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Browsing publications by Professor Tim Griffiths.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Helen Devine
Dr Anne Chambers
Dr David Ledingham
Dr Gary Reynolds
Dr Fiona Rayner
et al.
Bright ears on MRI: An imaging clue to relapsing polychondritis-Associated encephalopathy2025
Professor Tim Griffiths
David Ferrier's second monkey ('monkey F'): The inaugural experimental studies of the auditory cortex2025
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
Dr Colline Poirier
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Brain Charts for the Rhesus Macaque Lifespan2024
Xiaoxuan Guo
Dr Ester Benzaquen
Professor Tim Griffiths
British version of the Iowa test of consonant perception2024
Dr Meher Lad
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Central auditory abilities are associated with cognitive and structural neuroimaging markers of Alzheimer’s disease dementia2024
Professor Tim Griffiths
Cognitive screening instruments: Reasons to be cheerful2024
Dr Will Sedley
Siobhan Jones
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Paul Goldsmith
Migraine as an allostatic reset triggered by unresolved interoceptive prediction errors2024
Dr Meher Lad
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Tim Griffiths
Reliable Web-Based Auditory Cognitive Testing: Observational Study2024
Dr Meher Lad
Dr William Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
Sensory Loss and Risk of Dementia2024
Professor Tim Griffiths
Spatial selective auditory attention is preserved in older age but is degraded by peripheral hearing loss2024
Dr Meher Lad
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Tim Griffiths
Subjective hearing loss is not associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease dementia2024
Dr Meher Lad
Professor John-Paul Taylor
Professor Tim Griffiths
The contribution of short-term memory for sound features to speech-in-noise perception and cognition2024
Dr William Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
What is the role of the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus in the persistence of tinnitus?2024
Dr Ryan Calmus
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
Author Correction: Immediate neural impact and incomplete compensation after semantic hub disconnection (Nature Communications, (2023), 14, 1, (6264), 10.1038/s41467-023-42088-7)2023
Professor Tim Griffiths
Hallucinations in Hearing Impairment: How Informed Are Clinicians?2023
Dr Ryan Calmus
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
Immediate neural impact and incomplete compensation after semantic hub disconnection2023
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neural Correlates of Individual Differences in Speech-in-Noise Performance in a Large Cohort of Cochlear Implant Users2023
Professor Tim Griffiths
Predicting speech-in-noise ability in normal and impaired hearing based on auditory cognitive measures2023
Matthew Choy
Professor Tim Griffiths
Spectral Grouping of Electrically Encoded Sound Predicts Speech-in-Noise Performance in Cochlear Implantees2023
Dr Meher Lad
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
A specific relationship between musical sophistication and auditory working memory2022
Dr Faye Smith
Professor Tim Griffiths
Developmental Language Disorder: What happens in the brain?2022
Professor Tim Griffiths
Left Frontal White Matter Links to Rhythm Processing Relevant to Speech Production in Apraxia of Speech2022
Tobias Overath
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Sundeep Teki
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
et al.
MEG correlates of temporal regularity relevant to pitch perception in human auditory cortex2022
Professor Tim Griffiths
Pitch discrimination is better for synthetic timbre than natural musical instrument timbres despite familiarity2022
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Olivier Joly
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Professor Christopher Petkov
et al.
The Representation of Time Windows in Primate Auditory Cortex2022
Faye Smith
Professor Tim Griffiths
What happens in the brain?2022
Professor Tim Griffiths
Active inference, selective attention, and the cocktail party problem2021
Dr Francesca Rocchi
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
et al.
Common fronto-temporal effective connectivity in humans and monkeys2021
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Tobias Overath
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dynamics underlying auditory-object-boundary detection in primary auditory cortex2021
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Jennifer Nacef
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Felix Schneider
Dr Francesca Rocchi
et al.
MRI monitoring of macaque monkeys in neuroscience: Case studies, resource and normative data comparisons2021
Professor Tim Griffiths
Pre- and post-target cortical processes predict speech-in-noise performance2021
Professor Tim Griffiths
Simultaneous auditory agnosia: Systematic description of a new type of auditory segregation deficit following a right hemisphere lesion2021
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Ester Benzaquen Vallejos
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Meher Lad
et al.
The motor basis for misophonia2021
Dr Colline Poirier
Professor Christopher Petkov
Professor Tim Griffiths
Jennifer Nacef
Dr Fabien Balezeau
et al.
Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging2020
Dr Meher Lad
Professor Tim Griffiths
Clinical Reasoning: A 72-year-old man with a progressive cognitive and cerebellar syndrome2020
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Multivoxel codes for representing and integrating acoustic features in human cortex2020
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Dr Ben Wilson
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
Primate auditory prototype in the evolution of the arcuate fasciculus2020
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Kai Alter
Speech Biomechanics: Shaping new sounds2020
Dr Meher Lad
Professor Tim Griffiths
Speech-in-noise detection is related to auditory working memory precision for frequency2020
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Manon Grube
Auditory, Phonological, and Semantic Factors in the Recovery From Wernicke’s Aphasia Poststroke: Predictive Value and Implications for Rehabilitation2019
Dr Meher Lad
Dr Sinead Mullally
Alex Houston
Dr Thomas Kelly
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
Characterising memory loss in patients with autoimmune limbic encephalitis hippocampal lesions2019
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
Deficits in Auditory Rhythm Perception in Children With Auditory Processing Disorder Are Unrelated to Attention2019
Dr Christopher Morris
Professor Johannes Attems
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor Alan Thomas
et al.
Genetic variation across RNA metabolism and cell death gene networks is implicated in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia2019
Dr Christopher Morris
Professor Johannes Attems
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor Alan Thomas
et al.
Identification of evolutionarily conserved gene networks mediating neurodegenerative dementia2019
Professor Tim Griffiths
Limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE)2019
Dr Meher Lad
Dr Rhys Thomas
Dr Kirstie Anderson
Professor Tim Griffiths
Niemann-Pick type C: Contemporary diagnosis and treatment of a classical disorder2019
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Simon Baumann
Tobias Overath
Dr Will Sedley
et al.
The distribution and nature of responses to broadband sounds associated with pitch in the macaque auditory cortex2019
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Professor Tim Griffiths
Jennifer Nacef
Michael Ortiz Rios
Professor Christopher Petkov
et al.
An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging2018
Felix Schneider
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Michael Ortiz Rios
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
et al.
Auditory figure-ground analysis in rostral belt and parabelt of the macaque monkey2018
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Dr Will Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
Evolutionarily conserved neural signatures involved in sequencing predictions and their relevance for language2018
Professor Christopher Petkov
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neural phase locking predicts BOLD response in human auditory cortex2018
Dr Thomas Cope
Dr Ben Wilson
Lauren Dean
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
Artificial grammar learning in vascular and progressive non-fluent aphasias2017
Dr Colline Poirier
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Dr Olivier Joly
Dr David Hunter
et al.
Auditory motion-specific mechanisms in the primate brain2017
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Driving Working Memory2017
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
Evidence for causal top-down frontal contributions to predictive processes in speech perception2017
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
Mapping effective connectivity in the human brain with concurrent intracranial electrical stimulation and BOLD-fMRI2017
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Response: Commentary: The Brain Basis for Misophonia2017
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Adam Attaheri
Dr Ben Wilson
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
et al.
Sequence learning modulates neural responses and oscillatory coupling in human and monkey auditory cortex2017
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Thomas Cope
Professor Tim Griffiths
The brain basis for misophonia2017
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
A brain system for auditory working memory2016
Dr Will Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
An Integrative Tinnitus Model Based on Sensory Precision2016
Dr Ben Wilson
Dr Lauren Dean
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Christopher Petkov
et al.
Artificial grammar learning in vascular and progressive non-fluent aphasia identifies domain general impairments2016
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
Brain Bases of Working Memory for Time Intervals in Rhythmic Sequences2016
Professor Tim Griffiths
Brain responses in humans reveal ideal observer-like sensitivity to complex acoustic patterns2016
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
Core auditory processing deficits in primary progressive aphasia2016
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
Deficits in rhythm processing in PPA are linked to SMA atrophy2016
Professor Tim Griffiths
Hearing and dementia2016
Dr Heather Slater
Alice Milne
Dr Ben Wilson
Ross Muers
Dr Fabien Balezeau
et al.
