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Browsing publications by Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Gustav Bosehans
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Mode substitution induced by electric mobility hubs: Results from Amsterdam2024
Dr Gustav Bosehans
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Neil Thorpe
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
eHUBs—Identifying the potential early and late adopters of shared electric mobility hubs2023
Dr Gustav Bosehans
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Neil Thorpe
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Something for every one? - An investigation of people's intention to use different types of shared electric vehicle2023
Dr Matt Burke
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Cluster Analysis of Daily Cycling Flow Profiles during COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK2022
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Analysis of various transport modes to evaluate personal exposure to PM2.5 pollution in Delhi2021
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Characteristics of real-world gaseous exhaust emissions from cars in heterogeneous traffic conditions2021
Nurten Akgun
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Neil Thorpe
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Exploring regional differences in cyclist safety at roundabouts: A comparative study between the UK (based on Northumbria data) and Belgium2021
Professor Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Unprecedented reduction in air pollution and corresponding short-term premature mortality associated with COVID-19 lockdown in Delhi, India2021
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Characteristics of tail pipe (Nitric oxide) and resuspended dust emissions from urban roads – A case study in Delhi city2020
Shadman Marouf
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
Dr Anil Namdeo
et al.
Comprehensive study of the response of inexpensive low energy wireless sensors for traffic noise monitoring2020
Dr Pete Sykes
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Using Scenario-Based Elicitation in Analysis of Uncertainty in a Transport Infrastructure Project2020
Dr Pete Sykes
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Identifying the Factors Driving the Uncertainty in Transport Infrastructure Project by Application of Structural Dynamic Analysis to a Backcast Scenario2019
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Air pollution in Delhi: A review of past and current policy approaches2018
Dr Pete Sykes
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Combined use of a backcast scenario and cross-impact matrix analysis to identify causes of uncertainty in a nascent transport infrastructure project2018
Nurten Akgun
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Dr Neil Thorpe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Cyclist Casualty Severity at Roundabouts – To What Extent Do the Geometric Characteristics of Roundabouts Play a Part?2018
Fazilatulaili Ali
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Malcolm Farrow
Investigating Car Users’ Attitudes to Climate Change Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis2018
Shadman Marouf
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
et al.
Pervasive wireless sensors: A new monitoring tool for road traffic noise evaluation2018
Pete Sykes
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
A Method to Identify Uncertainty in Transport Planning2017
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Investigating Transport User Attitudes to Climate Change Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis2017
Abraham Narh
Dr Neil Thorpe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Graeme Hill
Do New Sources of Traffic Data Make the Application of Chaos Theory to Traffic Management a Realistic Possibility?2016
Dr Paulus Aditjandra
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Tom Zunder
Evaluating the impacts of urban freight traffic: application of micro-simulation at a large establishment2016
Shadman Marouf
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Evaluation of Pervasive Wireless Sensors to Monitor and Model Road Traffic Noise2016
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Anil Namdeo
Improving the prediction of air pollution peak episodes generated by urban transport networks2016
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Indoor air quality and energy management through real-time sensing in commercial buildings2016
Dr Abhishek Tiwary
Dr Graeme Hill
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Anil Namdeo
Measurement and analysis of household carbon: the case of a UK city2016
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Real-time sensors for indoor air monitoring and challenges ahead in deploying them to urban buildings2016
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Effects of Infill Developments on Residents' Travel Behaviors2016
Dr Pengjun Zhao
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Effects of Infill Developments on Residents' Travel Behaviors2016
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Professor Pradip Sarkar
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Dr Anil Namdeo
A Methodological Framework to Estimate GHG from Travel Pattern of Tyne & Wear of Newcastle, UK with Various Policy Options using Fuzzy Logic Modal Split Model2015
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Professor Pradip Sarkar
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Dr Anil Namdeo
A Methodological Framework to Estimate GHG from Travel Pattern of Tyne and Wear of Newcastle, UK with Various Policy Options using Fuzzy Logic Modal Split Model2015
Dr Patrizia Franco
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Can food waste feed UK waste collection fleets? A sustainable approach to waste Management2015
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Patrizia Franco
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Beate Christgen
