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Browsing publications by Professor Avan Sayer.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Jonny Bunn
Dr Lewis Steell
Susan Hillman
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Approaches to characterising multimorbidity in older people accessing hospital care: a scoping review2025
Professor Miles Witham
Victoria Bartle
Dr Sue Bellass
Dr Jonny Bunn
Professor Heather Cordell
et al.
Building ADMISSION – a research collaborative to transform understanding of multiple long-term conditions for people admitted to hospital2025
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Claire McDonald
Dr Nina Wilson
Katherine Rennie
Michelle Bardgett
et al.
Metformin to improve physical performance in older people with probable sarcopenia and physical prefrailty/frailty: Results of the MET-PREVENT randomised trial2025
Grace Lewis
Dr Christopher Hurst
Linda Errington
Professor Avan Sayer
Perceptions of sarcopenia in patients, health and care professionals, and the public: a scoping review of studies from different countries2025
Lucy Rimmer
Professor Derek Mann
Professor Avan Sayer
Dr Shoba Amarnath
Dr Antoneta Granic
et al.
A Silver Bullet for Ageing Medicine?: Clinical Relevance of T-Cell Checkpoint Receptors in normal Human Ageing2024
Dr Claire McDonald
Matt Birkbeck
Dr Silvia Del Din
Dr Gráinne Gorman
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth
et al.
A study protocol to investigate if Acipimox improves muscle function and sarcopenia –an open-label, uncontrolled, before-and-after experimental medicine feasibility study in community dwelling older adults.2024
Professor Avan Sayer
An executive summary on the Global conceptual definition of Sarcopenia2024
Dr Terry Aspray
Dr Simon Kerr
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Association of bradykinin receptor 2 (BDKRB2) variants with physical performance and muscle mass: Findings from the LACE sarcopenia trial2024
Dr Christopher Hurst
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Emma Stevenson
Challenges in Conducting Exercise Recovery Studies in Older Adults and Considerations for Future Research: Findings from a Nutritional Intervention Study2024
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Rachel Cooper
Dr Christopher Hurst
Susan Hillman
Dr Richard Dodds
et al.
Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between glycaemic measures and grip strength in people without diabetes in the UK Biobank cohort study2024
Dr Sue Bellass
Professor Thomas Scharf
Linda Errington
Dr Kelly Bowden Davies
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
Experiences of hospital care for people with multiple long-term conditions: a scoping review of qualitative research2024
Lorelle Dismore
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Sian Robinson
Exploring the experience of appetite loss in older age: insights from a qualitative study2024
Dr Claire McDonald
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Geriatric Medicine and Olympic Elite Sports – Parallels and Philosophies2024
Dr Chris Plummer
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
How far back do we need to look to capture diagnoses in electronic health records? A retrospective observational study of hospital electronic health record data2024
Susan Hillman
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Identifying combinations of long-term conditions associated with sarcopenia: a cross-sectional decision tree analysis in the UK Biobank study2024
Dr Claire McDonald
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Improving care for patients with multiple long-term conditions admitted to hospital – challenges and potential solutions British Journal of Hospital Medicine2024
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Avan Sayer
Myoprotective whole foods, muscle health and sarcopenia in older adults2024
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Sian Robinson
Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of skeletal muscle ageing and sarcopenia: a single nutrient, a whole food, and a whole diet approach2024
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Nutritional screening, initial management and referral for older people with sarcopenia or frailty - results from a UK-wide survey2024
Professor Avan Sayer
Physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions for people living with both frailty and multiple long-term conditions and their informal carers: a scoping review and stakeholder consultation2024
Professor Rachel Cooper
Dr Jonny Bunn
Dr Sarah Richardson
Susan Hillman
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Rising to the challenge of defining and operationalising multimorbidity in a UK hospital setting: the ADMISSION research collaborative2024
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Lorna Caulfield
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Christopher Hurst
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
The Benchmarking Exercise Programme for Older People (BEPOP): design, results and recommendations from the first wave of data collection2024
Professor Avan Sayer
The Conceptual Definition of Sarcopenia: Delphi Consensus from the Global Leadership Initiative in Sarcopenia (GLIS)2024
Dr Christopher Hurst
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Jane Noble
Susan Hillman
et al.
