Dr Jonny Bunn Dr Lewis Steell Susan Hillman Professor Miles Witham Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Approaches to characterising multimorbidity in older people accessing hospital care: a scoping review | 2025 |
Professor Miles Witham Victoria Bartle Dr Sue Bellass Dr Jonny Bunn Professor Heather Cordell et al. | Building ADMISSION – a research collaborative to transform understanding of multiple long-term conditions for people admitted to hospital | 2025 |
Professor Miles Witham Dr Claire McDonald Dr Nina Wilson Katherine Rennie Michelle Bardgett et al. | Metformin to improve physical performance in older people with probable sarcopenia and physical prefrailty/frailty: Results of the MET-PREVENT randomised trial | 2025 |
Grace Lewis Dr Christopher Hurst Linda Errington Professor Avan Sayer
| Perceptions of sarcopenia in patients, health and care professionals, and the public: a scoping review of studies from different countries | 2025 |
Lucy Rimmer Professor Derek Mann Professor Avan Sayer Dr Shoba Amarnath Dr Antoneta Granic et al. | A Silver Bullet for Ageing Medicine?: Clinical Relevance of T-Cell Checkpoint Receptors in normal Human Ageing | 2024 |
Dr Claire McDonald Matt Birkbeck Dr Silvia Del Din Dr Gráinne Gorman Dr Kieren Hollingsworth et al. | A study protocol to investigate if Acipimox improves muscle function and sarcopenia –an open-label, uncontrolled, before-and-after experimental medicine feasibility study in community dwelling older adults. | 2024 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| An executive summary on the Global conceptual definition of Sarcopenia | 2024 |
Dr Terry Aspray Dr Simon Kerr Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Association of bradykinin receptor 2 (BDKRB2) variants with physical performance and muscle mass: Findings from the LACE sarcopenia trial | 2024 |
Dr Christopher Hurst Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Avan Sayer Professor Emma Stevenson
| Challenges in Conducting Exercise Recovery Studies in Older Adults and Considerations for Future Research: Findings from a Nutritional Intervention Study | 2024 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Rachel Cooper Dr Christopher Hurst Susan Hillman Dr Richard Dodds et al. | Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between glycaemic measures and grip strength in people without diabetes in the UK Biobank cohort study | 2024 |
Dr Sue Bellass Professor Thomas Scharf Linda Errington Dr Kelly Bowden Davies Professor Miles Witham et al. | Experiences of hospital care for people with multiple long-term conditions: a scoping review of qualitative research | 2024 |
Lorelle Dismore Professor Avan Sayer Professor Sian Robinson
| Exploring the experience of appetite loss in older age: insights from a qualitative study | 2024 |
Dr Claire McDonald Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Geriatric Medicine and Olympic Elite Sports – Parallels and Philosophies | 2024 |
Dr Chris Plummer Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| How far back do we need to look to capture diagnoses in electronic health records? A retrospective observational study of hospital electronic health record data | 2024 |
Susan Hillman Dr Richard Dodds Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Miles Witham Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Identifying combinations of long-term conditions associated with sarcopenia: a cross-sectional decision tree analysis in the UK Biobank study | 2024 |
Dr Claire McDonald Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Improving care for patients with multiple long-term conditions admitted to hospital – challenges and potential solutions British Journal of Hospital Medicine | 2024 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Sian Robinson Professor Avan Sayer
| Myoprotective whole foods, muscle health and sarcopenia in older adults | 2024 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Avan Sayer Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Sian Robinson
| Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of skeletal muscle ageing and sarcopenia: a single nutrient, a whole food, and a whole diet approach | 2024 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Nutritional screening, initial management and referral for older people with sarcopenia or frailty - results from a UK-wide survey | 2024 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions for people living with both frailty and multiple long-term conditions and their informal carers: a scoping review and stakeholder consultation | 2024 |
Professor Rachel Cooper Dr Jonny Bunn Dr Sarah Richardson Susan Hillman Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Rising to the challenge of defining and operationalising multimorbidity in a UK hospital setting: the ADMISSION research collaborative | 2024 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Miles Witham
