Dr Gustav Bosehans Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Mode substitution induced by electric mobility hubs: Results from Amsterdam | 2024 |
Dr Gustav Bosehans Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Neil Thorpe Dr Dilum Dissanayake
| eHUBs—Identifying the potential early and late adopters of shared electric mobility hubs | 2023 |
Dr Gustav Bosehans Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Neil Thorpe Dr Dilum Dissanayake
| Something for every one? - An investigation of people's intention to use different types of shared electric vehicle | 2023 |
Dr Matt Burke Dr Dilum Dissanayake Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Cluster Analysis of Daily Cycling Flow Profiles during COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK | 2022 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Analysis of various transport modes to evaluate personal exposure to PM2.5 pollution in Delhi | 2021 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Characteristics of real-world gaseous exhaust emissions from cars in heterogeneous traffic conditions | 2021 |
Nurten Akgun Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Neil Thorpe Dr Dilum Dissanayake
| Exploring regional differences in cyclist safety at roundabouts: A comparative study between the UK (based on Northumbria data) and Belgium | 2021 |
Professor Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Unprecedented reduction in air pollution and corresponding short-term premature mortality associated with COVID-19 lockdown in Delhi, India | 2021 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Characteristics of tail pipe (Nitric oxide) and resuspended dust emissions from urban roads – A case study in Delhi city | 2020 |
Shadman Marouf Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman Professor Jeffrey Neasham Dr Anil Namdeo et al. | Comprehensive study of the response of inexpensive low energy wireless sensors for traffic noise monitoring | 2020 |
Dr Pete Sykes Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Dilum Dissanayake
| Using Scenario-Based Elicitation in Analysis of Uncertainty in a Transport Infrastructure Project | 2020 |
Dr Pete Sykes Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Dilum Dissanayake
| Identifying the Factors Driving the Uncertainty in Transport Infrastructure Project by Application of Structural Dynamic Analysis to a Backcast Scenario | 2019 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Air pollution in Delhi: A review of past and current policy approaches | 2018 |
Dr Pete Sykes Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Dilum Dissanayake
| Combined use of a backcast scenario and cross-impact matrix analysis to identify causes of uncertainty in a nascent transport infrastructure project | 2018 |
Nurten Akgun Dr Dilum Dissanayake Dr Neil Thorpe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Cyclist Casualty Severity at Roundabouts – To What Extent Do the Geometric Characteristics of Roundabouts Play a Part? | 2018 |
Fazilatulaili Ali Dr Dilum Dissanayake Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Malcolm Farrow
| Investigating Car Users’ Attitudes to Climate Change Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis | 2018 |
Shadman Marouf Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Jeffrey Neasham et al. | Pervasive wireless sensors: A new monitoring tool for road traffic noise evaluation | 2018 |
Pete Sykes Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Dilum Dissanayake
| A Method to Identify Uncertainty in Transport Planning | 2017 |
Dr Dilum Dissanayake Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Investigating Transport User Attitudes to Climate Change Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis | 2017 |
Abraham Narh Dr Neil Thorpe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Graeme Hill
| Do New Sources of Traffic Data Make the Application of Chaos Theory to Traffic Management a Realistic Possibility? | 2016 |
Dr Paulus Aditjandra Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Tom Zunder
| Evaluating the impacts of urban freight traffic: application of micro-simulation at a large establishment | 2016 |
Shadman Marouf Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Evaluation of Pervasive Wireless Sensors to Monitor and Model Road Traffic Noise | 2016 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Anil Namdeo
| Improving the prediction of air pollution peak episodes generated by urban transport networks | 2016 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Indoor air quality and energy management through real-time sensing in commercial buildings | 2016 |
Dr Abhishek Tiwary Dr Graeme Hill Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Anil Namdeo
| Measurement and analysis of household carbon: the case of a UK city | 2016 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Real-time sensors for indoor air monitoring and challenges ahead in deploying them to urban buildings | 2016 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Effects of Infill Developments on Residents' Travel Behaviors | 2016 |
Dr Pengjun Zhao Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Effects of Infill Developments on Residents' Travel Behaviors | 2016 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Professor Pradip Sarkar Dr Dilum Dissanayake Dr Anil Namdeo
| A Methodological Framework to Estimate GHG from Travel Pattern of Tyne & Wear of Newcastle, UK with Various Policy Options using Fuzzy Logic Modal Split Model | 2015 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Professor Pradip Sarkar Dr Dilum Dissanayake Dr Anil Namdeo
| A Methodological Framework to Estimate GHG from Travel Pattern of Tyne and Wear of Newcastle, UK with Various Policy Options using Fuzzy Logic Modal Split Model | 2015 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Can food waste feed UK waste collection fleets? A sustainable approach to waste Management | 2015 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Patrizia Franco Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Beate Christgen
| Can food waste feed UK waste collection fleets? A sustainable approach to waste Management | 2015 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Development of an open-source road traffic noise model for exposure assessment | 2015 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Development of Self Awareness Principles for a Public Transport Decision Support System | 2015 |
Dr Paul Goodman Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Effect of land use planning on transport sustainability | 2015 |