Can food waste feed UK waste collection fleets? A sustainable approach to waste Management2015
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Development of an open-source road traffic noise model for exposure assessment2015
Dr Patrizia Franco
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Development of Self Awareness Principles for a Public Transport Decision Support System2015
Dr Paul Goodman
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Effect of land use planning on transport sustainability2015
Jack Clarkson
Dr Neil Thorpe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Examining pedestrian attitudes and behaviour: Implications for the design of shared space2015
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
International scale implementation of the CNOSSOS-EU road traffic noise prediction model for epidemiological studies2015
Jamie O'Hare
Dr Neil Thorpe
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Piloting methods to explore the influence of hard and soft environmental factors on cycling behaviour across social groups2015
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Prediction of air pollution peaks generated by urban transport networks2015
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Quantifying the impact of autonomic system control motorway traffic using a micro modelling approach2015
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The rise of low-cost sensing for managing air pollution in cities2015
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Patrizia Franco
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Towards autonomic transport systems in a multi-modal environment2015
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Patrizia Franco
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Towards the introduction of an autonomous transportation line in a multimodal transportation system2015
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic modelling in system boundary expansion of road pavement life cycle assessment2015
James O'Brien
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
A congestion sensitive approach to modelling road network for air quality management2014
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Air Quality forecast associated to traffic and traffic management2014
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Autonomic Decision Support System for Traffic and Environment Management2014
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Autonomic decision support system for traffic and environment management2014
Yosritzal Yosritzal
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Important-Satisfaction Analysis of Rail Services in the UK with respect to Travel Time Use2014
Dr Paulus Aditjandra
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Tom Zunder
Investigating the Impact of Local Attractors and Generators of Freight Traffic: The Case Study of Newcastle University2014
Dr Patrizia Franco
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Investigation of alternative and more sustainable regional transport waste collection strategies using macro and micro scale level approaches2014
Dr Paul Goodman
Dr Anil Namdeo
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Caroline Shield
et al.
Investigation of the emission and air quality impacts of Low Emission Zone (LEZ) scenarios in Newcastle and Gateshead, UK2014
Dr Neil Thorpe
Dr Paul Goodman
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Modelling the Interactions Between Pedestrians and Vehicles in Shared Spaces2014
Dr Graeme Hill
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Professor Phil Blythe
Quantifying a cellular automata simulation of electric vehicles2014
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Roger Bird
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Road Pavement Maintenance Life Cycle Assessment – A UK Case Study2014
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Roger Bird
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Road Pavement Maintenance Life Cycle Assessment – A UK Case Study2014
Emmanuel AYODELE
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Neil Thorpe
Dr Fabio Galatioto
The Role of Bluetooth in Autonomic Decision Support Systems2014
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Graeme Hill
Understanding the characteristics of the microenvironments in urban street canyons through analysis of pollution measured using a novel pervasive sensor array2014
Abraham Narh
Dr Graeme Hill
Dr Neil Thorpe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Using Chaos Theory to Identify the Dynamical States of Road Traffic in Signalised Urban Networks2014
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Ayan Chakravartty Chakravartty
Dr Anil Namdeo
A novel approach for investigating the trends in nitrogen dioxide levels in UK cities2013
Emmanuel AYODELE
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Neil Thorpe
A Study of the Potential Use of Bluetooth Sensor Data in Delivering Sustainable Transport Networks2013
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Air quality model validation in urban area: a new approach using a wireless pervasive sensor system2013
Andrew Robinson
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Graeme Hill
Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demand profiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electric vehicle trips2013
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Exploring the processes governing roadside pollutant concentrations in urban street canyon2013
Dr Patrizia Franco
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Investigating sustainable transport policies for solid household waste disposal: Case study in the North East of England2013
Dr Patrizia Franco
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Investigating sustainable transport policies for solid household waste disposal: Case study in the North East of England2013
Dr Paulus Aditjandra
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Tom Zunder
Clare Woroniuk
et al.
