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Browsing publications by Professor Olaf Heidenreich.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
A multidimensional analysis reveals distinct immune phenotypes and the composition of immune aggregates in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia2024
Dr Hayden Bell
Dr Helen Blair
Samantha Jepson Gosling
Dr Martin Galler
Dan Astley
et al.
Combination p53 activation and BCL-xL/BCL-2 inhibition as a therapeutic strategy in high-risk and relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia2024
Dr Sarah Fordham
Dr Wei-Yu Lin
Dr Helen Blair
Dr Claire Elstob
Dr Hayden Bell
et al.
Biallelic TET2 mutations confer sensitivity to 5′-azacitidine in acute myeloid leukemia2023
Dr Paul Sinclair
Dr Ruth Cranston
Prahlad Raninga
Joanna Cheng
Rebecca Hanna
et al.
Disruption to the FOXO-PRDM1 axis resulting from deletions of chromosome 6 in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia2023
Dr Hayden Bell
Dr Helen Blair
Mankaran Singh
Professor Anthony Moorman
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Targeting WEE1 kinase as a p53-independent therapeutic strategy in high-risk and relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia2023
Dr Jose Luis Marin-Rubio
Dr Maria Duenas Fadic
Dr Tiaan Heunis
Dr Abeer Dannoura
Dr Joe Inns
et al.
A Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Assay Identifies Nilotinib as an Inhibitor of Inflammation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia2022
Dr Ricky Tirtakusuma
Dr Katarzyna Szoltysek
Professor Vasily Grinev
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Daniel Williamson
et al.
Epigenetic regulator genes direct lineage switching in MLL/AF4 leukemia2022
Professor Vasily Grinev
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Hesta McNeill
Dr Mojgan Reza
Dr Natalia Martinez Soria
et al.
RUNX1/RUNX1T1 mediates alternative splicing and reorganises the transcriptional landscape in leukemia2021
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Venetoclax and dexamethasone synergize with inotuzumab ozogamicin–induced DNA damage signaling in B-lineage ALL2021
Mankaran Singh
Dr Helen Blair
Philip Berry
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Multi-drug chemotherapy dose optimisation in preclinical leukaemia models using HPLC-MS/MS2020
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Optimized induction of mitochondrial apoptosis for chemotherapy-free treatment of BCR-ABL+acute lymphoblastic leukemia2019
Dr Helen Blair
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Subtype-specific regulatory network rewiring in acute myeloid leukemia2019
Dr Deepali Pal
Dr Helen Blair
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Targeting the thioredoxin system as a novel strategy against B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia2019
Dr Paul Sinclair
Dr Helen Blair
Dr Sarra Ryan
Dr Lars Buechler
Joanna Cheng
et al.
Dynamic clonal progression in xenografts of acute lymphoblastic leukemia with intrachromosomal amplification of chromosome 212018
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Epidemiology and biology of relapse after stem cell transplantation2018
Dr Sarah Fordham
Dr Helen Blair
Dr Claire Elstob
Professor Ruth Plummer
Dr Yvette Drew
et al.
Inhibition of ATR acutely sensitises acute myeloid leukemia cells to nucleoside analogs that target ribonucleotide reductase2018
Patricia Garrido Castro
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The HDAC inhibitor panobinostat (LBH589) exerts in vivo anti-leukaemic activity against MLL-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and involves the RNF20/RNF40/WAC-H2B ubiquitination axis2018
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
The MLL recombinome of acute leukemias in 20172018
Dr Lynsey McKenzie
Hasan Issa
Sandeep Potluri
Dr Helen Blair
Asmida Isa
et al.
The Oncogenic Transcription Factor RUNX1/ETO Corrupts Cell Cycle Regulation to Drive Leukemic Transformation2018
Dr Alex Elder
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Ian Wilson
Dr Helen Blair
Dr Simon Cockell
et al.
Abundant and equipotent founder cells establish and maintain acute lymphoblastic leukaemia2017
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
MLL-AF4 Spreading Identifies Binding Sites that Are Distinct from Super-Enhancers and that Govern Sensitivity to DOT1L Inhibition in Leukemia2017
Yura Grabovska
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
RUNX1-ETO and RUNX1-EVI1 Differentially Reprogram the Chromatin Landscape in t(8;21) and t(3;21) AML2017
Judith Weiland
Dr Deepali Pal
Marian Case
Professor Julie Irving
Dr Frida Ponthan
et al.
