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Browsing publications by Dr Steven Masson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Steven Masson
Randomized trial investigating the utility of a liver tissue transcriptional biomarker in identifying adult liver transplant recipients not requiring maintenance immunosuppression2025
Dr Steven Masson
UK needs national strategy to tackle alcohol related harms2025
Professor Stuart McPherson
Dr Jess Dyson
Dr Laura Jopson
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Quentin Anstee
et al.
How effective are experienced hepatologists at staging fibrosis using non-invasive fibrosis tests in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease?2024
Professor Stuart McPherson
Dr Jess Dyson
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Quentin Anstee
Letter: Algorithmic NIT approaches to identify advanced liver fibrosis in patients with MASLD: Authors' reply2024
Professor Stuart McPherson
Dr Jess Dyson
Dr Laura Jopson
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Quentin Anstee
et al.
Letter: Beyond advanced fibrosis—The critical need for assessing NITs performance in identifying F2-F3 fibrosis. Authors' reply2024
Dr Steven Masson
Liver transplantation for critically ill patients with acute on chronic liver failure: a prospective national programme of waitlist prioritisation2024
Dr Steven Masson
Long-term Outcomes from the UK Pilot of Early Liver Transplantation for Severe Alcohol-related Hepatitis2024
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Helen Reeves
Neddylation inhibition prevents acetaminophen-induced liver damage by enhancing the anabolic cardiolipin pathway2024
Dr Steven Masson
Plasma exchange does not improve overall survival in patients with acute liver failure in a real-world cohort2024
Dr Dina Mansour
Dr Steven Masson
John Hammond
Professor Stuart McPherson
British Society of Gastroenterology Best Practice Guidance: outpatient management of cirrhosis - part 1: compensated cirrhosis2023
Dr Dina Mansour
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Stuart McPherson
British Society of Gastroenterology Best Practice Guidance: outpatient management of cirrhosis - part 2: decompensated cirrhosis2023
Dr Dina Mansour
Dr Steven Masson
John Hammond
Professor Stuart McPherson
British Society of Gastroenterology Best Practice Guidance: outpatient management of cirrhosis - part 3: special circumstances2023
Dr Steven Masson
Deaths from alcohol-related liver disease in the UK: an escalating tragedy2023
Dr Steven Masson
Extra-hepatic morbidity and mortality in alcohol-related liver disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis2023
Dr Yusri Taha
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Stuart McPherson
Impact of 5 years of hepatitis C testing and treatment in the North East of England prisons2023
Dr Steven Masson
In severe alcohol-related hepatitis, acute kidney injury is prevalent, associated with mortality independent of liver disease severity, and can be predicted using IL-8 and micro-RNAs2023
Dr Steven Masson
Quality standards for the management of alcohol-related liver disease: Consensus recommendations from the British Association for the Study of the Liver and British Society of Gastroenterology ARLD special interest group2023
Dr Steven Masson
The Liverpool alcohol-related liver disease algorithm identifies twice as many emergency admissions compared to standard methods when applied to Hospital Episode Statistics for England2023
Dr Steven Masson
Dr Dina Tiniakos
Clinical, histological and molecular profiling of different stages of alcohol-related liver disease2022
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Professor Heather Cordell
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Chris Day
Dr Steven Masson
et al.
Corrigendum to: 'A genetic risk score and diabetes predict development of alcohol-related cirrhosis in drinkers' [J Hepatol 2022 (76) 275–282] (Journal of Hepatology (2022) 76(2) (275–282), (S0168827821021115), (10.1016/j.jhep.2021.10.005))2022
Dr Daniel Geh
Robyn Watson
Gourab Sen
Jeremy French
John Hammond
et al.
COVID-19 and liver cancer: Lost patients and larger tumours2022
Dr Yusri Taha
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Stuart McPherson
Determining the frequency and characteristics of Hepatitis C reinfections in North East England2022
Professor Helen Reeves
Dr Steven Masson
Genetic and pharmacological inhibition of XBP1 protects against APAP hepatotoxicity through the activation of autophagy2022
Dr Steven Masson
Misti McCain
Professor Helen Reeves
Restoring cellular magnesium balance through Cyclin M4 protects against acetaminophen-induced liver damage2022
Abdullah Malik
Professor Sanjay Pandanaboyana
Gourab Sen
Professor Stuart McPherson
Dr Jess Dyson
et al.