The feasibility and acceptability of engaging older adults living with multiple long-term conditions, frailty, and a recent deterioration in health in research: Findings from the Lifestyle in Later Life – Older People’s Medicine (LiLL-OPM) study2024
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
The interrelationship between multiple long-term conditions (MLTC) and delirium: A scoping review2024
Mo Osman
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
The use of Natural Language Processing for the identification of ageing syndromes including sarcopenia, frailty and falls in Electronic Healthcare Records: A systematic review2024
Matt Birkbeck
Dr Linda Heskamp
Dr Ian Schofield
Dr Julie Hall
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Whole Muscle and Single Motor Unit Twitch Profiles in a Healthy Adult Cohort Assessed With Phase Contrast Motor Unit MRI (PC-MUMRI)2024
Leena Habiballa
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Richard Dodds
Susan Hillman
Diana Jurk
et al.
Determining the feasibility of characterising cellular senescence in human skeletal muscle and exploring associations with muscle morphology and physical function at different ages: findings from the MASS_Lifecourse Study2023
Dr Terry Aspray
Dr Gordon Duncan
Dr Simon Kerr
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
ACE I/D genotype associates with strength in sarcopenic men but not with response to ACE inhibitor therapy in older adults with sarcopenia: Results from the LACE trial2023
Dr Terry Aspray
Dr Gordon Duncan
Dr Simon Kerr
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
Activin type I receptor polymorphisms and body composition in older individuals with sarcopenia—Analyses from the LACE randomised controlled trial2023
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
Advanced glycation end products in skeletal muscle health and sarcopenia: A systematic review of observational studies2023
Dr Christopher Hurst
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Ellen Tullo
Dr Jane Noble
et al.
Attitudes and barriers to resistance exercise training for older adults living with multiple long-term conditions, frailty, and a recent deterioration in health: Qualitative findings from the Lifestyle in Later Life – Older People’s Medicine (LiLL-OPM) study2023
Dr Jonas Johannson
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Rachel Cooper
Comparing associations of handgrip strength and chair stand performance with all-cause mortality—implications for defining probable sarcopenia: the Tromsø Study 2015–20202023
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Development of a UK core dataset for geriatric medicine research: a position statement and results from a Delphi consensus process2023
Dr Christopher Hurst
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Ellen Tullo
Dr Jane Noble
et al.
Feasibility of engaging older adults living with multiple long-term conditions, frailty, and a recent deterioration in health in a study of lifestyle: protocol for the LiLL-OPM study2023
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Suetterlin
Professor Avan Sayer
Hallmarks of ageing in human skeletal muscle and implications for understanding the pathophysiology of sarcopenia in women and men2023
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Rachel Cooper
Linear and Nonlinear Associations Between Vitamin D and Grip Strength: A Mendelian Randomization Study in UK Biobank2023
Fearnley Evison
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Paolo Missier
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
Mapping inpatient care pathways for patients with COPD: an observational study using routinely-collected electronic hospital record data2023
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Rachel Cooper
Dr Richard Dodds
Susan Hillman
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Milk intake across adulthood and muscle strength decline from mid- to late life: the MRC National Survey of Health and Development2023
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Satomi Miwa
Professor Gavin Richardson
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
New Horizons in cellular senescence for clinicians2023
Mo Osman
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Rachel Cooper
Optimising the use of SARC-F for the identification of muscle weakness by considering alternative cut-points: findings from the Newcastle SarcScreen project2023
Ellie Hayes
Professor Emma Stevenson
Professor Avan Sayer
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
et al.
Recovery from resistance exercise in older adults: a systematic scoping review2023
Dr Christopher Hurst
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Remote collection of physical performance measures for older people: a systematic review2023
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Avan Sayer
Repurposing drugs for diabetes mellitus as potential pharmacological treatments for sarcopenia – a narrative review2023
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Paolo Missier
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Researching multimorbidity in hospital: can we deliver on the promise of health informatics?2023
Dr Josh Bennett
Dr Arthur Pratt
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor John Isaacs
et al.
