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Browsing publications by Professor Alexander Thiele.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Jochem van Kempen
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
Distinct feedforward and feedback pathways for cell-type specific attention effects2024
Professor Alexander Thiele
Perceptual Learning of Fine Contrast Discrimination Under Non-roving, Roving-Without-Flanker, and Roving-with-Flanker Conditions and its Relation to Neuronal Activity in Macaque V12024
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
Intrinsic timescales in the visual cortex change with selective attention and reflect spatial connectivity2023
Jafar Doostmohammadi
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Dr Jochem van Kempen
Professor Alexander Thiele
Ripples in macaque V1 and V4 are modulated by top-down visual attention2023
Professor Alexander Thiele
Tissue-type plasminogen activator induces conditioned receptive field plasticity in the mouse auditory cortex2023
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
Stimulus dependence of directed information exchange between cortical layers in macaque V12022
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Olivier Joly
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Professor Christopher Petkov
et al.
The Representation of Time Windows in Primate Auditory Cortex2022
Dr Miguel Dasilva Ogando
Dr Christian Brandt
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
Contribution of Ionotropic Glutamatergic Receptors to Excitability and Attentional Signals in Macaque Frontal Eye Field2021
Dr Jochem van Kempen
Michael Boyd
Dr Stefano Panzeri
Professor Alexander Thiele
Directed information exchange between cortical layers in macaque V1 and V4 and its modulation by selective attention2021
Professor Alexander Thiele
Effects of muscarinic and nicotinic receptors on contextual modulation in macaque area V12021
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Jennifer Nacef
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Felix Schneider
Dr Francesca Rocchi
et al.
MRI monitoring of macaque monkeys in neuroscience: Case studies, resource and normative data comparisons2021
Dr Jochem van Kempen
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Michael Boyd
Professor Alexander Thiele
Top-down coordination of local cortical state during selective attention2021
Dr Colline Poirier
Professor Christopher Petkov
Professor Tim Griffiths
Jennifer Nacef
Dr Fabien Balezeau
et al.
Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging2020
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Dr Ross Muers
Michael Ortiz Rios
Professor Christopher Petkov
Professor Michael Schmid
et al.
An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Optogenetics2020
Jennifer Nacef
Ashley Waddle
Professor Michael Schmid
Professor Christopher Petkov
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Protective cranial implant caps for macaques2020
Dr Jochem van Kempen
Professor Alexander Thiele
Behavioural and neural signatures of perceptual decision-making are modulated by pupil-linked arousal2019
Dr Miguel Dasilva Ogando
Dr Christian Brandt
Dr Sascha Gotthardt
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Cell Class specific modulation of attentional signals by acetylcholine in macaque frontal eye field2019
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Candy Rowe
Using preferred fluids and different reward schedules to motivate rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in cognitive tasks2019
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Professor Tim Griffiths
Jennifer Nacef
Michael Ortiz Rios
Professor Christopher Petkov
et al.
An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging2018
Felix Schneider
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Michael Ortiz Rios
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
et al.
Auditory figure-ground analysis in rostral belt and parabelt of the macaque monkey2018
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Christopher Petkov
Continued need for non-human primate neuroscience research2018
Michael Ortiz Rios
Dr Marcus Haag
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Michael Schmid
et al.
Improved methods for MRI-compatible implants in nonhuman primates2018
Professor Alexander Thiele
Neuromodulation of Attention2018
Mehdi Sanayei
Dr Xing Chen
Dr Stefano Panzeri
Professor Alexander Thiele
Perceptual learning of fine contrast discrimination changes neuronal tuning and population coding in macaque V42018
Dr Colline Poirier
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Dr Olivier Joly
Dr David Hunter
et al.
Auditory motion-specific mechanisms in the primate brain2017
Dr Jochem van Kempen
Professor Alexander Thiele
Cholinergic Control of Information Coding2017
Jose Herrero
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
Muscarinic and nicotinic contribution to contrast sensitivity of macaque area V1 neurons2017
Dr Michael Savage
Professor Richard McQuade
Professor Alexander Thiele
Segregated fronto-cortical and midbrain connections in the mouse and their relation to approach and avoidance orienting behaviors2017
Dr Helen Gray
Bradley Pearce
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Candy Rowe
The use of preferred social stimuli as rewards for rhesus macaques in behavioural neuroscience2017
Professor Alexander Thiele
Dr Christian Brandt
Dr Sascha Gotthardt
Attention Induced Gain Stabilization in Broad and Narrow-Spiking Cells in the Frontal Eye-Field of Macaque Monkeys2016
Dr Heather Slater
Alice Milne
Dr Ben Wilson
Ross Muers
Dr Fabien Balezeau
et al.