Investigating the impact of local attractors and generators of Heavy Goods Vehicle traffic: The case study of Newcastle University2013
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Ayan Chakravartty Chakravartty
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Anil Namdeo
Investigating the Underlying Trends in NO2 Levels in UK Cities2013
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Novel wireless pervasive sensor network to improve the understanding of noise in street canyons2013
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Patrizia Franco
Role of bus hubs with electric vehicles and smartcards technologies in reaching 2050 emissions targets2013
Dr Patrizia Franco
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Sustainable transport for waste collection: Case of North East of England2013
Dr Abhishek Tiwary
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Systems scale assessment of the sustainability implications of emerging green initiatives2013
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Analysis and modelling of effects of traffic light operations variability to violation rates at junction2012
Andrew Robinson
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Yvonne Chase
Dr Graeme Hill
et al.
Analysis of Electric Vehicle Driver Charging Behaviour and Use of Charging Infrastructure2012
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Emmanuel AYODELE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Creating an evaluation platform to deliver sustainable urban networks using Bluetooth technology2012
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Graeme Hill
Professor Philip James
Decision support system monitoring and modelling platform to inform policy and management strategies to reduce environmental impacts of traffic2012
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Graeme Hill
Nicholas Hodges
Evaluation of carbon reduction traffic measures employing a novel approach to micro-simulation modelling of real-world emissions2012
Dr Patrizia Franco
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Il processo di riordino del sistema di trasporto pubblico locale: l’esperienza inglese a confronto con la realtà italiana2012
Dr Abhishek Tiwary
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Implications for air quality in green cities: Case study for urban energy demand in North East England2012
Dr Yvonne Chase
Professor Phil Blythe
Dr Graeme Hill
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Investigating the Potential to Influence the Behaviour of Electric Vehicle Users’ Recharging Behaviour to Reduce Well to Wheel Carbon Emissions2012
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Novel application of red-light runner proneness theory within traffic microsimulation to an actual signal junction2012
Dr Anil Namdeo
Justin Cairns
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Performance evaluation of air quality dispersion models in Delhi, India2012
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Patrizia Franco
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
Dr Anil Namdeo
et al.
SECURE (SElf Conserving URban Environments) project: The route to delivering transport sustainability2012
Dr Patrizia Franco
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
The role of electronic vehicle and fare data for carbon accounting in the delivery of sustainable bus operation2012
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Toward reconciling instantaneous roadside measurements of light duty vehicle exhaust emissions with type approval driving cycles2012
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic microsimulation model to predict variability of red-light running influenced by traffic light operations in urban area2012
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Nicholas Hodges
Using integrated air quality data through utmc to better inform traffic operators and other stakeholders2012
Dr Abhishek Tiwary
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Aerosol loading in an urban environment from a biofuel based CHPplant: assessment and mitigation2011
Dr Abhishek Tiwary
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Air flow and concentration fields at urban road intersections for improved understanding of personal exposure2011
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Graeme Hill
Nicholas Hodges
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
et al.
Application of low cost pervasive monitoring to validate models and assess performance of ITS technology implemented to improve the environment2011
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Comprehensive analysis of traffic congestion over a decade to evaluate carbon emissions impacts of transport policy2011
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Informing air quality management strategies using vehicle exhaust emissions data from remote sensing: A case study of London2011
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Nicholas Hodges
Philip James
Dr Graeme Hill
et al.
Integration of low-cost sensors with utmc for assessing environmental impacts of traffic in urban area2011
Dr Patrizia Franco
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Role of interaction between public transport and non-motorised mobility in the sustainability of transport2011
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The significance of vehicle emissions standards for levels of exhaust pollution from light vehicles in an urban area2011
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Graeme Hill
Using an integrated data platform to evaluate the environmental impact of events and ITS interventions2011
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
An extended analysis of red-light violation model using traffic micro-simulation2010
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Derivation of predictive models of vehicle exhaust emissions from instrumented vehicle measurements: Analytical and statistical challenges2010
Dr Abhishek Tiwary
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Secondary aerosol generation potential in an urban environment from a biofuel based decentralised electricity production plant: assessment and mitigation.2010
Visalakshmi Suresh
Dr Graeme Hill
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Smart infrastructure for carbon foot print analysis of Electric Vehicles2010
Visalakshmi Suresh
Dr Graeme Hill
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Smart infrastructure for carbon foot print analysis of electric vehicles2010
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Dr Anil Namdeo
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Ling Guo
et al.
