Lucy Tiplady Professor Liz Todd
| Analysis of a university-NGO research partnership with and for children and young people in Covid-19 | 2025 |
Dr Karen Laing Ulrike Thomas Lucy Tiplady Professor Liz Todd
| Partnerships to tackle the effects of socio-economic inequality on children's experiences of school | 2025 |
Professor Liz Todd
| A country that works for all children and young people: An evidence-based plan for building the foundations of a new "Sure Start" in and around education settings | 2024 |
Professor Liz Todd
| An evidence-based plan for addressing poverty with and through education settings | 2024 |
Dr Louise Hayes Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Dr Josephine Wildman Professor Judith Rankin Professor Liz Todd et al. | Poverty proofing healthcare: A qualitative study of barriers to accessing healthcare for low-income families with children in northern England | 2024 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Promoting equity through Comprehensive Community Initiatives in England | 2024 |
Charlotte Boulton Dr Krystal Douglas-Dodd Dr Karen Laing Dr Amina Razak Professor Alison Shaw et al. | A Framework for Action (Theory of Change) for an Inclusive University | 2023 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Involving Young People with Disabilities in Post-school Transitions through Reflecting Teams. Methodological Reflections and Adaptations for More Participation in a Longitudinal Study | 2023 |
Dr Karen Laing Ulrike Thomas Lucy Tiplady Professor Liz Todd
| UK Cost of the School Day Final Evaluation: Short Report | 2023 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Building Relationships, Building Structure: Working Together in Research on Out-of-school Learning | 2022 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Creating transformational change through partnership | 2022 |
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd
| Repositioning Out-of-School Learning: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities for Researching Learning Beyond School | 2022 |
Suzanne Butler Gwendolyn Dalziel Lucy Tiplady Professor Liz Todd Dr Lydia Wysocki et al. | VOICES. Young peoples’ lives in and through Covid-19. What children said, drew and wrote and what actions we took.Full report on findings. October 2022. Newcastle: Newcastle University | 2022 |
Lucy Tiplady Professor Liz Todd Dr Lydia Wysocki
| Voices: Young peoples’ lives in and through covid-19. Short Report. | 2022 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Foreword: I might even approach the next ethics application with curiosity and confidence…. | 2021 |
Dr Mel Steer Professor Simin Davoudi Emeritus Professor Mark Shucksmith OBE Professor Liz Todd
| Hope under Neoliberal Austerity: responses from civil society and civic universities | 2021 |
Dr David Golightly Dr Karen Laing Professor Roberto Palacin Professor Liz Todd
| Children, Young people and Mobility as a Service: Opportunities and barriers for future mobility | 2020 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Citizen power, the university and the North East | 2020 |
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Lucy Tiplady Professor Liz Todd Dr Lydia Wysocki
| Fighting against poverty: case studies of school action. Poverty Proofing the School Day evaluation update 2019/20. | 2020 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Postscript: Community leadership through schools | 2020 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Schools and Child Poverty: from extended schools to closing the attainment gap. Where to from here? | 2020 |
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd
| Conceptualising poverty as a barrier to learning through ‘Poverty proofing the school day’: The genesis and impacts of stigmatisation | 2019 |
Dr Karen Laing Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd
| Using the concept of relational justice to apply fairness in schools | 2019 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Using the concept of relational justice to apply fairness in schools | 2019 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Imagining methodology: doing educational leadership research differently | 2018 |
Dr Karen Laing Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd
| Poverty and school processes: from equality of opportunity to relational justice | 2018 |
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd Dr Karen Laing
| Students' views on fairness in education: the importance of relational justice and stakes fairness | 2018 |
Dr Karen Laing Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd
| The impact agenda and critical social research in education: hitting the target but missing the spot? | 2018 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Celebration, reflection and praxis: 40 volumes of the journal | 2017 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Exploring collaboration in transition planning through video interaction guidance | 2017 |
Dr Karen Laing Jenny Hasenfuss Emeritus Professor Mark Shucksmith OBE Professor Liz Todd Professor Mark Tewdwr-Jones et al. | Principles for promoting the impact of SSH research by co-creation: key issues in research design and communication | 2017 |
Professor Jill Clark Dr Karen Laing Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch Professor Liz Todd
