Professor Paul Davies Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Roberto Villalobos Herrera
| A new conceptual model for understanding and predicting life-threatening rainfall extremes | 2024 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| A simple and robust approach for adapting design storms to assess climate-induced changes in flash flood hazard | 2024 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| A systematic review of climate change science relevant to Australian design flood estimation | 2024 |
Dr Anna Whitford Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Atmospheric patterns associated with summer sub-daily rainfall extremes in western Europe | 2024 |
Dr Abdullah Kahraman Professor Hayley Fowler
| Climatology of severe hail potential in Europe based on a convection-permitting simulation | 2024 |
Dr Colin Manning Professor Hayley Fowler
| Compound wind and rainfall extremes: Drivers and future changes over the UK and Ireland | 2024 |
David Archer Professor Hayley Fowler
| Gauged and historical abrupt wave front floods ('walls of water') in Pennine rivers, northern England | 2024 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Amy Green Professor Paul Davies
| Precipitation extremes in 2023 | 2024 |
Dr Roberto Villalobos Herrera Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Selma Guerreiro Professor Hayley Fowler
| Towards new design rainfall profiles for the United Kingdom | 2024 |
Dr Selma Guerreiro Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr David Pritchard Dr Amy Green et al. | Unravelling the complex interplay between daily and sub-daily rainfall extremes in different climates | 2024 |
Dr Anna Whitford Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr David Pritchard Professor Hayley Fowler
| A gauge-based sub-daily extreme rainfall climatology for western Europe | 2023 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Elizabeth Lewis
| A quality-control framework for sub-daily flow and level data for hydrological modelling in Great Britain | 2023 |
Dr David Pritchard Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Luis Patino Velasquez Dr Anna Whitford et al. | An Observation-Based Dataset of Global Sub-Daily Precipitation Indices (GSDR-I) | 2023 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Compounding Heatwave-Extreme Rainfall Events Driven by Fronts, High Moisture, and Atmospheric Instability | 2023 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Cooperative adaptive management of the Nile River with climate and socio-economic uncertainties | 2023 |
Dr Haider Ali Professor Hayley Fowler
| Fewer, but More Intense, Future Tropical Storms Over the Ganges and Mekong Basins | 2023 |
Tess O'Hara Dr Fergus McClean Dr Elizabeth Lewis Professor Hayley Fowler
| Filling observational gaps with crowdsourced citizen science rainfall data from the Met Office Weather Observation Website | 2023 |
Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Abdullah Kahraman
| Large-scale dynamics moderate impact-relevant changes to organised convective storms | 2023 |
Dr Xiaofeng Li Professor Hayley Fowler
| Leading modes of wind field variability over the western Tibet Plateau | 2023 |
Dr David Pritchard Dr Nathan Forsythe Professor Hayley Fowler
| Negotiating Nile infrastructure management should consider climate change uncertainties | 2023 |
Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler
| New extreme rainfall projections for improved climate resilience of urban drainage systems | 2023 |
Dr Colin Manning Professor Hayley Fowler
| Projected increase in windstorm severity and contribution from sting jets over the UK and Ireland | 2023 |
Bekah Puttick Michelle Palmer Dr Gail de Blaquiere Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Oliver Heidrich et al. | Racial Inequalities in Undertaking Doctoral Study in the UK: A Qualitative Analysis | 2023 |
Dr Haider Ali Professor Hayley Fowler
| Relation between storm characteristics and extreme precipitation statistics over CONUS | 2023 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| The creation and climatology of a large independent rainfall event database for Great Britain | 2023 |
Dr Alem Oyarmoi Dr Stephen Birkinshaw Dr Caspar Hewett Professor Hayley Fowler
| The Effect of Papyrus Wetlands on Flow Regulation in a Tropical River Catchment | 2023 |
Professor Sean Wilkinson Dr Sarah Dunn Dr Russell Adams Dr Nicolas Kirchner Bossi Professor Hayley Fowler et al. | Consequence forecasting: A rational framework for predicting the consequences of approaching storms | 2022 |
Dr Abdullah Kahraman Professor Hayley Fowler
| Contrasting future lightning stories across Europe | 2022 |
Dr Colin Manning Professor Hayley Fowler
| Extreme windstorms and sting jets in convection-permitting climate simulations over Europe | 2022 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Knowledge Priorities on Climate Change and Water in the Upper Indus Basin: A Horizon Scanning Exercise to Identify the Top 100 Research Questions in Social and Natural Sciences | 2022 |
Dr Roberto Villalobos Herrera Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Selma Guerreiro Dr Tess O'Hara Professor Hayley Fowler et al. | Sub-hourly resolution quality control of rain-gauge data significantly improves regional sub-daily return level estimates | 2022 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Temporally compounding heatwave–heavy rainfall events in Australia | 2022 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| The Combined Impacts of ENSO and IOD on Global Seasonal Droughts | 2022 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| The future of flood hydrology in the UK | 2022 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Colin Manning
