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Browsing publications by Dr Xiao Wang.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Rachel Crossland
Jamie Macdonald
Dr Xiao Wang
Assessing MicroRNA Profiles from Low Concentration Extracellular Vesicle RNA Utilizing NanoString nCounter Technology2024
Annachiara Scalzone
Dr Rolando Berlinguer Palmini
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Rachel Crossland
et al.
Functional and Molecular Analysis of Human Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes Treated with Bone Marrow-Derived MSC-EVs2024
Dr Xiao Wang
Local administration of regulatory T cells promotes tissue healing2024
Dr Annachiara Scalzone
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Kenneth Dalgarno
Dr Ana Ferreira-Duarte
Dr Piergiorgio Gentile
et al.
A cytokine-induced spheroid-based in vitro model for studying osteoarthritis pathogenesis2023
Annachiara Scalzone
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Kenneth Dalgarno
Dr Ana Ferreira-Duarte
Dr Piergiorgio Gentile
et al.
A Chondrosphere-Based Scaffold Free Approach to Manufacture an In Vitro Articular Cartilage Model2022
Dr Annachiara Scalzone
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Ana Ferreira-Duarte
Professor Kenneth Dalgarno
Dr Piergiorgio Gentile
et al.
An In Vitro Engineered Osteochondral Model as Tool to Study Osteoarthritis Environment2022
Dr Xiao Wang
Corrigendum: CD317-Positive Immune Stromal Cells in Human “Mesenchymal Stem Cell” Populations(Front. Immunol., (2022), 13, (903796), 10.3389/fimmu.2022.903796)2022
Dr Clara Sanjurjo Rodriguez
Dr Rachel Crossland
Dr Xiao Wang
Characterization and miRNA Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles from Human Osteoarthritic Subchondral Bone Multipotential Stromal Cells (MSCs)2021
Dr Gary Reynolds
Dr Peter Vegh
Dr James Fletcher
Dr Beth Poyner
Dr Emily Stephenson
et al.
Developmental cell programs are co-opted in inflammatory skin disease2021
Joseph Dudman
Dr Ana Ferreira-Duarte
Dr Piergiorgio Gentile
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Kenneth Dalgarno
et al.
Microvalve Bioprinting of MSC-Chondrocyte Co-Cultures2021
Dr Aisling Flinn
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Andrew Gennery
Thymopoiesis, Alterations in Dendritic Cells and Tregs, and Reduced T Cell Activation in Successful Extracorporeal Photopheresis Treatment of GVHD2021
Dr Laura Jardine
Dr Urszula Cytlak-Chaudhuri
Dr Merry Gunawan
Dr Gary Reynolds
Dr Kile Green
et al.
Donor monocyte-derived macrophages promote human acute graft-versus-host disease2020
Joseph Dudman
Dr Ana Ferreira-Duarte
Dr Piergiorgio Gentile
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Matthew Benning
et al.
Reliable inkjet printing of chondrocytes and MSCs using reservoir agitation2020
Mahid Ahmed
Louis Bibby
Laura Darby
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Evaluation of a human in vitro skin test for predicting drug hypersensitivity reactions2019
Sylvia Muller
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Elena Mancuso
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Osteogenic potential of heterogeneous and CD271-enriched mesenchymal stromal cells cultured on apatite-wollastonite 3D scaffolds2019
Sadaf Atarod
Jean Norden
Louis Bibby
Dr Clare Lendrem
Dr Kim Pearce
et al.
Differential MicroRNA Expression Levels in Cutaneous Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease2018
Dr David McDonald
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Anne Dickinson
Professor Andrew Filby
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
Global phenotypic characterisation of human platelet lysate expanded MSCs by high-throughput flow cytometry2018
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Matthew Collin
Hyaluronan Receptor LYVE-1-Expressing Macrophages Maintain Arterial Tone through Hyaluronan-Mediated Regulation of Smooth Muscle Cell Collagen2018
Dr Emily Mavin
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Dr Kile Green
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
Mesenchymal stromal cell-derived extracellular vesicles attenuate dendritic cell maturation and function2018
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
An In Vitro Human Skin Test for Assessing Adverse Immune Reactions and Sensitization Potential2017
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Venetia Bigley
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
et al.