Rheumatoid sarcopenia: loss of skeletal muscle strength and mass in rheumatoid arthritis2023
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Jonny Bunn
Susan Hillman
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr James Murray
et al.
Simple approaches to characterising multiple long-term conditions (multimorbidity) and rates of emergency hospital admission: Findings from 495,465 UK Biobank participants2023
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Lynn Rochester
Professor Avan Sayer
Spotlight on the academic multidisciplinary team: proposals from the 3rd NIHR Newcastle BRC Academic Geriatric Medicine Workshop2023
Professor Sian Robinson
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Avan Sayer
The role of nutrition in the prevention of sarcopenia2023
Michael Reed
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Tony Sorial
Using pre-fracture mobility to augment prediction of post-operative outcomes in hip fracture2023
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Christopher Hurst
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Ellen Tullo
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
Why are older adults living with the complexity of multiple long-term conditions, frailty and a recent deterioration in health under-served by research? A narrative synthesis review of the literature2023
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Christopher Hurst
Susan Hillman
Dr Kristen Davies
Dr Lewis Roberts
et al.
Advancing our understanding of skeletal muscle across the lifecourse: Protocol for the MASS_Lifecourse study and characteristics of the first 80 participants2022
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Rachel Cooper
Dr Kelly Bowden Davies
Professor Avan Sayer
Ageing Research Translation: a new era for UK geroscience2022
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Rachel Cooper
Dr Kelly Bowden Davies
Professor Teresa Orta Ledesma
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Ageing Research Translation: a new era for UK Geroscience2022
Leena Habiballa
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Avan Sayer
Characterization of cellular senescence in aging skeletal muscle2022
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Avan Sayer
Defining and measuring multiple long term conditions in research2022
Professor Avan Sayer
Defining terms commonly used in sarcopenia research: a glossary proposed by the Global Leadership in Sarcopenia (GLIS) Steering Committee2022
Dr Sarah Richardson
James Murray
Dr Louise Robinson
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Delirium and delirium severity predict the trajectory of the Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility (HABAM) in hospitalised older people: findings from the DECIDE Study2022
Dr Terry Aspray
Dr Simon Kerr
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Effect of Perindopril or Leucine on physical performance in older people with sarcopenia: the LACE randomised controlled trial2022
Dr Fred Barker
Adam Hart
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Effects of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide precursors on measures of physical performance and physical frailty: A systematic review2022
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Lucy Rimmer
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Louise Robinson
et al.
Immunosenescence profiles of lymphocyte compartments and multiple long-term conditions (multimorbidity) in very old adults: The Newcastle 85+ Study2022
Dr Christopher Hurst
Professor Avan Sayer
Improving muscle strength and physical function in older people living with sarcopenia and physical frailty: not all exercise is created equal2022
Dr Kate Rennie
Professor Miles Witham
Penny Bradley
Professor Helen Hancock
Shaun Hiu
et al.
MET-PREVENT: metformin to improve physical performance in older people with sarcopenia and physical prefrailty/frailty - protocol for a double-blind, randomised controlled proof-of-concept trial2022
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Sian Robinson
Mood and physical activity are associated with appetite in hospitalised older men and women2022
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Claire McDonald
Bryony Storey
et al.
Performance of the SarQoL quality of life tool in a UK population of older people with probable sarcopenia and implications for use in clinical trials: findings from the SarcNet Registry2022
Ellie Hayes
Professor Emma Stevenson
Professor Avan Sayer
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
et al.
Recovery from resistance exercise in older adults: a protocol for a scoping review2022
Dr Christopher Hurst
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Antoneta Granic
et al.
Resistance exercise as a treatment for sarcopenia: prescription and delivery2022
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Jane Noble
Dr Fiona Shaw
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
The assessment of sarcopenia and the frailty phenotype in the outpatient care of older people: implementation and typical values obtained from the Newcastle SarcScreen project2022
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
A Lifecourse Approach to Sarcopenia2021
Dr Karen Suetterlin
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Michael Hanna
Ageing Contributes to Phenotype Transition in a Mouse Model of Periodic Paralysis2021
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Altered H19/miR-675 expression in skeletal muscle is associated with low muscle mass in community-dwelling older adults2021
Matt Birkbeck
Susan Hillman
Dr Christopher Hurst
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Terry Aspray
et al.