| Why Storm Eunice was so severe - and will violent wind storms become more common? | 2022 |
David Archer Professor Hayley Fowler
| A historical flash flood chronology for Britain | 2021 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Carbon emission savings and short-term health care impacts from telemedicine: An evaluation in epilepsy | 2021 |
Dr David Lewis-Smith Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Climate change and epilepsy: Insights from clinical and basic science studies | 2021 |
Dr Haider Ali Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr David Pritchard
| Consistent Large-Scale Response of Hourly Extreme Precipitation to Temperature Variation Over Land | 2021 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Correction to: Large-scale dynamics have greater role than thermodynamics in driving precipitation extremes over India (Climate Dynamics, (2020), 55, 9-10, (2603-2614), 10.1007/s00382-020-05410-3) | 2021 |
Dr Haider Ali Professor Hayley Fowler
| Global Scaling of Rainfall With Dewpoint Temperature Reveals Considerable Ocean-Land Difference | 2021 |
Dr Roberto Villalobos Herrera Professor Hayley Fowler
| Incorporating climate change in flood estimation guidance | 2021 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes and implications for flood risk: current state of the art and future directions | 2021 |
Motasem Darwish Dr Mari Tye Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| New hourly extreme precipitation regions and regional annual probability estimates for the UK | 2021 |
Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr David Pritchard Dr Roberto Villalobos Herrera Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Fergus McClean et al. | Quality control of a global hourly rainfall dataset | 2021 |
Dr Abdullah Kahraman Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler
| Quasi-stationary intense rainstorms spread across Europe under climate change | 2021 |
Dr Renaud Barbero Professor Hayley Fowler
| Storm types in India: linking rainfall duration, spatial extent and intensity | 2021 |
Dr David Pritchard Professor Hayley Fowler
| Toward a definition of Essential Mountain Climate Variables | 2021 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Haider Ali Dr Renaud Barbero Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Steven Chan et al. | Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes | 2021 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Using high-resolution climate change information in water management: a decision-makers' perspective | 2021 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Advances in understanding large-scale responses of the water cycle to climate change | 2020 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Atmospheric precursors for intense summer rainfall over the United Kingdom | 2020 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Developing observational methods to drive future hydrological science: Can we make a start as a community? | 2020 |
Dr Steven Chan Dr Elizabeth Lewis Professor Hayley Fowler
| Europe-wide precipitation projections at convection permitting scale with the Unified Model | 2020 |
Dr Xiaofeng Li Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Renaud Barbero Dr Jingjing Yu Dr Elizabeth Lewis et al. | Global distribution of the intensity and frequency of hourly precipitation and their responses to ENSO | 2020 |
Doug Richardson Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Improving sub-seasonal forecast skill of meteorological drought: a weather pattern approach | 2020 |
Qinqin Kong Dr Selma Guerreiro Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Xiaofeng Li Professor Hayley Fowler et al. | Increases in summertime concurrent drought and heatwave in Eastern China | 2020 |
Dr David Pritchard Dr Nathan Forsythe Dr Greg O'Donnell Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Nick Rutter et al. | Multi-physics ensemble snow modelling in the western Himalaya | 2020 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Elizabeth Lewis
| PPDIST, global 0.1° daily and 3-hourly precipitation probability distribution climatologies for 1979–2018 | 2020 |
Dr Xiaodong Ming Professor Qiuhua Liang Dr Xilin Xia Professor Hayley Fowler
| Real-Time Flood Forecasting Based on a High-Performance 2-D Hydrodynamic Model and Numerical Weather Predictions | 2020 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| The history of rainfall data time-resolution in a wide variety of geographical areas | 2020 |
Dr Jingjing Yu Dr Xiaofeng Li Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler et al. | UKGrsHP: a UK high-resolution gauge–radar–satellite merged hourly precipitation analysis dataset | 2020 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Jingjing Yu
| Use of radar data for characterizing extreme precipitation at fine scales and short durations | 2020 |
Dr Xiaofeng Li Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Nathan Forsythe Dr Jingjing Yu Dr David Pritchard et al. | A Newly Recognized Large-scale Circulation System Governing the Western Tibetan Climate — the Western Tibetan Vortex | 2019 |
Dr Renaud Barbero Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr Steven Chan et al. | A synthesis of hourly and daily precipitation extremes in different climatic regions | 2019 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Izzy Lake
| Climate change and epilepsy: Time to take action | 2019 |
Qinqin Kong Professor Hayley Fowler
| Climate change and summer thermal comfort in China | 2019 |
Jamie Ledingham David Archer Dr Elizabeth Lewis Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby et al. | Contrasting seasonality of storm rainfall and flood runoff in the UK and some implications for rainfall-runoff methods of flood estimation | 2019 |