| 'Thinking Differently' about young people and alcohol: An evaluation of preventative trial interventions in Scotland | 2017 |
Professor Liz Todd
| “Community aware” education policy: enhancing individual and community vitality | 2016 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Can out of school activities close the education gap? Briefing paper 4. | 2016 |
Dr Karen Laing Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd
| Educating urban youth: fair or foul? | 2016 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Out of school activities during primary school and KS2 attainment | 2016 |
Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd
| Poverty Proofing the School Day: Evaluation and development report. | 2016 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| The value of after school clubs for disadvantaged children. Briefing paper 3. | 2016 |
Professor Peter Hopkins Professor Liz Todd
| Creating an intentionally dialogic space: student activism and the Newcastle Occupation 2010 | 2015 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Developing a Children's Community for the West End of Newcastle: A feasibility study | 2015 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Effects of video-enhanced reflective practice: current evidence and future challenges | 2015 |
Dr Karen Laing Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of Gateshead MASH: Final report | 2015 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Evolving the delivery of children's services: VIG and VERP supporting organizational change in Glasgow | 2015 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Making sure that teaching assistants can make a difference: training that uses VERP | 2015 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Out of school Activities: Understanding who does what. Briefing Paper 2. | 2015 |
Dr Wilma Barrow Professor Liz Todd
| Reflections on the potential of VERP to support agency in professional reflection and development | 2015 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Systematic change in schools using VERP | 2015 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Theory-based Methodology: Using theories of change for development, research and evaluation | 2015 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Unequal access to Out of School Activities | 2015 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Video Enhanced Reflective Practice: Professional Development through Attuned Interactions | 2015 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Critical dialogue, critical methodology: bridging the research gap to young peoples’ participation in evaluating children’s services | 2014 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Inter-agency Working and Special Education: Beyond ‘Virtuous’ Ideas of Partnership Towards Alternative Frameworks for Collaborative Work with Children | 2014 |
Janet Law Professor Liz Todd Professor Jill Clark Dr Maria Mroz Julie Carr et al. | Early Language Delays in the UK | 2013 |
Paul Dolan Professor David Leat Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith Professor Sugata Mitra Professor Liz Todd et al. | Self-Organised Learning Environments (SOLEs) in an English School: an example of transformative pedagogy? | 2013 |
Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Professor James Law Professor Liz Todd Dr Pamela Woolner et al. | Can changing aspirations and attitudes impact on educational attainment? A review of interventions | 2012 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Critical dialogue, critical methodology: bridging the research gap to young people's participation in evaluating children’s services | 2012 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Diamond Model pilots: Interim Report | 2012 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Jill Clark Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation report for Sub 21 Wallsend | 2012 |
Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Fair or Foul? Towards practice and policy in fairness in education | 2012 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Guest editorial. Special issue. Narrative: Approaches in research andprofessional practice | 2012 |
Professor Peter Hopkins Professor Liz Todd
| Occupying Newcastle University: student resistance to government spending cuts in England | 2012 |
Colleen Cummings Louise Jones Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of extended services Thematic review 2: local authorities and extended services | 2011 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Beyond the School Gates: Can Full Service and Extended Schools Overcome Disadvantage? | 2011 |
Dr Wilma Barrow Professor Liz Todd
| Beyond Therapy: Supporting a Culture of Relational Democracy | 2011 |
Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Extended services in practice - A summary of evaluation evidence for head teachers | 2011 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Giving voice in educational research | 2011 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Improving inter-professional collaborations: multi-agency working for children's wellbeing | 2011 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Methodology, Policy and Practice: Dizzy Development, but for how long? | 2011 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Multi-Agency Working and Disabled Children and Young People: From 'What Works' to 'Active Becoming' | 2011 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Narrative therapy and VIG: windows into preferred identities | 2011 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Video Interaction Guidance: A Relationship-Based Intervention to Promote Attunement, Empathy and Wellbeing | 2011 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Visibly learning: teachers’ assessment practices for students with high and very high needs | 2011 |