Jack Clarkson Dr Neil Thorpe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Examining pedestrian attitudes and behaviour: Implications for the design of shared space | 2015 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| International scale implementation of the CNOSSOS-EU road traffic noise prediction model for epidemiological studies | 2015 |
Jamie O'Hare Dr Neil Thorpe Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Piloting methods to explore the influence of hard and soft environmental factors on cycling behaviour across social groups | 2015 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Prediction of air pollution peaks generated by urban transport networks | 2015 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Quantifying the impact of autonomic system control motorway traffic using a micro modelling approach | 2015 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The rise of low-cost sensing for managing air pollution in cities | 2015 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Patrizia Franco Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Towards autonomic transport systems in a multi-modal environment | 2015 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Patrizia Franco Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Towards the introduction of an autonomous transportation line in a multimodal transportation system | 2015 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic modelling in system boundary expansion of road pavement life cycle assessment | 2015 |
James O'Brien Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| A congestion sensitive approach to modelling road network for air quality management | 2014 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Air Quality forecast associated to traffic and traffic management | 2014 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Autonomic Decision Support System for Traffic and Environment Management | 2014 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Autonomic decision support system for traffic and environment management | 2014 |
Yosritzal Yosritzal Dr Dilum Dissanayake Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Important-Satisfaction Analysis of Rail Services in the UK with respect to Travel Time Use | 2014 |
Dr Paulus Aditjandra Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Tom Zunder
| Investigating the Impact of Local Attractors and Generators of Freight Traffic: The Case Study of Newcastle University | 2014 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Investigation of alternative and more sustainable regional transport waste collection strategies using macro and micro scale level approaches | 2014 |
Dr Paul Goodman Dr Anil Namdeo Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Caroline Shield et al. | Investigation of the emission and air quality impacts of Low Emission Zone (LEZ) scenarios in Newcastle and Gateshead, UK | 2014 |
Dr Neil Thorpe Dr Paul Goodman Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Modelling the Interactions Between Pedestrians and Vehicles in Shared Spaces | 2014 |
Dr Graeme Hill Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Professor Phil Blythe
| Quantifying a cellular automata simulation of electric vehicles | 2014 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Roger Bird Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Road Pavement Maintenance Life Cycle Assessment – A UK Case Study | 2014 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Roger Bird Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Road Pavement Maintenance Life Cycle Assessment – A UK Case Study | 2014 |
Emmanuel AYODELE Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Neil Thorpe Dr Fabio Galatioto
| The Role of Bluetooth in Autonomic Decision Support Systems | 2014 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Graeme Hill
| Understanding the characteristics of the microenvironments in urban street canyons through analysis of pollution measured using a novel pervasive sensor array | 2014 |
Abraham Narh Dr Graeme Hill Dr Neil Thorpe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Using Chaos Theory to Identify the Dynamical States of Road Traffic in Signalised Urban Networks | 2014 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Ayan Chakravartty Chakravartty Dr Anil Namdeo
| A novel approach for investigating the trends in nitrogen dioxide levels in UK cities | 2013 |
Emmanuel AYODELE Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Neil Thorpe
| A Study of the Potential Use of Bluetooth Sensor Data in Delivering Sustainable Transport Networks | 2013 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Air quality model validation in urban area: a new approach using a wireless pervasive sensor system | 2013 |
Andrew Robinson Professor Phil Blythe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Graeme Hill
| Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demand profiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electric vehicle trips | 2013 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Exploring the processes governing roadside pollutant concentrations in urban street canyon | 2013 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Investigating sustainable transport policies for solid household waste disposal: Case study in the North East of England | 2013 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Investigating sustainable transport policies for solid household waste disposal: Case study in the North East of England | 2013 |
Dr Paulus Aditjandra Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Tom Zunder Clare Woroniuk et al. | Investigating the impact of local attractors and generators of Heavy Goods Vehicle traffic: The case study of Newcastle University | 2013 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Ayan Chakravartty Chakravartty Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Anil Namdeo
| Investigating the Underlying Trends in NO2 Levels in UK Cities | 2013 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Novel wireless pervasive sensor network to improve the understanding of noise in street canyons | 2013 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Patrizia Franco
| Role of bus hubs with electric vehicles and smartcards technologies in reaching 2050 emissions targets | 2013 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Sustainable transport for waste collection: Case of North East of England | 2013 |
Dr Abhishek Tiwary Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Systems scale assessment of the sustainability implications of emerging green initiatives | 2013 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Analysis and modelling of effects of traffic light operations variability to violation rates at junction | 2012 |
