Dr Maria Mroz Dr Pamela Woolner
| Hey teachers leave us kids alone? Can playtimes be enjoyable for all? | 2019 |
Dr Maria Mroz
| ‘Off the radar:’ the framing of speech, language and communication in the description of children with special educational needs in literacy. | 2014 |
Dr Maria Mroz Dr Carolyn Letts
| Early years education, language and social background: A decade of changing policy and practice | 2014 |
Janet Law Professor Liz Todd Professor Jill Clark Dr Maria Mroz Julie Carr et al. | Early Language Delays in the UK | 2013 |
Dr Maria Mroz
| Meeting the recommendations of the Bercow Report: The challenges and the potential within initial teacher education | 2012 |
Dr Maria Mroz Dr Carolyn Letts
| Interview stories: Early years practitioners' experiences with children with speech, language and communication needs | 2008 |
Professor Jill Clark Dr Elaine Hall Caroline McCaughey Dr Maria Mroz
| A local evaluation of Sure Start – Leam Lane area | 2006 |
Steven Higgins Dr Kate Wall Dr Vivienne Baumfield Dr Elaine Hall Professor David Leat et al. | Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 3 Evaluation: Year Two Report | 2006 |
Dr Maria Mroz
| Providing training in speech and language for education professionals: Challenges, support and the view from the ground | 2006 |
Dr Maria Mroz
| Teaching in the Foundation Stage—how current systems support teachers' knowledge and understanding of children's speech and language | 2006 |
Caroline McCaughey Dr Maria Mroz Professor Jill Clark
| Evaluating Sure Start: The LEEPs for 1s and LEEPs for 2s Programmes | 2005 |
Caroline McCaughey Dr Maria Mroz Professor Jill Clark
| Report of the evaluation of the LEEPs for 1s and LEEPs for 2s programmes | 2005 |
Dr Fay Smith Dr Frank Hardman Dr Kate Wall Dr Maria Mroz
| Interactive whole class teaching in the National Literacy and Numercy Strategies | 2004 |
Dr Vivienne Baumfield Dr Maria Mroz
| Investigating pupils' questions in the primary classroom | 2004 |
Dr Frank Hardman Dr Fay Smith Dr Kate Wall Dr Maria Mroz
| Interactive whole class teaching | 2003 |
Dr Frank Hardman Dr Fay Smith Dr Kate Wall Dr Maria Mroz
| Interactive whole class teaching in literacy and numeracy lessons | 2003 |
Dr Frank Hardman Dr Fay Smith Dr Kate Wall Dr Maria Mroz Rodney Bramald et al. | Interactive Whole Class Teaching in the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies | 2003 |
Dr Maria Mroz Dr Elaine Hall
| Not Yet Identified: the knowledge, skills, and training needs of early years professionals in relation to children's speech and language development | 2003 |
Dr Maria Mroz Dr Elaine Hall Dr Carolyn Letts Joan Santer
| Children's Speech and Language Development: an investigation of the knowledge, skills and understanding of early years professionals | 2002 |
Dr Vivienne Baumfield Dr Maria Mroz
| Investigating pupils' questions in the primary classroom | 2002 |
Dr Fay Smith Dr Maria Mroz
| Differences in learning between undergraduates and prospective summer school entrants | 2000 |
Dr Fay Smith Dr Maria Mroz
| Improving reading comprehension among undergraduates: towards widening participation | 2000 |
Dr Maria Mroz Dr Fay Smith Dr Frank Hardman
| On the hour: teachers' attitudes to the National Literacy Strategy | 2000 |
Dr Maria Mroz Dr Fay Smith
| Student teachers' perceptions of the National Literacy Strategy and the Literacy Hour | 2000 |
Dr Maria Mroz Dr Fay Smith Dr Frank Hardman
| The discourse of the literacy hour | 2000 |
Dr Frank Hardman Dr Maria Mroz Dr Fay Smith
| Evaluating the effectiveness of the National Literacy Strategy: identifying indicators of success | 1999 |
Dr Frank Hardman Dr Maria Mroz
| Post-16 english teaching: From recitation to discussion | 1999 |