Dr Renaud Barbero Professor Hayley Fowler
| Contribution of large-scale midlatitude disturbances to hourly precipitation extremes in the United States | 2019 |
Professor Chris Kilsby Dr Aidan Burton Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Stephen Birkinshaw et al. | Downscaling climate change of mean climatology and extremes of precipitation and temperature: Application to a Mediterranean climate basin | 2019 |
Professor Chris Kilsby Dr Stephen Birkinshaw Dr Aidan Burton Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Nathan Forsythe et al. | Downscaling climate change of water availability, sediment yield and extreme events: Application to a Mediterranean climate basin | 2019 |
Dr David Pritchard Dr Nathan Forsythe Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Greg O'Donnell Dr Xiaofeng Li et al. | Evaluation of Upper Indus near-surface climate representation by WRF in the High Asia Refined Analysis | 2019 |
Dr Elizabeth Lewis Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Fergus McClean Dr Renaud Barbero Dr Selma Guerreiro et al. | GSDR: A Global Sub-Daily Rainfall Dataset | 2019 |
David Archer Dr Greg O'Donnell Professor Hayley Fowler
| Historical flash floods in England: New regional chronologies and database | 2019 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Sensitivity of extreme rainfall to temperature in semi-arid Mediterranean regions | 2019 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Xiaofeng Li Professor Hayley Fowler
| Synoptic-Scale Precursors of Extreme U.K. Summer 3-Hourly Rainfall | 2019 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Systematic increases in the thermodynamic response of hourly precipitation extremes in an idealized warming experiment with a convection-permitting climate model | 2019 |
Dr Xiaofeng Li Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Jingjing Yu Dr Nathan Forsythe Dr Stephen Blenkinsop et al. | Thermodynamic controls of the Western Tibetan Vortex on Tibetan air temperature | 2019 |
Dr Renaud Barbero Professor Hayley Fowler
| Weather types and hourly to multiday rainfall characteristics in tropical Australia | 2019 |
Doug Richardson Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Andras Bardossy
| Weekly to multi-month persistence in sets of daily weather patterns over Europe and the North Atlantic Ocean | 2019 |
Doug Richardson Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| A new precipitation and drought climatology based on weather patterns | 2018 |
Motasem Darwish Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Mari Tye
| A regional frequency analysis of UK sub-daily extreme precipitation and assessment of their seasonality | 2018 |
Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| A rule based quality control method for hourly rainfall data and a 1 km resolution gridded hourly rainfall dataset for Great Britain: CEH-GEAR1hr | 2018 |
David Archer Professor Hayley Fowler
| Characterising flash flood response to intense rainfall and impacts using historical information and gauged data in Britain | 2018 |
Dr Selma Guerreiro Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Renaud Barbero Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Elizabeth Lewis et al. | Detection of continental-scale intensification of hourly rainfall extremes | 2018 |
Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr Stephen Birkinshaw Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler
| Development of a system for automated setup of a physically-based, spatially-distributed hydrological model for catchments in Great Britain | 2018 |
Dr Sarah Dunn Professor Sean Wilkinson David Alderson Professor Hayley Fowler
| Fragility Curves for Assessing the Resilience of Electricity Networks Constructed from an Extensive Fault Database | 2018 |
Dr Haider Ali Professor Hayley Fowler
| Global Observational Evidence of Strong Linkage Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation Extremes | 2018 |
Dr Gaihua Fu Professor Sean Wilkinson Professor Richard Dawson Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby et al. | Integrated Approach to Assess the Resilience of Future Electricity Infrastructure Networks to Climate Hazards | 2018 |
Dr Steven Chan Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Large-scale predictors for extreme hourly precipitation events in convection-permitting climate simulations | 2018 |
Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler
| Projected changes in extreme precipitation over Scotland and Northern England using a high-resolution regional climate model | 2018 |
Angelo Forestieri Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Regional frequency analysis of extreme precipitation in Sicily (Italy) | 2018 |
Dr Renaud Barbero Professor Hayley Fowler
| Reply to comments on “Temperature-extreme precipitation scaling: a two-way causality?” | 2018 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Storylines: an alternative approach to representing uncertainty in physical aspects of climate change | 2018 |
Dr Renaud Barbero Professor Hayley Fowler
| Temperature-extreme precipitation scaling: A two-way causality? | 2018 |
Angelo Forestieri Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| The impact of climate change on extreme precipitation in Sicily, Italy. | 2018 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Renaud Barbero Dr Steven Chan Dr Selma Guerreiro et al. | The INTENSE project: using observations and models to understand the past, present and future of sub-daily rainfall extremes | 2018 |