Assessing changes in physical activity in community dwelling older adults before and after COVID-19 restrictions in the United Kingdom2021
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Claire McDonald
Bryony Storey
et al.
Developing a UK sarcopenia registry: recruitment and baseline characteristics of the SarcNet pilot2021
Dr Lorna Caulfield
Dr Philip Heslop
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Effect of Angiotensin System Inhibitors on Physical Performance in Older People – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2021
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Epigenome-wide association study of sarcopenia: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS)2021
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Tony Sorial
Implementing grip strength assessment in hip fracture patients: a feasibility project2021
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Avan Sayer
Innovative plAnt Protein fibre and Physical activity solutions to address poor appEtite and prevenT undernutrITion in oldEr adults – APPETITE2021
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Avan Sayer
Is lifestyle change around retirement associated with better physical performance in older age?: insights from a longitudinal cohort2021
Dr Christopher Hurst
James Murray
Dr Antoneta Granic
Susan Hillman
Professor Rachel Cooper
et al.
Long-term conditions, multimorbidity, lifestyle factors and change in grip strength over 9 years of follow-up: findings from 44,315 UK Biobank participants2021
Professor Sian Robinson
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Avan Sayer
Micronutrients and sarcopenia: current perspectives2021
Professor Sheena Ramsay
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Esme Tuttiett
et al.
Nutrition and Frailty: Opportunities for Prevention and Treatment2021
Ellie Hayes
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
Lorelle Dismore
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Older adults' knowledge and perceptions of whole foods as an exercise recovery strategy2021
Dr Ellen Tullo
Dr Richard Dodds
Matt Birkbeck
Leena Habiballa
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Paving the translational ageing research pathway—training the next generation of researchers2021
Professor Avan Sayer
Poor sleep quality and physical performance in older adults2021
Michael Reed
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Tony Sorial
Prediction of postoperative outcomes after hip fracture surgery: independent validation and recalibration of the Nottingham Hip Fracture Score2021
Dr Richard Dodds
James Murray
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
Germain Uwimpuhwe
et al.
Prevalence and factors associated with poor performance in the 5-chair stand test: findings from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II (CFAS II) and proposed Newcastle protocol for use in the assessment of sarcopenia2021
Professor Miles Witham
Dr Terry Aspray
Professor Avan Sayer
Recruitment strategies for sarcopenia trials: lessons from the LACE randomized controlled trial2021
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Sian Robinson
The relationship of nutritional risk with diet quality and health outcomes in community-dwelling older adults2021
Matt Birkbeck
Professor Andrew Blamire
Professor Roger Whittaker
Professor Avan Sayer
Dr Richard Dodds
et al.
The role of novel motor unit magnetic resonance imaging to investigate motor unit activity in ageing skeletal muscle2021
Natalie Cox
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Primary Care: A systematic review2020
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Avan Sayer
Content of exercise programmes targeting older people with sarcopenia or frailty – findings from a UK survey2020
Professor Miles Witham
Professor James Wason
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Developing a composite outcome measure for frailty prevention trials – rationale, derivation and sample size comparison with other candidate measures2020
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Karen Davies
et al.
Effects of dietary patterns and low protein intake on sarcopenia risk in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study2020
Sarah Moore
Nina Hrisos
Linda Errington
Professor Lynn Rochester
Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers
et al.
Exercise as a treatment for sarcopenia; An umbrella review of systematic review evidenc2020
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
Lorelle Dismore
Professor Emma Stevenson
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Feasibility and acceptability of a milk and resistance exercise intervention to improve muscle function in community-dwelling older adults (MIlkMAN): Pilot study 2020
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Dame Louise Robinson
Professor Ioakim Spyridopoulos
et al.
Immunosenescence profiles are not associated with muscle strength, physical performance and sarcopenia risk in very old adults: The Newcastle 85+ Study2020
Dr Philip Heslop
Dr Karen Davies
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Making consent for electronic health and social care data research fit for purpose in the 21st century2020
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Terry Aspray
Professor Emma Stevenson
et al.