The carbon footprint of UK cities : 4M: Measurement, modelling, mapping and management.2010
Dr Patrizia Franco
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The public transport role in the development of new dwelling in linear metropolis: the case study of Tyne and Wear (UK)2010
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Graeme Hill
Using real-time aggregated data sets to continually improve prediction by neural networks2010
Roger Bird
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A comparative study of the emissions by road maintenance works and the disrupted traffic using life cycle assessment and micro-simulation2009
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Bayan Sharif
Professor Paul Watson
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Simon Edwards
et al.
A low cost wireless environmental sensor system for road networks2009
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Graeme Hill
Automatic evaluation of environmental impacts of Traffic Demand Management Strategies2009
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Bayan Sharif
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
Dr Fabio Galatioto
et al.
Creating the Message Infrastructure2009
Visalakshmi Suresh
Professor Paul Watson
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
Decision Support for Intelligent Traffic and Environment Management2009
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Visalakshmi Suresh
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Paul Watson
Decision Support for Intelligent Traffic and Environment Management2009
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Vijay Suresh
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Decision Support For Intelligent Traffic And Environment Management2009
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Bayan Sharif
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
Visalakshmi Suresh
et al.
Field deployments of the MESSAGE System for environmental monitoring2009
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Influencing driver behaviour for environmental benefit: The role of ITS technologies.2009
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Graeme Hill
Dr Anil Namdeo
Modelling environmental impacts of traffic using a new generation of pervasive sensors2009
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Novel wireless pervasive sensors network to improve the understanding of noise across urban areas”, proceeding2009
Nicholas Hodges
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Dr Graeme Hill
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
et al.
Sustainable Network Management – The Integration Of Intelligent Transport Systems And “Grid Enabled” Pervasive Sensors2009
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Understanding the significance of variability in driver behaviour on tailpipe emissions of a Euro IV spark ignition passenger car.2009
Aziza Safour
Dr Dilum Dissanayake
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Neil Thorpe
Using hazard-based models to explain changes in the duration of journey-to-work trips2009
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Bayan Sharif
Professor Paul Watson
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
et al.
An environmental sensor system for pervasively monitoring road networks2008
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Classification of road traffic and roadside pollution concentrations for assessment of personal exposure2008
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Environmental factors in future transport2008
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Predicting real-time roadside CO and NO2 concentrations using neural networks2008
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Presentation on the "The Role of ITS in Delivering Sustainability"2008
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Robust surrogate measurement correction using generalised additive model2008
Nicholas Hodges
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The integration of Air Quality Monitoring & Modelling and Intelligent Transport Sytems - Leicester (UK)2008
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The use of the speed-flow curve to demonstrate the effect of new technologies2008
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Glyn Rhys-Tyler
Understanding the effects on tailpipe emissions of integrated vehicle and systems technologies.2008
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Visalakshmi Suresh
Professor Paul Watson
Professor Phil Blythe
UTMC Compliant Database to Support Technologies of the Future2008
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Visalakshmi Suresh
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Paul Watson
UTMC Compliant Database to Support Technologies of the Future2008
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
Professor Bayan Sharif
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A pervasive sensor network for environmental and traffic monitoring2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Analysis of Driving Parameters and Emissions for Real World Urban Driving Cycles using an on-board Measurement Method for a EURO 2 SI car2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Driving Parameters and Emissions for Two Real World Urban Driving cycles using a EURO 2 SI car2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Impact of traffic conditions and road geometry on real world urban emissions using a SI car2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Risks of exceeding the hourly EU limit value for nitrogen dioxide resulting from increased road transport emissions of primary nitrogen dioxide2007
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Simulation of the illegal double parking: quantifying the traffic and pollutant impacts2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Study of thermal characteristics, fuel consumption and emissions during cold start using an on-board measurement system for SI car real world urban driving2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Study of thermal characteristics, fuel consumption and emissions during cold start using an on-board measuring method for SI car real world urban driving2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The use of a water/lube oil heat exchanger and enhanced cooling water heating to increase water and lube oil heating rates in passenger cars for reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emissions during cold start2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Transportation: Movement of people and goods2007