Individually customisable non-invasive head immobilisation system for non-human primates with an option for voluntary engagement2016
Sundeep Teki
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Large-Scale Analysis of Auditory Segregation Behavior Crowdsourced via a Smartphone App2016
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neural Correlates of Auditory Figure-Ground Segregation Based on Temporal Coherence2016
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neural signatures of perceptual inference2016
Sundeep Teki
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Resource allocation models of auditory working memory2016
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Evelyn Jaros
Emeritus Professor Robert Perry
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor David Burn
et al.
Accumulation of dipeptide repeat proteins predates that of TDP-43 in frontotemporal lobar degeneration associated with hexanucleotide repeat expansions in C9ORF72 gene2015
Dr Ben Wilson
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Dr Li Sun
Dr David Hunter
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Auditory sequence processing reveals evolutionarily conserved regions of frontal cortex in macaques and humans2015
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Auditory working memory for objects vs. features2015
Mary Stewart
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Manon Grube
Autistic Traits and Enhanced Perceptual Representation of Pitch and Time2015
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Detection of the arcuate fasciculus in congenital amusia depends on the tractography algorithm2015
Professor Tim Griffiths
Direct Physiologic Evidence of a Heteromodal Convergence Region for Proper Naming in Human Left Anterior Temporal Lobe2015
Dr Thomas Cope
Dr Will Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
Disorders of Audition2015
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Jehill Parikh
Professor Andrew Blamire
Professor Tim Griffiths
Human auditory cortex neurochemistry reflects the presence and severity of tinnitus2015
Professor Tim Griffiths
Inattentional Deafness: Visual Load Leads to Time-Specific Suppression of Auditory Evoked Responses2015
Dr William Sedley
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Intracranial Mapping of a Cortical Tinnitus System using Residual Inhibition2015
Professor Tim Griffiths
Sensitivity to the temporal structure of rapid sound sequences - An MEG study2015
Sundeep Teki
Dr Will Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
Structure predicts function: Combining non-invasive electrophysiology with in-vivo histology2015
Dr Thomas Cope
Professor Tim Griffiths
The functional anatomy of central auditory processing2015
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Olivier Joly
Professor Adrian Rees
Professor Christopher Petkov
Dr Li Sun
et al.
The Topography of Frequency and Time Representation in Primate Auditory Cortices2015
Professor Tim Griffiths
"Change Deafness" Arising from Inter-feature Masking within a Single Auditory Object2014
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Will Sedley
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
A brain basis for musical hallucinations2014
Dr Olivier Joly
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Colline Poirier
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
A perceptual pitch boundary in a non-human primate2014
Dr Manon Grube
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Thomas Kelly
Professor Tim Griffiths
Exploring the role of auditory analysis in atypical compared to typical language development2014
Dr Christopher Morris
Professor Johannes Attems
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor Alan Thomas
et al.
Frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes: a genome-wide association study2014
Professor Tim Griffiths
Mapping the temporal pole with a specialized electrode array: technique and preliminary results2014
Dr Olivier Joly
Dr Simon Baumann
Dr Fabien Balezeau
Professor Alexander Thiele
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
Merging functional and structural properties of the monkey auditory cortex2014
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Thomas Cope
Dr Will Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
Misophonia: A Disorder of Emotion Processing of Sounds2014
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Will Sedley
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neural Bases of Muscial Hallucinations2014
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neural Basis of Working Memory for Time Intervals2014
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
Properties of the Internal Clock: First- and Second-Order Principles of Subjective Time2014
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
Representations of specific acoustic patterns in the auditory cortex and hippocampus2014
Dr Thomas Cope
Dr Manon Grube
Freya Cooper
Professor David Burn
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
Subthalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease has no significant effect on perceptual timing in the hundreds of milliseconds range2014
Dr Thomas Cope
Dr Manon Grube
Dr Baldev Singh
Professor David Burn
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
The basal ganglia in perceptual timing: Timing performance in Multiple System Atrophy and Huntington's disease2014
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
Working memory for time intervals in auditory rhythmic sequences2014
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
A Dynamic System for the Analysis of Acoustic Features and Valence of Aversive Sounds in the Human Brain2013
Dr Simon Baumann
Professor Christopher Petkov
Professor Tim Griffiths
A unified framework for the organization of the primate auditory cortex2013
Dr Manon Grube
Freya Cooper
Professor Tim Griffiths
Auditory temporal-regularity processing correlates with language and literacy skill in early adulthood2013
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Evelyn Jaros
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor David Burn
Emeritus Professor Robert Perry
et al.