Individually customisable non-invasive head immobilisation system for non-human primates with an option for voluntary engagement2016
Dr Helen Gray
Henri Bertrand
Claire Mindus
Emeritus Professor Paul Flecknell
Professor Candy Rowe
et al.
Physiological, behavioral, and scientific impact of different fluid control protocols in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)2016
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
Selective modulation of cortical state during spatial attention2016
Mehdi Sanayei
Jose Herrero
Professor Alexander Thiele
Attention and normalization circuits in macaque V12015
Dr Ben Wilson
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Dr Li Sun
Dr David Hunter
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Auditory sequence processing reveals evolutionarily conserved regions of frontal cortex in macaques and humans2015
Dr Jason Connolly
Dr Quoc Vuong
Professor Alexander Thiele
Gaze-Dependent Topography in Human Posterior Parietal Cortex2015
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Olivier Joly
Professor Adrian Rees
Professor Christopher Petkov
Dr Li Sun
et al.
The Topography of Frequency and Time Representation in Primate Auditory Cortices2015
Dr Richard Tomsett
Matthew Ainsworth
Professor Alexander Thiele
Mehdi Sanayei
Dr Xing Chen
et al.
Virtual Electrode Recording Tool for EXtracellular potentials (VERTEX): comparing multi-electrode recordings from simulated and biological mammalian cortical tissue2015
Dr Olivier Joly
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Colline Poirier
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
A perceptual pitch boundary in a non-human primate2014
Dr Olivier Joly
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
Merging functional and structural properties of the monkey auditory cortex2014
Dr Xing Chen
Mehdi Sanayei
Professor Alexander Thiele
Stimulus Roving and Flankers Affect Perceptual Learning of Contrast Discrimination in Macaca mulatta2014
Jose Herrero
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Mehdi Sanayei
Professor Alexander Thiele
Attention-Induced Variance and Noise Correlation Reduction in Macaque V1 Is Mediated by NMDA Receptors2013
Professor Alexander Thiele
Muscarinic signaling in the brain.2013
Dr Xing Chen
Mehdi Sanayei
Professor Alexander Thiele
Perceptual learning of contrast discrimination in macaca mulatta2013
Professor Alexander Thiele
Stimulus-dependent variability and noise correlations in cortical MT neurons2013
Professor Alexander Thiele
Jose Herrero
Contribution of Cholinergic and GABAergic Mechanisms to Direction Tuning, Discriminability, Response Reliability, and Neuronal Rate Correlations in Macaque Middle Temporal Area2012
Dr Xing Chen
Professor Alexander Thiele
Effect of feature-selective attention on neuronal responses in macaque area MT2012
Professor Alexander Thiele
NMDA receptors figure it out2012
Professor Alexander Thiele
Stay focussed - muffle that resonant bass!2012
Professor Alexander Thiele
Cholinergic control of cortical network interactions enables feedback-mediated attentional modulation2011
Professor Alexander Thiele
Cortical state and attention2011
Dr Vesna Vuksanovic
Mario Bartolo
Dr David Hunter
Dr Li Sun
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
fMRI based Granger causality as a measure of effective connectivity in macaque visual cortex2011
Dr Simon Baumann
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Li Sun
Professor Christopher Petkov
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Orthogonal representation of sound dimensions in the primate midbrain2011
Mario Bartolo
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Dr Vesna Vuksanovic
Dr David Hunter
Dr Li Sun
et al.
Stimulus-induced dissociation of neuronal firing rates and local field potential gamma power and its relationship to the blood oxygen level-dependent signal in macaque primary visual cortex2011
Jose Herrero
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Dr Louise Delicato
Dr Sascha Gotthardt
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Attention Reduces Stimulus-Driven Gamma Frequency Oscillations and Spike Field Coherence in V12010
Dr Simon Baumann
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Adrian Rees
Dr David Hunter
Dr Li Sun
et al.
Characterisation of the BOLD response time course at different levels of the auditory pathway in non-human primates2010
Professor Alexander Thiele
Separable Codes for Attention and Luminance Contrast in the Primary Visual Cortex2010
Jose Herrero
Professor Alexander Thiele
Suppressive Lateral Interactions at Parafoveal Representations in Primary Visual Cortex2010
Professor Alexander Thiele
Dr Louise Delicato
Jose Herrero
Additive Effects of Attention and Stimulus Contrast in Primary Visual Cortex2009
Professor Alexander Thiele
Attention - oscillations and neuropharmacology2009
Professor Alexander Thiele
Optimizing brain processing2009
Jose Herrero
Dr Mark Roberts
Dr Louise Delicato
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Acetylcholine contributes through muscarinic receptors to attentional modulation in V12008
Dr Mark Roberts
Professor Alexander Thiele
Attention and contrast differently affect contextual integration in an orientation discrimination task2008
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
Comparison of spatial integration and surround suppression characteristics in spiking activity and the local field potential in macaque V12008
Professor Alexander Thiele
Dr Mark Roberts
Mechanisms of Spatial Integration in Primary Visual Cortex of the Primate2008
Professor Alexander Thiele
Neuronal firing rate, inter-neuron correlation and synchrony in area MT are correlated with directional choices during stimulus and reward expectation2008
Dr Mark Roberts
Professor Alexander Thiele
Spatial integration and its moderation by attention and acetylcholine2008
Dr Louise Delicato
Jose Herrero
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
Professor Alexander Thiele
Attention alters spatial integration in macaque V1 in an eccentricity-dependent manner2007
Professor Alexander Thiele
Reconstructing the World: Switching from Segmentation to Integration Allows Neurons in Area MT to Make "Sense" of the Visual Scene2007
Dr Kun Guo
Dr Robert Robertson
Maribel Pulgarin Montoya
Dr Angel Nevado
Dr Stefano Panzeri
et al.