Andrew Robinson Professor Phil Blythe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Yvonne Chase Dr Graeme Hill et al. | Analysis of Electric Vehicle Driver Charging Behaviour and Use of Charging Infrastructure | 2012 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Emmanuel AYODELE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Creating an evaluation platform to deliver sustainable urban networks using Bluetooth technology | 2012 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Graeme Hill Professor Philip James
| Decision support system monitoring and modelling platform to inform policy and management strategies to reduce environmental impacts of traffic | 2012 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Graeme Hill Nicholas Hodges
| Evaluation of carbon reduction traffic measures employing a novel approach to micro-simulation modelling of real-world emissions | 2012 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Il processo di riordino del sistema di trasporto pubblico locale: l’esperienza inglese a confronto con la realtà italiana | 2012 |
Dr Abhishek Tiwary Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Implications for air quality in green cities: Case study for urban energy demand in North East England | 2012 |
Dr Yvonne Chase Professor Phil Blythe Dr Graeme Hill Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Investigating the Potential to Influence the Behaviour of Electric Vehicle Users’ Recharging Behaviour to Reduce Well to Wheel Carbon Emissions | 2012 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Novel application of red-light runner proneness theory within traffic microsimulation to an actual signal junction | 2012 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Justin Cairns Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Performance evaluation of air quality dispersion models in Delhi, India | 2012 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Patrizia Franco Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler Dr Anil Namdeo et al. | SECURE (SElf Conserving URban Environments) project: The route to delivering transport sustainability | 2012 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| The role of electronic vehicle and fare data for carbon accounting in the delivery of sustainable bus operation | 2012 |
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Toward reconciling instantaneous roadside measurements of light duty vehicle exhaust emissions with type approval driving cycles | 2012 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic microsimulation model to predict variability of red-light running influenced by traffic light operations in urban area | 2012 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Nicholas Hodges
| Using integrated air quality data through utmc to better inform traffic operators and other stakeholders | 2012 |
Dr Abhishek Tiwary Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Aerosol loading in an urban environment from a biofuel based CHPplant: assessment and mitigation | 2011 |
Dr Abhishek Tiwary Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Air flow and concentration fields at urban road intersections for improved understanding of personal exposure | 2011 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Graeme Hill Nicholas Hodges Professor Jeffrey Neasham et al. | Application of low cost pervasive monitoring to validate models and assess performance of ITS technology implemented to improve the environment | 2011 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Comprehensive analysis of traffic congestion over a decade to evaluate carbon emissions impacts of transport policy | 2011 |
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Informing air quality management strategies using vehicle exhaust emissions data from remote sensing: A case study of London | 2011 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Nicholas Hodges Philip James Dr Graeme Hill et al. | Integration of low-cost sensors with utmc for assessing environmental impacts of traffic in urban area | 2011 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Role of interaction between public transport and non-motorised mobility in the sustainability of transport | 2011 |
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The significance of vehicle emissions standards for levels of exhaust pollution from light vehicles in an urban area | 2011 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Graeme Hill
| Using an integrated data platform to evaluate the environmental impact of events and ITS interventions | 2011 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| An extended analysis of red-light violation model using traffic micro-simulation | 2010 |
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Derivation of predictive models of vehicle exhaust emissions from instrumented vehicle measurements: Analytical and statistical challenges | 2010 |
Dr Abhishek Tiwary Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Secondary aerosol generation potential in an urban environment from a biofuel based decentralised electricity production plant: assessment and mitigation. | 2010 |
Visalakshmi Suresh Dr Graeme Hill Professor Phil Blythe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Smart infrastructure for carbon foot print analysis of Electric Vehicles | 2010 |
Visalakshmi Suresh Dr Graeme Hill Professor Phil Blythe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Smart infrastructure for carbon foot print analysis of electric vehicles | 2010 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman Dr Anil Namdeo Dr Fabio Galatioto Ling Guo et al. | The carbon footprint of UK cities : 4M: Measurement, modelling, mapping and management. | 2010 |
Dr Patrizia Franco Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The public transport role in the development of new dwelling in linear metropolis: the case study of Tyne and Wear (UK) | 2010 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Graeme Hill
| Using real-time aggregated data sets to continually improve prediction by neural networks | 2010 |
Roger Bird Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A comparative study of the emissions by road maintenance works and the disrupted traffic using life cycle assessment and micro-simulation | 2009 |
Professor Phil Blythe Professor Bayan Sharif Professor Paul Watson Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Simon Edwards et al. | A low cost wireless environmental sensor system for road networks | 2009 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Graeme Hill