BCP-ALL blasts are not dependent on CD19 expression for leukaemic maintenance2016
Dr Deepali Pal
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Dormancy Stems the Tide of Chemotherapy2016
Dr Lynsey McKenzie
Dr Sirintra Nakjang
Dr Helen Blair
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Identification of CCND2 As a RUNX1/ETO Target Required for Leukaemic Propagation2016
Dr Deepali Pal
Dr Helen Blair
Dr Alex Elder
Katie Dormon
Dr Kate Rennie
et al.
Long-term in vitro maintenance of clonal abundance and leukaemia-initiating potential in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia2016
Dr Alex Elder
Dr Klaus Rehe
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Paul Sinclair
Katie Dormon
et al.
The ability to cross the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier is a generic property of acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts.2016
Dr Victoria Forster
Mohammed Nahari
Dr Natalia Martinez Soria
Amy Bradburn
Dr Sarah Fordham
et al.
The leukemia-associated RUNX1/ETO oncoprotein confers a mutator phenotype2016
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
UBASH3B/Sts-1-CBL axis regulates myeloid proliferation in human preleukemia induced by AML1-ETO2016
Dr Paul Sinclair
Joanna Cheng
Prahlad Raninga
Rebecca Hanna
Shaun Hollern
et al.
A Targeted Functional Clone Tracking Assay for the Identification of Tumour Suppressor Genes in BCP- ALL Implicates the Transcription Factors FOXO3 and PRDM12015
Katie Dormon
Elda Latif
Dr Matthew Bashton
Dr Deepali Pal
Dr Helen Blair
et al.
A Whole Genome In Vivo Crispr Screen in Primary ALL Predicts Leukaemic Relapse2015
Judith Weiland
Dr Alex Elder
Dr Victoria Forster
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
et al.
CD19: A multifunctional immunological target molecule and its implications for Blineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia2015
Dr Klaus Rehe
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Paul Sinclair
Dr Lisa Russell
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells capable of central nervous system engraftment are common, heterogeneous and transit the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier2015
Dr Frida Ponthan
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Dr Kelly Coffey
Gene Silencing by RNAi in Mammalian Cells2015
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Anthony Moorman
Genomic and Drug Response Profiling of Fatal TCF3-HLF-Positive Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Identifies Recurrent Mutation Patterns and Novel Therapeutic Options2015
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Anthony Moorman
Genomics and drug profiling of fatal TCF3-HLF-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia identifies recurrent mutation patterns and therapeutic options2015
Dr Alex Elder
Dr Helen Blair
Katie Dormon
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Simon Cockell
et al.
High Abundance of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Founder Clones Does Not Translate to Functional Heterogeneity2015
Dr Lynsey McKenzie
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Identification of RUNX1/ETO Targets Required for Leukaemic Propagation2015
Dr Natalie Bell
Dr Helen Blair
Lisa Price
Dr Katrina Wood
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
et al.
Patient-derived xenograft and in vivo bioluminescent modelling of B-cell NHL2015
Dr Victoria Forster
Mohammed Nahari
Dr Natalia Martinez Soria
Amy Bradburn
Hesta McNeill
et al.
The Leukemia-Associated RUNX1/ETO Oncoprotein Confers a Mutator Phenotype2015
Dr Jeyanthy Eswaran
Dr Paul Sinclair
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Julie Irving
Dr Lisa Russell
et al.
The pre-B-cell receptor checkpoint in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia2015
Dr Frida Ponthan
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Deepali Pal
Dr Alex Elder
Hesta McNeill
et al.
A Genome-Wide RNAi Screen to Identify Novel Genes Involved in Clonal Maintenance of ALL2014
Dr Britta Vormoor
Henrike Knizia
Michael Batey
Dr Ian Wilson
Dr Petra Dildey
et al.
Development of a Preclinical Orthotopic Xenograft Model of Ewing Sarcoma and Other Human Malignant Bone Disease Using Advanced In Vivo Imaging2014
Dr Natalie Bell
Dr Helen Blair
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Dr Christopher Bacon
Dr Vikki Rand
et al.
Development of in Vivo Models of Paediatric Burkitt Lymphoma Allowing Therapeutic Target Analysis and Drug Testing2014
Dr Alex Elder
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Helen Blair
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Differential expression of miR-17~92 identifies BCL2 as a therapeutic target in BCR-ABL-positive B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia2014
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Identification of a Dynamic Core Transcriptional Network in t(8;21) AML Regulating Differentiation Block and Self-Renewal2014
Dr Daniel Williamson
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Identification of a Dynamic Core Transcriptional Network in t(8;21) AML that Regulates Differentiation Block and Self-Renewal2014
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Pontin is a critical regulator for AML1-ETO-induced leukemia2014
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Helen Blair
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Preclinical modelling of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia2014
Michael Batey
Dr Frida Ponthan
Dr Helen Blair
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The development and evaluation of a series of novel in vivo imaging models of AML for the assessment of drug efficacy2014
Dr Klaus Rehe
Kerrie Wilson
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Daniel Williamson
Professor Julie Irving
et al.