Human fetal dendritic cells promote prenatal T-cell immune suppression through arginase-22017
Dr Emily Mavin
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Rafez Ahmed
Dr Fei Gao
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Human regulatory T cells mediate transcriptional modulation of dendritic cell function2017
Dr Emily Mavin
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Pathophysiology of GvHD and other HSCT-related major complications2017
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Dr Xiao Wang
Andrew Kerry
Iain Dickinson
et al.
An in vitro human skin test for assessing sensitization potential2016
Dr Marsela Qesari
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Cytomegalovirus-Specific T Cells Isolated by IFN-[gamma] Secretion Assay Do Not Induce Significant Graft-Versus-Host Reactions In Vitro2016
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Dr Xiao Wang
Jean Norden
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Ebtesam El-Gezawy
et al.
Identification and validation of biomarkers associated with acute and chronic graft versus host disease [Corrigendum]2016
David Cole
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Dr Suzy Leech
Dr Aileen Taylor
Julie Guest
et al.
Limited thymic recovery after extracorporeal photopheresis in a low-body-weight patient with acute graft-versus-host disease of the skin2016
Moyassar Al-Shaibani
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Penny Lovat
Professor Anne Dickinson
Mesenchymal stem cells promote wound healing via differentiation into epidermal keratinocyte-like cells2016
Sadaf Atarod
Ahmed Ahmed
Dr Clare Lendrem
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Wei Cope
et al.
MiR-146a and miR-155 expression levels in acute graft-versus-host disease incidence2016
Marsela Qesari
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Recent Developments in Cellular immunotherapy for HSCT-Associated Complications2016
Dr Emily Mavin
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Dr Alison Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Regulatory T cells modulate dendritic cell maturation and function at a transcriptional level2016
Sylvia Muller
Joanne Tang
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Julian De Havilland
et al.
CD271 enrichment of BM-derived MSCs enhances their osteogenic potency2015
Dr Marsela Qesari
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Cytomegalovirus specific T cells do not allo-react in the human-in vitro skin explant model2015
Moyassar Al-Shaibani
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Penny Lovat
Professor Anne Dickinson
Deciphering the Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Paracrine in Wound Closure Acceleration2015
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Developing an in vitro predictive test for steroid response in graft versus host disease2015
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Developing an in vitro predictive test for steroid response in graft versus host disease2015
Sadaf Atarod
Brie Turner
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Jean Norden
et al.
Elevated level of HSPA1L mRNA correlates with graft-versus-host disease2015
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Anne Dickinson
Examining the Feasibility of Clinical Grade CD271+ Enrichment of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Bone Regeneration2015
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Dr Emily Mavin
Lynne Minto
Professor Julie Irving
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Gene Expression Profiling Implicates Attenuation of NFkB Signalling By Regulatory T Cells in Modulating Dendritic Cell Function2015
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Dr Emily Mavin
Lynne Minto
Professor Julie Irving
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Gene Expression Profiling Implicates Attenuation of NFkB Signalling By Regulatory T Cells in Modulating Dendritic Cell Function2015
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Human Platelet Lysate Promotes Proliferation and Maintains Immunomodulatory Capacity of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells2015
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Human Platelet Lysate Promotes Proliferation and Maintains Immunomodulatory Capacity of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells2015
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Dr Xiao Wang
Jean Norden
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Ebtesam El-Gezawy
et al.
Identification and validation of biomarkers associated with acute and chronic graft versus host disease2015
Sadaf Atarod
Hannah Smith
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
MicroRNA levels quantified in whole blood varies from PBMCs2015
Dr Emily Mavin
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Treg treated dendritic cells are defective in initiating cutaneous GVH reactions2015
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Merry Gunawan
Dr Connor Richardson
Professor Matthew Collin
et al.