Spatio-temporal prediction and inference by V1 neurons2007
Professor Alexander Thiele
Dr Louise Delicato
Dr Mark Roberts
Dr Alwin Gieselmann
A novel electrode-pipette design for simultaneous recording of extracellular spikes and iontophoretic drug application in awake behaving monkeys2006
Wolfgang Zinke
Dr Mark Roberts
Dr Kun Guo
Dr Scott McDonald
Dr Robert Robertson
et al.
Cholinergic modulation of response properties and orientation tuning of neurons in primary visual cortex of anaesthetized Marmoset monkeys2006
Dr Louise Delicato
Dr David Hunter
Dr Li Sun
Professor Alexander Thiele
Contrast-dependent spatial integration in awake macaque V1 measured by fMRI2006
Professor Alexander Thiele
Dr Louise Delicato
Dr Mark Roberts
Roles of synchronized neuronal activities in perception2006
Professor Alexander Thiele
Acetylcholine dynamically controls spatial integration in marmoset primary visual cortex2005
Professor Alexander Thiele
Chromatic sensitivity of neurones in area MT of the anaesthetised macaque monkey compared to human motion perception2005
Gianni Pola
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Malcolm Young
Dr Stefano Panzeri
Data-robust tight lower bounds to the information carried by spike times of a neuronal population2005
Dr Louise Delicato
Dr Mark Roberts
Professor Alexander Thiele
Effects of attention on orientation-tuning and contrast response functions in primate V12005
Professor Alexander Thiele
Vision: A brake on the speed of sight2005
Professor Alexander Thiele
Contribution of inhibitory mechanisms to direction selectivity and response normalization in macaque middle temporal area2004
Professor Alexander Thiele
Contribution of inhibitory mechanisms to direction selectivity and response normalization in macaque middle temporal area.2004
Dr Kun Guo
Dr Angel Nevado
Dr Robert Robertson
Maribel Pulgarin Montoya
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Effects on orientation perception of manipulating the spatio-temporal prior probability of stimuli2004
Professor Alexander Thiele
Perceptual learning: Is V1 up to the task?2004
Gianni Pola
Professor Alexander Thiele
Dr Stefano Panzeri
An exact method to quantify the information content of neuronal correlations2003
Gianni Pola
Professor Alexander Thiele
Dr Stefano Panzeri
An exact method to quantify the information transmitted by different mechanisms of correlational coding2003
Dr Mark Roberts
Wolfgang Zinke
Dr Sumaira MacDonald
Rosie Robertson
Dr Kun Guo
et al.
Effects of Acetylcholine on Length Integration in Primary Visual Cortex2003
Professor Alexander Thiele
Neuronal synchrony does not correlate with motion coherence in cortical area MT2003
Professor Alexander Thiele
A model of speed tuning in MT neurons2002
Professor Alexander Thiele
Attention reduces the impact of prior spatiotemporal information on perceptual judgments2002
Professor Alexander Thiele
Chromatic input to motion processing in the absence of attention2002
Professor Alexander Thiele
Directional asymmetry of neurons in cortical areas MT and MST projecting to the NOT-DTN in macaques2002
Professor Alexander Thiele
Neural Mechanisms of Saccadic Suppression2002
Professor Alexander Thiele
Neural correlates of chromatic motion perception2001
Professor Alexander Thiele
Speed skills: Measuring the visual speed analyzing properties of primate MT neurons2001
Professor Alexander Thiele
Comparison of red-green equiluminance points in humans and macaques: evidence for different L:M cone ratios between species2000
Professor Alexander Thiele
Neural correlates of contrast detection at threshold2000
Professor Alexander Thiele
Decision-related activity in the macaque dorsal visual pathway1999
Professor Alexander Thiele
The contribution of color to motion processing in Macaque middle temporal area1999
Professor Alexander Thiele
Neuronal activity in MST and STPp, but not MT changes systematically with stimulus-independent decisions1996