Milk for skeletal muscle health and sarcopenia in older adults: a narrative review2020
Dr Antoneta Granic
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Christopher Hurst
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Myoprotective whole foods, muscle health and sarcopenia: a systematic review of observational and intervention studies in older adults2020
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Avan Sayer
New Horizons in Appetite and the Anorexia of Ageing2020
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Physical activity in hospitalised older people: the feasibility and acceptability of a volunteer-led mobility intervention in the SoMoVe™ study2020
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Sian Robinson
Poor Appetite Is Associated with Six Month Mortality in Hospitalised Older Men and Women2020
Dr Sarah Richardson
Professor John O'Brien
Professor Lynn Rochester
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
et al.
Research with older people in a world with COVID-19: identification of current and future priorities, challenges and opportunities2020
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Avan Sayer
Sarcopenia, long-term conditions and multimorbidity: findings from UK Biobank participants2020
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Christopher Hurst
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Emma Stevenson
Dr Terry Aspray
et al.
Study of the older adults’ motivators and barriers engaging in a nutrition and resistance exercise intervention for sarcopenia: An embedded qualitative project in the MIlkMAN pilot study 2020
Professor Alison Yarnall
Dr Antoneta Granic
Sammy Waite
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth
Dr Charlotte Warren
et al.
The feasibility of muscle mitochondrial respiratory chain phenotyping across the cognitive spectrum in Parkinson’s disease2020
Dr Richard Dodds
James Murray
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Avan Sayer
The identification of probable sarcopenia in early old age based on the SARC-F tool and clinical suspicion: findings from the 1946 British Birth Cohort2020
Matt Birkbeck
Professor Andrew Blamire
Professor Roger Whittaker
Professor Avan Sayer
Dr Richard Dodds
et al.
The role of novel motor unit magnetic resonance imaging to investigate motor unit activity in ageing skeletal muscle2020
Natalie Cox
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Sian Robinson
Assessment and Treatment of the Anorexia of Aging: A Systematic Review2019
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Miles Witham
Current practice in the diagnosis and management of sarcopenia and frailty – results from a UK-wide survey2019
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Sian Robinson
Dietary patterns, skeletal muscle health and sarcopenia in older adults2019
Dr Antoneta Granic
karen Davies
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Rachel Duncan
Germaine Uwimpuhwe
et al.
Factors associated with change in self-reported physical activity in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study2019
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Avan Sayer
Growing research in geriatric medicine2019
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Christopher Hurst
Lorelle Dismore
Dr Karen Davies
Professor Emma Stevenson
et al.
Milk and resistance exercise intervention to improve muscle function in community-dwelling older adults at risk of sarcopenia (MIlkMAN): protocol for a pilot study2019
Professor Avan Sayer
Mitochondrial Oxidative Capacity and NAD+ Biosynthesis are Reduced in Human Sarcopenia across Ethnicities2019
Matt Birkbeck
Dr Linda Heskamp
Dr Ian Schofield
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Andrew Blamire
et al.
Non-Invasive Imaging of Human Motor Units2019
Professor Sian Robinson
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Avan Sayer
Nutrition and Muscle Strength, As the Key Component of Sarcopenia: An Overview of Current Evidence2019
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker
Dr Kirsty Laing
Dr Gary Nestor
Professor Dawn Craig
Dr Joanna Collerton
et al.