A Three Dimensional Atlas of Human Dermal Leukocytes, Lymphatics and Blood Vessels2014
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Christopher Bacon
Alison Long
Sarah Pagan
Professor Matthew Collin
et al.
Factor XIIIa identifies macrophages and cells of mesenchymal origin in the human skin2014
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Merry Gunawan
Dr Laura Jardine
Dr Elizabeth Poyner
Kile Green
et al.
Human Dermal CD14+ Cells Are a Transient Population of Monocyte-Derived Macrophages2014
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Merry Gunawan
Dr Laura Jardine
Dr Elizabeth Poyner
Dr Kile Green
et al.
Human tissue mononuclear phagocyte system revisited2014
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Merry Gunawan
Dr Connor Richardson
Professor Matthew Collin
et al.
Microanatomical dissection of the human dermis: the three-dimensional relationship between leucocytes, lymphatics and blood vessels2014
Juliana Haggerty
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Chris O'Malley
Professor Elaine Martin
et al.
Segmentation of epidermal tissue with histopathological damage in images of haematoxylin and eosin stained human skin2014
Dr Lindsay Nicholson
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Treg Induced Impairment of DC Function and Its Impact on GvH Reactions2014
Dr Emily Mavin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Do Cryopreserved Regulatory T Cells Retain Their Suppressive Potency?2013
Dr Kim Pearce
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Jean Norden
Professor Matthew Collin
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
Genomic risk factors and biomarkers as predictors of GvHD after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation2013
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Scott Marshall
Professor Anne Dickinson
Immature DC Isolated After Co-Culture with PUVA-Treated Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Downregulate Graft-Versus-Host Reactions in the Human Skin Explant Model2013
Dr Laura Jardine
Professor Sophie Hambleton
Dr Venetia Bigley
Sarah Pagan
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
Sensitizing primary acute lymphoblastic leukemia to natural killer cell recognition by induction of NKG2D ligands2013
Emily Mavin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
The use of third party Treg to ameliorate graft-versus-host reactions2013
Dr Emily Mavin
Sadaf Atarod
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
An association between skin homing T-cells and graft-versus-host disease2012
Dr Emily Mavin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Feasibility of using regulatory T cells as an 'off the shelf' cellular reagent2012
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Venetia Bigley
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Xiao Wang
Sarah Pagan
et al.
Human Tissues Contain CD141hi Cross-Presenting Dendritic Cells with Functional Homology to Mouse CD103+ Nonlymphoid Dendritic Cells2012
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Venetia Bigley
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Matthew Collin
et al.
Identification of a novel cross-presenting migratory dendritic cell in the human skin: the key cell for rational vaccine strategies2012
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Venetia Bigley
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Matthew Collin
et al.
Identification of the human cross-presenting migratory dendritic cell2012
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Scott Marshall
Professor Anne Dickinson
In Vitro PUVA Treatment Preferentially Induces Apoptosis in Alloactivated T Cells2012
Pawel Stocki
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Inducible Heat Shock Protein 70 Reduces T cell Responses and Stimulatory Capacity of Monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells2012
Dr Emily Mavin
Angela Grainger
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Andrew Gennery
Regulatory T cell subsets, T cell receptor repertoire, and autoantibodies in RAG1-deficient Omenn syndrome2012
Dr Emily Mavin
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Dr Graeme O'Boyle
Brie Turner
Stephen Douglass
et al.
Regulatory T Cells Inhibit CD8+ T-Cell Tissue Invasion in Human Skin Graft-Versus-Host Reactions2012
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Venetia Bigley
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Xiao Wang
Hongwei Zhou
et al.
CD141(+) human migratory dendritic cells are homologous to murine CD103+dendritic cells and excel at exogenous antigen cross-presentation2011
Sadaf Atarod
Jean Norden
Anna Kuzyk-Czucha
Brie Turner
Lyndsy Ambler
et al.