Risk factors for decompensation and death following umbilical hernia repair in patients with end-stage liver disease2022
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Derek Manas
A coordinated national UK liver transplant program response, prioritizing waitlist recipients with the highest need, provided excellent outcomes during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic2021
Dr Rebecca Darlay
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Chris Day
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Heather Cordell
et al.
Genome-wide association study and meta-analysis on alcohol-related liver cirrhosis identifies novel genetic risk factors2021
Dr Laura Neilson
Dr Louise MacDougall
Dr Timothy Hardy
Dr David Beaton
Dr April Phaw
et al.
Implementation of a care bundle improves the management of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease2021
Dr Steven Masson
Liver transplantation for alcohol-related liver disease in the UK: revised UK Liver Advisory Group recommendations for referral2021
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Heather Cordell
Professor Chris Day
Obesity, Diabetes, Coffee, Tea, and Cannabis Use Alter Risk for Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis in 2 Large Cohorts of High-Risk Drinkers2021
Dr Steven Masson
Adult liver transplantation: A UK clinical guideline-part 1: Pre-operation2020
Dr Steven Masson
Adult liver transplantation: UK clinical guideline-part 2: Surgery and post-operation2020
Dr Steven Masson
Outcomes following SARS-CoV-2 infection in liver transplant recipients: an international registry study2020
Dr Steven Masson
The diagnostic and prognostic significance of liver histology in alcoholic hepatitis2020
Dr Steven Masson
ACG Clinical Guideline for Alcoholic Liver Disease: The MELD Threshold for Corticosteroid Treatment has Yet to be Established2019
Dr Abdullah Malik
Dr Steven Masson
Dr Mark Hudson
Professor Derek Manas
Impact of Regional Organ Sharing and Allocation in the UK Northern Liver Alliance on Waiting Time to Liver Transplantation and Waitlist Survival2019
Dr Steven Masson
Natural history of histologically proven alcohol-related liver disease: A systematic review2019
Dr Sameh Abou-Beih
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Fiona Oakley
Dr Dina Tiniakos
Sinusoidal and pericellular fibrosis in adult post-transplant liver biopsies: association with hepatic stellate cell activation and patient outcome2019
Dr Dave Houghton
Dr Kate Hallsworth
Dr Sophie Cassidy
Christian Thoma
Dr Leah Avery
et al.
The degree of hepatic steatosis associates with impaired cardiac and autonomic function2019
Dr Steven Masson
Top research priorities in liver and gallbladder disorders in the UK2019
Sebastian Mafeld
Dr Steven Masson
Aimen Amer
Professor Colin Wilson
Professor Derek Manas
et al.
Treatment of Visceral Transplant Pseudoaneurysms Using Physician-Modified Fenestrated Stent Grafts: Initial Experience2019
Dr Steven Masson
Application of prognostic scores in the STOPAH trial: Discriminant function is no longer the optimal scoring system in alcoholic hepatitis2018
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Heather Cordell
Professor Chris Day
Evaluation of laboratory tests for cirrhosis and for alcohol use, in the context of alcoholic cirrhosis2018
Dr Steven Masson
Prevalent acute-on-chronic liver failure and response to corticosteroids in alcoholic hepatitis2018
Dr Steven Masson
Reply to: “The long-term prognosis of alcoholic hepatitis is poor and independent of disease severity for patients surviving an acute episode”2018
Dr Marie Boyle
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Quentin Anstee
The bidirectional impacts of alcohol consumption and the metabolic syndrome: Cofactors for progressive fatty liver disease2018
Dr Dave Houghton
Dr Sophie Cassidy
Dr Christian Thoma
Dr Kate Hallsworth
Dr Leah Avery
et al.
Autonomic function is impaired across the spectrum of NAFLD2017
Dr Dave Houghton
Dr Kate Hallsworth
Dr Christian Thoma
Dr Sophie Cassidy
Dr Timothy Hardy
et al.
Effects of Exercise on Liver Fat and Metabolism in Alcohol Drinkers2017
Dr Steven Masson
In Patients With Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis, Prednisolone Increases Susceptibility to Infection and Infection-Related Mortality, and Is Associated With High Circulating Levels of Bacterial DNA2017
Dr Timothy Hardy
Dr Mujdat Zeybel
Professor Chris Day
Dr Christian Dipper
Dr Steven Masson
et al.
