Dr Janet Ward
| Exploring Service Dominant-logic within computer mediated actor-networks | 2011 |
Dr Janet Ward
| How does Service-Dominant Logic apply within computer mediated environments? | 2010 |
Dr Janet Ward
| The Avatar Lecturer: Learning and Teaching in Second Life | 2010 |
Dr Janet Ward
| A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step: Designing Appropriate Marketing Research Methods for Virtual Worlds | 2009 |
Dr Janet Ward
| Second Life, Second market? Case Study Ch 14 Marketing in the Digital Age | 2009 |
Dr Janet Ward
| Second Life: An Appropriate Place for Marketing Learning and Teaching? Students Reflect | 2009 |
Dr Janet Ward
| Second Life: contours of a virtual marketing landscape. | 2008 |
Dr Janet Ward
| The Role of Virtual Marketing Channels in a Material World | 2008 |
Dr Janet Ward
| The Avatar Lecturer: A Second Life for Marketing Educators! | 2007 |
Dr Janet Ward
| The Teaching & Learning Of Marketing | 2007 |
Dr Janet Ward
| Can asymmetrical relationships be true marketing relationships? | 2004 |
Dr Janet Ward
| Developing work related learning in the marketing curriculum, AEF398: The Work Related Marketing Project | 2004 |
Johanne Allinson Emeritus Professor David Harvey Charles Scott Elliot James Taylor Dr Janet Ward et al. | An analysis of the short to medium term market situation for Swaledale Breeding Stock and provision of a promotional strategy for lamb and wool produce | 2003 |
Dr Janet Ward
| Dessert 1: Putting Marketing into Action (Integrated Case study) | 2003 |
Dr Janet Ward
| Is Asymmetry the Missing Link in Relationship Marketing? | 2003 |
Dr Janet Ward
| The relationship between rural small businesses and their banks | 2003 |