Correlation of HSPA1Lexpression with the development of graft-versus-host disease2011
Dr Venetia Bigley
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Rachel Dickinson
Dr Naomi McGovern
et al.
Dendritic cell, monocyte, B and NK lymphoid deficiency: a novel but potentially fatal haematological disorder curable with haematopoietic stem cell transplantation2011
Dr Rachel Dickinson
Dr Helen Griffin
Dr Venetia Bigley
Dr Louise Reynard
Raf Hussain
et al.
Exome sequencing identifies GATA-2 mutation as the cause of dendritic cell, monocyte, B and NK lymphoid deficiency2011
Jean Norden
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Expression Profiling of Major Histocompatibility and Natural Killer Complex Genes Reveals Candidates for Controlling Risk of Graft versus Host Disease2011
Jean Norden
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Expression profiling of major histocompatibility and natural killer complex genes reveals new candidates for controlling risk of graft versus host disease2011
Pawel Stocki
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Nick Morris
Professor Anne Dickinson
HSP70 Natively and Specifically Associates with an N-terminal Dermcidin-derived Peptide That Contains an HLA-A*03 Antigenic Epitope2011
Dr Naomi McGovern
Dr Venetia Bigley
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Rachel Dickinson
et al.
Human Langerin plus dendritic cells are independent of epithelial Langerhans cells; a novel perspective on Langerhans cell histiocytosis2011
Dr Katherine Sturgess
Professor Mary Slatter
Dr Venetia Bigley
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
Reduced Intensity Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Rescues Immune Function and Corrects Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis in DCML Deficiency/GATA 2 Mutation2011
Dr Emily Mavin
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Regulatory T cell suppressive functions are not affected by cryo-preservation2011
Dr Venetia Bigley
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Rachel Dickinson
Dr Naomi McGovern
Sarah Pagan
et al.
The human syndrome of dendritic cell, monocyte, B and NK lymphoid deficiency2011
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Graham Jackson
Professor Anne Dickinson
The Involvement of Epithelial Fas in a Human Model of Graft Versus Host Disease2011
Dr Michelle Rae
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Anne Dickinson
A preliminary investigation into the kinetics of MSC induced immuno-modulation during the allo-reactive phase of an MLR2010
Dr Xiao Wang
Characterization of a GSK-3 inhibitor in culture of human cord blood primitive hematopoietic cells2010
Pawel Stocki
Dr Nick Morris
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Identification of potential HLA class I and class II epitope precursors associated with heat shock protein 70 (HSPA)2010
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Venetia Bigley
Sarah Pagan
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Matthew Collin
et al.
The persistence of recipient antigen presenting cells after stem cell transplantation in humans2010
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Scott Marshall
Professor Anne Dickinson
A phase II clinical trial using extracorporeal photophoresis for chronic GvHD: evidence for immune switching2009
Dr Saeed Ahmed
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Biomarkers associated with occurrence and severity of graft-versus-host disease2009
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Venetia Bigley
Ian Dimmick
Dr Trevor Booth
et al.
Differential rates of replacement of human dermal dendritic cells and macrophages during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation2009
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
HSP70-hom gene polymorphism as a risk factor of graft-versus-host disease2009
Brie Turner
Dr Shaheda Ahmed
Sarah Pagan
Jean Norden
Professor Matthew Collin
et al.
Regulatory T Cells Prevent Effector T Cell Infiltration Into GvHD Target Tissue by Affecting Chemokine Signaling2009
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Udo Holtick
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Graham Jackson
Professor Catharien Hilkens
et al.
Regulatory T-Cell Suppression of CD8+ T-Cell-Mediated Graft-Versus-Host Reaction Requires Their Presence During Priming2009
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Michelle Rae
Professor Anne Dickinson
Suppression of cellular immunity by cord blood-derived unrestricted somatic stem cells is cytokine-dependent2009
Pawel Stocki
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Correlation of Hsp70-1 and Hsp70-2 gene expression with the degree of graft-versus-host reaction in a rat skin explant model2008
Dr Xiao Wang
Suzanne Alshemali
Professor Matthew Collin
Differential homeostasis and function of human dermal macrophages and dendritic cells: implications for the induction of graft versus host responses2008
Dr Amy Anderson
Bethan Sayers
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr David Swan
Julie Diboll
et al.