| Automatic evaluation of environmental impacts of Traffic Demand Management Strategies | 2009 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Professor Phil Blythe Professor Bayan Sharif Professor Jeffrey Neasham Dr Fabio Galatioto et al. | Creating the Message Infrastructure | 2009 |
Visalakshmi Suresh Professor Paul Watson Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Professor Jeffrey Neasham
| Decision Support for Intelligent Traffic and Environment Management | 2009 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Visalakshmi Suresh Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Paul Watson
| Decision Support for Intelligent Traffic and Environment Management | 2009 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Vijay Suresh Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Decision Support For Intelligent Traffic And Environment Management | 2009 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Professor Phil Blythe Professor Bayan Sharif Professor Jeffrey Neasham Visalakshmi Suresh et al. | Field deployments of the MESSAGE System for environmental monitoring | 2009 |
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Influencing driver behaviour for environmental benefit: The role of ITS technologies. | 2009 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Graeme Hill Dr Anil Namdeo
| Modelling environmental impacts of traffic using a new generation of pervasive sensors | 2009 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Novel wireless pervasive sensors network to improve the understanding of noise across urban areas”, proceeding | 2009 |
Nicholas Hodges Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto Dr Graeme Hill Professor Jeffrey Neasham et al. | Sustainable Network Management – The Integration Of Intelligent Transport Systems And “Grid Enabled” Pervasive Sensors | 2009 |
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Understanding the significance of variability in driver behaviour on tailpipe emissions of a Euro IV spark ignition passenger car. | 2009 |
Aziza Safour Dr Dilum Dissanayake Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Neil Thorpe
| Using hazard-based models to explain changes in the duration of journey-to-work trips | 2009 |
Professor Phil Blythe Professor Bayan Sharif Professor Paul Watson Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Professor Jeffrey Neasham et al. | An environmental sensor system for pervasively monitoring road networks | 2008 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Classification of road traffic and roadside pollution concentrations for assessment of personal exposure | 2008 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Environmental factors in future transport | 2008 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Predicting real-time roadside CO and NO2 concentrations using neural networks | 2008 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Presentation on the "The Role of ITS in Delivering Sustainability" | 2008 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Robust surrogate measurement correction using generalised additive model | 2008 |
Nicholas Hodges Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The integration of Air Quality Monitoring & Modelling and Intelligent Transport Sytems - Leicester (UK) | 2008 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The use of the speed-flow curve to demonstrate the effect of new technologies | 2008 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
| Understanding the effects on tailpipe emissions of integrated vehicle and systems technologies. | 2008 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Visalakshmi Suresh Professor Paul Watson Professor Phil Blythe
| UTMC Compliant Database to Support Technologies of the Future | 2008 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Visalakshmi Suresh Professor Phil Blythe Professor Paul Watson
| UTMC Compliant Database to Support Technologies of the Future | 2008 |
Professor Jeffrey Neasham Professor Bayan Sharif Professor Phil Blythe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A pervasive sensor network for environmental and traffic monitoring | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Analysis of Driving Parameters and Emissions for Real World Urban Driving Cycles using an on-board Measurement Method for a EURO 2 SI car | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Driving Parameters and Emissions for Two Real World Urban Driving cycles using a EURO 2 SI car | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Impact of traffic conditions and road geometry on real world urban emissions using a SI car | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Risks of exceeding the hourly EU limit value for nitrogen dioxide resulting from increased road transport emissions of primary nitrogen dioxide | 2007 |
Dr Fabio Galatioto Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Simulation of the illegal double parking: quantifying the traffic and pollutant impacts | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Study of thermal characteristics, fuel consumption and emissions during cold start using an on-board measurement system for SI car real world urban driving | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Study of thermal characteristics, fuel consumption and emissions during cold start using an on-board measuring method for SI car real world urban driving | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The use of a water/lube oil heat exchanger and enhanced cooling water heating to increase water and lube oil heating rates in passenger cars for reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emissions during cold start | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Transportation: Movement of people and goods | 2007 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Analysis of vehicle breakdown incident duration | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Change-point detection of gaseous and particulate traffic-related pollutants at a roadside location | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Detecting and quantifying aircraft and other on-airport contributions to ambient nitrogen oxide in the vicinity of a large international airport | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Environmental Factors in Intelligent Transport Systems | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Evaluation of a FTIR emission measurement system for legislated emissions using a SI car | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Evaluation of a wide area traffic management strategy in the City of Leeds (UK) using a probe vehicle equipped with on-board emission monitoring instrumentation | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Fabio Galatioto