Priorities for research in multiple conditions in later life (multi-morbidity): findings from a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership2019
Professor Avan Sayer
Quadriceps miR-542-3p and -5p are elevated in COPD and reduce function by inhibiting ribosomal and protein synthesis2019
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Avan Sayer
Sarcopenia: revised European consensus on definition and diagnosis2019
Professor Avan Sayer
The feasibility of assessing frailty and sarcopenia in hospitalised older people: a comparison of commonly used tools2019
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Eduwin Pakpahan
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
The recent secular trend in grip strength among older adults: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing2019
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Avan Sayer
Adult Lifetime Diet Quality and Physical Performance in Older Age: Findings From a British Birth Cohort2018
Professor Sian Robinson
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Avan Sayer
Adult Lifetime Diet Quality and Physical Performance in Older Age: Findings from a British Birth Cohort2018
Professor Avan Sayer
Assessment of physical activity of hospitalised older adults: a systematic review2018
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Can measures of physical performance in mid-life improve the clinical prediction of disability in early old age? Findings from a British birth cohort study2018
Professor Avan Sayer
Can trained volunteers improve the mealtime care of older hospital patients? An implementation study in one English hospital2018
Professor Avan Sayer
Creating learning environments for compassionate care (CLECC): a feasibilty study2018
Dr Antoneta Granic
Helen Mossop
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Factors associated with physical performance measures in a multiethnic cohort of older adults2018
Professor Carl May
Professor Avan Sayer
Implementation of grip strength measurement in medicine for older people wards as part of routine admission assessment: identifying facilitators and barriers using a theory-led intervention2018
Professor Avan Sayer
miR-424-5p reduces ribosomal RNA and protein synthesis in muscle wasting2018
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Kieren Hollingsworth
Charlotte Warren
et al.
Mitochondrial respiratory chain function and content are preserved in the skeletal muscle of active very old men and women2018
Dr Rhys Gravell
Dr Gordon Duncan
Dr Tien Kheng Khoo
Professor David Burn
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Multimorbidity predicts quality of life but not motor severity in early Parkinson's disease2018
Professor Avan Sayer
Muscle Mass, Muscle Morphology and Bone Health Among Community-Dwelling Older Men: Findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS)2018
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Professor Thomas Hill
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Professor Emma Stevenson
et al.
Nutrition in the Very Old2018
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Physical activity among hospitalised older people: insights from upper and lower limb accelerometry2018
Professor Avan Sayer
Physical capability predicts mortality in late mid-life as well as in old age: findings from a large British cohort study.2018
Dr Amy Vincent
Hannah Rosa
Kamil Pabis
Dr Conor Lawless
Dr Chun Chen
et al.
Subcellular origin of mitochondrial DNA deletions in human skeletal muscle2018
Professor Avan Sayer
Can routine clinical data identify older patients at risk of poor healthcare outcomes on admission to hospital?2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Development of a short questionnaire to assess diet quality among older community-dwelling adults2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Epidemiology of sarcopenia and insight into possible therapeutic targets2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Feasibility and acceptability of using jumping mechanography to detect early components of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older women2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Frailty, pre-frailty and employment outcomes in the Health and Employment after Fifty (HEAF) study2017
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Grip strength and inflammatory biomarker profiles in very old adults2017
Professor Avan Sayer
How clinical practitioners assess frailty in their daily practice: an international survey2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Influences on diet quality in older age: the importance of social factors.2017
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Richard Dodds
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Initial level and rate of change in grip strength predict all-cause mortality in very old adults2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Learning from older peoples’ reasons for participating in demanding, intensive epidemiological studies: a qualitative study2017
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Nuno Mendonca
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Karen Davies
et al.
Low protein intake, muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Methodological challenges in a study on falls in an older population of Cape Town, South Africa2017
Dr Karolina Rygiel
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Antoneta Granic
Josh Cliff
Dr Mariana Rocha
et al.
Mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency in older men and its relationship with muscle mass and performance2017
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Mortality in the Hertfordshire Ageing Study: association with level and loss of grip strength in later life2017
Professor Alison Yarnall
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Stuart Parker
New Horizons in Multimorbidity in Older Adults2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Personality and Risk of Frailty: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing2017
Dr Richard Dodds
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
et al.
Prevalence and incidence of sarcopenia in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2017
Dr Amanda Kilsby
Professor Avan Sayer
Selecting Potential Pharmacological Interventions in Sarcopenia2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Sleep disturbance and the older worker: findings from the Health and Employment After Fifty study2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Sandra Robinson
The impact of trained volunteer mealtime assistants on the dietary intake of older female in-patients: the Southampton Mealtime Assistance Study2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Use of the electronic Frailty Index to identify vulnerable patients: a pilot study in primary care2017
Dr Antoneta Granic
Professor Thomas Hill
Dr Karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Professor Ashley Adamson
et al.