Differential regulation of naïve and memory CD4+ T cells by alternatively activated dendritic cells2008
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Impact of Psoralen/UVA-treatment on survival, activation, and immunostimulatory capacity of monocyte-derived dendritic cells2008
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Udo Holtick
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Naturally occurring regulatory T-cells suppress CD8+lymphocyte induced graft-versus-host reactions in an in vitro human GvHD model2008
Jane Harrold
Dr Elizabeth Leitch
Jean Norden
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Graham Jackson
et al.
Role of interleukin-13 in predicting graft-versus-host disease; functional and genotyping studies2008
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
The expression of the Hsp 70-1 and Hsp 70-2 genes correlates with the degree of graft-versus-host reaction in a rat skin explant model2008
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Michelle Rae
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Adult Human Fibroblasts Are Potent Immunoregulatory Cells and Functionally Equivalent to Mesenchymal Stem Cells2007
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Udo Holtick
Suzanne Alshemali
Professor Nick Reynolds
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Human dermal broblasts ameliorate in vitro graft-versushost reactions and are functionally indistinguishable from bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells2007
Dr Udo Holtick
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Immature dendritic cells downregulate graft versus host reactions in the human skin explant model after co-culture with in vitro PUVA treated lymphocytes2007
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Daniel Swan
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Mesenchymal stem cells and fibroblasts have similar immunoregulatory properties in vitro but distinct gene expression profiles: Implications for cellular therapy2007
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Demonstration of selective suppression of alloreactivity in a human model of extracorporeal phototherapy2006
Suzanne Alshemali
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Dermal dendritic cells but not Langerhans cells stimulate lymphocytes in an in vitro model of cutaneous graft-versus-host disease2006
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Investigating the role of dendritic cells in extracorporeal photopheresis using an in vitro model2006
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Scott Marshall
Professor Muzlifah Haniffa
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
Investigating the role of dendritic cells in extracorporeal photopheresis using an in vitro model2006
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Modulation of dendritic cells in a human in vitro model of extracorporeal photopheresis2006
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Selective downregulation of alloreactivity in a human model of extracorporeal phototherapy treatment of graft-versus-host disease2006
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Matthew Collin
Professor Graham Jackson
Professor Anne Dickinson
Skin Explant Model of Human Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Prediction of Clinical Outcome and Correlation with Biological Risk Factors2006
Dr Xiao Wang
Sparse support vector regression based on orthogonal forward selection for the generalized kernel model2006
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
The 6th Annual Meeting of the UK Cord Blood and Adult Stem Cell Group2006
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
The fate of monocytes and monocyte-derived dendritic cells in an in vitro model of extracorporeal photopheresis2006
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Christina Basford
Professor Anne Dickinson
Use of a human model to demonstrate selective down regulation of alloreactivity by extracorporeal phototherapy2006
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Graham Jackson
Professor Anne Dickinson
An in vitro test of steroid responsiveness using a modified human skin explant model for graft-versus-host disease2005
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Christopher McCarthy
Professor Anne Dickinson
Development of the human skin explant model of graft-versus-host disease for the investigation of the mechanism of action of extracorporeal phototherapy2005
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Christopher McCarthy
Professor Anne Dickinson
Down-regulation of interieukin-13 by PUVA treatment in a skin explant model of graft-versus-host disease may highlight the importance of this cytokine in the mechanism of extracorporeal phototherapy2005
Dr Scott Marshall
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Downregulation of interleukin-13 by PUVA treatment in a human model of graft-versus-host disease may highlight the importance of this cytokine in the mechanism of extracorporeal phototherapy treatment2005
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Elizabeth Douglas
Dr Michelle Rae
EBV transformation of cells from cord blood donations: Relevance to future retrospective studies on cord blood transplants2005
Dr Udo Holtick
Dr Scott Marshall
Professor Catharien Hilkens
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
et al.
