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Browsing publications by Professor David Kennedy.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Salman Razvi
Frequency, determinants and costs of thyroid function testing in a laboratory serving a large population2022
Dr Abrar Babateen
Dr Oliver Shannon
Dr Gerry O'Brien
Dr Edward Okello
Dilara Olgacer
et al.
Incremental Doses of Nitrate-Rich Beetroot Juice Do Not Modify Cognitive Function and Cerebral Blood Flow in Overweight and Obese Older Adults: A 13-Week Pilot Randomised Clinical Trial2022
Abrar Babateen
Dr Oliver Shannon
Dr Gerry O'Brien
Dr Edward Okello
Dr Anmar Khan
et al.
Acceptability and Feasibility of a 13-Week Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial Testing the Effects of Incremental Doses of Beetroot Juice in Overweight and Obese Older Adults2021
Dr Doyin Alao
Dr Bryan Burford
Susan Hrisos
Professor Hugh Alberti
Professor David Kennedy
et al.
Active participation of ‘real-time’ patients in undergraduate medical education: a qualitative study2019
Helen Finnamore
Dr Doyin Alao
Professor Hugh Alberti
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Bryan Burford
et al.
Empowerment and Opportunity in Primary Care: Enhancing the Real-time Patients’ Journey through Undergraduate Medical Education2018
Dr Bryan Burford
Professor Hugh Alberti
Professor David Kennedy
Experience and role models: How medical students describe influences on specialty preference2018
Abi Deivanayagam
Professor Richard Walker
Professor Steve Jones
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Kenneth McKeegan
et al.
How to integrate and embed global health in medical curricula to create global doctors: a case study from Newcastle University Medical School2018
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Kenneth McKeegan
John Moss
John Peterson
Dan Plummer
et al.
Introduction of academic mentors and an e-portfolio to support students personal and academic development2018
Professor David Kennedy
John Moss
Supporting the Student Voice through the MBBS Medical Learning Environment2018
Dr Bryan Burford
Professor Gill Vance
Professor David Kennedy
The relationship between medical students’ identity and stress: A longitudinal questionnaire study2018
Dr Doyin Alao
Dr Bryan Burford
Professor Hugh Alberti
Dr Susan Moloney
Professor David Kennedy
et al.
Active participation of 'real-time' patients in undergraduate medical education2017
Dr Bryan Burford
Professor Hugh Alberti
Professor David Kennedy
Early career intentions of medical students: are we selecting the graduates we need for the 21st century?2017
Dr Laura Woodhouse
Professor David Kennedy
Professor Brian Lunn
Candidate use of a feedback site and how that relates to examination performance2016
Dr Laura Woodhouse
Professor Brian Lunn
Professor David Kennedy
Comparison of Cohen and Angoff methods of standard setting: is Angoff worth it?2016
Professor Brian Lunn
Professor David Kennedy
Professor Steve Jones
John Moss
Joann Luke
et al.
Developing an Enhanced Personalised Web-based OSCE Feedback System to Help Students Understand OSCE Performance2016
Professor David Kennedy
Professor Brian Lunn
Lessons from assessing Professionalism through monitoring Professional attitudes and behaviours2016
Dr Kenneth McKeegan
Professor David Kennedy
Shared Assessment Drives Institutional Learning2016
Professor Clare Guilding
Dr Stephen Ball
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Ruben Thanacoody
Development and Implementation of a Clinical Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Prescribing Strand for Newcastle University’s MBBS Degree Programme Using the British Pharmacological Society’s Core Curriculum for Medical Students2015
Dr Bryan Burford
Professor David Kennedy
Professor Gill Vance
Students’ early experience of medical school: adjustments and identity2015
Professor Clare Guilding
Professor David Kennedy
Development of a new end-of-year appraisal format for medical students2014
Professor David Kennedy
Learning outcome-based feedback on multiple choice examinations helps students identify areas of weakness2014
Dr Emily Abbot
Danielle Grenade
Professor David Kennedy
Kelly Gatfield
Professor David Thwaites
et al.
Vigabatrin transport across the human intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) brush-border membrane is via the H+-coupled amino-acid transporter hPAT12006
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Demetrio Raldua
Professor David Thwaites
Dual modes of 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride modulation of apical dipeptide uptake in the human small intestinal epithelial cell line Caco-22005
Professor David Kennedy
Kelly Gatfield
Dr John Winpenny
Professor David Thwaites
Substrate specificity and functional characterisation of the H+/amino acid transporter rat PAT2 (SLC36A2)2005
Dr Catriona Anderson
Danielle Grenade
Dr Katherine Wake
Professor David Kennedy
Professor Frederick Campbell
et al.
H+/amino acid transporter 1 (PAT1) is the imino acid carrier: An intestinal nutrient/drug transporter in human and rat2004
Dr Catriona Anderson
Dr Ma Mendoza-Gomez
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Demetrio Raldua
Professor David Thwaites
et al.
Inhibition of intestinal dipeptide transport by the neuropeptide VIP is an anti-absorptive effect via the VPAC1 receptor in a human enterocyte-like cell line (Caco-2)2003
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Katherine Wake
Professor David Thwaites
Structure, tissue expression pattern, and function of the amino acid transporter rat PAT22003
Professor David Thwaites
Professor David Kennedy
Dr Demetrio Raldua
Dr Catriona Anderson
Dr Ma Mendoza-Gomez
et al.
H+/dipeptide absorption across the human intestinal epithelium is controlled indirectly via a functional Na+/H+ exchanger2002
Professor David Kennedy
Professor David Thwaites
Optimal absorptive transport of the dipeptide glycylsarcosine is dependent on functional Na+/H+ exchange activity2002
Professor David Kennedy
Professor David Thwaites
Optimal dipeptide uptake across the apical membrane of human intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers is dependent on functional NHE3 activity2002
Professor David Kennedy
Professor David Thwaites
The selective NHE3 inhibitor S1611 modulates dipeptide transport across human intestinal (Caco-2) cell monolayers2001