David Hunter
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
What I really want is academics who want to partner and who care about the outcome’: findings from a mixed-methods study of evidence use in local government in England2023
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Bronia Arnott
Dr Angela Jones
Professor Ashley Adamson
Challenges and opportunities of remote public involvement and community engagement during a pandemic: refining the MapMe childhood health weight intervention2022
Rebecca McIntyre
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Suzanne Spence
Changes and differences in school food standards (2010-2021) and free school meal provision during COVID-19 across the UK: potential implications for children's diets2022
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Jennifer Bradley
et al.
The Effect of a Product Placement Intervention on Pupil’s Food and Drink Purchases in Two Secondary Schools: An Exploratory Study2022
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Maisie Rowland
Joe Matthews
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Suzanne Spence
et al.
A comparison of food portion size estimation methods among 11-12 year olds: 3D food models vs an online tool using food portion photos (Intake24)2021
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Ngaire Kerse
Association between dietary protein intake and change in grip strength over time among adults of advanced age: Life and Living in Advanced Age: A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LiLACS NZ)2021
Dr Mandy Cheetham
Dr Samantha Redgate
Clare Humble
Professor Ashley Adamson
Co-production in local government: process, codification and capacity building of new knowledge in collective reflection spaces. Workshops findings from a UK mixed methods study2021
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Mark Pearce
Failure to launch: Predictors of unfavourable physical activity and sedentary behaviour trajectories from childhood to adolescence: the Gateshead Millennium Study2021
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Maisie Rowland
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Implementation of Universal Infant Free School Meals: A pilot study in NE England exploring the impact on Key Stage 1 pupil's dietary intake2021
Dr Mackenzie Fong
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Viviana Albani
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
'Joining the Dots': Individual, sociocultural and environmental links between alcohol consumption, dietary intake and body weight—A narrative review2021
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Mark Pearce
Moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity and sedentary behaviour across childhood and adolescence, and their combined relationship with obesity risk: a multi-trajectory analysis2021
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Suzanne Spence
Opportunities for intervention and innovation in school food within UK schools2021
Natassia Robinson
Dr Jill McKay
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Viviana Albani
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
The biological and social determinants of childhood obesity: comparison of two cohorts 50 years apart2021
Dr Lucia Rehackova
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Dr Sarah Steven
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Roy Taylor
et al.
Behaviour change during dietary Type 2 diabetes remission: a longitudinal qualitative evaluation of an intervention using a very low energy diet2020
Professor Emma Stevenson
Dr Oliver Shannon
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Thomas Hill
Professor Falko Sniehotta
et al.
NuBrain: UK consortium for optimal nutrition for healthy brain ageing2020
Dr Angela Rodrigues
Dr Anna Haste
Dr Linda Penn
Dr Ruth Bell
Professor Martin White
et al.
Stakeholders' perceptions and experiences of the National Health Service diabetes prevention programme in England: qualitative study with service users, intervention providers and deliverers, commissioners and referrers2020
Louis Goffe
Nadege Uwamahoro
Chris Dixon
Dr Alasdair Blain
Professor Dave Kirk
et al.
Supporting a healthier takeaway meal choice: creating a universal Health Rating for online takeaway fast-food outlets2020
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Suzanne Spence
Maisie Rowland
The Food provision, cUlture and Environment in secondary schooLs (FUEL) study: protocol of a mixed methods evaluation of national School Food Standards implementation in secondary schools and their impact on pupils' dietary intake and dental health2020
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Maisie Rowland
Phoebe Orango
et al.
A natural experimental evaluation of the effect of universal infant free school meals on key stage 1 pupil’s dietary intake in northeast England: a pilot study2019
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Dr Kirby Sainsbury
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Frauke Becker
et al.
Behavioural intervention for weight loss maintenance vs. standard weight advice in adults with obesity: a randomised controlled trial in the UK (NULevel Trial)2019
Dr Kay Mann
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Jessica Reilly
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Birth weight and adolescent blood pressure measured at age 12 years in the Gateshead Millennium Study2019
Ali/Alison Barnes
Dr Carl Peters
Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya
Dr Ahmad Al-Mrabeh
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth
et al.
Durability of a primary care-led weight-management intervention for remission of type 2 diabetes: 2-year results of the DiRECT open-label, cluster-randomised trial2019
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Suzanne Spence
Exploring pupil and staff perceptions of school food and drinks: Findings from a feasibility study2019
Dr Steph Scott
Cassey Muir
Professor Eileen Kaner
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Exploring the links between unhealthy eating behaviour and heavy alcohol use in the social, emotional and cultural lives of young adults (age 18-25): A qualitative research study2019
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Louis Goffe
Dr Linda Penn
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor Martin White
et al.
Feasibility and acceptability of a Takeaway Masterclass aimed at encouraging healthier cooking practices and menu options in takeaway food outlets2019
Louis Goffe
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Dr Linda Penn
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Feasibility of working with a wholesale supplier to co-design and test acceptability of an intervention to promote smaller portions: an uncontrolled before-and-after study in British Fish & Chip shops2019
Dr Angela Jones
Louisa Jane Ells
Professor Ashley Adamson
Improving child weight management uptake through enhanced National Child Measurement Programme parental feedback letters: A randomised controlled trial2019
Dr Mandy Cheetham
Dr Samantha Redgate
Clare Humble
Professor Ashley Adamson
Local Authority Champions of Research: a mixed methods proof of concept study2019
Dr Xanne Janssen
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Mark Pearce
Jessica Reilly
Dr Laura Basterfield
et al.
