Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Development of a Gaussian Process – feature selection model to characterise (poly)dimethylsiloxane (Silastic®) membrane permeation | 2020 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| The influence of diffusion cell type and experimental temperature on machine learning models of skin permeability | 2020 |
Arathi Kizhedath Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Jarka Glassey
| Assessment of hepatotoxicity and dermal toxicity of butyl paraben and methyl paraben using HepG2 and HDFn in vitro models | 2019 |
Wi Phatvej Dr Harish Datta Dr Simon Wilkinson Dr Elaine Mutch Professor Ann Daly et al. | Endocytosis and lack of cytotoxicity of alkyl–capped silicon quantum dots prepared from porous silicon | 2019 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Model fitting for small skin permeability data sets: Hyperparameter optimisation in Gaussian Process Regression | 2018 |
Dr Bernadette Carroll Diego Manni Dr Rhoda Stefanatos Fiona Menzies Dr Graham Smith et al. | Oxidation of SQSTM1/p62 mediates the link between redox state and protein homeostasis | 2018 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Public perceptions of emergency decontamination: Effects of intervention type and responder management strategy during a focus group study | 2018 |
Arathi Kizhedath Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Jarka Glassey
| Applicability of predictive toxicology methods for monoclonal antibody therapeutics: status Quo and scope | 2017 |
Laura Hudson Dr Khimara Naidoo Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Mark Birch-Machin
| Bad air gets under your skin | 2017 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Inter-laboratory skin distribution study of 4-n-butyl resorcinol: The importance of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS/MS) bioanalytical validation | 2017 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Linear or non-linear models for percutaneous absorption? | 2015 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Predictive Methods in Percutaneous Absorption | 2015 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| The application of machine learning to the modelling of percutaneous absorption: An overview and guide | 2015 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in human skin and SkinEthic reconstructed human skin models | 2015 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Ex vivo studies for the passive transdermal delivery of low-dose naltrexone from a cream; detection of naltrexone and its active metabolite, 6β-naltrexol, using a novel LC Q-ToF MS assay | 2014 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Analysis of finite dose dermal absorption data: Implications for dermal exposure assessment | 2014 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Comparison of xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme activities in ex vivo human skin and reconstructed human skin models from SkinEthic | 2014 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Effect of occlusion on the percutaneous absorption of aluminium from antiperspirant products | 2014 |
Professor Faith Williams Varshini Ravi Dr SarahJayne Boulton Dr Elaine Mutch Dr Christopher Jewell et al. | Factors influencing expression and specificity of carboxylesterases in skin: Implications for local and systemic paraben ester toxicity | 2014 |
Mark Hewitt Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Feature Selection Modelling for Percutaneous Absorption across Synthetic Membranes | 2014 |
Craig Moore Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Peter Blain Dr Michael Dunn Dr Gillian Aust et al. | Percutaneous absorption and distribution of organophosphates (chlorpyrifos and dichlorvos) following dermal exposure and decontamination scenarios using in vitro human skin model | 2014 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Peter Blain Professor Faith Williams
| Use of a human skin in vitro model to investigate the influence of 'every-day' clothing and skin surface decontamination on the percutaneous penetration of organophosphates | 2014 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| The application of gaussian processes in the prediction of permeability across a polydimethlysiloxane membrane | 2013 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Mathematical modelling of percutaneous absorption | 2012 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Modelling of absorption across skin and silicone membranes using non-linear auto-regressive moving average with exogenous input (NARMAX) methods | 2012 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| The application of discriminant analysis and Machine Learning methods as tools to identify and classify compounds with potential as transdermal enhancers | 2012 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| The application of machine learning methods to identify and classify potential transdermal enhancers | 2012 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| The application of non-linear auto-regressive moving average with exogenous input (NARMAX) to modelling the absorption across human skin | 2012 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| The application and limitations of mathematical modelling in the prediction of permeability across mammalian skin and polydimethylsiloxane membranes | 2011 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Transepidermal water loss for probing full-thickness skin barrier function: Correlation with tritiated water flux, sensitivity to punctures and diverse surfactant exposures | 2009 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Cutaneous metabolism | 2008 |
Matthew Traynor Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Metabolism of butoxyethanol in excised human skin in vitro | 2008 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Analysis, interpretation, and extrapolation of dermal permeation data using diffusion-based mathematical models | 2007 |
Matthew Traynor Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Corrigendum to "The influence of water mixtures on the dermal absorption of glycol ethers" [Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 218 (2007) 128-134] (DOI:10.1016/j.taap.2006.09.019) | 2007 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Cutaneous metabolism | 2007 |
Dr Gillian Aust Dr Simon Wilkinson Dr Michael Dunn Professor Faith Williams
| Influence of formulation on the dermal absorption of pesticide actives at spray dilution concentrations | 2007 |
Ria Wilkinson Dr Christopher Jewell Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams Professor Peter Blain et al. | The effect of in vitro receptor media choice on the percutaneous absorption of methyl paraben | 2007 |
Matthew Traynor Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| The influence of water mixtures on the dermal absorption of glycol ethers | 2007 |
Matthew Traynor Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| The influence of water mixtures on the dermal absorption of glycol ethers (vol 218, pg 128, 2007) | 2007 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Laura Greaves Professor Faith Williams
| Interactions of skin thickness and physicochemical properties of test compounds in percutaneous penetration studies | 2006 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Inter- and intralaboratory variation of in vitro diffusion cell measurements: An international multicenter study using quasi-standardized methods and materials | 2005 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| The relationship between in vivo dermal penetration studies in humans and in vitro predictions using human skin | 2005 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Clair Roper Professor Faith Williams
| CEFIC Workshop on methods to determine permeation for human risk assessment | 2004 |
Matthew Traynor Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Effects of water on the absorption of two glycol ethers through human skin in vitro | 2004 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| In vitro predictions of skin absorption of caffeine, testosterone, and benzoic acid: A multi-centre comparison study | 2004 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Percutaneous penetration of malathion and parathion: Dose and vehicle effects | 2004 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Percutaneous penetration of parathion in ethanol and xylene vehicles | 2004 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Effects of experimental conditions on absorption of glycol ethers through human skin in vitro | 2002 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Effects of experimental conditions on absorption of glycol ethers through human skin in vitro | 2002 |
Professor Laura Greaves Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Factors affecting percutaneous absorption of caffeine in vitro | 2002 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| PLFA profiles of microbial communities in decomposing conifer litters subject to moisture stress | 2002 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| Dermal absorption of pyridine and some methyl pyridines in vitro | 2001 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Effects of fungal inocula on the decomposition of lignin and structural polysaccharides in Pinus sylvestris litter | 2001 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson Professor Faith Williams
| In vitro dermal absorption of liquids | 2001 |
Dr Simon Wilkinson
| Spatial patterns of soil microbial communities in a Norway spruce (Picea abies) plantation | 2001 |