| Exploring the processes governing roadside pollutant concentrations in an urban street canyon | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Futures, future urban technologies – undertaking research to enhance sustainability | 2006 |
Nicholas Hodges Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Intelligent transport systems and the intelligent city in Leicester | 2006 |
Professor Phil Blythe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Professor Bayan Sharif Professor Paul Watson
| Pervasive Environmental Monitoring using Smartdust: The MESSAGE Project | 2006 |
Dr Joseph Beebe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Real-world Comparison of Probe Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption using Diesel and 5% Biodiesel (B5) blend | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Study of the Emissions Generated at Intersections for a SI Car under Real World Urban Driving Conditions | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Study of the emissions generated at intersections for a SI car under real world urban driving conditions | 2006 |
Dr Paul Goodman Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Understanding the effects of uncertainties in the HARMONOISE road source model | 2006 |
Dr Paul Goodman Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Use of remote sensing data in noise mapping – A case study for Leicester, UK | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Utilizing floating vehicle data to improve calibration and validation of traffic micro simulation models | 2006 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Review of Traffic Incident Duration Analysis | 2005 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A study of road traffic classifications and roadside pollution concentrations | 2005 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Air quality modelling of a park and ride scheme in Leicester | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| An experimental investigation of the variations in traffic flow characteristics and ambient air pollutant concentrations at the local-scale | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Application of a portable FTIR for measuring on-road emissions | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Application of a Portable FTIR for Measuring On-road Emissions | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Impact of Ambient Temperatures on Exhaust Thermal Characteristics during Cold Start for Real World SI Car Urban Driving Tests | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Impact of ambient temperatures on exhaust thermal characteristics during cold start for real-world SI car urban driving test | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Influence of ambient temperature on cold start emissions for EURO1 SI car using in-vehicle emissions measurement in an urban traffic jam test cycle | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Influence of Ambient Temperature on Cold-start Emissions for a Euro 1 SI Car Using In-vehicle Emissions Measurement in an Urban Traffic Jam Test Cycle | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Anil Namdeo
| Modelling Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Urban Populations | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Quantifying the Effects of Traffic Calming on Emissions Using On-road Measurements | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Quantitying the effects of traffic calming on emissions using on-road measurement | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Rui Liu
| The application of an integrated traffic microsimulation and instantaneous emission model to study the temporal and spatial variations in vehicular emissions at the local-scale | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The influence of air flow regimes on the concentration of a traffic related pollutant in the vicinity of a complex urban junction | 2005 |
Dr Paul Goodman Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The role of ITS in noise mapping and noise action planning | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The spatial variability in concentrations of a traffic-related pollutant in two street canyons in York, UK—Part II: The influence of traffic characteristics | 2005 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Vehicle breakdown duration modelling | 2005 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Air quality at roadside and urban centre locations in Leicester | 2004 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Air quality modelling of strategic traffic demand modelling strategies | 2004 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Characteristics and health implications of fine and coarse particulates at roadside, urban background and rural sites in UK | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Congestion classification using flow detectors | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Experiments in London: Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Penetration into the Local Environment—DAPPLE | 2004 |
Dr Anil Namdeo Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Fine and coarse particulates at roadside, urban background and rural monitoring sites in UK | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Introduction to the DAPPLE Air Pollution Project | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| LANTERN - Leeds health Air pollution, Noise, Traffic and Emissions Research Network | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Personal exposure to air pollution at a street canyon intersection: implications for air quality management in the context of sustainable development | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Anil Namdeo
| Reducing Urban Pollution Exposure from Road Transport (RUPERT) | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Sustainable development of urban transport systems and human exposure to air pollution | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The effect of ambient temperature on cold start urban traffic emissions for a real world SI car | 2004 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Cold-Start Urban Traffic Emissions for a Real-World SI Car | 2004 |
Dr Joseph Beebe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Analysis of modal emissions - Implications for air quality modelling and management | 2003 |
Dr Joseph Beebe Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Fundamental understanding of exhaust emissions | 2003 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A study of characteristics of motorway vehicle breakdown duration | 2002 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A study of the characteristics of traffic incident duration on motorways | 2002 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Nicholas Hodges