| Sarcopenia | 2024 |
Dr Lorna Caulfield Dr Philip Heslop Dr Christopher Hurst Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham et al. | The Benchmarking Exercise Programme for Older People (BEPOP): design, results and recommendations from the first wave of data collection | 2024 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The Conceptual Definition of Sarcopenia: Delphi Consensus from the Global Leadership Initiative in Sarcopenia (GLIS) | 2024 |
Dr Christopher Hurst Lorelle Dismore Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Jane Noble Susan Hillman et al. | The feasibility and acceptability of engaging older adults living with multiple long-term conditions, frailty, and a recent deterioration in health in research: Findings from the Lifestyle in Later Life – Older People’s Medicine (LiLL-OPM) study | 2024 |
Dr Sarah Richardson Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| The interrelationship between multiple long-term conditions (MLTC) and delirium: A scoping review | 2024 |
Mo Osman Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| The use of Natural Language Processing for the identification of ageing syndromes including sarcopenia, frailty and falls in Electronic Healthcare Records: A systematic review | 2024 |
Matt Birkbeck Dr Linda Heskamp Dr Ian Schofield Dr Julie Hall Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Whole Muscle and Single Motor Unit Twitch Profiles in a Healthy Adult Cohort Assessed With Phase Contrast Motor Unit MRI (PC-MUMRI) | 2024 |
Leena Habiballa Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Richard Dodds Susan Hillman Diana Jurk et al. | Determining the feasibility of characterising cellular senescence in human skeletal muscle and exploring associations with muscle morphology and physical function at different ages: findings from the MASS_Lifecourse Study | 2023 |
Dr Terry Aspray Dr Gordon Duncan Dr Simon Kerr Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham et al. | ACE I/D genotype associates with strength in sarcopenic men but not with response to ACE inhibitor therapy in older adults with sarcopenia: Results from the LACE trial | 2023 |
Dr Terry Aspray Dr Gordon Duncan Dr Simon Kerr Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham et al. | Activin type I receptor polymorphisms and body composition in older individuals with sarcopenia—Analyses from the LACE randomised controlled trial | 2023 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst Lorelle Dismore Dr Richard Dodds Professor Miles Witham et al. | Advanced glycation end products in skeletal muscle health and sarcopenia: A systematic review of observational studies | 2023 |
Dr Christopher Hurst Lorelle Dismore Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Ellen Tullo Dr Jane Noble et al. | Attitudes and barriers to resistance exercise training for older adults living with multiple long-term conditions, frailty, and a recent deterioration in health: Qualitative findings from the Lifestyle in Later Life – Older People’s Medicine (LiLL-OPM) study | 2023 |
Dr Jonas Johannson Professor Avan Sayer Professor Rachel Cooper
| Comparing associations of handgrip strength and chair stand performance with all-cause mortality—implications for defining probable sarcopenia: the Tromsø Study 2015–2020 | 2023 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Development of a UK core dataset for geriatric medicine research: a position statement and results from a Delphi consensus process | 2023 |
Dr Christopher Hurst Lorelle Dismore Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Ellen Tullo Dr Jane Noble et al. | Feasibility of engaging older adults living with multiple long-term conditions, frailty, and a recent deterioration in health in a study of lifestyle: protocol for the LiLL-OPM study | 2023 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Suetterlin Professor Avan Sayer
| Hallmarks of ageing in human skeletal muscle and implications for understanding the pathophysiology of sarcopenia in women and men | 2023 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Sian Robinson Professor Rachel Cooper
| Linear and Nonlinear Associations Between Vitamin D and Grip Strength: A Mendelian Randomization Study in UK Biobank | 2023 |
Fearnley Evison Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Paolo Missier Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham et al. | Mapping inpatient care pathways for patients with COPD: an observational study using routinely-collected electronic hospital record data | 2023 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Rachel Cooper Dr Richard Dodds Susan Hillman Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Milk intake across adulthood and muscle strength decline from mid- to late life: the MRC National Survey of Health and Development | 2023 |