Plasma DNA methylation: A potential biomarker for stratification of liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease2017
Dr Paula Iruzubieta
Dr Steven Masson
Misti McCain
Professor Helen Reeves
The mitochondrial negative regulator MCJ is a therapeutic target for acetaminophen-induced liver injury2017
Dr Charlotte Johnson
Professor Stuart McPherson
Dr Steven Masson
An Audit of Primary Prophylaxis Against Variceal Bleeding Amongst Patients with Cirrhosis2016
Gill O'Neill
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Ruth McGovern
Professor Dorothy Newbury-Birch
Can a theoretical framework help to embed alcohol screening and brief interventions in an endoscopy day-unit?2016
Dr Sameh Abou-Beih
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Fiona Oakley
Dr Dina Tiniakos
Evaluation of centrilobular fibrosis in post-transplant liver: Preliminary results2016
Dr Jess Dyson
Professor Chris Lamb
Dr Steven Masson
Dr Mark Hudson
Dr Christian Dipper
et al.
Implementation of a “care bundle” improves the management of patients admitted to hospital with decompensated cirrhosis2016
Sarah Welsh
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Stuart McPherson
Increasing Access to Hepatitis C Treatment in The North East of England2016
Dr Steven Masson
Portopulmonary Hypertension: Still an Appropriate Consideration for Liver Transplantation?2016
Dr Sameh Abou-Beih
Dr Steven Masson
Dr Beate Haugk
Professor Fiona Oakley
Sinusoidal and pericellular fibrosis in adult post-transplant liver biopsies: Association with histological changes, hepatic stellate cell activation and impact on patient outcome2016
Professor Chris Day
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Ann Daly
Professor Heather Cordell
Brief Report: Genetics of Alcoholic Cirrhosis-GenomALC Multinational Study2015
Dr Mujdat Zeybel
Dr Timothy Hardy
Stuart Robinson
Christopher Fox
Professor Quentin Anstee
et al.
Differential DNA methylation of genes involved in fibrosis progression in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease2015
Dr Jess Dyson
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Stuart McPherson
Professor Derek Manas
Dr Mark Hudson
et al.
Experience of Using Advagraf in a Single Liver Transplant Centre in the United Kingdom2015
Dr Steven Masson
Facilitation of blood donation amongst haemochromatosis patients2015
Dr Jess Dyson
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Stuart McPherson
Dr Mark Hudson
Impact of a Nurse-Led Annual Review Clinic for Liver Transplant Recipients2015
Dr Jess Dyson
Professor Stuart McPherson
Dr Steven Masson
Dr Mark Hudson
Importance of Health Education in an Annual Review Liver Transplant Clinic in the United Kingdom2015
Dr Steven Masson
Liver Transplantation for Portopulmonary Hypertension (PoPH): Multi-centre UK experience over twenty years2015
Professor Chris Day
Dr Steven Masson
Prednisolone or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis2015
Michelle Thursby
Professor Chris Day
Ellen Allison
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Luke Vale
et al.
The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of STeroids or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis (STOPAH): a 2x2 factorial, randomised controlled trial.2015
Stuart Robinson
Dr Steven Masson
Dr Mark Hudson
Professor Derek Manas
Umbilical hernia repair in cirrhosis: outcomes and prognostic factors in a liver transplant unit2015
Dr Jess Dyson
Dr Mark Hudson
Professor Derek Manas
Dr Steven Masson
A Positive Complement Dependent Cytotoxic (CDC) Crossmatch Does Not Impact on Patient Survival or Increase the Risk of Acute Cellular Rejection, or Biliary Strictures after Liver Transplantation2014
Dr Anna Moles Fernandez
Dr Lindsay Murphy
Dr Caroline Wilson
Dr Jayshree Bagchi Chakraborty
Christopher Fox
et al.
A TLR2/S100A9/CXCL-2 signaling network is necessary for neutrophil recruitment in acute and chronic liver injury in the mouse2014
Dr Steven Masson
Dr Stuart Kendrick
Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy
Dr Mark Hudson
An 'alcohol contract' has no significant effect on return to drinking after liver transplantation for alcoholic liver disease2014
Dr Steven Masson
Ingrid Emmerson
Elsbeth Henderson
Dr Emma Fletcher
Professor Alastair Burt
et al.
Clinical but not histological factors predict long-term prognosis in patients with histologically advanced non-decompensated alcoholic liver disease2014
Dr Mujdat Zeybel
Dr Timothy Hardy
Christopher Fox
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Derek Mann
et al.