Dr Xiaofeng Li Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Nathan Forsythe Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr David Pritchard et al. | The Karakoram/Western Tibetan Vortex: seasonal and year-to-year variability | 2018 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Steven Chan
| Understanding how changing rainfall may impact on urban drainage systems; lessons from projects in the UK and USA | 2018 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| When will we detect changes in short-duration precipitation extremes? | 2018 |
David Archer Dr Geoffrey Parkin Professor Hayley Fowler
| Assessing long term flash flooding frequency using historical information | 2017 |
Dr Selma Guerreiro Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler
| Assessing the threat of future megadrought in Iberia | 2017 |
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw Dr Selma Guerreiro Professor Qiuhua Liang Dr Paul Quinn Professor Hayley Fowler et al. | Climate change impacts on Yangtze River discharge at the Three Gorges Dam | 2017 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Steven Chan
| Do convection-permitting regional climate models improve projections of future precipitation change? | 2017 |
Dr Selma Guerreiro Dr Stephen Birkinshaw Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Elizabeth Lewis et al. | Dry getting drier − the future of transnational river basins in Iberia | 2017 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Sean Wilkinson
| Effect of temporal aggregation on the estimate of annual maximum rainfall depths for the design of hydraulic infrastructure systems | 2017 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Hydroclimate: Understanding rainfall extremes | 2017 |
Dr Renaud Barbero Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Is the intensification of precipitation extremes with global warming better detected at hourly than daily resolutions? | 2017 |
Dr Nathan Forsythe Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Xiaofeng Li Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr David Pritchard et al. | Karakoram temperature and glacial melt driven by regional atmospheric circulation variability | 2017 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Steven Chan
| New climate change rainfall estimates for sustainable drainage | 2017 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Predicting how collection systems will operate in the 2050s in response to changing rainfall patterns | 2017 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Elizabeth Lewis Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler
| Quality-control of an hourly rainfall dataset and climatology of extremes for the UK | 2017 |
Dr Renaud Barbero Professor Hayley Fowler
| Super-Clausius-Clapeyron scaling of extreme hourly convective precipitation and its relation to large-scale atmospheric conditions | 2017 |
Professor Claire Walsh Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler John Richmond Professor Richard Dawson et al. | Adaptation of water resource systems to an uncertain future | 2016 |
Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Downturn in scaling of UK extreme rainfall with temperature for future hottest days | 2016 |
Dr Selma Guerreiro Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler
| Rainfall in Iberian transnational basins: a drier future for the Douro, Tagus and Guadiana? | 2016 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Simulating multimodal seasonality in extreme daily precipitation occurrence | 2016 |
Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| The characteristics of summer sub-hourly rainfall over the southern UK in a high-resolution convective permitting model | 2016 |
Dr Nathan Forsythe Andrew Hardy Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Chris Kilsby et al. | A detailed cloud fraction climatology of the Upper Indus Basin and its implications for near surface air temperature | 2015 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Challenges in Quantifying Changes in the Global Water Cycle | 2015 |
Dr Nathan Forsythe Professor Hayley Fowler
| Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world | 2015 |
Dr Nathan Forsythe Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Exploring objective climate classification for the Himalayan arc and adjacent regions using gridded data sources | 2015 |
Angelo Forestieri Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Objective regional frequency analysis of extreme precipitation in Sicily, Italy | 2015 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler
| Temperature influences on intense UK hourly precipitation and dependency on large-scale circulation | 2015 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| An Hourly and Multi-Hourly Extreme Precipitation Climatology for the UK and Long-Term Changes in Extremes | 2014 |
Dr Nathan Forsythe Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop John Richmond Professor Chris Kilsby et al. | Application of a stochastic weather generator to assess climate change impacts in a semi-arid climate: The Upper Indus Basin | 2014 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Detecting changes in winter precipitation extremes and fluvial flood risk | 2014 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Future changes to the intensity and frequency of short-duration extreme rainfall | 2014 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Steven Chan
| Heavier summer downpours with climate change revealed by weather forecast resolution model | 2014 |
Dr Mari Jones Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Objective classification of extreme rainfall regions for the UK and updated estimates of trends in regional extreme rainfall | 2014 |
Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Projected increases in summer and winter UK sub-daily precipitation extremes from high-resolution regional climate models | 2014 |
Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| The value of high-resolution Met Office regional climate models in the simulation of multi-hourly precipitation extremes | 2014 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| An assessment of changes in seasonal and annual extreme rainfall in the UK between 1961 and 2009 | 2013 |
Dr Steven Chan Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Does increasing the spatial resolution of a regional climate model improve the simulated daily precipitation? | 2013 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop John Richmond Professor Hayley Fowler
| Downscaling transient climate change with a stochastic weather generator for the Geer catchment, Belgium | 2013 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Examination of climate risk using a modified uncertainty matrix framework-Applications in the water sector | 2013 |
Professor Mohd Sharif David Archer Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Nathan Forsythe
| Trends in timing and magnitude of flow in the Upper Indus Basin | 2013 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop John Richmond Professor Hayley Fowler
| A multi-model ensemble of downscaled spatial climate change scenarios for the Dommel catchment, Western Europe | 2012 |
Nathan Forsythe Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler David Archer
| Assessment of Runoff Sensitivity in the Upper Indus Basin to Interannual Climate Variability and Potential Change Using MODIS Satellite Data Products | 2012 |
Michelle Van Vliet Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Climate change impacts on the leaching of a heavy metal contamination in a small lowland catchment | 2012 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Downscaling future wind hazard for SE London using the UKCP09 regional climate model ensemble | 2012 |
Dr Isabella Bovolo Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Modeling the impacts of future climate change on water resources for the Gallego river basin (Spain) | 2012 |
Dr Nathan Forsythe Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby David Archer
| Opportunities from remote sensing for supporting water resources management in village/valley scale catchments in the Upper Indus Basin | 2012 |
Professor Claire Walsh Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Role of hydrology in managing consequences of a changing global environment | 2012 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Vassilis Glenis
| Using the UKCP09 probabilistic scenarios to model the amplified impact of climate change on drainage basin sediment yield | 2012 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Climate change and mountain water resources: overview and recommendations for research, management and policy | 2011 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| How can large scale integrated surface - subsurface hydrological models be used to evaluate long term climate change impact on groundwater reserves | 2011 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop John Richmond Professor Hayley Fowler
| Modeling climate change impacts on groundwater resources using transient stochastic climatic scenarios | 2011 |
John Richmond Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Enda O'Connell
| A stochastic model for the spatial-temporal simulation of nonhomogeneous rainfall occurrence and amounts | 2010 |
Mervyn Jones Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| An updated regional frequency analysis of United Kingdom extreme rainfall from 1961-2009 | 2010 |
Nathan Forsythe Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler
| Assessing climate pressures on glacier-melt and snowmelt-derived runoff in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram sector of the Upper Indus Basin | 2010 |
Professor Sean Wilkinson Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Chris Kilsby
| Challenges for the Assessment of Future Design Wind | 2010 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Climate change and mountain water resources: Overview and recommendations for research, management and politics | 2010 |
Dr Isabella Bovolo Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Climate Change, Water Resources and Pollution in the Ebro Basin – Towards an integrated approach | 2010 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Detecting change in UK extreme precipitation using results from the BBC Climate Change Experiment | 2010 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Detecting changes in seasonal precipitation extremes using regional climate model projections: Implications for managing fluvial flood risk | 2010 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Detecting changes in UK precipitation extremes using climate model projections: Implications for managing fluvial flood risk. | 2010 |
John Richmond Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Chris Kilsby
| Downscaling transient climate change using a Neyman–Scott Rectangular Pulses stochastic rainfall model | 2010 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Dr Isabella Bovolo
| HYDRO - Climate and water cycle at the basin scale | 2010 |
Dr Isabella Bovolo Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change on the Ebro River Basin | 2010 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Regional Climate Downscaling | 2010 |