Professor Miles Witham Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Satomi Miwa Professor Gavin Richardson Professor Avan Sayer et al. | New Horizons in cellular senescence for clinicians | 2023 |
Mo Osman Professor Miles Witham Professor Avan Sayer Professor Rachel Cooper
| Optimising the use of SARC-F for the identification of muscle weakness by considering alternative cut-points: findings from the Newcastle SarcScreen project | 2023 |
Ellie Hayes Professor Emma Stevenson Professor Avan Sayer Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst et al. | Recovery from resistance exercise in older adults: a systematic scoping review | 2023 |
Dr Christopher Hurst Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Remote collection of physical performance measures for older people: a systematic review | 2023 |
Professor Miles Witham Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Sian Robinson Professor Avan Sayer
| Repurposing drugs for diabetes mellitus as potential pharmacological treatments for sarcopenia – a narrative review | 2023 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Paolo Missier Professor Sian Robinson Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Researching multimorbidity in hospital: can we deliver on the promise of health informatics? | 2023 |
Dr Josh Bennett Dr Arthur Pratt Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer Professor John Isaacs et al. | Rheumatoid sarcopenia: loss of skeletal muscle strength and mass in rheumatoid arthritis | 2023 |
Dr Richard Dodds Dr Jonny Bunn Susan Hillman Dr Antoneta Granic Dr James Murray et al. | Simple approaches to characterising multiple long-term conditions (multimorbidity) and rates of emergency hospital admission: Findings from 495,465 UK Biobank participants | 2023 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor Lynn Rochester Professor Avan Sayer
| Spotlight on the academic multidisciplinary team: proposals from the 3rd NIHR Newcastle BRC Academic Geriatric Medicine Workshop | 2023 |
Professor Sian Robinson Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Avan Sayer
| The role of nutrition in the prevention of sarcopenia | 2023 |
Michael Reed Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham Dr Tony Sorial
| Using pre-fracture mobility to augment prediction of post-operative outcomes in hip fracture | 2023 |
Lorelle Dismore Dr Christopher Hurst Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Ellen Tullo Professor Miles Witham et al. | Why are older adults living with the complexity of multiple long-term conditions, frailty and a recent deterioration in health under-served by research? A narrative synthesis review of the literature | 2023 |
Dr Richard Dodds Dr Christopher Hurst Susan Hillman Dr Kristen Davies Dr Lewis Roberts et al. | Advancing our understanding of skeletal muscle across the lifecourse: Protocol for the MASS_Lifecourse study and characteristics of the first 80 participants | 2022 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor Rachel Cooper Dr Kelly Bowden Davies Professor Avan Sayer
| Ageing Research Translation: a new era for UK geroscience | 2022 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor Rachel Cooper Dr Kelly Bowden Davies Professor Teresa Orta Ledesma Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Ageing Research Translation: a new era for UK Geroscience | 2022 |
Leena Habiballa Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Avan Sayer
| Characterization of cellular senescence in aging skeletal muscle | 2022 |
Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Miles Witham Professor Avan Sayer
| Defining and measuring multiple long term conditions in research | 2022 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Defining terms commonly used in sarcopenia research: a glossary proposed by the Global Leadership in Sarcopenia (GLIS) Steering Committee | 2022 |
Dr Sarah Richardson James Murray Dr Louise Robinson Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Delirium and delirium severity predict the trajectory of the Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility (HABAM) in hospitalised older people: findings from the DECIDE Study | 2022 |
Dr Terry Aspray Dr Simon Kerr Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Effect of Perindopril or Leucine on physical performance in older people with sarcopenia: the LACE randomised controlled trial | 2022 |