| Demand Responsive Traffic Systems to Control Pollution - Results from the Projects EFFECT+ and UTMC03 | 2002 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Instrumented city database analysts using multi-agents | 2002 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Network monitoring, modelling and management to aid mitigate the impact of "event" traffic | 2002 |
Dr Paul Goodman Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Nicholas Hodges
| The AVTUNE Noise Model | 2002 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Road traffic pollution monitoring and modelling tools and the UK national air quality strategy | 2001 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Towards a real-time microscopic emissions model | 2001 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| An integrated traffic environment and health management system | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Dr Paul Goodman
| Analysis of Roadside Pollution Monitoring (RPM) Data in Belfast | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Bicycles and Motorcycles: Urban Road Usage | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Designing, implementing and evaluating a gating strategy to reduce pollution levels in sensitive areas of the urban environment | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Effect of traffic management and transport mode on the exposure of schoolchildren to carbon monoxide | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Effects of traffic management and transport mode on the exposure of schoolchildren to carbon monoxide | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Estimation and Prediction of Roadside Pollution using SCOOT and RPM Dat | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Evaluation of a traffic demand management strategy to improve air quality in urban areas | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Local road traffic flow and the prevalence, severity and persistence of wheeze in schoolchildren: combined cross-sectional and longitudinal study | 2000 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Air Quality Issues Phase 2 | 1999 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Do we really have the tools to do the job? Air quality management and assessment | 1999 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Evaluation Results Deliverable 10.3 | 1999 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Nicholas Hodges
| Managing traffic to improve air quality | 1999 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Technical Note 2 re: Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development | 1999 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The role of intelligent transport systems in air quality management | 1999 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Transport research at the University of Leeds: Report for 1998 | 1999 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development | 1998 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Analysis of roadside pollution levels in Leicestershire | 1998 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Coming up for Air | 1998 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Final Validation Plan Deliverable 10.2 | 1998 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Local Road Traffic Flow and the Prevalence, Severity and Persistence of Wheeze in School Children: combined cross sectional and longitudinal study | 1998 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Quantifying Changes in Carbon Monoxide Levels following the Installation of SCOOT | 1998 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Some Benefits of a SCOOT Urban Traffic Control System: an independent assessment by micro-simulation | 1998 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Technical Note Re Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development | 1998 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A traffic demand management strategy generator to improve air quality in urban areas | 1997 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Draft Validation Plan Deliverable | 1997 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Draft Validation Plan Deliverable | 1997 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Final Report: Traffic Impact Assessment: Manton Colliery Development | 1997 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Final Validation Plan Deliverable | 1997 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Quantifying changes in carbon monoxide levels following the installation of SCOOT | 1997 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Transport Research at the University of Leeds: Report for 1996 | 1997 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| User Requirements Contribution to Deliverable | 1997 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| An introductory guide to the instrument city facility | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Avoiding high fuel consumption in congested cities. An evaluation of the benefits of an intelligent supervisor for an urban traffic control system | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Consultancy Project Report | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Effect of Proposed Superstore at the Government Skills Centre on Doncaster Road, Wakefield | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Environmental issues survey report for the proposed development of the Stourton Site, Leeds | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Pollution Modelling with SCOOT | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Proposed Junction Assessment at Manton Wood, Near Worksop. | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Roundabout assessment at Manton Wood, near Worksop | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE Nicholas Hodges