Elderly Individuals With FTLD [Reply]2013
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
Fundamental deficits of auditory perception in Wernicke's aphasia2013
Dr Kirstie Anderson
Dr Thomas Kelly
Professor Tim Griffiths
Primary sleep disorders can cause long-term sleep disturbance in patients with autoimmune mediated limbic encephalitis2013
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Resource allocation and prioritization in auditory working memory2013
Sundeep Teki
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Segregation of complex acoustic scenes based on temporal coherence2013
Sundeep Teki
Professor Tim Griffiths
The right hemisphere supports but does not replace left hemisphere auditory function in patients with persisting aphasia2013
Professor Tim Griffiths
An approach to auditory scene analysis based on stochastic stimuli2012
Dr Manon Grube
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Freya Cooper
Professor Tim Griffiths
Auditory sequence analysis and phonological skill2012
Professor Tim Griffiths
Cortical Mechanisms for Pitch Representation2012
Professor Tim Griffiths
Cortical responses to changes in acoustic regularity are differentially modulated by attentional load.2012
Dr Manon Grube
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Philip English
Dr Thomas Kelly
et al.
Distinct critical cerebellar subregions for components of verbal working memory2012
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
Features versus Feelings: Dissociable Representations of the Acoustic Features and Valence of Aversive Sounds2012
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Evelyn Jaros
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor David Burn
Emeritus Professor Robert Perry
et al.
Frontotemporal Dementia in Elderly Individuals2012
Dr Evelyn Jaros
Professor Tim Griffiths
Emeritus Professor Robert Perry
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration in a very young patient is associated with fused in sarcoma (FUS) pathological changes.2012
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Tobias Overath
Professor Tim Griffiths
Gamma band pitch responses in human auditory cortex measured with magnetoencephalography.2012
Professor Tim Griffiths
June Ward
Grapheme-color and tone-color synesthesia is associated with structural brain changes in visual regions implicated in color, form, and motion2012
Professor Tim Griffiths
Mapping Pitch Representation in Neural Ensembles with fMRI2012
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Dr Lauren Stewart
Professor Tim Griffiths
Navigating the Auditory Scene: An Expert Role for the Hippocampus2012
Dr Yuki Kikuchi
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Simon Baumann
Tobias Overath
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
Neuronal Representation of Temporal Regularity Associated with Pitch Perception in Macaque Auditory Cortex.2012
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Single-subject oscillatory gamma responses in tinnitus2012
Dr Thomas Cope
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
Temporal predictions based on a gradual change in tempo2012
Dr Manon Grube
Dr Baldev Singh
Professor David Burn
Professor Tim Griffiths
The Basal Ganglia in perceptual timing: Timing performance in multiple system atrophy and Huntington's Disease2012
Sundeep Teki
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
Brain Bases for Auditory Stimulus-Driven Figure-Ground Segregation2011
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Tobias Overath
Professor Tim Griffiths
Brain network activity subserving tinnitus and normal perception2011
Dr Manon Grube
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Distinct Neural Substrates of Duration-Based and Beat-Based Auditory Timing2011
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Kai Alter
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neural prediction of higher-order auditory sequence statistics2011
Dr Simon Baumann
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Li Sun
Professor Christopher Petkov
Professor Alexander Thiele
et al.
Orthogonal representation of sound dimensions in the primate midbrain2011
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Evelyn Jaros
Professor Ian McKeith
Professor David Burn
Emeritus Professor Robert Perry
et al.
Pathological correlates of frontotemporal lobar degeneration in the elderly2011
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Will Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
Predictive Coding and Pitch Processing in the Auditory Cortex2011
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Evelyn Jaros
Emeritus Professor Robert Perry
The most common type of FTLD-FUS (aFTLD-U) is associated with a distinct clinical form of frontotemporal dementia but is not related to mutations in the FUS gene2011
Dr Thomas Cope
Dr William Sedley
Professor Tim Griffiths
Timing and the auditory brain2011
Dr Simon Baumann
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Adrian Rees
Dr David Hunter
Dr Li Sun
et al.
