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Browsing publications by Professor Lindsay Pennington.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
The UK C-BiLLT: Validity and reliability of an online assessment of language comprehension for children with severe motor disorders2025
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Assessing the Adequacy of the Physical, Social and Attitudinal Environment to the Specific Needs of Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy: the European Adult Environment Questionnaire2024
Emmy Shaw
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Morag Andrew
Dr Helen Taylor
Professor Jeremy Parr
et al.
Informing creation of the FEEDS Toolkit to support parent-delivered interventions for eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties in young children with neurodisability: intervention use by neurodevelopmental diagnosis and healthcare professional role2024
Dr Hannah Merrick
Dr Helen Driver
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Christopher Morris
Professor Jeremy Parr
et al.
Parent carer and disabled young people's perspectives on the impacts of changes to service provision for children and young people in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study2024
Dr Hannah Merrick
Professor Jeremy Parr
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Kulwinder Bola
Dr Susan Carr
et al.
Policy and practice recommendations for services for disabled children during emergencies: Learning from COVID-192024
Dr Hannah Merrick
Dr Helen Driver
Dr Siân Russell
Professor Catherine Exley
Professor Jeremy Parr
et al.
Professionals perspectives on facilitators and barriers for high quality provision of health, education and social care services to disabled children in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study.2024
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Hannah Merrick
Professor Jeremy Parr
The experience of children with disabilities and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic; what lessons can we learn?2024
Valentina Mamasoula
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Adenike Adesanya
Professor Judith Rankin
A systematic review and meta-analysis of school and cognitive function domains of health-related quality of life measures for children and young adults with congenital heart disease2023
Dr Hannah Merrick
Dr Helen Driver
Dr Ryan Kenny
Catherine Richmond
Kulwinder Bola
et al.
Impacts of health care service changes implemented due to COVID-19 on children and young people with long-term disability: A mapping review2023
Valentina Mamasoula
Dr Theophile Bigirumurame
Dr Thomas Chadwick
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Professor Judith Rankin
et al.
Maternal age and the prevalence of congenital heart defects in Europe, 1995–2015: A register-based study2023
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Psychometric properties of the Viking Speech Scale—Turkish version for children with cerebral palsy aged 4–18 years based on live and video-based observation2023
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Reliability and validity of the Dutch-language version of the Viking Speech Scale in children with cerebral palsy2023
Professor Lindsay Pennington
School-based allied health interventions for children and young people affected by neurodisability: A systematic evidence map2023
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Stuart Cunningham
Shaun Hiu
Professor Ghada Khattab
Vicky Ryan
et al.
The impact of the Speech Systems Approach on intelligibility for children with cerebral palsy: a secondary analysis2023
Dr Tim Rapley
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Jennifer McAnuff
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
et al.
Advancing cluster randomised trials in children’s therapy: A survey of the acceptability of trial behaviours to therapists and parents 2022
Dr Helen Taylor
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Professor Dawn Craig
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Dr Jill Cadwgan
et al.
Developing the FEEDS toolkit of parent-delivered interventions for eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties in young children with neurodisability: findings from a Delphi survey and stakeholder consultation workshops2022
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Mini‐EDACS: development of the Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System for young children with cerebral palsy2022
Sarah Edney
Dr Anna Basu
Professor Christopher Harding
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Short-term feeding outcomes after neonatal brain injury2022
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Assessment and management of communication difficulties of children and young people with cerebral palsy2021
Dr Helen Taylor
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Professor Dawn Craig
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Dr Jill Cadwgan
et al.
Children with neurodisability and feeding difficulties: A UK survey of parent-delivered interventions2021
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Determinants of participation and quality of life of young adults with cerebral palsy: longitudinal approach and comparison with the general population - SPARCLE 3 study protocol2021
Claire Lambert
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Social participation to support good mental health in neurodisability2021
Dr Simon Hackett
Dr Thomas Chadwick
Jane Bourne
Professor Mark Freeston
Professor Lindsay Pennington
et al.
