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Browsing publications by Professor Liz Todd.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Lucy Tiplady
Professor Liz Todd
Analysis of a university-NGO research partnership with and for children and young people in Covid-192025
Dr Karen Laing
Ulrike Thomas
Lucy Tiplady
Professor Liz Todd
Partnerships to tackle the effects of socio-economic inequality on children's experiences of school2025
Professor Liz Todd
A country that works for all children and young people: An evidence-based plan for building the foundations of a new "Sure Start" in and around education settings2024
Professor Liz Todd
An evidence-based plan for addressing poverty with and through education settings2024
Dr Louise Hayes
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Dr Josephine Wildman
Professor Judith Rankin
Professor Liz Todd
et al.
Poverty proofing healthcare: A qualitative study of barriers to accessing healthcare for low-income families with children in northern England2024
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Promoting equity through Comprehensive Community Initiatives in England2024
Charlotte Boulton
Dr Krystal Douglas-Dodd
Dr Karen Laing
Dr Amina Razak
Professor Alison Shaw
et al.
A Framework for Action (Theory of Change) for an Inclusive University2023
Professor Liz Todd
Involving Young People with Disabilities in Post-school Transitions through Reflecting Teams. Methodological Reflections and Adaptations for More Participation in a Longitudinal Study2023
Dr Karen Laing
Ulrike Thomas
Lucy Tiplady
Professor Liz Todd
UK Cost of the School Day Final Evaluation: Short Report2023
Professor Liz Todd
Building Relationships, Building Structure: Working Together in Research on Out-of-school Learning2022
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Creating transformational change through partnership2022
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
Repositioning Out-of-School Learning: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities for Researching Learning Beyond School2022
Suzanne Butler
Gwendolyn Dalziel
Lucy Tiplady
Professor Liz Todd
Dr Lydia Wysocki
et al.
VOICES. Young peoples’ lives in and through Covid-19. What children said, drew and wrote and what actions we took.Full report on findings. October 2022. Newcastle: Newcastle University2022
Lucy Tiplady
Professor Liz Todd
Dr Lydia Wysocki
Voices: Young peoples’ lives in and through covid-19. Short Report.2022
Professor Liz Todd
Foreword: I might even approach the next ethics application with curiosity and confidence….2021
Dr Mel Steer
Professor Simin Davoudi
Emeritus Professor Mark Shucksmith OBE
Professor Liz Todd
Hope under Neoliberal Austerity: responses from civil society and civic universities2021
Dr David Golightly
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Roberto Palacin
Professor Liz Todd
Children, Young people and Mobility as a Service: Opportunities and barriers for future mobility2020
Professor Liz Todd
Citizen power, the university and the North East2020
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Lucy Tiplady
Professor Liz Todd
Dr Lydia Wysocki
Fighting against poverty: case studies of school action. Poverty Proofing the School Day evaluation update 2019/20.2020
Professor Liz Todd
Postscript: Community leadership through schools2020
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Schools and Child Poverty: from extended schools to closing the attainment gap. Where to from here?2020
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
Conceptualising poverty as a barrier to learning through ‘Poverty proofing the school day’: The genesis and impacts of stigmatisation2019
Dr Karen Laing
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
Using the concept of relational justice to apply fairness in schools2019
Professor Liz Todd
Using the concept of relational justice to apply fairness in schools2019
Professor Liz Todd
Imagining methodology: doing educational leadership research differently2018
Dr Karen Laing
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
Poverty and school processes: from equality of opportunity to relational justice2018
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
Dr Karen Laing
Students' views on fairness in education: the importance of relational justice and stakes fairness2018
Dr Karen Laing
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
The impact agenda and critical social research in education: hitting the target but missing the spot?2018
Professor Liz Todd
Celebration, reflection and praxis: 40 volumes of the journal2017
Professor Liz Todd
Exploring collaboration in transition planning through video interaction guidance2017
Dr Karen Laing
Jenny Hasenfuss
Emeritus Professor Mark Shucksmith OBE
Professor Liz Todd
Professor Mark Tewdwr-Jones
et al.