| The Design, Execution and Analysis of the “Travel to Leicester” Survey EMMA (Integrated Environmental Monitoring, Forecasting and Warning Systems in Metropolitan Areas) | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The feasibility of short-term classified traffic surveys using portable microprocessor equipment | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The identification of recurrent urban traffic congestion | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic Control to Reduce Pollution in Bangkok | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic impact assessment: Manton Enterprise Zone roundabout – impacts of proposed colliery development | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic, Air Pollution and Meteorological Monitoring for Sustainability using the ‘Instrumented City’ Facility | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| TRANSYT Output Files | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| TRANSYT output files - Effect of proposed duperstore at new junction on Doncaster Road, Wakefield | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Using artificial intelligence to reduce high fuel consumption in congested cities | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Wakefield canal-side development traffic impact study TRANSYT | 1996 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Consultancy Project Report | 1995 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| ITEMMS – Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems | 1995 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Modelling vehicle behaviour in congested networks using highly parallel systems | 1995 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Proposed junction on Doncaster Road, Wakefield | 1995 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The identification of recurrent urban congestion | 1995 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Analysis of survey questionnaires for the A47 bus priority scheme in Leicester | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Calibration of SCOOT link flow data | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Instrumented city provides data for traffic management | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Interim Report to the County Surveyors’ Society | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The ‘Instrumented City’: Data provision for traffic management and research | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The existence and characteristics of state of equilibrium in traffic assignment | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Transport Committee Report: Transport related atmospheric pollution | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Transport-related atmospheric pollution | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Understanding states of equilibrium on road traffic networks | 1994 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A method for analysing registration-plate data | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Study of Changes in Traffic Patterns following Traffic Management Schemes. | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| An Introductory Guide to the Instrumented City Facility (1993 Revision) | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Defining urban traffic congestion using SCOOT data | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Investigating states of equilibrium in traffic assignment | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Origin-Destination Matrices from Registration-Plate Matching | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The ‘Instrumented City’ Project: a status report and forward look | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The ‘Instrumented City’: a Database for Road Transport Information Systems | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The existence of equivalent mathematical programs for certain mixed equilibrium traffic assignment problems. | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Instrumented City Level One Funding | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Today’s traffic control is tomorrow’s intelligence for a fully integrated transport management system | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic Pollution Modelling in Congested Urban Environments | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Vehicle Tracking Through Un-sampled Registration-Plate Observation | 1993 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Study of Changes in Traffic Patterns following Traffic Schemes | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Transputer Based System to Control Congested Traffic Flow | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Carbon Monoxide and Traffic in Congested Urban Areas | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Carbon Monoxide Monitoring in Urban Areas | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Congestion Management Information System | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Instrumented City Album: (1992, revised 1993) | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Linear Programming Applied to Flow Prediction from Detector Flows | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Network Programming to Derive Turning Movements from Link Flows | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Teaching Company Scheme to Transfer Technology in Transportation Engineering | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The ‘Instrumented City’ Project: Towards an Integrated Transport Database | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Civilised City | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Evolution of Traffic Control Systems: A Way Forward? | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Instrumented City Guide | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Towards an Intelligent Traffic Control System | 1992 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A ‘Scoping’ Study for an Instrumented City | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A ‘Scoping’ Study for an Instrumented City | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| CLAIRE: An Expert System for Congestion Management | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Develop Expert System Prototype, contribution to Deliverable 9 | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Future Concepts Congestion Forecasting | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The architecture of traffic control systems in Papageorgiou | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Evolution of Traffic Control Schemes. Proceedings of the CONTRAF 1 | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Turning Movements from Detector Flows Using State Estimation Theory: Some Early Findings | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| UTC Contingency Plans using SATURN and TRANSYT | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| UTC: Lessons From Leicester | 1991 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A study of traffic route patterns in a City with demand-responsive traffic signal control | 1990 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Bicycles and Motorcycles: Urban Road Usage | 1990 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Environmental