Characterisation of the BOLD response time course at different levels of the auditory pathway in non-human primates2010
Tobias Overath
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Adrian Rees
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
Cortical Mechanisms for the Segregation and Representation of Acoustic Textures2010
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Will Sedley
Direct Recordings of Pitch Responses from Human Auditory Cortex2010
Dr Manon Grube
Freya Cooper
Professor Patrick Chinnery
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dissociation of duration-based and beat-based auditory timing in cerebellar degeneration2010
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
How the Human Brain Recognizes Speech in the Context of Changing Speakers2010
Professor Tim Griffiths
Sounds Familiar?2010
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Patrick Chinnery
Professor Tim Griffiths
The contribution of the cerebellum to cognition in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 62010
Dr Will Sedley
Dr Kai Alter
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Auditory Gamma Band Oscillation as a Neurological Basis for Tinnitus2009
Dr Manon Grube
Professor Tim Griffiths
Metricality-enhanced temporal encoding and the subjective perception of rhythmic sequences2009
Professor Tim Griffiths
Capturing creativity2008
Tobias Overath
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
Encoding of Spectral Correlation over Time in Auditory Cortex2008
Professor Tim Griffiths
Executive function and genetic predisposition to schizophrenia - The Maudsley family study2008
Tobias Overath
Professor Tim Griffiths
fMRI evidence for a cortical hierarchy of pitch pattern processing2008
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Mapping unpleasantness of sounds to their auditory representation2008
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
Responses to Interaural Time Delay in Human Cortex2008
Professor Tim Griffiths
Sensory Systems: Auditory Action Streams?2008
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
Task-Dependent Modulation of Medial Geniculate Body Is Behaviorally Relevant for Speech Recognition2008
Professor Tim Griffiths
Tone deafness: A model complex cortical phenotype2008
Professor Tim Griffiths
Tone deafness: a model complex cortical phenotype2008
Tobias Overath
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Dr Jason Warren
Dr Manon Grube
et al.
An information theoretic characterisation of auditory encoding2007
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Dr Jason Warren
Dr Lauren Stewart
Klaas Stephan
et al.
Approaches to the cortical analysis of auditory objects2007
Dr Tuomo Polvikoski
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Daniel Birchall
Professor Patrick Chinnery
Argyrophilic grain disease as part of the fragile-X premutation syndrome2007
Professor Tim Griffiths
Cortical thickness in congenital amusia: When less is better than more2007
Dr Philip Nichols
Professor Tim Griffiths
Course and outcome of acute limbic encephalitis with negative voltage-gated potassium channel antibodies2007
Dr Sukhbinder Kumar
Professor Tim Griffiths
Hierarchical processing of auditory objects in humans2007
Dr Kai Alter
Professor Tim Griffiths
High frequency localised "hot spots" in temporal lobes of patients with intractable tinnitus: A quantitative electroencephalographic (QEEG) study2007
Dr Sandhya Samarasekera
Professor David Burn
Professor Tim Griffiths
Life on Mars: Living with Kleine-Levin syndrome2007
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neural Representation of Auditory Size in the Human Voice and in Sounds from Other Resonant Sources2007
Professor Tim Griffiths
Reaction time and sustained attention in schizophrenia and its genetic predisposition2007
Professor Tim Griffiths
Sorting Out Sound2007
Dr Suren Kanagasundaram
Professor Tim Griffiths
Successful treatment of severe antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated CNS vasculitis with a rituximab based regimen2007
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
Human brain mechanisms for the early analysis of voices2006
Professor Tim Griffiths
Morphometry of the amusic brain: A two-site study2006
Dr Lauren Stewart
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
Music and the brain: Disorders of musical listening2006
Professor Tim Griffiths
Neurological abnormalities in young adults born preterm2006
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
Processing the acoustic effect of size in speech sounds2006
Dr Michael Firbank
Dr John Welch
Dr Daniel Birchall
Professor John O'Brien
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in frontotemporal dementia2006
Dr Katherina von Kriegstein
Professor Tim Griffiths
Representation of interaural time delay in the human auditory midbrain2006
Dr Jessica Foxton
Professor Tim Griffiths
Rhythm deficits in 'tone deafness'2006
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
Analysis of the spectral envelope of sounds by the human brain2005
Dr Jessica Foxton
Professor Tim Griffiths
Musically tone-deaf individuals have difficulty discriminating intonation contours extracted from speech2005
Professor Tim Griffiths
Speech-specific auditory processing: Where is it?2005
Professor Tim Griffiths
The neurology of music - Introduction2005
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Jason Warren
Jennifer Dean
Professor David Howard
"When the feeling's gone": A selective loss of musical emotion2004
Dr Jessica Foxton
Jennifer Dean
Professor Tim Griffiths
Characterization of deficits in pitch perception underlying 'tone deafness'2004
Professor Patrick Chinnery
Dr David Cottrell
Dr Daniel Birchall
Professor Tim Griffiths
Limbic encephalitis: Not a picture to forget2004
Professor Tim Griffiths
Not a laughing matter2004
Dr Jessica Foxton
Professor Tim Griffiths
Training improves acoustic pattern perception2004
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Jason Warren
What is an auditory object?2004
Professor Tim Griffiths
A neural basis for the perception of voices in external auditory space2003
Dr Jessica Foxton
Mary Stewart
Louise Barnard
Emerita Professor Jacqueline Rodgers
Professor Allan Young
et al.