Differential DNA methylation of genes involved in fibrosis progression in NAFLD and ALD2014
Professor Chris Day
Dr Steven Masson
Steroids or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis: Results of the STOPAH Trial2014
Steven White
Dr Steven Masson
Benefits of a Liver Transplant Outreach Clinic: Increased Referrals and Patient Satisfaction2013
Professor Quentin Anstee
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Stuart McPherson
Does the Pre-Bone Mineral Density Frax Score Predict Fracture Risk in Patients with Cirrhosis?2013
Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy
Dr Ulrich Schwab
Dr Brendan McCarron
Professor Alastair Burt
Professor Ann Daly
et al.
Efavirenz induced acute liver failure requiring liver transplantation in a slow drug metaboliser2013
Dr Steven Masson
Facilitation of Blood Donation amongst Haemochromatosis Patients: A UK Pilot2013
Dr James Orr
Dr Yvonne Bury
Dr Mark Hudson
Dr Steven Masson
Liver transplantation for acute liver failure caused by macrophage activation syndrome2013
Professor Chris Day
Dr Steven Masson
Steroids or pentoxifylline for alcoholic hepatitis (STOPAH): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial2013
Dr John Brain
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Alastair Burt
Transplantation for ALD: Lessons from the Explant2013
Dr Timothy Hardy
Dr Christopher Wells
Dr Stuart Kendrick
Professor Chris Day
Professor Alastair Burt
et al.
White cell count and platelet count associate with histological alcoholic hepatitis in jaundiced harmful drinkers2013
Dr Stuart Kendrick
Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy
Dr Mark Hudson
Dr Steven Masson
An “alcohol contract” has not reduced rates of post-transplant drinking following transplantation for alcoholic liver disease2012
Dr Eilish Gilvarry
Dr Christian Dipper
Dr Steven Masson
Benefits of introduction of a symptom triggered regimen for management of alcohol withdrawal in a large teaching hospital trust: reduced admission duration and cost savings2012
Dr Steven Masson
Ingrid Emmerson
Professor Alastair Burt
Professor Chris Day
Dr Stephen Stewart
et al.
Clinical but not histological factors predict long-term prognosis in patients with biopsy proven advanced alcoholic liver disease2012
Dr Steven Masson
Ingrid Emmerson
Professor Alastair Burt
Clinical but not histological factors predict long-term prognosis in patients with biopsy proven advanced alcoholic liver disease2012
Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy
Professor Stuart McPherson
Dr Steven Masson
Professor Alastair Burt
Dr Mark Hudson
et al.
Lesson of the Week: Cholestasis secondary to anabolic steroid use in young men2012
Dr Mujdat Zeybel
Dr Timothy Hardy
Frances Wong
Professor John Mathers
Christopher Fox
et al.
Multigenerational epigenetic adaptation of the hepatic wound-healing response2012
Dr Stuart Kendrick
Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy
Parimala Saminathan
Dr Steven Masson
The effect of an 'alcohol contract' on ethanol consumption after transplantation for alcoholic liver disease2012
Dr Stuart Kendrick
Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy
Parimala Saminathan
Dr Steven Masson
Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease: Recidivism, Survival and the Effect of an 'Alcohol Contract'2012
Dr Steven Masson
Dr John Rose
Dr Christopher Record
Hepatic encephalopathy after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt insertion: A decade of experience2008
Dr Steven Masson
Dr David Chinn
Is anaemia relevant in the referral and diagnosis of colorectal cancer?2007
Dr Steven Masson
Dr John Rose
Dr Christopher Record
Minimal hepatic encephalopathy after tips insertion is associated with a reduced quality of life2007
Dr Steven Masson
Dr John Rose
Dr Christopher Record
Covered stent grafts for tips insertion provide improved clinical outcome: A decade of experience2006
Dr Steven Masson
Dr Stephen Bourke
Dr Graham Burns
Interstitial pneumonitis after infliximab therapy for Crohn's disease2006
Dr Steven Masson
Dr John Mansfield
How important is onset of action in ulcerative colitis therapy?2005
Dr Steven Masson
Potential of hematopoietic stem cell therapy in hepatology: A critical review2004
Dr Steven Masson
Serum from patients with fulminant hepatic failure causes hepatocyte detachment and apoptosis by a beta(1)-integrin pathway2004