Impact of Traffic | 1990 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Fundamental Parameters for Expert System Control | 1990 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Junction Design and Congested Route Choice | 1990 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Problems to Address in the Design of Future Signal Control Systems. Presented at the SERC seminar on 'Traffic Modelling: Future Research Directions' | 1990 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Use of Detector Data for Traffic Control Strategies | 1990 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Study of Air Pollution Levels in Athens | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Study of Noise from Low Flow Traffic | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Study of Noise from Traffic at a Signal Controlled Roundabout | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| An Investigation of the Differences between British and German Traffic Control Policies. | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Congestion Knowledge Base, Contribution to Deliverable 3 | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Contribution to Data Processing, Manipulation and Cleaning Software TRAFPRO | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Delineate System Indicators | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Demonstration Proposals, Contribution to Deliverable 18, | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Develop Expert System Prototype, contribution to Deliverable 9 | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Evaluation of the Prototype, Contribution to Deliverable 16 | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Further Investigations into the Benefits of the Co-ordination of Fixed- time and Demand-responsive Signal Systems | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Lichtsignal Steurung in Netzen Vergleich der Stenerungsgrundsatze in der Bundesrepublik und in Gross Britannien | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Off-line Modelling Capability | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Performance Monitoring Software, TRAFMONT Software Specification, EC Deliverable 4 | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Standard Definition of System Monitoring and Control Parameters | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Strategies for Treating Congestion, Contribution to EC Deliverable 8 | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic Control Software Engineering, Contribution to Deliverable 11 | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic Noise Definition, Measurement, Prediction and Control | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic noise definition, measurement, prediction and control. | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Traffic Route Assignment and Signal Optimisation, Contribution to Deliverable 14 | 1989 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Air Quality Issues Phase 1 | 1988 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| An Investigation of the Differences Between German and British Urban Traffic Control Policies | 1988 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Fundamental Issues of an Expert System for Urban Traffic Control (invitation) | 1988 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Making Better Use of Vehicle Detection Data. | 1987 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| On-line Measures of Congestion | 1987 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Queue Volume: a Measure of Congestion | 1987 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Use of Automatic Control Algorithms to Define Urban Traffic Routes. | 1987 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Ageing of Fixed-time Traffic Signal Plans | 1986 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Ageing of Traffic Signal Plans. Full Report. | 1985 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Ageing of Traffic Signal Plans | 1984 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Disaggregate Modelling of Travel Involving Interchange | 1984 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Study of the methods used to define and change traffic signal plans in the UK | 1983 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Plan Change Algorithms for Traffic Control Systems | 1983 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| An empirical study of plan change algorithms for area traffic control systems | 1982 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Queuing Model and Performance Indicator for TRANSYT7 | 1981 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A report on the Eighth International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory | 1981 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A queuing model for TRANSYT7 | 1980 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Measures of Queuing Performance for a Traffic Network | 1980 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Eldon Square Shopping Centre – A Study of Pedestrian Movements | 1978 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Passenger Transport Interchange – car, bus, train | 1978 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A report on the Eighth Annual Symposium ‘Integrating Public Transport. | 1977 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A Study of Noise from the Tyne and Wear Metro Car. | 1977 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Noise Levels in Buses | 1977 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Queues at Junctions Controlled by Traffic Signals | 1977 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| A study of noise, temperature and lighting levels on urban buses | 1976 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Possibilities for Dial-a-Ride serving two Housing Estates. | 1976 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Origin of energetic cosmic rays 1 – galactic diffusion in the energy range 1014 – 1017eV | 1974 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| PhD Thesis: Interpretation of the Spectrum of Energetic Cosmic Rays | 1974 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| Possibilities for Dial-a-ride Serving two Housing Estates in Cleveland | 1974 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| State of art Review of Public Transport Interchange | 1974 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The attenuation length for high energy rays in the relict radiation | 1972 |
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
| The Size Spectrum of Extensive air Showers in the Region of 1016 Particles | 1972 |