Examining the role of dendritic cells in extracorporeal photopheresis using an in vitro model2005
Professor Graham Jackson
Dr Jennifer Cavet
Dr Trevor Booth
Dr Peter Middleton
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
Human Langerhans cells in transplantation: Recipient cells survive conditioning but donor cells predominate at day 1002005
Dr Trevor Booth
Dr Peter Middleton
Professor Graham Jackson
Dr Jennifer Cavet
Dr Xiao Wang
et al.
Human langerhans cells in transplantation: Recipient cells survive conditioning but donor cells predominate at day 1002005
Professor Matthew Collin
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
In vitro depletion of tissue-derived dendritic cells by CMRF-44 antibody and alemtuzumab: Implications for the control of graft-versus-host disease2005
Dr Hannah Cullup
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Neutralisation of IL-1 receptor antagonist is associated with increased IL-1 mediated damage in a human in vitro model of GvHD2004
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Towards functional transplant donor matching by measurement of granzyme A and granzyme B production levels2004
Professor Matthew Collin
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Antibody-mediated suppression of allogeneic responses by targeting the tissue dendritic cell: A potential role for CMRF-44 where alemtuzumab fails2003
Mandy Jarvis
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Heat shock protein 70: Correlation of expression with degree of graft-versus-host response and clinical graft-versus-host disease2003
Mandy Jarvis
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Heat shock protein 70: Correlation of expression with degree of graft-versus-host response and clinical GVHD: Quantitative assessment using laser scanning confocal microscopy2003
Dr Hannah Cullup
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
HLA-matcing influences the production of the IL-1 family of cytokines in an alloimmune response2003
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Hannah Cullup
Neutralisation of IL-1 receptor antagonist is associated with increased graft versus host damage demonstrated in a human in vitro modified model of graft versus host disease2003
Dr Hannah Cullup
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
The level of IL-1B and IL-1RA in MLR supernatants is associated with the incidence of aGVHD following HLA-matched sibling BMT2003
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
In situ dissection of the graft-versus-host activities of cytotoxic T cells specific for minor histocompatibility antigens2002
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Graham Jackson
Professor Anne Dickinson
Interleukin-10 modulation of alloreactivity and graft-versus-host reactions2002
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Jennifer Cavet
Dr Hannah Cullup
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Mark Jarvis
et al.
Predicting outcome in hematological stem cell transplantation2002
Mandy Jarvis
Professor Anne Dickinson
Professor Graham Jackson
Dr Xiao Wang
The detection of apoptosis in a human in vitro skin explant assay for graft versus host reactions2002
Dr Alison Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
Are the functional assays useful in predicting graft-versus-host disease in HLA-matched sibling bone marrow transplantation?2001
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Jennifer Cavet
Dr Hannah Cullup
Dr Xiao Wang
Dr Peter Middleton
et al.
GvHD risk assessment in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Role of cytokine gene polymorphisms and an In Vitro human skin explant model2001
Professor Graham Jackson
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Histological correlation between different centers using the skin explant model to predict graft-versus-host disease following bone marrow transplantation2001
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Professor Graham Jackson
Minor histocompatibility antigen specific CTLs and in situ skin graft versus host reactions2001
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Anne Dickinson
Can cord blood cells support the cytokine storm in GvHD?2000
Professor Anne Dickinson
Dr Xiao Wang
In vitro models of graft-versus-host disease2000
Dr Xiao Wang
Kerry-Ann Oliver
Professor Anne Dickinson
Professor Graham Jackson
Increased sensitivity of the cord blood alloresponse to cyclosporin1999
Dr Xiao Wang
Professor Stephen Proctor
Professor Anne Dickinson
Cellular alloreactivity of human cord blood cells detected by T-cell frequency analysis and a human skin explant model1998