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Analysis of vehicle breakdown incident duration2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Change-point detection of gaseous and particulate traffic-related pollutants at a roadside location2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Detecting and quantifying aircraft and other on-airport contributions to ambient nitrogen oxide in the vicinity of a large international airport2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Environmental Factors in Intelligent Transport Systems2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Evaluation of a FTIR emission measurement system for legislated emissions using a SI car2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Evaluation of a wide area traffic management strategy in the City of Leeds (UK) using a probe vehicle equipped with on-board emission monitoring instrumentation2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Fabio Galatioto
Exploring the processes governing roadside pollutant concentrations in an urban street canyon2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Futures, future urban technologies – undertaking research to enhance sustainability2006
Nicholas Hodges
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Intelligent transport systems and the intelligent city in Leicester2006
Professor Phil Blythe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Professor Bayan Sharif
Professor Paul Watson
Pervasive Environmental Monitoring using Smartdust: The MESSAGE Project2006
Dr Joseph Beebe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Real-world Comparison of Probe Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption using Diesel and 5% Biodiesel (B5) blend2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Study of the Emissions Generated at Intersections for a SI Car under Real World Urban Driving Conditions2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Study of the emissions generated at intersections for a SI car under real world urban driving conditions2006
Dr Paul Goodman
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Understanding the effects of uncertainties in the HARMONOISE road source model2006
Dr Paul Goodman
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Use of remote sensing data in noise mapping – A case study for Leicester, UK2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Utilizing floating vehicle data to improve calibration and validation of traffic micro simulation models2006
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Review of Traffic Incident Duration Analysis2005
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A study of road traffic classifications and roadside pollution concentrations2005
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Air quality modelling of a park and ride scheme in Leicester2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
An experimental investigation of the variations in traffic flow characteristics and ambient air pollutant concentrations at the local-scale2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Application of a portable FTIR for measuring on-road emissions2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Application of a Portable FTIR for Measuring On-road Emissions2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Impact of Ambient Temperatures on Exhaust Thermal Characteristics during Cold Start for Real World SI Car Urban Driving Tests2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Impact of ambient temperatures on exhaust thermal characteristics during cold start for real-world SI car urban driving test2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Influence of ambient temperature on cold start emissions for EURO1 SI car using in-vehicle emissions measurement in an urban traffic jam test cycle2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Influence of Ambient Temperature on Cold-start Emissions for a Euro 1 SI Car Using In-vehicle Emissions Measurement in an Urban Traffic Jam Test Cycle2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Anil Namdeo
Modelling Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Urban Populations2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Quantifying the Effects of Traffic Calming on Emissions Using On-road Measurements2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Quantitying the effects of traffic calming on emissions using on-road measurement2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Rui Liu
The application of an integrated traffic microsimulation and instantaneous emission model to study the temporal and spatial variations in vehicular emissions at the local-scale2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The influence of air flow regimes on the concentration of a traffic related pollutant in the vicinity of a complex urban junction2005
Dr Paul Goodman
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The role of ITS in noise mapping and noise action planning2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The spatial variability in concentrations of a traffic-related pollutant in two street canyons in York, UK—Part II: The influence of traffic characteristics2005
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Vehicle breakdown duration modelling2005
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Air quality at roadside and urban centre locations in Leicester2004
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Air quality modelling of strategic traffic demand modelling strategies2004
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Characteristics and health implications of fine and coarse particulates at roadside, urban background and rural sites in UK 2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Congestion classification using flow detectors2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Experiments in London: Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Penetration into the Local Environment—DAPPLE2004
Dr Anil Namdeo
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Fine and coarse particulates at roadside, urban background and rural monitoring sites in UK2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Introduction to the DAPPLE Air Pollution Project2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
LANTERN - Leeds health Air pollution, Noise, Traffic and Emissions Research Network2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Personal exposure to air pollution at a street canyon intersection: implications for air quality management in the context of sustainable development2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Anil Namdeo
Reducing Urban Pollution Exposure from Road Transport (RUPERT)2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Sustainable development of urban transport systems and human exposure to air pollution2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The effect of ambient temperature on cold start urban traffic emissions for a real world SI car2004