Professor Liz Todd
| What is the evidence that VIG is effective? | 2011 |
Professor Alan Dyson Professor Liz Todd
| Dealing with Complexity: Theory of Change Evaluation and the Full Service Extended Schools Initiative | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Ian Hall Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Extended Schools Subsidy Pathfinder Evaluation. Final Report | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Alan Dyson Professor Liz Todd
| Extended Services Evaluation. Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals. Thematic Review | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Extended Services Evaluation: End of Year One Report | 2010 |
Professor Liz Todd Dr Karen Laing Colleen Cummings
| Issues in The Extent to Which Schools, Through Extended Services, Can Impact Upon Disadvantaged Children, Families and Communities | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Dr Karen Scott Professor Liz Todd
| Thematic Review: Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals | 2010 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Video Interaction Guidance as a method to promote secure attachment | 2010 |
Professor Liz Todd
| A response to Billington: Liz Todd | 2009 |
Professor Liz Todd Colleen Cummings
| Extended Schools Subsidy Pathfinder Evaluation - Interim Report | 2009 |
Dr Pamela Woolner Ulrike Thomas Professor Liz Todd Colleen Cummings
| How do visually mediated encounters differ from traditional interviews? | 2009 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Behind the Buzzwords: Inclusion | 2008 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Research and Evaluation of Narrative Assessment and Curriculum Exemplars for Students with Special Educational Needs | 2008 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Clarifying and developing the role of the EP in relation to all aspects of Parent and Carer Partnership, Advocacy and Training | 2007 |
Colleen Cummings Lucy Tiplady Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Initiative: Final Report | 2007 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd Lucy Tiplady Deanne Crowther
| Evaluation of the full service extended schools initiative: final report | 2007 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Partnerships for Inclusive Education: A critical approach to collaborative working | 2007 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Towards extended schools? How education and other professionals understand community-oriented schooling | 2007 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Enabling Practice for Professionals: the need for Practical Post-Structuralist Theory | 2006 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools in North Tyneside: An Evaluation Report | 2005 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Project: End of First Year Report | 2005 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Project: end of first year report | 2005 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Extended Schools Pathfinder Project | 2004 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Making Schools the Hub of the Community | 2004 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Reaching out to the community: Impact of Extended Schools Initiative | 2004 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Consulting Children | 2003 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Disability and the restructuring of welfare: The problem of partnership with parents | 2003 |
Professor Liz Todd
| The Views of the Child: Enabling Pupil Participation | 2003 |
Professor Liz Todd
| The Views of the Child: Setting Learning Targets | 2003 |
Alan Millward Professor Liz Todd
| A Study of ‘Extended’ Schools Demonstration Projects | 2002 |
Alan Millward Professor Liz Todd
| A study of the Extended Schools demonstration projects | 2002 |
Barry Hymer Deborah Michel Professor Liz Todd
| Dynamic Consultation: towards process and challenge | 2002 |
Dr Vivienne Baumfield Dr Mei Lin Professor Liz Todd
| A Comparison of Different Approaches to Funding and Supporting Teacher Research | 2001 |
Professor Liz Todd
| Moral panic? A reassessment of the gender issue in relation to children's writing | 2001 |
Sally Taverner Dr Vivienne Baumfield Dr Mei Lin Professor Jill Clark Peter Fisher et al. | Transition between key stages in schools: [second output report] | 2001 |
Sally Taverner Dr Vivienne Baumfield Professor Jill Clark Peter Fisher Ian Hall et al. | Transition between Key Stages in Schools: second output report | 2001 |
Professor Liz Todd Charmain Hobbs Julie Taylor
| Consulting with children and young people: Enabling educational psychologists to work collaboratively | 2000 |
Professor Liz Todd Steven Higgins
| Powerlessness in professional and parent partnerships | 1998 |