Vitamin D Status, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance Decline in Very Old Adults: A Prospective Study2017
Professor Avan Sayer
What influences diet quality in older people? A qualitative study among community-dwelling older adults from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study, UK2017
Professor Avan Sayer
Why do older people participate in intensive research: A qualitative study2017
Professor Avan Sayer
A feasibility study of implementing grip strength measurement into routine hospital practice (GRImP): study protocol.2016
Professor Avan Sayer
A study of common Mendelian disease carriers across ageing British cohorts: meta-analyses reveal heterozygosity for alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency increases respiratory capacity and height2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Accumulation of risk factors associated with poor bone health in older adults2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Developmental aspects of a life course approach to healthy ageing2016
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Editorial: Sarcopenia, frailty and mortality: the evidence is growing2016
Dr Antoneta Granic
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Dr Karen Davies
Professor Ashley Adamson
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
et al.
Effect of dietary patterns of muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Stuart Parker
Exome-wide analysis of rare coding variation identifies novel associations with COPD and airflow limitation in MOCS3, IFIT3 and SERPINA122016
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Avan Sayer
Global variation in grip strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis of normative data2016
Dr Antoneta Granic
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Avan Sayer
Grip strength decline and its determinants in the very old: longitudinal findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2016
Dr Antoneta Granic
Dr Karen Davies
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Avan Sayer
et al.
Grip strength decline and its determinants in the very old: longitudinal findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Heavy manual work throughout the working lifetime and muscle strength among men at retirement age.2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Human Vastus Lateralis Skeletal Muscle Biopsy Using the Weil-Blakesley Conchotome2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Identification of risk factors for hospital admission using multiple-failure survival models: a toolkit for researchers2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Increased expression of H19/miR-675 is associated with a low fat-free mass index in patients with COPD2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Introduction to the Age and Ageing sarcopenia collection2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Job dissatisfaction and the older worker: Baseline findings from the Health and Employment After Fifty study2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Measuring Appetite with the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire Identifies Hospitalised Older People at Risk of Worse Health Outcomes2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Prevalence and risk factors for falls in older men and women: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Relationships between muscle morphology and bone health among older adults: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study2016
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Sarcopenia and frailty: New challenges for clinical practice2016
Professor Avan Sayer
The impact of trained volunteer mealtime assistants on dietary intake and satisfaction with mealtime care in adult hospital inpatients: A systematic review.2016
Professor Avan Sayer
The use of volunteers to help older medical patients mobilise in hospital: a systematic review2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Understanding poor health behaviours as predictors of different types of hospital admission in older people: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study2016
Professor Avan Sayer
Value of the life course approach to the health care of older people2016
Professor Avan Sayer
An overview of appetite decline in older people2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Biological resilience in older people – a step beyond frailty?2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Cachexia, sarcopenia, inflammaging and outcomes in hospitalised older people (the CaSIO study): Study protocol and preliminary results.2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Can trained volunteers make a difference at mealtimes for older people in hospital? A qualitative study of the views and experience of nurses, patients, relatives and volunteers in the Southampton Mealtime Assistance Study.2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Contribution of common non-synonymous variants in PCSK1 to body mass index variation and risk of obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis with evidence from up to 331 175 individuals.2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Cross-sectional associations between different measures of obesity and muscle strength in men and women in a British cohort study.2015
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Current Clinical Care of Older Adults With Sarcopenia2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Effect of smoking on physical and cognitive capability in later life: a multicohort study using observational and genetic approaches.2015
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Grip strength among community-dwelling older people predicts hospital admission during the following decade.2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Grip strength and mortality: a biomarker of ageing?2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Health and Employment after Fifty (HEAF): a new prospective cohort study.2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Lean mass and fat mass have differing associations with bone microarchitecture assessed by high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography in men and women from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Osteoporosis and sarcopenia in older age.2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Prevalence of Falls in an Urban Community-Dwelling Older Population of Cape Town, South Africa2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Prevalence of frailty and disability: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Prevention and optimal management of sarcopenia: a review of combined exercise and nutrition interventions to improve muscle outcomes in older people2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Sarcopenia and frailty: new challenges for clinical practice2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Self-reported walking speed: a useful marker of physical performance among community-dwelling older people?2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Skeletal muscle morphology in sarcopenia defined using the EWGSOP criteria: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS)2015