John Richmond Dr Vassilis Glenis Dr Isabella Bovolo Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler et al. | Stochastic rainfall modelling for the assessment of urban flood hazard in a changing climate | 2010 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Supplement to: Brown S, Boorman P, McDonald R, Murphy J, 2009. Interpretation for use of surface wind speed projections from the 11-member Met Office Regional Climate Model ensemble | 2010 |
David Archer Nathan Forsythe Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Syed Shah
| Sustainability of water resources management in the Indus Basin under changing climatic and socio economic conditions | 2010 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Stuart Hallett Professor Hayley Fowler
| The CREW project: Towards a toolkit for the use of probabilistic climate change projections | 2010 |
Dr Stephen Birkinshaw Dr Greg O'Donnell Professor Philip Moore Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler et al. | Using satellite altimetry data to augment flow estimation techniques on the Mekong River | 2010 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Climate extremes: progress and future directions | 2009 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Erratum to: Using meteorological data to forecast seasonal runoff on the River Jhelum, Pakistan [Journal of Hydrology 361 (2008) 10-23] (DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.07.017) | 2009 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| How can large scale integrated surface - subsurface hydrological model be used to evaluate long term climate change impact on groundwater reserves | 2009 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Large scale surface-subsurface hydrological model to assess climate change impacts on groundwater reserves. | 2009 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Mobility, turnover and storage of pollutants in soils, sediments and waters: achievements and results by the EU project AquaTerra - A review | 2009 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Mobility, turnover and storage of pollutants in soils, sediments and waters: achievements and results by the EU project AquaTerra. A review | 2009 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Multi-model ensemble estimates of climate change impacts on UK seasonal precipitation extremes | 2009 |
Lucy Manning Professor Jim Hall Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Using probabilistic climate change information from a multimodel ensemble for water resources assessment | 2009 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Isabella Bovolo Dr Stephen Blenkinsop John Richmond
| Climate investigations on a river basin scale and prediction of pollutants: a success story from the Ebro basin | 2008 |
Professor Jim Hall Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler John Richmond
| Climate models' value | 2008 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Developing climatic scenarios for pesticide fate modelling in Europe | 2008 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Development of agro-environmental scenarios to support pesticide risk assessment in Europe | 2008 |
Professor Hayley Fowler John Richmond
| Identification of key climatic factors regulating the transport of pesticides in leaching and to tile drains | 2008 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Probabilistic estimates of climate change impacts on flows in the River Eden, Cumbria | 2008 |
John Richmond Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Enda O'Connell
| RainSim: A spatial-temporal stochastic rainfall modelling system | 2008 |
Professor Richard Dawson Professor Hayley Fowler
| Scientific Texts provided for: Science I: Trends; Science II: Extremes; Science III: Impacts; Science IV: Actions; Science V: Complicities | 2008 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Uncertainty estimation of climate change impacts on river flow incorporating multiple climate models, stochastic downscaling and hydrological model parameterisation error sources | 2008 |
David Archer Professor Hayley Fowler
| Using meteorological data to forecast seasonal runoff on the River Jhelum, Pakistan | 2008 |
Professor Chris Kilsby John Richmond Dr Alistair Ford Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Philip James et al. | A daily weather generator for use in climate change studies | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Beyond the downscaling comparison study | 2007 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Changes in drought frequency, severity and duration for the British Isles projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models | 2007 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Changes in European drought characteristics projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Chapter 1: Water Resources | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Estimating change in extreme European precipitation using a multimodel ensemble | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Future climate scenarios and rainfall-runoff modelling in the Upper Gallego catchment (Spain) | 2007 |
Professor Chris Kilsby Sebastien Tellier Professor Hayley Fowler
| Hydrological impacts of climate change on the Tejo and Guadiana Rivers | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Linking climate change modelling to impacts studies: Recent advances in downscaling techniques for hydrological modelling | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Linking probabilistic climate scenarios with downscaling methods for impact studies | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Modelling the impacts of projected future climate change on water resources in north-west England | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop
| Probabilistic projections of change in UK extreme rainfall using the PRUDENCE regional climate models | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Regional climate model data used within the SWURVE project – 1: projected changes in seasonal patterns and estimation of PET | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| The integrated project AquaTerra of the EU sixth framework lays foundations for better understanding of river–sediment–soil–groundwater systems | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| The integrated project AquaTerra of the EU sixth framework lays foundations for better understanding of river–sediment–soil–groundwater systems | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Using regional climate model data to simulate historical and future river flows in northwest England | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Water fluxes and their control on the terrestrial carbon balance: Results from a stable isotope study on the Clyde Watershed (Scotland) | 2007 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Chris Kilsby
| Can regional climate models reproduce the historic magnitude and frequency of severe UK extreme rainfall events, and how will this change under global warming? | 2006 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Chris Kilsby
| Changes in UK extreme rainfall projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models | 2006 |
Professor Hayley Fowler David Archer
| Conflicting Signals of Climatic Change in the Upper Indus Basin | 2006 |
Professor Hayley Fowler David Archer
| Impacts of global warming on the hydrology of the Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan | 2006 |
Dr Stephen Blenkinsop Professor Hayley Fowler
| Regional Climate Model (RCM) performance for European catchments and future changes in drought | 2006 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Enda O'Connell John Richmond
| A weather-type conditioned multi-site stochastic rainfall model for the generation of scenarios of climatic variability and change | 2005 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| AquaTerra, a new Integrated Project in FP 6: Active since June 2004 | 2005 |
Professor Hayley Fowler David Archer
| Hydro-climatological variability in the Upper Indus Basin and implications for water resources | 2005 |
Professor Hayley Fowler David Archer
| Hydro-climatological variability in the Upper Indus Basin and implications for water resources | 2005 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| New estimates of future changes in extreme rainfall across the UK using regional climate model integrations. 1. Assessment of control climate | 2005 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| New estimates of future changes in extreme rainfall across the UK using regional climate model integrations. 2. Future estimates and use in impact studies | 2005 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Seasonal forecasting of runoff on the Upper Indus using empirical relations with meteorological data | 2005 |
John Richmond Dr Ahmad Moaven-Hashemi Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler
| Simulating monthly and inter-annual precipitation variability with a Neyman Scott space-time rainfall generator | 2005 |
David Archer Professor Hayley Fowler
| Exploratory analysis of ground-based data to assess climate runoff links in the Upper Indus Basin | 2004 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Future increases in UK water resource drought projected by a regional climate model | 2004 |
Professor Enda O'Connell Professor John Ewen Professor Hayley Fowler Dr Greg O'Donnell Dr Paul Quinn et al. | Review of impacts of rural land use and management on flood generation: Impact study report | 2004 |
David Archer Professor Hayley Fowler
| Spatial and temporal variations in precipitation in the Upper Indus Basin, global teleconnections and hydrological implications | 2004 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| A regional frequency analysis of United Kingdom extreme rainfall from 1961 to 2000 | 2003 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Changes in UK extreme rainfall projected by regional climate models and implications for flood risk | 2003 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Implications of changes in seasonal and annual extreme rainfall | 2003 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Enda O'Connell
| Modeling the impacts of climatic change and variability on the reliability, resilience, and vulnerability of a water resource system | 2003 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Seasonal changes in UK extreme rainfall | 2003 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| A weather-type approach to analysing water resource drought in the Yorkshire region from 1881 to 1998 | 2002 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Changing magnitude and frequency of extreme rainfall events in the UK from 1961 to 2000 | 2002 |
Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Hayley Fowler
| Changing UK extreme rainfall and implications for design | 2002 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Enda O'Connell
| Modelling the impact of climate change on the reliability of the Yorkshire water supply network | 2002 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby
| Precipitation and the North Atlantic Oscillation: A study of climatic variability in Northern England | 2002 |
Professor Hayley Fowler Professor Chris Kilsby Professor Enda O'Connell
| A stochastic rainfall model for the assessment of regional water resource systems under changed climatic conditions | 2000 |
Professor Hayley Fowler
| Development of a stochastic rainfall model for the assessment of regional water resource systems under changed climatic conditions | 2000 |