Longitudinal changes in vigorous intensity physical activity from childhood to adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study2019
Dr Xanne Janssen
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
Jessica Reilly
et al.
Non-linear longitudinal associations between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and adiposity across the adiposity distribution during childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study2019
Professor Ashley Adamson
Parents' and carers' awareness and perceptions of UK supermarket policies on less healthy food at checkouts: A qualitative study2019
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Jennifer Bradley
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Suzanne Spence
The 'Voice' of Key Stakeholders in a School Food and Drink Intervention in Two Secondary Schools in NE England: Findings from a Feasibility Study2019
Emma Foster
Dr Clement Lee
Ivan Poliakov
Maisie Rowland
Timur Osadchiy
et al.
Validity and reliability of an online self-report 24-hour dietary recall method (Intake24): A doubly-labelled water study and repeated measures analysis2019
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Ashley Adamson
Bidirectional Associations Between Adiposity, Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity: A Longitudinal Study in Children2018
Professor Roy Taylor
Ali/Alison Barnes
Dr Carl Peters
Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth
et al.
Clinical and metabolic features of the randomised controlled Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) cohort2018
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Martin Tovee
Dr Laura Cutler
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Louisa Jane Ells
et al.
Development of the MapMe intervention body image scales of known weight status for 4-5 and 10-11 year old children2018
Dr Viviana Albani
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Dr Steph Scott
Cassey Muir
et al.
Examining Associations between Body Mass Index in 18–25 Year-Olds and Energy Intake from Alcohol: Findings from the Health Survey for England and the Scottish Health Survey2018
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Dr Emma Foster
Professor Ashley Adamson
Feasibility of an estimated method using graduated utensils to estimate food portion size in infants aged 4 to 18 months2018
Maisie Rowland
Professor Ashley Adamson
Ivan Poliakov
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Emma Simpson
et al.
Field Testing of the Use of Intake24 - An Online 24-Hour Dietary Recall System2018
Dr Linda Penn
Dr Angela Rodrigues
Dr Anna Haste
Dr Marta Marques
Kirsten Budig
et al.
NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in England: formative evaluation of the programme in early phase implementation2018
Dr Steph Scott
Fiona Beyer
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Cassey Muir
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
Non-pharmacological interventions designed to reduce health risks due to unhealthy eating behaviour and linked risky or excessive drinking in adults aged 18-25 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis2018
Dr Steph Scott
Fiona Beyer
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Cassey Muir
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
Non-Pharmacological Interventions to Reduce Unhealthy Eating and Risky Drinking in Young Adults Aged 18-25 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2018
Ali/Alison Barnes
Dr Carl Peters
Dr Sviatlana Zhyzhneuskaya
Dr Ahmad Al-Mrabeh
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth
et al.
Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial2018
Dr Anna Haste
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Dr Ruth Bell
Problems recruiting and retaining postnatal women to a pilot randomised controlled trial of a web-delivered weight loss intervention.2018
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Martin White
Socio-economic and age variations in response to supermarket-led checkout food policies: a repeated measures analysis2018
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Martin White
Dr Jean Adams
Supermarket policies on less-healthy food at checkouts: Natural experimental evaluation using interrupted time series analyses of purchases2018
Louis Goffe
Dr Linda Penn
Dr Jean Adams
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Martin White
et al.
The challenges of interventions to promote healthier food in independent takeaways in England: qualitative study of intervention deliverers’ views2018
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Martin White
Dr Jean Adams
The nature of UK supermarkets’ policies on checkout food and associations with healthfulness and type of food displayed: cross-sectional study2018
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Mark Pearce
Jessica Reilly
Dr Xanne Janssen
et al.
Timing of the decline in physical activity in childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Cohort Study2018
Dr Anna Haste
Dr Linda Penn
Dr Angela Rodrigues
Dr Marta Marques
Kirsten Budig
et al.
Using evidence-based guidelines to inform service provision: a structured mapping exercise within the National Health Service Diabetes Prevention Programme in England2018
Professor Roy Taylor
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
VLCD for weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes? – Authors' reply2018
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Dr Jean Adams
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
A description of interventions promoting healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets in England: a systematic mapping and evidence synthesis2017
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Dr Tim Rapley
Professor Ashley Adamson
A feasibility study with process evaluation of a preschool intervention to improve child and family lifestyle behaviours2017
Dr Lucia Rehackova
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Sarah Steven
Professor Roy Taylor
et al.
Acceptability of a very-low-energy diet in Type 2 diabetes: patient experiences and behaviour regulation2017
Dr Emma Foster
Adrian Hawkins
Elaine Stamp
Professor John Matthews
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Development of food photographs for use with children aged 18 months to 16 years: comparison against weighed food diaries - The Young Person's Food Atlas (UK)2017
Dr Rachel Tyrrell
Fiona Greenhalgh
Dr Susan Hodgson
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Food environments of young people: linking individual behaviour to environmental context2017
Emma Simpson
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Ivan Poliakov
Dan Jackson
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Iterative Development of an Online Dietary Recall Tool: INTAKE242017
Dr Kay Mann
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Mark Pearce
Jessica Reilly
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Longitudinal study of the associations between change in sedentary behavior and change in adiposity during childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study2017
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Karen Davies
et al.
Low protein intake, muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study2017
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Jessica Reilly
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Xanne Janssen
Dr Angela Jones
et al.
Mothers' perceptions of child weight status and the subsequent weight gain of their children: a population based longitudinal study2017
Dr Steph Scott
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Eileen Kaner
Shannon Robalino
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Non-pharmacological interventions designed to reduce health risks due to unhealthy eating behaviour and linked risky or excessive drinking in adults aged 18–25 years: a systematic review protocol2017
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor John Mathers
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Mario Siervo
et al.