Dr Fred Barker Adam Hart Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Effects of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide precursors on measures of physical performance and physical frailty: A systematic review | 2022 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz Lucy Rimmer Dr Richard Dodds Dr Louise Robinson et al. | Immunosenescence profiles of lymphocyte compartments and multiple long-term conditions (multimorbidity) in very old adults: The Newcastle 85+ Study | 2022 |
Dr Christopher Hurst Professor Avan Sayer
| Improving muscle strength and physical function in older people living with sarcopenia and physical frailty: not all exercise is created equal | 2022 |
Dr Kate Rennie Professor Miles Witham Penny Bradley Professor Helen Hancock Shaun Hiu et al. | MET-PREVENT: metformin to improve physical performance in older people with sarcopenia and physical prefrailty/frailty - protocol for a double-blind, randomised controlled proof-of-concept trial | 2022 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Sian Robinson
| Mood and physical activity are associated with appetite in hospitalised older men and women | 2022 |
Professor Miles Witham Dr Philip Heslop Dr Richard Dodds Dr Claire McDonald Bryony Storey et al. | Performance of the SarQoL quality of life tool in a UK population of older people with probable sarcopenia and implications for use in clinical trials: findings from the SarcNet Registry | 2022 |
Ellie Hayes Professor Emma Stevenson Professor Avan Sayer Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst et al. | Recovery from resistance exercise in older adults: a protocol for a scoping review | 2022 |
Dr Christopher Hurst Professor Sian Robinson Professor Miles Witham Dr Richard Dodds Dr Antoneta Granic et al. | Resistance exercise as a treatment for sarcopenia: prescription and delivery | 2022 |
Dr Richard Dodds Dr Karen Davies Dr Jane Noble Dr Fiona Shaw Professor Miles Witham et al. | The assessment of sarcopenia and the frailty phenotype in the outpatient care of older people: implementation and typical values obtained from the Newcastle SarcScreen project | 2022 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| A Lifecourse Approach to Sarcopenia | 2021 |
Dr Karen Suetterlin Professor Avan Sayer Professor Michael Hanna
| Ageing Contributes to Phenotype Transition in a Mouse Model of Periodic Paralysis | 2021 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Altered H19/miR-675 expression in skeletal muscle is associated with low muscle mass in community-dwelling older adults | 2021 |
Matt Birkbeck Susan Hillman Dr Christopher Hurst Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Terry Aspray et al. | Assessing changes in physical activity in community dwelling older adults before and after COVID-19 restrictions in the United Kingdom | 2021 |
Professor Miles Witham Dr Philip Heslop Dr Richard Dodds Dr Claire McDonald Bryony Storey et al. | Developing a UK sarcopenia registry: recruitment and baseline characteristics of the SarcNet pilot | 2021 |
Dr Lorna Caulfield Dr Philip Heslop Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Effect of Angiotensin System Inhibitors on Physical Performance in Older People – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 2021 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Epigenome-wide association study of sarcopenia: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS) | 2021 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham Dr Tony Sorial
| Implementing grip strength assessment in hip fracture patients: a feasibility project | 2021 |
Professor Sian Robinson Professor Avan Sayer
| Innovative plAnt Protein fibre and Physical activity solutions to address poor appEtite and prevenT undernutrITion in oldEr adults – APPETITE | 2021 |
Professor Sian Robinson Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Avan Sayer
| Is lifestyle change around retirement associated with better physical performance in older age?: insights from a longitudinal cohort | 2021 |
Dr Christopher Hurst James Murray Dr Antoneta Granic Susan Hillman Professor Rachel Cooper et al. | Long-term conditions, multimorbidity, lifestyle factors and change in grip strength over 9 years of follow-up: findings from 44,315 UK Biobank participants | 2021 |
Professor Sian Robinson Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Avan Sayer
| Micronutrients and sarcopenia: current perspectives | 2021 |
Professor Sheena Ramsay Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst Dr Nuno Mendonca Esme Tuttiett et al. | Nutrition and Frailty: Opportunities for Prevention and Treatment | 2021 |
Ellie Hayes Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst Lorelle Dismore Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Older adults' knowledge and perceptions of whole foods as an exercise recovery strategy | 2021 |