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Cold-Start Urban Traffic Emissions for a Real-World SI Car2004
Dr Joseph Beebe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Analysis of modal emissions - Implications for air quality modelling and management2003
Dr Joseph Beebe
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Fundamental understanding of exhaust emissions2003
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A study of characteristics of motorway vehicle breakdown duration2002
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A study of the characteristics of traffic incident duration on motorways2002
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Nicholas Hodges
Demand Responsive Traffic Systems to Control Pollution - Results from the Projects EFFECT+ and UTMC032002
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Instrumented city database analysts using multi-agents2002
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Network monitoring, modelling and management to aid mitigate the impact of "event" traffic2002
Dr Paul Goodman
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Nicholas Hodges
The AVTUNE Noise Model2002
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Road traffic pollution monitoring and modelling tools and the UK national air quality strategy2001
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Towards a real-time microscopic emissions model2001
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
An integrated traffic environment and health management system2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Dr Paul Goodman
Analysis of Roadside Pollution Monitoring (RPM) Data in Belfast2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Bicycles and Motorcycles: Urban Road Usage2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Designing, implementing and evaluating a gating strategy to reduce pollution levels in sensitive areas of the urban environment2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Effect of traffic management and transport mode on the exposure of schoolchildren to carbon monoxide2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Effects of traffic management and transport mode on the exposure of schoolchildren to carbon monoxide2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Estimation and Prediction of Roadside Pollution using SCOOT and RPM Dat2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Evaluation of a traffic demand management strategy to improve air quality in urban areas2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Local road traffic flow and the prevalence, severity and persistence of wheeze in schoolchildren: combined cross-sectional and longitudinal study2000
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Air Quality Issues Phase 21999
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Do we really have the tools to do the job? Air quality management and assessment1999
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Evaluation Results Deliverable 10.31999
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Nicholas Hodges
Managing traffic to improve air quality1999
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Technical Note 2 re: Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development1999
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The role of intelligent transport systems in air quality management1999
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Transport research at the University of Leeds: Report for 19981999
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development1998
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Analysis of roadside pollution levels in Leicestershire1998
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Coming up for Air1998
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Final Validation Plan Deliverable 10.21998
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Local Road Traffic Flow and the Prevalence, Severity and Persistence of Wheeze in School Children: combined cross sectional and longitudinal study1998
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Quantifying Changes in Carbon Monoxide Levels following the Installation of SCOOT1998
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Some Benefits of a SCOOT Urban Traffic Control System: an independent assessment by micro-simulation1998
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Technical Note Re Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development1998
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A traffic demand management strategy generator to improve air quality in urban areas1997
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Draft Validation Plan Deliverable1997
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Draft Validation Plan Deliverable1997
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Final Report: Traffic Impact Assessment: Manton Colliery Development1997
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Final Validation Plan Deliverable1997
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Quantifying changes in carbon monoxide levels following the installation of SCOOT1997
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Transport Research at the University of Leeds: Report for 19961997
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
User Requirements Contribution to Deliverable1997
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
An introductory guide to the instrument city facility1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Avoiding high fuel consumption in congested cities. An evaluation of the benefits of an intelligent supervisor for an urban traffic control system1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Consultancy Project Report1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Effect of Proposed Superstore at the Government Skills Centre on Doncaster Road, Wakefield1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Environmental issues survey report for the proposed development of the Stourton Site, Leeds1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Pollution Modelling with SCOOT1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Proposed Junction Assessment at Manton Wood, Near Worksop.1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Roundabout assessment at Manton Wood, near Worksop1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Nicholas Hodges