Acute B lymphoblastic leukaemia-propagating cells are present at high frequency in diverse lymphoblast populations2013
Marta Omedes Pujol
Dan Coleman
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor David Fulton
Determination of key structure-activity relationships in siRNA delivery with a mixed micelle system2013
Dr Daniel Williamson
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Identification of a Dynamic Core Transcriptional Regulatory Network for t(8;21) AML2013
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Lars Buechler
Dr Klaus Rehe
Dr Frida Ponthan
Dr Alex Elder
et al.
Lentiviral marking of patient-derived acute lymphoblastic leukaemic cells allows in vivo tracking of disease progression2013
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Lineage-inappropriate PAX5 expression in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia requires signaling-mediated abrogation of polycomb repression2013
Dr Andrea Beyerle
Hesta McNeill
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Molecular Parameters of siRNA–Cell Penetrating Peptide Nanocomplexes for Efficient Cellular Delivery2013
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
The MLL recombinome of acute leukemias in 20132013
Michael Batey
Dr Frida Ponthan
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The use of a novel in vivo orthotopic imaging model of AML for assessment of drug efficacy2013
Dr Frederik van Delft
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Bryan Young
AML1/ETO and POU4F1 synergy drives B-lymphoid gene expression typical of t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia2012
Dr Andrea Beyerle
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor James Allan
AML1/ETO Confers a Mutator Phenotype in AML2012
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Depletion of RUNX1/ETO in t(8:21) AML cells leads to genome-wide changes in transcription factor binding2012
Dr Daniel Williamson
Hesta McNeill
Dr Michael Cullen
Professor Bryan Young
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Depletion of RUNX1/ETO in t(8;21) AML cells leads to genome-wide changes in chromatin structure and transcription factor binding2012
Dr Sebastian Prall
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in t(8;21) rearranged acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)2012
Dr Alex Elder
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Lentiviralmarking as a tool to investigate the clonal complexity and evolution of ALL2012
Dr Victoria Forster
Dr Andrea Beyerle
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor James Allan
AML1/ETO Confers a Mutator Phenotype In Acute Myeloid Leukemia Associated with Downregulation of the Base-Excision-Repair Gene OGG12011
Dr Klaus Rehe
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Beth Gibson
Central Nervous System Involvement in a Xenograft Model of Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Is Associated with Dysfunctional CXCR4 Expression and Upregulation of the Neurotropic Chemokine Receptors CCR6 and CX3CR12011
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Effective and specific control of aml1/eto gene expression in acute myeloid leukemia cells by lentivector-based RNA-interference2011
Dr Klaus Rehe
Kerrie Wilson
Dr Simon Bomken
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
et al.
In acute lymphoblastic leukaemia stemness is frequent and ubiquitous2011
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Lars Buechler
Dr Klaus Rehe
Dr Frida Ponthan
Dr Helen Blair
et al.
Lentiviral Transduction of Patient Derived Leukaemic Blasts Allowing In Vivo Bioluminescent Monitoring in An NSG Model of Leukaemia Stem Cell Maintenance2011
Dr Frida Ponthan
Hesta McNeill
Dr Lars Buechler
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Significance of Fusion Genes for Maintenance of Leukaemia2011
Dr Victoria Forster
Amy Bradburn
Professor James Allan
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The Angiogenic Factor Angiopoietin-1 Is Regulated by the Acute Myeloid Leukemia Fusion Protein AML1/ETO2011
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The HDAC class I-specific inhibitor entinostat (MS-275) effectively relieves epigenetic silencing of the LAT2 gene mediated by AML1/ET2011
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
AML1/ETO proteins control POU4F1/BRN3A expression and function in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia2010
Patricia Garrido Castro
Dr Simon Bomken
Elda Latif
Michael Batey
Hesta McNeill
et al.
ANGIOPOIETIN1 a Novel Factor Implicated In MLL Rearranged Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Regulated In a Fusion Gene Dependent Manner2010
Patricia Garrido Castro
Dr Simon Bomken
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
ANGIOPOIETIN-1 expression is modulated by leukaemic fusion genes2010
Elda Latif
Michael Batey
Hesta McNeill
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
ANGIOPOIETIN1-a Novel Factor Implicated In MLL-Rearranged Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Regulated In a Fusion Gene-Dependent Manner2010
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
EMMPRIN and its ligand cyclophilin A regulate MT1-MMP, MMP-9 and M-CSF during foam cell formation2010
Dr Klaus Rehe
Kerrie Wilson
Dr Simon Bomken
Hesta McNeill
Professor Julie Irving
et al.
In Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, Stemness Is Frequent and Ubiquitous2010
Dr Klaus Rehe
Kerrie Wilson
Dr Simon Bomken
Hesta McNeill
Professor Julie Irving
et al.
In Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, Sternness Is Frequent and Ubiquitous2010
Dr Klaus Rehe
Kerrie Wilson
Dr Simon Bomken
Hesta McNeill
Professor Julie Irving
et al.
In acute lymphoblastic leukemia, stemness is frequent and ubiquitous2010
Dr Andreas Gessner
Patricia Garrido Castro
Dr Anja Scholz
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Leukemic fusion genes MLL/AF4 and AML1/MTG8 support leukemic self-renewal by controlling expression of the telomerase subunit TERT2010
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Proliferation of human primary vascular smooth muscle cells depends on serum response factor2010
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Serum response factor depletion affects the proliferation of the hepatocellular carcinoma cells HepG2 and JHH62010
Patricia Garrido Castro
Dr Anja Scholz
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Targeted delivery of SiRNA to CD33-positive tumor cells with liposomal carrier systems2010
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Svetlana Mysina
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
The Germline Stem Cell Self-Renewal Gene PIWIL2 is Expressed in Both Malignant and Non-Malignant Lymphoid Cells2010
Dr Simon Bomken
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The Prosurvival Cytokine Angiopoietin-1 is Overexpressed in T(4;11)-Positive ALL and Regulated in a MLL/AF4 Dependent Manner2010
Dr Victoria Forster
Professor James Allan
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The t(8,21) Fusion Protein AML1/ETO Promotes Susceptibility to Mutation In Acute Myeloid Leukemia2010
Dr Victoria Forster
Professor James Allan
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The t(8;21) Fusion Protein AML1/ETO Promotes Susceptibility to Mutation In Acute Myeloid Leukemia2010
Dr Simon Bomken
Dr Karel Fiser
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Understanding the cancer stem cell2010
Dr Frida Ponthan
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
A Drosophila model identifies calpains as modulators of the human leukemogenic fusion protein AML1-ETO2009
Dr Lisa Russell
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Anthony Moorman
Professor Christine Harrison FRCPath FMedSci
A novel translocation, t(14;19)(q32;p13) involving IGHalpha and the cytokine receptor for erythropoietin2009
Patricia Garrido Castro
Dr Andreas Gessner
Joachim Greiling
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
et al.
Caspase inhibition blocks apoptosis caused by MLL-AF4 depletion in t(4;11) positive ALL cell lines, but cannot abrogate subsequent necroptosis-like cell death2009
Dr Andreas Gessner
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Caspase inhibition blocks apoptosis caused by MLL-AF4 depletion in t(4;11)-positive ALL cell lines, but cannot abrogate subsequent necroptosis-like cell death2009
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21)2009
Dr Lisa Russell
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Julie Irving
Professor Anthony Moorman
Heather Morrison
et al.