Absence of auditory 'global interference' in autism2003
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
Analyzing Pitch Chroma and Pitch Height in the Human Brain2003
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
Analyzing pitch chroma and pitch height in the human brain2003
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
Distinct mechanisms for processing spatial sequences and pitch sequences in the human auditory brain2003
Professor Tim Griffiths
Functional Imaging of Pitch Analysis2003
Professor Tim Griffiths
Functional imaging of pitch analysis2003
Dr Will Woods
Professor Tim Griffiths
Laterality effects in perceived spatial location of hallucination-like voices2003
Professor Tim Griffiths
Emeritus Professor Robert Perry
Dr Peter Cleland
Non-picks frontotemporal dementia imitating schizophrenia in a 22-year-old man [8]2003
Dr Jessica Foxton
Hal Brace
Professor Tim Griffiths
Reading skills are related to global, but not local, acoustic pattern perception2003
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
Separating pitch chroma and pitch height in the human brain2003
Dr Jason Warren
Professor Tim Griffiths
A common cortical substrate activated by horizontal and vertical sound movement in the human brain2002
Professor Tim Griffiths
Central auditory pathologies2002
Professor Tim Griffiths
Central auditory processing disorders2002
Dr Jason Warren
Dr Gary Green
Professor Tim Griffiths
Perception of sound-source motion by the human brain2002
Professor Tim Griffiths
The neural basis for auditory musical hallucinations2002
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Jason Warren
The planum temporale as a computational hub2002
Professor Tim Griffiths
The processing of temporal pitch and melody information in auditory cortex2002
Professor Tim Griffiths
Functional anatomy and psychophysical validity of the perception of the spatial location of hallucination-like auditory stimuli: fMRI pilot study in normal subjects2001
Professor Tim Griffiths
Chris Elliott
Professor Patrick Chinnery
Psychophysical evaluation of cochlear hair cell damage due to the A3243G mitochondrial DNA mutation2001
Michael Simpson
Rebecca Millman
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Will Woods
Professor Adrian Rees
et al.
Second-order modulation detection thresholds for pure-tone and narrow-band noise carriers2001
Professor Tim Griffiths
The neural processing of complex sounds2001
Professor Tim Griffiths
The neural processing of complex sounds2001
Professor Tim Griffiths
Jennifer Dean
Dr Will Woods
Professor Adrian Rees
Dr Gary Green
et al.
The Newcastle Auditory Battery (NAB): A temporal and spatial test battery for use on adult naïve subjects2001
Professor Tim Griffiths
Jennifer Dean
Dr Gary Green
Frontal processing and auditory perception2000
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Gary Green
Professor Adrian Rees
Human brain areas involved in the analysis of auditory movement2000
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Gary Green
Professor Adrian Rees
Human brain areas involved in the analysis of auditory movement2000
Professor Tim Griffiths
Musical hallucinosis in acquired deafness phenomenology and brain substrate2000
Professor Patrick Chinnery
Dr Gary Green
Professor Adrian Rees
Emeritus Professor Doug Turnbull
Professor Tim Griffiths
et al.
The spectrum of hearing loss due to mitochondrial DNA defects2000
Professor Tim Griffiths
Dr Gary Green
Cortical activation during perception of a rotating wide-field acoustic stimulus1999
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Adrian Rees
Dr Gary Green
Disorders of human complex sound processing1999
Professor Tim Griffiths
Professor Adrian Rees
Dr Gary Green
FMRI investigation of sound-movement analysis1999
Professor Tim Griffiths
Human complex sound analysis1999