Principles for promoting the impact of SSH research by co-creation: key issues in research design and communication2017
Professor Jill Clark
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Professor Liz Todd
'Thinking Differently' about young people and alcohol: An evaluation of preventative trial interventions in Scotland2017
Professor Liz Todd
“Community aware” education policy: enhancing individual and community vitality2016
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Can out of school activities close the education gap? Briefing paper 4.2016
Dr Karen Laing
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
Educating urban youth: fair or foul?2016
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Out of school activities during primary school and KS2 attainment2016
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
Poverty Proofing the School Day: Evaluation and development report.2016
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
The value of after school clubs for disadvantaged children. Briefing paper 3.2016
Professor Peter Hopkins
Professor Liz Todd
Creating an intentionally dialogic space: student activism and the Newcastle Occupation 20102015
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Developing a Children's Community for the West End of Newcastle: A feasibility study2015
Professor Liz Todd
Effects of video-enhanced reflective practice: current evidence and future challenges2015
Dr Karen Laing
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation of Gateshead MASH: Final report2015
Professor Liz Todd
Evolving the delivery of children's services: VIG and VERP supporting organizational change in Glasgow2015
Professor Liz Todd
Making sure that teaching assistants can make a difference: training that uses VERP2015
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Out of school Activities: Understanding who does what. Briefing Paper 2.2015
Dr Wilma Barrow
Professor Liz Todd
Reflections on the potential of VERP to support agency in professional reflection and development2015
Professor Liz Todd
Systematic change in schools using VERP2015
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Theory-based Methodology: Using theories of change for development, research and evaluation2015
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Unequal access to Out of School Activities2015
Professor Liz Todd
Video Enhanced Reflective Practice: Professional Development through Attuned Interactions2015
Professor Liz Todd
Critical dialogue, critical methodology: bridging the research gap to young peoples’ participation in evaluating children’s services2014
Professor Liz Todd
Inter-agency Working and Special Education: Beyond ‘Virtuous’ Ideas of Partnership Towards Alternative Frameworks for Collaborative Work with Children2014
Janet Law
Professor Liz Todd
Professor Jill Clark
Dr Maria Mroz
Julie Carr
et al.
Early Language Delays in the UK2013
Paul Dolan
Professor David Leat
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith
Professor Sugata Mitra
Professor Liz Todd
et al.
Self-Organised Learning Environments (SOLEs) in an English School: an example of transformative pedagogy?2013
Colleen Cummings
Dr Karen Laing
Professor James Law
Professor Liz Todd
Dr Pamela Woolner
et al.
Can changing aspirations and attitudes impact on educational attainment? A review of interventions2012
Professor Liz Todd
Critical dialogue, critical methodology: bridging the research gap to young people's participation in evaluating children’s services2012
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation of the Diamond Model pilots: Interim Report2012
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Jill Clark
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation report for Sub 21 Wallsend2012
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Fair or Foul? Towards practice and policy in fairness in education2012
Professor Liz Todd
Guest editorial. Special issue. Narrative: Approaches in research andprofessional practice2012
Professor Peter Hopkins
Professor Liz Todd
Occupying Newcastle University: student resistance to government spending cuts in England2012
Colleen Cummings
Louise Jones
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation of extended services Thematic review 2: local authorities and extended services2011
Colleen Cummings
Professor Liz Todd
Beyond the School Gates: Can Full Service and Extended Schools Overcome Disadvantage?2011
Dr Wilma Barrow
Professor Liz Todd
Beyond Therapy: Supporting a Culture of Relational Democracy2011
Colleen Cummings
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Extended services in practice - A summary of evaluation evidence for head teachers2011
Professor Liz Todd
Giving voice in educational research2011
Professor Liz Todd
Improving inter-professional collaborations: multi-agency working for children's wellbeing2011
