Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Professor James Law Professor Liz Todd Dr Pamela Woolner et al. | Can changing aspirations and attitudes impact on educational attainment? A review of interventions | 2012 |
Colleen Cummings Louise Jones Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of extended services Thematic review 2: local authorities and extended services | 2011 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Beyond the School Gates: Can Full Service and Extended Schools Overcome Disadvantage? | 2011 |
Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Extended services in practice - A summary of evaluation evidence for head teachers | 2011 |
Colleen Cummings
| Evaluation of Extended Services in Schools. End of Year 1 Evaluation Report for the Department for Children, Schools and Families | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Ian Hall Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Extended Schools Subsidy Pathfinder Evaluation. Final Report | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Alan Dyson Professor Liz Todd
| Extended Services Evaluation. Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals. Thematic Review | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Professor Liz Todd
| Extended Services Evaluation: End of Year One Report | 2010 |
Dr Rachel Lofthouse Professor David Leat Carl Towler Dr Elaine Hall Colleen Cummings et al. | Improving coaching: evolution not revolution | 2010 |
Professor Liz Todd Dr Karen Laing Colleen Cummings
| Issues in The Extent to Which Schools, Through Extended Services, Can Impact Upon Disadvantaged Children, Families and Communities | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Lucy Todd
| Local Authorities and extended services: Thematic review 2 | 2010 |
Colleen Cummings Dr Karen Laing Dr Karen Scott Professor Liz Todd
| Thematic Review: Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals | 2010 |
Professor Liz Todd Colleen Cummings
| Extended Schools Subsidy Pathfinder Evaluation - Interim Report | 2009 |
Dr Pamela Woolner Ulrike Thomas Professor Liz Todd Colleen Cummings
| How do visually mediated encounters differ from traditional interviews? | 2009 |
Professor Jill Clark Ulrike Thomas Colleen Cummings Emeritus Professor Ann Briggs Ian Hall et al. | Emerging insights into NEET preventative work across Tyne and Wear: flexible Curriculum 2 (FCP2) 14-19 Progression and Employability | 2008 |
Colleen Cummings Lucy Tiplady Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Initiative: Final Report | 2007 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd Lucy Tiplady Deanne Crowther
| Evaluation of the full service extended schools initiative: final report | 2007 |
Colleen Cummings
| The role of schools in area regeneration | 2007 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Towards extended schools? How education and other professionals understand community-oriented schooling | 2007 |
Colleen Cummings Lucy Tiplady Lucy Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Initiative, Second Year: Thematic Papers | 2006 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools in North Tyneside: An Evaluation Report | 2005 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Project: End of First Year Report | 2005 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Full Service Extended Schools Project: end of first year report | 2005 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Evaluation of the Extended Schools Pathfinder Project | 2004 |
Colleen Cummings Lucy Todd
| Extended Schools: Ambitious Aims - Problematic outcomes. | 2004 |
Colleen Cummings Alan Millward
| Participation and democracy: What's inclusion got to do with it? | 2004 |
Colleen Cummings Professor Liz Todd
| Reaching out to the community: Impact of Extended Schools Initiative | 2004 |
Deanne Crowther Colleen Cummings Alan Millward
| Schools and Area regeneration | 2003 |
Colleen Cummings Alan Millward
| An Evaluation of Willington EAZ | 2002 |