Professor Avan Sayer
Television viewing, walking speed, and grip strength in a prospective cohort study.2015
Professor Avan Sayer
The Association of Grip Strength With Severity and Duration of Parkinson's: A Cross-Sectional Study2015
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
The Epidemiology of Sarcopenia2015
Professor Avan Sayer
[Role of primary care professionals in the management of sarcopenia]2014
Professor Miles Witham
Professor Avan Sayer
ACE inhibitors, statins and thiazides: no association with change in grip strength among community dwelling older men and women from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Associations between APOE and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol genotypes and cognitive and physical capability: the HALCyon programme.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Birth weight and growth from infancy to late adolescence in relation to fat and lean mass in early old age: findings from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Body mass index from age 15 years onwards and muscle mass, strength, and quality in early old age: findings from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Dietary total antioxidant capacity is related to glucose tolerance in older people: the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Ethnic and geographic variations in muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance measures2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Framingham cardiovascular disease risk scores and incident frailty: the English longitudinal study of ageing.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Further evidence of the developmental origins of osteoarthritis: results from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.2014
Dr Richard Dodds
Emerita Professor Carol Jagger
Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
Professor Avan Sayer
Grip Strength across the Life Course: Normative Data from Twelve British Studies2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Grip strength and its determinants among older people in different healthcare settings.2014
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
Professor Avan Sayer
Inflammation, telomere length, and grip strength: a 10-year longitudinal study.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Lean mass, muscle strength and gene expression in community dwelling older men: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS).2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Liver fat accumulation is associated with reduced hepatic insulin extraction and beta cell dysfunction in healthy older individuals.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Maternal antenatal vitamin D status and offspring muscle development: findings from the Southampton Women's Survey.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Peripheral quantitative computed tomography measures are associated with adult fracture risk: the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Physical capability and subsequent positive mental wellbeing in older people: findings from five HALCyon cohorts2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Processed meat consumption and lung function: modification by antioxidants and smoking.2014
Dr Karen Suetterlin
Professor Avan Sayer
Proprioception: where are we now? A commentary on clinical assessment, changes across the life course, functional implications and future intervention.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Psychological well-being and incident frailty in men and women: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing2014
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Avan Sayer
Sarcopenia the new geriatric giant: time to translate research findings into clinical practice.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
The assessment and management of older people with sarcopenia.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
The dynamic relationship between cognitive function and walking speed: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
The feasibility and acceptability of training volunteer mealtime assistants to help older acute hospital inpatients: the Southampton Mealtime Assistance Study.2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Understanding NHS hospital admissions in England: linkage of Hospital Episode Statistics to the Hertfordshire Cohort Study2014
Professor Avan Sayer
Birth weight and perceived stress reactivity in older age2013
Professor Avan Sayer
Body mass index, muscle strength and physical performance in older adults from eight cohort studies: the HALCyon programme.2013
Dr Richard Dodds
Professor Rachel Cooper
Professor Avan Sayer
How to get started with a systematic review in epidemiology: an introductory guide for early career researchers2013
Professor Avan Sayer
New horizons in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of sarcopenia2013
Professor Avan Sayer
The European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) Working Group on Frailty inOlder Persons2013
Professor Avan Sayer
The importance of fall history in fracture risk assessment2013
Professor Avan Sayer
Tools in the Assessment of Sarcopenia2013
Professor Avan Sayer
Type of milk feeding in infancy and health behaviours in adult life: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study2013
Professor Avan Sayer
Frailty and sarcopenia: definitions and outcome parameters.2012
Professor Avan Sayer
Nutrition and Sarcopenia: A Review of the Evidence and Implications for Preventive Strategies2012
Professor Avan Sayer
Professor Avan Sayer
The developmental origins of sarcopenia2008
Professor Avan Sayer
Fetal programming of body composition and musculoskeletal development2005
Professor Avan Sayer
Early diet and growth: impact on ageing2002