The Design, Execution and Analysis of the “Travel to Leicester” Survey EMMA (Integrated Environmental Monitoring, Forecasting and Warning Systems in Metropolitan Areas)1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The feasibility of short-term classified traffic surveys using portable microprocessor equipment1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The identification of recurrent urban traffic congestion1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic Control to Reduce Pollution in Bangkok1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic impact assessment: Manton Enterprise Zone roundabout – impacts of proposed colliery development1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic, Air Pollution and Meteorological Monitoring for Sustainability using the ‘Instrumented City’ Facility1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
TRANSYT Output Files1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
TRANSYT output files - Effect of proposed duperstore at new junction on Doncaster Road, Wakefield1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Using artificial intelligence to reduce high fuel consumption in congested cities1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Wakefield canal-side development traffic impact study TRANSYT1996
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Consultancy Project Report1995
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
ITEMMS – Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems1995
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Modelling vehicle behaviour in congested networks using highly parallel systems1995
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Proposed junction on Doncaster Road, Wakefield1995
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The identification of recurrent urban congestion1995
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Analysis of survey questionnaires for the A47 bus priority scheme in Leicester1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Calibration of SCOOT link flow data1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Instrumented city provides data for traffic management1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Interim Report to the County Surveyors’ Society1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The ‘Instrumented City’: Data provision for traffic management and research1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The existence and characteristics of state of equilibrium in traffic assignment1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Transport Committee Report: Transport related atmospheric pollution1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Transport-related atmospheric pollution1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Understanding states of equilibrium on road traffic networks1994
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A method for analysing registration-plate data1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Study of Changes in Traffic Patterns following Traffic Management Schemes.1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
An Introductory Guide to the Instrumented City Facility (1993 Revision)1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Defining urban traffic congestion using SCOOT data1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Investigating states of equilibrium in traffic assignment1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Origin-Destination Matrices from Registration-Plate Matching1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The ‘Instrumented City’ Project: a status report and forward look1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The ‘Instrumented City’: a Database for Road Transport Information Systems1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The existence of equivalent mathematical programs for certain mixed equilibrium traffic assignment problems.1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Instrumented City Level One Funding1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Today’s traffic control is tomorrow’s intelligence for a fully integrated transport management system1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic Pollution Modelling in Congested Urban Environments1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Vehicle Tracking Through Un-sampled Registration-Plate Observation1993
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Study of Changes in Traffic Patterns following Traffic Schemes1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Transputer Based System to Control Congested Traffic Flow1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Carbon Monoxide and Traffic in Congested Urban Areas1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Carbon Monoxide Monitoring in Urban Areas1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Congestion Management Information System1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Instrumented City Album: (1992, revised 1993)1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Linear Programming Applied to Flow Prediction from Detector Flows1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Network Programming to Derive Turning Movements from Link Flows1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Teaching Company Scheme to Transfer Technology in Transportation Engineering1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The ‘Instrumented City’ Project: Towards an Integrated Transport Database1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Civilised City1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Evolution of Traffic Control Systems: A Way Forward?1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Instrumented City Guide1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Towards an Intelligent Traffic Control System1992
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A ‘Scoping’ Study for an Instrumented City1991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A ‘Scoping’ Study for an Instrumented City1991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
CLAIRE: An Expert System for Congestion Management1991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Develop Expert System Prototype, contribution to Deliverable 91991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Future Concepts Congestion Forecasting1991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The architecture of traffic control systems in Papageorgiou1991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Evolution of Traffic Control Schemes. Proceedings of the CONTRAF 11991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Turning Movements from Detector Flows Using State Estimation Theory: Some Early Findings1991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
UTC Contingency Plans using SATURN and TRANSYT1991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
UTC: Lessons From Leicester1991