Prevalence and determinants of low protein intake in very old adults: insights from the Newcastle 85+ Study2017
Louis Goffe
Professor Stephen Rushton
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
Relationship between mean daily energy intake and frequency of consumption of out-of-home meals in the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey2017
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Laura Basterfield
Jessica Reilly
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
et al.
Risk factors for eating disorder symptoms at 12 years of age: A 6-year longitudinal cohort study2017
Dr Steph Scott
Jessica Reilly
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Professor Eileen Kaner
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Socio-ecological influences on adolescent (aged 10-17) alcohol use and linked unhealthy eating behaviours: Protocol for a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies2017
Dr Kirby Sainsbury
Dr Claire Cleland
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Stephan Dombrowski
et al.
Supporting the transition from weight loss to maintenance: development and optimisation of a face-to-face behavioural intervention component2017
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Professor Martin White
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Ashley Adamson
The impact of interventions to promote healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets open to the general public: a systematic review2017
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Vitamin D Status, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance Decline in Very Old Adults: A Prospective Study2017
Dr Anna Haste
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Dr Ruth Bell
et al.
Web-Based Weight Loss Intervention for Men With Type 2 Diabetes: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial2017
Dr Viviana Albani
Dr Carlos Celis Morales
Eileen Gibney
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Within-person reproducibility and sensitivity to dietary change of C15:0 and C17:0 levels in dried blood spots: Data from the European Food4Me Study2017
Dr Laura Basterfield
Jessica Reilly
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Can’t play, won’t play: longitudinal changes in perceived barriers to participation in sports clubs across the child-adolescent transition2016
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Emma Simpson
Ivan Poliakov
Professor John Matthews
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Comparison of INTAKE24 (an Online 24-h Dietary Recall Tool) with Interviewer-Led 24-h Recall in 11–24 Year-Old2016
Louis Goffe
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
Comparison of sodium content of meals served by independent takeaways using standard versus reduced holed salt shakers: Cross-sectional study2016
Dr Kay Mann
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
Jessica Reilly
et al.
Development of sedentary behaviour across childhood and adolescence: longitudinal analysis of the Gateshead Millennium Study2016
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Thomas Hill
et al.
Dietary Patterns High in Red Meat, Potato, Gravy, and Butter Are Associated with Poor Cognitive Functioning but Not with Rate of Cognitive Decline in Very Old Adults2016
Dr Antoneta Granic
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Karen Davies
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Effect of dietary patterns of muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2016
Dr Lucia Rehackova
Dr Bronia Arnott
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Roy Taylor
et al.
Efficacy and acceptability of very low energy diets in overweight and obese people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review with meta-analyses2016
Dr Viviana Albani
Dr Carlos Celis Morales
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Professor Lorraine Brennan
et al.
Exploring the association of dairy product intake with the fatty acids C15:0 and C17:0 measured from dried blood spots in a multipopulation cohort: Findings from the Food4Me study2016
Rachel Tyrrell
Professor Tim Townshend
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Amelia Lake
I’m not trusted in the kitchen’: food environments and food behaviours of young people attending school and college2016
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Emeritus Professor Chris Seal
et al.
Intakes of Folate and Vitamin B12 and Biomarkers of Status in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study2016
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Macronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study2016
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Ngaire Kerse
Macronutrient intake in advanced age: Te Puawaitanga o Nga Tapuwae Kia Ora Tonu, Life and Living in Advanced Age: A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LiLACS NZ)2016
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old: Analysis of the Newcastle 85+ Study2016
Professor Ngaire Kerse
Professor Ashley Adamson
Micronutrient intake in advanced age: Te Puāwaitanga o Ngā Tapuwae Kia ora Tonu, Life and Living in Advanced Age: A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LiLACS NZ)2016
Dr Angela Rodrigues
Dr Anna Haste
Dr Linda Penn
Dr Ruth Bell
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
OP80 Formative evaluation of the UK NHS diabetes prevention programme demonstrator phase: review of baseline information2016
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
Parental perception of weight status: Influence on children's diet in the Gateshead Millennium Study2016
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Tim Rapley
Dr Katie Haighton
Professor Ashley Adamson
Perceptions of nursery staff and parent views of healthy eating promotion in preschool settings: an exploratory qualitative study2016
Louis Goffe
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Dr Linda Penn
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Dr Amelia Lake
et al.
Reducing the salt added to takeaway food: within-subjects comparison of salt delivered by five and 17 holed salt shakers in controlled conditions2016
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
et al.
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and its determinants in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ study2016
Dr Anna Haste
Dr James Newham
Dr Ruth Bell
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
Systematic Review and meta-analysis of internet-delivered interventions providing personalised feedback for weight loss in overweight and obese adults2016
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Professor John Mathers
Dr Carl Peters
et al.
The Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT): protocol for a cluster randomised trial2016
Dr Anna Haste
Dr Angela Rodrigues
Dr Linda Penn
Rosemary Bell
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in England: Lessons learnt from process evaluation of the demonstrator site phase2016
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Tracking of toddler fruit and vegetable preferences to intake and adiposity later in childhood2016
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Mario Siervo
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
What do we know about the nutritional status of the very old? Insights from three cohorts of advanced age from the UK and New Zealand2016
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Martin Tovee
Louisa Jane Ells
Professor Mark Pearce
et al.