A randomised controlled feasibility study of interpersonal art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in people with intellectual disabilities in secure care2020
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Mona Dave
Professor Mark Pearce
Communication disorders in young children with cerebral palsy2020
Dr Simon Hackett
Dr Thomas Chadwick
Jane Bourne
Professor Mark Freeston
Professor Lindsay Pennington
et al.
Correction to: A randomised controlled feasibility study of interpersonal art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in people with intellectual disabilities in secure care (Pilot and Feasibility Studies, (2020), 6, 1, (180), 10.1186/s40814-020-00703-0)2020
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Jenni Hislop
Professor Laura Ternent
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Implementing participation-focused services: a study to develop the Method for using Audit and Feedback in Participation Implementation (MAPi)2020
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Oromotor dysfunction in minimally verbal children with cerebral palsy: characteristics and associated factors2020
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Speech in children with cerebral palsy2020
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Speech in children with cerebral palsy: Characteristics, associated factors, and the importance of a differential diagnosis2020
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Construct Validity of the Viking Speech Scale2019
Professor Suzanne Moffatt
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Experiences of Grandparenting Disabled Children in the UK: A Qualitative Study of Intergenerational Relationships2019
Katy Stockwell
Dan Jackson
Dr Anna Basu
Professor Patrick Olivier
Professor Lindsay Pennington
et al.
Feasibility of communication training for parents of preschool children with motor disorders with remote coaching using smartphone apps2019
Katy Stockwell
Dan Jackson
Dr Anna Basu
Professor Patrick Olivier
Professor Lindsay Pennington
et al.
Feasibility of parent communication training with remote coaching using smartphone apps2019
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Professor Katie Brittain
Views of children with cerebral palsy and their parents on the effectiveness and acceptability of intensive speech therapy2019
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Ian Steen
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Acoustic changes in the speech of children with cerebral palsy following an intensive program of dysarthria therapy2018
Professor Jeremy Parr
Dr Emma Todhunter
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Deborah Stocken
Dr Jill Cadwgan
et al.
Drooling Reduction Intervention randomised trial (DRI): comparing the efficacy and acceptability of hyoscine patches and glycopyrronium liquid on drooling in children with neurodisability2018
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Elaine Stamp
Helen Kelly
Patricia Aluko
Dr Mukhrizah Othman
et al.
Internet delivery of intensive speech and language therapy for children with cerebral palsy: A pilot randomised controlled trial2018
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Wanwuri Akor
Kate Laws
Parent-mediated communication interventions for improving the communication skills of preschool children with non-progressive motor disorders2018
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Early, accurate diagnosis and early intervention in cerebral palsy: Advances in diagnosis and treatment2017
Dr Simon Hackett
Professor Mark Freeston
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Professor Eileen Kaner
et al.
Interpersonal art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in people with learning disabilities in secure care: a protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility study2017
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Intonation patterns in older children with cerebral palsy before and after speech intervention2017
Ebtisam Abdulqader
Katy Stockwell
Dr Kyle Montague
Dan Jackson
Dr Madeline Balaam
et al.
Understanding the Therapeutic Coaching Needs for Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy2017
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emeritus Professor Allan Colver
Classification systems of communication for use in epidemiological surveillance of children with cerebral palsy2016
Emeritus Professor Allan Colver
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Decreasing prevalence in cerebral palsy: A multi-site European population-based study, 1980 to 20032016
Professor Sheena Reilly
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Language Outcomes of Children with Cerebral Palsy aged 5 years and 6 years: A Population-Based Study2016
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Naomi Parker
Helen Kelly
Speech therapy for children with dysarthria acquired before three years of age2016
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Activities and participation of children with cerebral palsy: parent perspectives2015
Rose Watson
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Assessment and management of the communication difficulties of children with cerebral palsy: a UK survey of SLT practice2015
Professor Lindsay Pennington
A case study template to support experimental design in Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology2014
Professor Lindsay Pennington
A systematic review of ordinal scales used to classify the eating and drinking abilities of individuals with cerebral palsy2014
Sophie Landa
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Sheila Robson
Dr Nick Steen
et al.