Deregulated expression of cytokine receptor gene, CRLF2, is involved in lymphoid transformation in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia2009
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Graft Protection in Bypass Surgery: siRNA-Mediated Silencing of Adhesion Molecules2009
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Hermann Josef Vormoor
Malignant stem cells in childhood ALL: the debate continues!2009
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
New insights to the MLL recombinome of acute leukemias2009
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Targeting oncogenes with siRNAs2009
Dr Lisa Russell
Professor Anthony Moorman
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Christine Harrison FRCPath FMedSci
IGH@ Translocations Involving the Pseudoautosomal Region 1 (PAR1) of Both Sex Chromosomes Deregulate the Cytokine Receptor-Like Factor 2 (CRLF2) Gene in B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL)2008
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Targeting myeloid precursor cells by scFv CD 33-coupled immunoliposomes in cancer therapy2008
Dr Andreas Gessner
Patricia Garrido Castro
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The t(4;11) fusion protein MLL/AF4 regulates TERT expression2008
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Transcriptional upregulation of p21/WAF/Cip1 in myeloid leukemic blasts expressing AML1-ETO2008
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Transient depletion of RUNX1/RUNX1T1 by RNA interference delays tumour formation in vivo2008
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Epigenetic repression of the adaptor molecule LAT2 by the leukemic fusion protein AML1/ETO2007
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Inhibition of adhesion molecule expression on human venous endothelial cells by non-viral siRNA transfection2007
Matthew Thomas
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
RNA interference in haematopoietic and leukaemic cells2007
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
siRNA-mediated AML1/MTG8 depletion affects differentiation and proliferation-associated gene expression in t(8;21)-positive cell lines and primary AML blasts2006
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Targeting leukemic fusion proteins with small interfering RNAs: recent advances and therapeutic potentials2006
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Forging therapeutics from small interfering RNAs2005
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Gene silencing methods for mammalian cells: application of synthetic siRNAs2005
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Suppression of ICAM-1 in human venous endothelial cells by small interfering RNAs2005
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Targeting MLL-AF4 with short interfering RNAs inhibits clonogenicity and engraftment of t(4;11)-positive human leukemic cells2005
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Oncogene suppression by small interfering RNAs2004
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
RNA interference as a potential tool in the treatment of leukaemia2004
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The oncogenic fusion protein RUNX1-CBFA2T1 supports proliferation and inhibits senescence in t(8;21)-positive leukaemic cells2004
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
AML1/MTG8 oncogene suppression by small interfering RNAs supports myeloid differentiation of t(8;21)-positive leukemic cells2003
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Gene silencing by RNAi in mammalian cells2003
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
siRNAs: magic bullets for functional genomics and therapy?2003
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Specific inhibition of bcr-abl gene expression by small interfering RNA2003
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
The apparent uptake of fluorescently labeled siRNAs by electroporated cells depends on the fluorochrome2003
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Analysis of the Nuclear Distribution of the Translocation t(8;21)-Derived Fusion Protein AML1/ETO by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy2002
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Serum response factor is crucial for actin cytoskeletal organization and focal adhesion assembly in embryonic stem cells2002
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Cleavage of AML1/MTG8 by asymmetric hammerhead ribozymes2001
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Detection and quantification of CBFB/MYH11 fusion transcripts in patients with inv(16)-positive acute myeloblastic leukemia by real-time RT-PCR2001
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Comparison of nested competitive RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR for the detection and quantification of AML1/MTG8 fusion transcripts in t(8;21) positive acute myelogenous leukemia2000
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Evaluation of the effectiveness of DNA-binding drugs to inhibit transcription using the c-fos serum response element as a target2000
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
MAPKAP kinase 2 phosphorylates serum response factor in vitro and in vivo1999
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Modulation of Gene Expression by Ribozymes1999
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Real-time RT-PCR for the detection and quantification of AML1/MTG8 fusion transcripts in t(8;21)-positive AML patients1999
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Ribozyme in der molekularen Medizin1997
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
RNase H-independent antisense activity of oligonucleotide N3 '--> P5' phosphoramidates1997
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Synthetic Ribozymes: The Hammerhead Ribozyme1997
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
A hammerhead ribozyme cleaves its target RNA during RNA preparation1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Adenovirus-mediated interferon-gamma transfer inhibits growth of transplanted HTLV-1 Tax tumors in mice1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Binding and functional effects of transcriptional factor Sp1 on the murine interleukin-6 promotor1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Constitutively activated JNK is associated with HTLV-1 mediated tumorigenesis1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Correlation of activity with stability of chemically modified ribozymes in nuclei suspension1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
HAM/TSP and ATL: persistent paradoxes and new hypotheses1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Rapid PCR method for site-directed mutagenesis on double-stranded plasmid DNA1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Role of kinases in HTLV-I transformation1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Sequence requirements of ATF2 and CREB binding to the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 LTR R region1996
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
A new affinity purification procedure for DNA-binding proteins using bromoacetyl agarose1995
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Application of antisense technology to therapeutics1995
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Constitutive activation of different Jak tyrosine kinases in human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) tax protein or virus-transformed cells1995
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Ribozyme-mediated RNA degradation in nuclei suspension1995
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Stabilized RNA analogs for antisense and ribozyme applications1995
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Effect of phosphorothioate modification of oligodeoxynucleotides on specific protein binding1994
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
High activity and stability of hammerhead ribozymes containing 2'-modified pyrimidine nucleosides and phosphorothioates1994
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Chemically modified RNA: approaches and applications1993
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Design of hammerhead ribozymes for the inhibition of gene expression ex vivo by exogenous application1993
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Hammerhead ribozyme-mediated cleavage of the long terminal repeat RNA of human immunodeficiency virus type 11992
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Structure-function relationship of hammerhead ribozymes as probed by 2'-modifications1991
Professor Olaf Heidenreich
Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus 1 reverse transcriptase by 3'-azidothymidine triphosphate1990