A cluster randomised trial testing an intervention to improve parents' recognition of their child's weight status: study protocol2015
Professor Ngaire Kerse
Professor Ashley Adamson
Cohort Profile: Te Puawaitanga o Nga Tapuwae Kia Ora Tonu, Life and Living in Advanced Age: A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LiLACS NZ)2015
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Emma Simpson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Ivan Poliakov
Professor Patrick Olivier
et al.
Comparison of INTAKE24 (an online 24hr dietary recall tool) with an interviewer-led 24hr recall method in 11-16 year olds2015
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor John Mathers
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Dr Mario Siervo
et al.
Contribution of animal products to dietary intakes in the very old2015
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
Jessica Reilly
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Determinants of changes in sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time among 9 and 12 year old children2015
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor John Mathers
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Dietary intake and food sources in the very old2015
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Thomas Hill
et al.
Dietary Patterns and Socioeconomic Status in the Very Old: The Newcastle 85+ Study2015
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Matthews
Does the use of passive or active consent affect consent or completion rates, or dietary data quality? Repeat cross-sectional survey among school children aged 11–12 years2015
Dr Jean Adams
Louis Goffe
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor Martin White
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Frequency and socio-demographic correlates of eating meals out and take-away meals at home: cross-sectional analysis of the UK national diet and nutrition survey, waves 1-4 (2008-12)2015
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Laura Basterfield
Jessica Reilly
Professor Ann Le Couteur
et al.
Influence of adiposity on health- related quality of life in the Gateshead Millennium Study cohort: Longitudinal study at 12 years2015
Emma Simpson
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Ivan Poliakov
Dr Emma Foster
Dan Jackson
et al.
Iterative development of an online dietary recall tool, INTAKE242015
Dr Laura Basterfield
Jessica Reilly
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Longitudinal associations between sports participation, body composition and physical activity from childhood to adolescence2015
Nuno Mendonça
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor John Mathers
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Micronutrient intake and food sources in the very old2015
Dr Xanne Janssen
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
Jessica Reilly
et al.
Objective measurement of sedentary behavior: impact of non-wear time rules on changes in sedentary time2015
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Parental perception of weight status: Influence on children's diet in the Gateshead Millennium Study2015
Dr Jean Adams
Louis Goffe
Professor Ashley Adamson
Joel Halligan
Dr Nicola O'Brien
et al.
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of cooking skills in UK adults: cross-sectional analysis of data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey2015
Joel Halligan
Dr Nicki O'Brien
Dr Frauke Becker
Louis Goffe
Dr Heather Brown
et al.
Research to support the evaluation and implementation of adult cooking skills interventions in the UK: pilot RCT with process and economic evaluations [ISRCTN 91580447]2015
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Heather Brown
Dr Stephan Dombrowski
et al.
The NULevel trial of a scalable, technology-assisted weight loss maintenance intervention for obese adults after clinically significant weight loss: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial2015
Dr Lorraine McSweeney
Dr Tim Rapley
Professor Ashley Adamson
The Preschool Child, Food Photography and a Parent's Bed; A Feasibility Study to Determine Acceptable Visual Data Collection Methods2015
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
A repeat cross-sectional study examining the equitable impact of nutritional standards for school lunches in England in 2008 on the diets of 4-7y olds across the socio-economic spectrum2014
Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos
Dr Elizabeth Evans
Dr Nicola O'Brien
Professor Paula Moynihan
Dr Thomas Meyer
et al.
Association of behaviour change techniques with effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials2014
Dr Emma Foster
Professor Ashley Adamson
Challenges involved in measuring intake in early life: focus on methods2014
Dr Emma Foster
Adrian Hawkins
Emma Simpson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Developing an interactive portion size assessment system (IPSAS) for use with children2014
Professor Ashley Adamson
Developing technological solutions for dietary assessment in children and young people2014
Dr Suzanne Spence
Elaine Stamp
Professor John Matthews
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Did School Food and Nutrient-Based Standards in England Impact on 11–12Y Olds Nutrient Intake at Lunchtime and in Total Diet? Repeat Cross-Sectional Study2014
Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos
Professor Paula Moynihan
Dr Thomas Meyer
Professor Ashley Adamson
Linda Errington
et al.
Effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials2014
Dr Antoneta Granic
karen Davies
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Food for Thought: Dietary Patterns and Their Effects on Cognitive Decline in the Newcastle 85+ Study2014
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Jeremy Parr
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Ann Le Couteur
et al.
Parents' and Child Health Professionals' Attitudes Towards Dietary Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders2014
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Jessica Reilly
Professor Mark Pearce
et al.
Physical activity, diet and BMI in children aged 6–8 years: a cross-sectional analysis2014
Dr Emma Foster
Adrian Hawkins
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Professor Ashley Adamson
Reducing the cost of dietary assessment: Self-Completed Recall and Analysis of Nutrition for use with children (SCRAN24)2014
Dr Frances Hillier-Brown
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Martin White
Dr Jean Adams
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
The effectiveness of interventions targeting specific out-of-home food outlets: protocol for a systematic review2014
Professor John Mathers
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Emma Foster
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Ruth Valentine
et al.
Twenty years of research in the Human Nutrition Research Centre, Newcastle University, 1994-20142014
Dr Lucia Rehackova
Dr Bronia Arnott
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Falko Sniehotta
et al.
Acceptability of very low energy diets in type 2 diabetic individuals: A systematic review2013
Denise Howel
Elaine Stamp
Dr Thomas Chadwick
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Martin White
et al.