Association between objective measurement of the speech intelligibility of young people with dysarthria and listener ratings of ease of understanding2014
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Development and reliability of a system to classify the eating and drinking ability of people with cerebral palsy2014
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Development of communication by young people with cerebral palsy2014
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Scientific forum topic: Translating knowledge to practice in childhood dysarthria2014
Professor Jeremy Parr
Dr Emma Todhunter
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Nick Steen
Emeritus Professor Allan Colver
et al.
The drooling reduction intervention trial (DRI): a single blind trial comparing the efficacy of glycopyrronium and hyoscine on drooling in children with neurodisability2014
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Ella Roelant
Dr Nick Steen
Changes in voice quality after speech-language therapy intervention in older children with Cerebral Palsy2013
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Developing cohesive and strategic communication research2013
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emeritus Professor Allan Colver
Development of The Viking Speech Scale to classify the speech of children with cerebral palsy2013
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Ella Roelant
Sheila Robson
Dr Nick Steen
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
et al.
Intensive dysarthria therapy for younger children with cerebral palsy2013
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Development of a functional classification system of eating and drinking ability for individuals with cerebral palsy2012
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Interventions for drooling in children with cerebral palsy2012
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Interventions for drooling in children with cerebral palsy2012
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Professor Sheena Reilly
Management of oromotor disorders in childhood2012
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Speech and communication in cerebral palsy2012
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Speech therapy for children with dysarthria and cerebral palsy2012
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Drooling interventions for children with cerebral palsy2011
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Oromotor Disorders in Childhood2011
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emma Noble
Acceptability and usefulness of the group interaction training programme It Takes Two to Talk to parents of pre-school children with motor disorders2010
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Sheila Robson
Dr Nick Steen
Intensive speech and language therapy for older children with cerebral palsy: a systems approach2010
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Measuring communication outcomes2010
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Peter James
Dr Richard McNally
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Analysis of compositional data in communication disorders research2009
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Kirsty Thomson
Dr Peter James
Dr Richard McNally
Effects of It Takes Two to Talk—The Hanen Program for Parents of Preschool Children With Cerebral Palsy: Findings From an Exploratory Study2009
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Literacy difficulties of children with cerebral palsy2009
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Sheila Robson
Speech therapy for children with dysarthria acquired before three years of age2009
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Hazel Roddam
What can management theories offer evidence-based practice? A comparative analysis of measurement tools for organisational context.2009
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Cerebral palsy and communication2008
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Sheila Robson
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Dr Nick Steen
Improving the intelligibility of children with dysarthria: results from a pilot study2008
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Richard McNally
Communication training for parents: findings from a Phase II exploratory study2007
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Describing participants in AAC research and their communicative environments: Guidelines for research and practice2007
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Early intervention: Investment in better opportunities for all2007
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emeritus Professor Nick Miller
Influence of listening conditions and listener characteristics on intelligibility of dysarthric speech2007
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Kirsty Thomson
It takes two to talk - The Hanen Program® and families of children with motor disorders: A UK perspective2007
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Hazel Roddam
Assessing adherence to the evidence base in the management of poststroke dysphagia2006
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Intensive dysarthria therapy for older children with cerebral palsy: Findings from six cases2006
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Direct speech and language therapy for children with cerebral palsy: Findings from a systematic review2005
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Meta-analysis of single-subject research: How should it be done? (multiple letters)2005
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Hazel Roddam
Promoting research use in speech and language therapy: a cluster randomized controlled trial to compare the clinical effectiveness and costs of two training strategies2005
Professor Lindsay Pennington
The efficacy of augmentative and alternative communication: Toward evidence-based practice2005
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Interaction training for conversational partners of children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review2004
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Speech and language therapy to improve the communication skills of children with cerebral palsy2003
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Attitudes to and use of research in speech and language therapy.2001
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Interaction between children with cerebral palsy and their mothers: the effects of speech intelligibility.2001
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Predicting patterns of interaction between children with cerebral palsy and their mothers2001
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Assessing the communication skills of children with cerebral palsy: does speech intelligibility make a difference?1999
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Mother-child interaction revisited: communication with non-speaking physically disabled children1999
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Inservice training for schools on augmentative and alternative communication1997
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Emerita Professor Helen McConachie
Evaluating "My Turn To Speak", an inservice training programme for schools1996