Dr Tracy Finch Joan Mackintosh Dr Alex Petrou Emerita Professor Helen McConachie Professor Ann Le Couteur et al. | "We couldn't think in the box if we tried. We can't even find the damn box": A qualitative study of the lived experiences of autistic adults and relatives of autistic adults | 2022 |
David Mason Joan Mackintosh Emerita Professor Helen McConachie Emerita Professor Jacqueline Rodgers Dr Tracy Finch et al. | Quality of life for older autistic people: The impact of mental health difficulties | 2019 |
Professor Martin White Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Joan Mackintosh Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers Professor Falko Sniehotta et al. | The Recognition-Response Gap in Acute Stroke: Examining the Relationship between Stroke Recognition and Response in a General Population Survey | 2019 |
Dr Justin Presseau Joan Mackintosh Dr Gillian Hawthorne Dr Jill Francis Professor Marie Johnston et al. | Cluster randomised controlled trial of a theory-based multiple behaviour change intervention aimed at healthcare professionals to improve their management of Type 2 diabetes in primary care | 2018 |
Dr Justin Presseau Joan Mackintosh Dr Gillian Hawthorne Dr Ian Steen Dr Tom Coulthard et al. | Cluster randomised Trial of a theory-based multiple behavior change intervention aimed at primary healthcare professionals' management of type 2 diabetes | 2016 |
Joan Mackintosh Colin Hoddinott Dr Gillian Hawthorne Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Ian Steen et al. | Delivered as intended? Assessing fidelity of delivery of an intervention to improve quality of care for patients with Type 2 diabetes | 2015 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Gary Ford Professor Falko Sniehotta Joan Mackintosh Dr Paul Gellert et al. | Differences between US and UK adults in stroke preparedness : evidence from parallel population-based community surveys | 2015 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Gary Ford Professor Martin White Professor Falko Sniehotta Joan Mackintosh et al. | Differences Between US and UK Adults in Stroke Preparedness Evidence From Parallel Population-Based Community Surveys | 2015 |
Dr Mabel Lie Professor Madeleine Murtagh Dr Duika Burges Watson Dr Neil Jenkings Joan Mackintosh et al. | Risk communication in the hyperacute setting of stroke thrombolysis: an interview study of clinicians | 2015 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Martin White Joan Mackintosh Dr Paul Gellert Professor Vera Araujo-Soares et al. | The stroke 'Act FAST' campaign: Remembered but not understood? | 2015 |
Dr Justin Presseau Dr Gillian Hawthorne Professor Falko Sniehotta Dr Nick Steen Dr Jill Francis et al. | Improving Diabetes care through Examining, Advising, and prescribing (IDEA): Protocol for a theory-based cluster randomised controlled trial of a multiple behaviour change intervention aimed at primary healthcare professionals | 2014 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Joan Mackintosh Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Emeritus Professor Richard Thomson Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers et al. | Stroke 'Act FAST' campaign, remembered but not understood? Experimental evidence from a population-based survey | 2013 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Joan Mackintosh Professor Falko Sniehotta Professor Vera Araujo-Soares Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers et al. | The impact of the UK 'Act FAST' stroke awareness campaign: content analysis of patients, witness and primary care clinicians' perceptions. | 2013 |
Dr Duika Burges Watson Joan Mackintosh Professor Gary Ford Dr Christopher Price
| Evidence From the Scene: Paramedic Perspectives on Involvement in Out-of-Hospital Research | 2012 |
Dr Duika Burges Watson Joan Mackintosh Professor Gary Ford Dr Christopher Price Professor Madeleine Murtagh et al. | Evidence from the Scene: Paramedic perspectives on involvement in out-of-hospital research | 2012 |
Professor Madeleine Murtagh Dr Neil Jenkings Dr Mabel Lie Joan Mackintosh Professor Gary Ford et al. | Situationally-Sensitive Knowledge Translation and Relational Decision Making in Hyperacute Stroke: A Qualitative Study | 2012 |
Joan Mackintosh Professor Madeleine Murtagh Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers Emeritus Professor Richard Thomson Professor Gary Ford et al. | Why People Do, or Do Not, Immediately Contact Emergency Medical Services following the Onset of Acute Stroke: Qualitative Interview Study | 2012 |
Dr Stephan Dombrowski Professor Falko Sniehotta Joan Mackintosh Professor Martin White Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers et al. | Witness response at onset of acute stroke: a qualitative theory-guided study | 2012 |
Professor Suzanne Moffatt Joan Mackintosh
| Older people's experience of proactive welfare rights advice: qualitative study of a South Asian community | 2009 |
Dr Jean Adams Professor Martin White Professor Suzanne Moffatt Denise Howel Joan Mackintosh et al. | A systematic review of the health, social and financial impacts of welfare rights advice delivered in healthcare settings | 2006 |
Joan Mackintosh Professor Martin White Denise Howel Dr Thomas Chadwick Professor Suzanne Moffatt et al. | Randomised controlled trial of welfare rights advice accessed via primary health care: Pilot study [ISRCTN61522618] | 2006 |
Professor Martin White Professor Suzanne Moffatt Joan Mackintosh Denise Howel Dr Thomas Chadwick et al. | Randomised controlled trial to evaluate the health effects of welfare rights advice accessed via primary health care: a pilot study | 2006 |
Professor Suzanne Moffatt Joan Mackintosh Professor Martin White Denise Howel
| The acceptability and impact of a randomised controlled trial of welfare rights advice accessed via primary health care: Qualitative study | 2006 |
Professor Suzanne Moffatt Professor Martin White Joan Mackintosh Denise Howel
| Using quantitative and qualitative data in health services research - What happens when mixed method findings conflict? [ISRCTN61522618] | 2006 |
Joan Mackintosh Dr Christopher Price Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
| Can Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists work harmoniously together? | 2002 |
Professor Nigel Unwin Joan Mackintosh
| Epidemiology of lower extremity amputations and proportion associated with diabetes in centres in Europe, North America, and East Asia | 1999 |