Are social inequalities widening in generalised and abdominal obesity and overweight among English adults?2013
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Peter James
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Laura Basterfield
et al.
Creation of an Adiposity Index for Children Aged 6–8 Years: The Gateshead Millennium Study2013
Dr Suzanne Spence
Professor John Matthews
Professor Martin White
Professor Ashley Adamson
Did legislation to regulate school meals in England widen dietary inequalities in children aged 4-7 years? A repeat cross-sectional study2013
Dr Laura Basterfield
Jessica Reilly
Dr Emma Slack
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
et al.
Diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour in 11-13 year old UK adolescents: The Gateshead Millennium Study2013
Dr Caroline Shaw
Dr Jose Lara-Gallegos
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Angela Jones
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Dietary patterns as predictors of childhood adiposity2013
Rachel Tyrrell
Professor Ashley Adamson
Exploring the food environment of young people: Is there a relationship between out of home food outlets and dietary intake?2013
Professor Ashley Adamson
From awareness to action: Can knowledge about what constitutes a healthy diet and lifestyle be translated into sustainable behaviour change?2013
Professor Ashley Adamson
Front of pack nutrition labelling: are multiple formats a problem for consumers?2013
Sandra Fernandes-Machado
Professor Falko Sniehotta
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Martin Tovee
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
Implicit and reflective predictors of food choices: A dual process model approach2013
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Laura Cutler
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Martin Tovee
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
Improving parental recognition of childhood overweight: The Map Me Study2013
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Laura Cutler
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Martin Tovee
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
et al.
Improving parental recognition of childhood overweight: the Map Me Study2013
Alex Munro
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Lifecourse patterns of protein consumption and physical capability in later life2013
Dr Ruth Bell
Peter Tennant
Catherine McParlin
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Measuring physical activity in pregnancy: a comparison of accelerometry and self completion questionnaires in overweight and obese women2013
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Angela Jones
Professor Ashley Adamson
Mothers' judgements about their child's weight: distinguishing facts from values2013
Professor Ashley Adamson
Pregnancy and birth cohort resources in Europe: a large opportunity for aetiological child health research2013
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Suzanne Spence
School food standards in the UK: implementation and evaluation2013
Anna Sherrington
Dr James Newham
Professor Vera Araujo-Soares
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
et al.
Systematic review of internet-based interventions providing individualised feedback for weight loss in overweight adults2013
Dr Suzanne Spence
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Elaine Stamp
Professor John Matthews
Professor Martin White
et al.
The Impact of Food and Nutrient-Based Standards on Primary School Children's Lunch and Total Dietary Intake: A Natural Experimental Evaluation of Government Policy in England2013
Jessica Reilly
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Emma Slack
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Angela Jones
et al.
Tracking of fruit and vegetable consumption from childhood to adolescence: The Gateshead Millennium Study2013
Dr Suzanne Spence
Dr Jing Shen
Dr Jennifer Bradley
Professor Martin White
Professor Luke Vale
et al.
An evaluation of the effect of the New School Food Policy on children's nutritional intake and socio-economic consequences in North East England2012
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ann Le Couteur
Professor Ashley Adamson
Earlier predictors of eating disorder symptoms in 9-year old children. A longitudinal Study2012
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kay Mann
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Early Predictors of Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in 8-10 Year Old Children: The Gateshead Millennium Study2012
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
Jessica Reilly
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
et al.
Effect of choice of outcome measure on studies of the etiology of obesity in children2012
Dr Jean Adams
Rachel Tyrrell
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Martin White
Effect of Restrictions on Television Food Advertising to Children on Exposure to Advertisements for 'Less Healthy' Foods: Repeat Cross-sectional Study2012
Peter Curtis
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Effects on nutrient intake of a family-based intervention to promote increased consumption of low-fat starchy foods through education, cooking skills and personalised goal setting: the Family Food and Health Project2012
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
Parimala Saminathan
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
et al.
Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Adiposity in English Children2012
Dr Jean Adams
Joel Halligan
Dr Duika Burges Watson
Vicky Ryan
Dr Linda Penn
et al.
The Change4Life Convenience Store Programme to Increase Retail Access to Fresh Fruit and Vegetables: A Mixed Methods Process Evaluation2012
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
To what extent do weight gain and eating avidity during infancy predict later adiposity?2012
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Caroline Relton
Professor Ann Le Couteur
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Cohort Profile: The Gateshead Millennium Study2011
Professor Luke Vale
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Julia Critchley
Professor Stephen Rushton
Dr Sarah Kelly
et al.
Economic evaluation: evaluating the short-term impacts of the school food policy and experimental modelling of longer term impacts2011
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Ashley Adamson
Jessica Frary
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
et al.
Longitudinal Study of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Children2011
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Robert Hyland
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Parental perceptions of weight status in children: the Gateshead Millennium Study2011
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Joseph Reilly
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Physical Activity and Diet: impact on BMI in 6-8 year old children2011
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kay Mann
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
et al.
Predictors of childhood physical activity: The Gateshead Millennium Study2011
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kay Mann
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
et al.
Predictors of childhood physical activity: The Gateshead Millennium Study2011
Professor Mark Pearce
Dr Laura Basterfield
Dr Kay Mann
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
et al.