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A study of traffic route patterns in a City with demand-responsive traffic signal control1990
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Bicycles and Motorcycles: Urban Road Usage1990
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Environmental Impact of Traffic1990
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Fundamental Parameters for Expert System Control1990
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Junction Design and Congested Route Choice1990
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Problems to Address in the Design of Future Signal Control Systems. Presented at the SERC seminar on 'Traffic Modelling: Future Research Directions'1990
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Use of Detector Data for Traffic Control Strategies1990
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Study of Air Pollution Levels in Athens1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Study of Noise from Low Flow Traffic1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Study of Noise from Traffic at a Signal Controlled Roundabout1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
An Investigation of the Differences between British and German Traffic Control Policies.1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Congestion Knowledge Base, Contribution to Deliverable 31989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Contribution to Data Processing, Manipulation and Cleaning Software TRAFPRO1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Delineate System Indicators1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Demonstration Proposals, Contribution to Deliverable 18,1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Develop Expert System Prototype, contribution to Deliverable 91989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Evaluation of the Prototype, Contribution to Deliverable 161989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Further Investigations into the Benefits of the Co-ordination of Fixed- time and Demand-responsive Signal Systems1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Lichtsignal Steurung in Netzen Vergleich der Stenerungsgrundsatze in der Bundesrepublik und in Gross Britannien1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Off-line Modelling Capability1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Performance Monitoring Software, TRAFMONT Software Specification, EC Deliverable 41989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Standard Definition of System Monitoring and Control Parameters1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Strategies for Treating Congestion, Contribution to EC Deliverable 81989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic Control Software Engineering, Contribution to Deliverable 111989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic Noise Definition, Measurement, Prediction and Control1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic noise definition, measurement, prediction and control.1989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Traffic Route Assignment and Signal Optimisation, Contribution to Deliverable 141989
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Air Quality Issues Phase 11988
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
An Investigation of the Differences Between German and British Urban Traffic Control Policies1988
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Fundamental Issues of an Expert System for Urban Traffic Control (invitation)1988
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Making Better Use of Vehicle Detection Data.1987
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
On-line Measures of Congestion1987
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Queue Volume: a Measure of Congestion1987
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Use of Automatic Control Algorithms to Define Urban Traffic Routes.1987
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Ageing of Fixed-time Traffic Signal Plans1986
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Ageing of Traffic Signal Plans. Full Report.1985
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Ageing of Traffic Signal Plans1984
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Disaggregate Modelling of Travel Involving Interchange1984
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Study of the methods used to define and change traffic signal plans in the UK1983
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Plan Change Algorithms for Traffic Control Systems1983
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
An empirical study of plan change algorithms for area traffic control systems1982
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Queuing Model and Performance Indicator for TRANSYT71981
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A report on the Eighth International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory1981
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A queuing model for TRANSYT71980
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Measures of Queuing Performance for a Traffic Network1980
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Eldon Square Shopping Centre – A Study of Pedestrian Movements1978
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Passenger Transport Interchange – car, bus, train1978
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A report on the Eighth Annual Symposium ‘Integrating Public Transport.1977
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A Study of Noise from the Tyne and Wear Metro Car.1977
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Noise Levels in Buses1977
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Queues at Junctions Controlled by Traffic Signals1977
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
A study of noise, temperature and lighting levels on urban buses1976
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Possibilities for Dial-a-Ride serving two Housing Estates.1976
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Origin of energetic cosmic rays 1 – galactic diffusion in the energy range 1014 – 1017eV1974
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
PhD Thesis: Interpretation of the Spectrum of Energetic Cosmic Rays1974
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Possibilities for Dial-a-ride Serving two Housing Estates in Cleveland1974
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
State of art Review of Public Transport Interchange1974
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The attenuation length for high energy rays in the relict radiation1972
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
The Size Spectrum of Extensive air Showers in the Region of 1016 Particles1972