Professor Liz Todd
Methodology, Policy and Practice: Dizzy Development, but for how long?2011
Professor Liz Todd
Multi-Agency Working and Disabled Children and Young People: From 'What Works' to 'Active Becoming'2011
Professor Liz Todd
Narrative therapy and VIG: windows into preferred identities2011
Professor Liz Todd
Video Interaction Guidance: A Relationship-Based Intervention to Promote Attunement, Empathy and Wellbeing2011
Professor Liz Todd
Visibly learning: teachers’ assessment practices for students with high and very high needs2011
Professor Liz Todd
What is the evidence that VIG is effective?2011
Professor Alan Dyson
Professor Liz Todd
Dealing with Complexity: Theory of Change Evaluation and the Full Service Extended Schools Initiative2010
Colleen Cummings
Ian Hall
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Extended Schools Subsidy Pathfinder Evaluation. Final Report2010
Colleen Cummings
Professor Alan Dyson
Professor Liz Todd
Extended Services Evaluation. Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals. Thematic Review2010
Colleen Cummings
Dr Karen Laing
Professor Liz Todd
Extended Services Evaluation: End of Year One Report2010
Professor Liz Todd
Dr Karen Laing
Colleen Cummings
Issues in The Extent to Which Schools, Through Extended Services, Can Impact Upon Disadvantaged Children, Families and Communities2010
Colleen Cummings
Dr Karen Laing
Dr Karen Scott
Professor Liz Todd
Thematic Review: Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals2010
Professor Liz Todd
Video Interaction Guidance as a method to promote secure attachment2010
Professor Liz Todd
A response to Billington: Liz Todd2009
Professor Liz Todd
Colleen Cummings
Extended Schools Subsidy Pathfinder Evaluation - Interim Report2009
Dr Pamela Woolner
Ulrike Thomas
Professor Liz Todd
Colleen Cummings
How do visually mediated encounters differ from traditional interviews?2009
Professor Liz Todd
Behind the Buzzwords: Inclusion2008
Professor Liz Todd
Research and Evaluation of Narrative Assessment and Curriculum Exemplars for Students with Special Educational Needs2008
Professor Liz Todd
Clarifying and developing the role of the EP in relation to all aspects of Parent and Carer Partnership, Advocacy and Training2007
Colleen Cummings
Lucy Tiplady
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Initiative: Final Report2007
Colleen Cummings
Professor Liz Todd
Lucy Tiplady
Deanne Crowther
Evaluation of the full service extended schools initiative: final report2007
Professor Liz Todd
Partnerships for Inclusive Education: A critical approach to collaborative working2007
Colleen Cummings
Professor Liz Todd
Towards extended schools? How education and other professionals understand community-oriented schooling2007
Professor Liz Todd
Enabling Practice for Professionals: the need for Practical Post-Structuralist Theory2006
Colleen Cummings
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools in North Tyneside: An Evaluation Report2005
Colleen Cummings
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Project: End of First Year Report2005
Colleen Cummings
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Project: end of first year report2005
Colleen Cummings
Professor Liz Todd
Evaluation of the Extended Schools Pathfinder Project2004
Professor Liz Todd
Making Schools the Hub of the Community2004
Colleen Cummings
Professor Liz Todd
Reaching out to the community: Impact of Extended Schools Initiative2004
Professor Liz Todd
Consulting Children2003
Professor Liz Todd
Disability and the restructuring of welfare: The problem of partnership with parents2003
Professor Liz Todd
The Views of the Child: Enabling Pupil Participation2003
Professor Liz Todd
The Views of the Child: Setting Learning Targets2003
Alan Millward
Professor Liz Todd
A Study of ‘Extended’ Schools Demonstration Projects2002
Alan Millward
Professor Liz Todd
A study of the Extended Schools demonstration projects2002
Barry Hymer
Deborah Michel
Professor Liz Todd
Dynamic Consultation: towards process and challenge2002
Dr Vivienne Baumfield
Dr Mei Lin
Professor Liz Todd
A Comparison of Different Approaches to Funding and Supporting Teacher Research2001
Professor Liz Todd
Moral panic? A reassessment of the gender issue in relation to children's writing2001
Sally Taverner
Dr Vivienne Baumfield
Dr Mei Lin
Professor Jill Clark
Peter Fisher
et al.
Transition between key stages in schools: [second output report]2001
Sally Taverner
Dr Vivienne Baumfield
Professor Jill Clark
Peter Fisher
Ian Hall
et al.
Transition between Key Stages in Schools: second output report2001
Professor Liz Todd
Charmain Hobbs
Julie Taylor
Consulting with children and young people: Enabling educational psychologists to work collaboratively2000
Professor Liz Todd
Steven Higgins
Powerlessness in professional and parent partnerships1998