Predictors of childhood physical activity: The Gateshead Millennium Study2011
Dr Jean Adams
Rachel Tyrrell
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Martin White
Socio-economic differences in exposure to television food advertisements in the UK: a cross-sectional study of advertisements broadcast in one television region2011
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ann Le Couteur
Stability of habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviour monitoring by accelerometry in 6-8 year olds2011
Dr Tina Biss
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Chris Seal
Professor Farhad Kamali
The potential impact of dietary vitamin K status on anticoagulation control in children receiving warfarin2011
Angela Craigie
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Tracking of obesity-related behaviours from childhood to adulthood: A systematic review2011
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Angela Jones
Professor Ashley Adamson
When do mothers think their child is overweight?2011
Professor Ashley Adamson
Why healthy eating is bad for young people's health: identity, belonging and food2011
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Laura Basterfield
Correlates of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour in English children2010
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ann Le Couteur
Professor Ashley Adamson
Do maternal ratings of appetite in infants predict later Child Eating Behviour Questionnaire scores and body mass index?2010
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
Food knowledge, attitudes and preferences and BMI in children: The Gateshead Millennium Study2010
Chris Speed
Dr Ben Heaven
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Bond
Dr Sally Corbett
et al.
LIFELAX - diet and LIFEstyle versus LAXatives in the management of chronic constipation in older people: randomised controlled trial2010
Catherine McParlin
Professor Steve Robson
Peter Tennant
Professor Judith Rankin
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Objectively measured physical activity during pregnancy: a study in obese and overweight women2010
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
Packaged food intake by British children aged 0 to 6 years2010
Thomas Burgoine
Dr Amelia Lake
Elaine Stamp
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Changing foodscapes 1980-2000, using the ASH30 Study2009
Dr Amelia Lake
Dr Robert Hyland
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Combining social and nutritional perspectives: from adolescence to adulthood (the ASH30 Study)2009
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Robert Hyland
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Ann Le Couteur
et al.
Developing a focus group approach for exploring parents' perspectives on childhood overweight2009
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor Tim Townshend
Dr Seraphim Alvanides
Elaine Stamp
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Diet, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and perceptions of the environment in young adults2009
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dietary assessment at the end of life's spectrum2009
Dr Emma Foster
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Estimation of portion size in children's dietary assessment: lessons learnt2009
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Joanna Collerton
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Emma Foster
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
Nutrition in advanced age: dietary assessment in the Newcastle 85+ Study2009
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Dr Seraphim Alvanides
Thomas Burgoine
Obesogenic Environments: Exploring Longitudinal Change in Food Environments and BMI Across Twenty Years (the ASH30 Study)2009
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Professor Ashley Adamson
Parental perceptions of body size and childhood adiposity at 6-8 years in the Gateshead Millennium Study2009
Dr Angela Jones
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Dr Robert Hyland
Professor Ashley Adamson
Parental recognition of overweight in children aged 6-8 years: Findings from the Gateshead Millennium Study2009
Angela Craigie
Professor John Matthews
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Raised adolescent body mass index predicts the development of adiposity and a central distribution of body fat in adulthood: a longitudinal study2009
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor Ashley Adamson
Angela Craigie
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Tracking of Dietary Intake and Factors Associated with Dietary Change from Early Adolescence to Adulthood: The ASH30 Study2009
Elaine Stamp
Denise Howel
Dr Thomas Chadwick
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Martin White
et al.
Are inequalities in overweight, obesity and high waist-hip ratio among English adults widening?2008
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Matthews
Emeritus Professor Lindsay Marshall
Professor John Mathers
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Children's estimates of food portion size: The development and evaluation of three portion size assessment tools for use with children2008
Dr Emma Foster
Dr Marilyn O'Keeffe
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Mathers
Dr Wendy Wrieden
et al.
Children's estimates of food portion size: The effect of timing of dietary interview on the accuracy of children's portion size estimates2008
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor Ashley Adamson
Estimation of typical food portion sizes for children of different ages in Great Britain2008
Dr Laura Basterfield
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Kathryn Parkinson
Surveillance of physical activity in the UK is flawed: validation of the Health Survey for England Physical Activity Questionnaire2008
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Caroline Relton
Professor Nigel Unwin
Professor Ashley Adamson
The relation between diarrhoeal episodes in infancy and both blood pressure and sodium intake in later life: The Newcastle Thousand Families Study2008
Alison Hossack
Elaine Stamp
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
A longitudinal study of tracking of adiposity from early adolescence to young adulthood: Northumberland, UK (ASH 17)2007
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Matthews
Professor Paula Moynihan
Dr Sarah Kelly
Dr Jean Adams
et al.
Changes in consumption of sugars by English adolescents over 20 years2007
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Commentary on Rugg-Gunn A.J., Adamson A.J., Appleton D.R., Butler T.J. & Hackett A.F. (1993) Sugars consumption by 379 11-12-year-old English children in 1990 compared with results in 1980. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics; 6, 419-4312007
Dr Amelia Lake
Chris Speed
Anna Brookes
Dr Ben Heaven
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Development of a series of patient information leaflets for constipation using a range of cognitive interview techniques: LIFELAX2007
Dr Amelia Lake
Dr Robert Hyland
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Healthy eating: Perceptions and practice (the ASH30 study)2007
Dr Zoe Weir
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Ruth Bell
Maternal obesity: when should we intervene? A systematic review of interventions to prevent and treat maternal obesity2007
Dr Ruth Bell
Dr Zoe Weir
Dr Katherine Stothard
Professor Mark Pearce
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Maternal obesity: when should we intervene? A systematic review of lifestyle interventions before, during and after pregnancy2007
Dr Robert Hyland
Charlotte Wood
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Michael Hill
et al.
Peer educators' perceptions of training for and implementing a community-based nutrition intervention for older adults2007
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Tim Butler
Sugars consumption by 379 11-12-year-old English children in 1990 compared with results in 19802007
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Thomas Chadwick
Denise Howel
Dr Sarah Kelly
Christopher Law
et al.
The changing social patterning of obesity: an analysis to inform practice and policy development2007
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Chris Seal
Dr Nick Steen
Professor John Mathers
et al.
The nutrition knowledge of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation2007
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Matthews
Professor Julie Harris
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Accuracy of estimates of food portion size using food photographs - The importance of using age-appropriate tools2006
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor Ashley Adamson
Calculation of typical food portion sizes for adults aged 19-64 years and older individuals aged 65 years and over2006
Professor Ashley Adamson
Conducting randomised controlled trials in primary care: Lessons from an obesity management trial2006
Professor Ashley Adamson
Development of a computer-based tool for measuring schoolchildren's diets2006
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor Tim Townshend
Professor Ashley Adamson
Diet, physical activity and the obesogenic environment: are they related?2006
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor Ashley Adamson
Differences in typical food portion sizes eaten by institutionalised older adults compared with free-living2006
Dr Amelia Lake
Dr Robert Hyland
Professor John Mathers
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Food shopping and preparation among the 30-somethings: whose job is it? (The ASH30 study)2006
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor John Mathers
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Longitudinal change in food habits between adolescence (11–12 years) and adulthood (32–33 years): the ASH30 Study2006
Dr Robert Hyland
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Paula Moynihan
Nutrition-related health promotion through an after-school project: The responses of children and their families2006
Dr Robert Hyland
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Paula Moynihan
Nutrition-related health promotion through an after-school project: The responses of children and their families2006
Paul Hindmarch
Emeritus Professor Chris Seal
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Professor Paula Moynihan
et al.
Attitudes and perceptions towards healthier eating of older adults residing in sheltered housing2005
Dr Sarah Kelly
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Paula Moynihan
Comparison of methods to estimate non-milk extrinsic sugars and their application to sugars in the diet of young adolescents2005
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor John Mathers
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Gender and socio-demographic factors influencing dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: The ASH30 study2005
Angela Craigie
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Amelia Lake
Megan Gibbons
Professor John Matthews
et al.
Lifecourse influences on nutrient intake in adulthood2005
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor John Mathers
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Longitudinal dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: Explanatory factors for dietary change2005
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Mathers
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Packaged food intake by children aged 0 to 16 years (g/kg body weight)2005
Dr Robert Hyland
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Chris Seal
Professor John Mathers
Professor Paula Moynihan
et al.
Perceptions of peer educators on their training and delivery of a dietary intervention to older adults2005
Dr Amelia Lake
Dr Robert Hyland
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Social and nutritional perspectives on dietary changes in the life course: from adolescence to adulthood2005
Dr Emma Foster
Dr Catherine Higgins
Professor Ashley Adamson
The impact of a school-based nutrition education intervention on dietary intake and cognitive and attitudinal variables relating to fruits and vegetables2005
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor John Mathers
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Tracking and change in food habits between adolescence and adulthood: a longitudinal study2005
Angela Craigie
Professor John Mathers
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Change in nutrient intake between adolescence and adulthood: A 21-year longitudial study2004
Dr Vida Zohoori
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Changes in water intake of Northumbrian adolescents 1980 to 20002004
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Matthews
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Changes over 20 years in macronutrient intake and body mass index in 11- to 12-year-old adolescents living in Northumberland2004
Dr Amelia Lake
Anna Brookes
Chris Speed
Dr Sally Corbett
Professor Paula Moynihan
et al.
Development of patient information leaflets for constipation using a range of cognitive interviewing techniques: LIFELAX2004
Dr Amelia Lake
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Robert Hyland
Professor John Mathers
Dietary change and perceptions of change over time2004
Professor Martin White
Dr Simon Raybould
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Do 'food deserts' exist? A multi-level, geographical analysis of the relationship between retail food access, socio-economic position and dietary intake.2004
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Effecting dietary change2004
Professor Paula Moynihan
Charlotte Wood
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Chris Seal
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Knowledge of food safety practices amongst older adults2004
Dr Amelia Lake
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Robert Hyland
Professor John Mathers
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Longitudinal dietary change from adolescence to adulthood: perceptions, attributions and evidence2004
Dr Emma Foster
Professor John Matthews
Professor Ashley Adamson
The development and evaluation of portion size assessment tools for use with children2004
Charlotte Wood
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Chris Seal
Professor John Mathers
Professor Paula Moynihan
et al.
The nutrient intake of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation2004
Dr Jennifer Soutter
Professor Ashley Adamson
A cluster randomised trial to evaluate a nutrition training programme2003
Dr Emma Foster
Professor Ashley Adamson
A comparison of children's and adult's ability to estimate portion size using food photographs2003
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Leslie Carlin
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor John Matthews
Professor John Mathers
et al.
FAST- Food Assessment in Schools Tool2003
Dr Wendy Wrieden
Professor Ashley Adamson
How accurate are standard children's food portion sizes for estimation of dietary intake of children of different ages?2003
Professor Ashley Adamson
Improving management of obesity in primary care: Cluster randomised trial2003
Professor Ashley Adamson
The evaluation of a training programme to improve the management of obesity in primary care2003
Charlotte Wood
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Professor Paula Moynihan
The nutrition knowledge of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation2003
Angela Craigie
Dr Amelia Lake
Megan Gibbons
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Tracking of adiposity and dietary intake from adolescence to adulthood: a longitudinal study2003
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Paula Moynihan
A questionnaire assessment of nutrition knowledge - validity and reliability issues2002
Dr Amelia Lake
Angela Craigie
Megan Gibbons
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor John Mathers
et al.
Aggregation of diets containing fatty and sugary foods and fruit and vegetables within cohabiting couples2002
Helen Moore
Jill Griffiths
Kathleen Hesketh
Professor Ashley Adamson
An evaluation of a brief educational intervention to improve the management of obesity in primary care: the BiO Project2002
Professor Paula Moynihan
Samantha Revill
Professor Ashley Adamson
Intake of NME sugars: effect of a school-based intervention2002
Dr Amelia Lake
Angela Craigie
Megan Gibbons
Dr Robert Hyland
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
et al.
Investigating change in eating patterns from adolescence to adulthood: a preliminary analysis2002
Peter Curtis
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Parental change in starch and fat intake, after a "starchy food" intervention2002
Angela Craigie
Dr Amelia Lake
Megan Gibbons
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
et al.
The stability of food intake between adolescence and adulthood: a 21-year follow-up2002
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Trends of overweight and obesity in 11-12 year old adolescents between 1980 and 2000 measuring using different BMI cut-offs2002
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Trends of overweight and obesity in 11-12-year-old adolescents between 1980 and 2000, measured using different BMI cut-offs2002
Professor Ashley Adamson
A profile of the food beliefs of obese people in primary care2001
Peter Curtis
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Associations between fruit and vegetable, starch and fat consumption?2001
Dr Amelia Lake
Angela Craigie
Megan Gibbons
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
et al.
Body mass index from young adolescence to adulthood: a 20 year follow-up2001
Dr Rosie Stacy
Sally Spendiff
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dietary change and perceptions of self: a qualitative study.2001
Professor Paula Moynihan
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Tim Butler
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dietary intake of folate by adolescents and the potential effect of flour fortification with folic acid2001
Una Tohill
Peter Curtis
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
Individual's perception of diet with regard to health compared with recorded intake2001
Dr Emma Foster
Professor Ashley Adamson
Portion size estimation by Primary school children2001
Anne Spendiff
Professor Ashley Adamson
Peter Curtis
Professor John Mathers
Relationship between consumer attitudes to starchy foods and starch consumption2001
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Sources of dietary sugars in adolescents in 1980, 1990 and 20002001
Helen Moore
Professor Ashley Adamson
The design features and practicalities of conducting a pragmatic cluster randomized trial of obesity management in primary care2001
Professor Paula Moynihan
Julie Hooper
Professor Ashley Adamson
The effect of an after school ‘Food Club’ on food preparation skills and nutritional knowledge2001
Samantha Revill
Professor Ashley Adamson
Julie Hooper
Professor Paula Moynihan
The effect of an after-school 'Food Club' on intake of foods and nutrients by children from deprived social backgrounds2001
Professor Paula Moynihan
Tracey Cowell
Dr Rosie Stacy
Paul McNamee
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
The Good Food Club: setting up an after school food club to teach practical food preparation using healthy foods, at Key Stage 32001
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Twenty years of change in the dietary intake and BMI of Northumbrian adolescents2001
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Water intake in English adolescent children in 2000 compared with 19802001
Professor Ashley Adamson
Peter Curtis
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Anne Spendiff
Professor John Mathers
et al.
A family-based intervention to increase consumption of starchy foods2000
Dr Catherine Higgins
Dr Emma Foster
Professor Ashley Adamson
Children’s understanding of fruits and vegetables – implications for nutrition education2000
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Tim Butler
Professor Paula Moynihan
Implications of fortification of white flour with folic acid on total folate intake by adolescents2000
Helen Moore
Professor Ashley Adamson
Nutrition and the health care agenda: a primary care perspective2000
Samantha Revill
Professor Ashley Adamson
Julie Hooper
Professor Paula Moynihan
Nutritional knowledge, food preparation, knowledge and cooking confidence of 187 schoolchildren2000
Dr Emma Foster
Professor Ashley Adamson
Dr Catherine Higgins
The consumption of fruits and vegetables by Scottish children of primary school age2000
Peter Curtis
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor John Mathers
The relationship between starch and fat consumption in a UK population2000
Professor Martin White
Dr Leslie Carlin
Professor Judith Rankin
Professor Ashley Adamson
Effectiveness of interventions to promote healthy eating in people from ethnic groups: a review1998
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Confectionery consumption, oral hygiene and caries in 12 year old English schoolchildren1997
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Associations between dietary intake, dental caries experience and salivary bacterial levels in 12-year-old English schoolchildren1996
Professor Ashley Adamson
Community nutrition and dietetics: A survey of nutrition group members in 19951996
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Tim Butler
Dietary sources of calcium and the contribution of flour fortification to total calcium intake in the diets of Northumbrian adolescents1996
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Tim Butler
The contribution of foods from outside the home to the nutrient intake of young adolescents1996
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Paula Moynihan
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dietary sources of calcium and the contribution of flour fortification to total calcium intake1994
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dietary sources of iron in English adolescents1994
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Professor Ashley Adamson
Sugars consumption by 379 11-12 year old English children in 1990 compared with results in 19801993
Professor Paula Moynihan
Professor Ashley Adamson
Professor Roderick Skinner
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr David Appleton
et al.
The intake of nutrients by Northumbrian adolescents from one-parent families and from unemployed families1993
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Tim Butler
Dietary sources of energy, protein, unavailable carbohydrate and fat in 11-12 year old English children in 1990 compared with results in 19801992
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Dr Tim Butler
Nutritional intake, height and weight of 11 to 12 year old Northumbrian Children in 1990 compared with information obtained in 19801992