Dr Ellen Tullo Dr Richard Dodds Matt Birkbeck Leena Habiballa Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Paving the translational ageing research pathway—training the next generation of researchers | 2021 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Poor sleep quality and physical performance in older adults | 2021 |
Michael Reed Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham Dr Tony Sorial
| Prediction of postoperative outcomes after hip fracture surgery: independent validation and recalibration of the Nottingham Hip Fracture Score | 2021 |
Dr Richard Dodds James Murray Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst Germain Uwimpuhwe et al. | Prevalence and factors associated with poor performance in the 5-chair stand test: findings from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II (CFAS II) and proposed Newcastle protocol for use in the assessment of sarcopenia | 2021 |
Professor Miles Witham Dr Terry Aspray Professor Avan Sayer
| Recruitment strategies for sarcopenia trials: lessons from the LACE randomized controlled trial | 2021 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Sian Robinson
| The relationship of nutritional risk with diet quality and health outcomes in community-dwelling older adults | 2021 |
Matt Birkbeck Professor Andrew Blamire Professor Roger Whittaker Professor Avan Sayer Dr Richard Dodds et al. | The role of novel motor unit magnetic resonance imaging to investigate motor unit activity in ageing skeletal muscle | 2021 |
Natalie Cox Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Primary Care: A systematic review | 2020 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor Avan Sayer
| Content of exercise programmes targeting older people with sarcopenia or frailty – findings from a UK survey | 2020 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor James Wason Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Developing a composite outcome measure for frailty prevention trials – rationale, derivation and sample size comparison with other candidate measures | 2020 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Nuno Mendonca Professor Avan Sayer Professor Thomas Hill Dr Karen Davies et al. | Effects of dietary patterns and low protein intake on sarcopenia risk in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2020 |
Sarah Moore Nina Hrisos Linda Errington Professor Lynn Rochester Emerita Professor Helen Rodgers et al. | Exercise as a treatment for sarcopenia; An umbrella review of systematic review evidenc | 2020 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst Lorelle Dismore Professor Emma Stevenson Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Feasibility and acceptability of a milk and resistance exercise intervention to improve muscle function in community-dwelling older adults (MIlkMAN): Pilot study | 2020 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz Dr Richard Dodds Professor Dame Louise Robinson Professor Ioakim Spyridopoulos et al. | Immunosenescence profiles are not associated with muscle strength, physical performance and sarcopenia risk in very old adults: The Newcastle 85+ Study | 2020 |
Dr Philip Heslop Dr Karen Davies Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Making consent for electronic health and social care data research fit for purpose in the 21st century | 2020 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst Lorelle Dismore Dr Terry Aspray Professor Emma Stevenson et al. | Milk for skeletal muscle health and sarcopenia in older adults: a narrative review | 2020 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Lorelle Dismore Dr Christopher Hurst Professor Sian Robinson Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Myoprotective whole foods, muscle health and sarcopenia: a systematic review of observational and intervention studies in older adults | 2020 |
Professor Sian Robinson Professor Avan Sayer
| New Horizons in Appetite and the Anorexia of Ageing | 2020 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Physical activity in hospitalised older people: the feasibility and acceptability of a volunteer-led mobility intervention in the SoMoVe™ study | 2020 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Sian Robinson
| Poor Appetite Is Associated with Six Month Mortality in Hospitalised Older Men and Women | 2020 |
Dr Sarah Richardson Professor John O'Brien Professor Lynn Rochester Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham et al. | Research with older people in a world with COVID-19: identification of current and future priorities, challenges and opportunities | 2020 |
Dr Richard Dodds Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Sian Robinson Professor Avan Sayer
| Sarcopenia, long-term conditions and multimorbidity: findings from UK Biobank participants | 2020 |
Lorelle Dismore Dr Christopher Hurst Professor Avan Sayer Professor Emma Stevenson Dr Terry Aspray et al. | Study of the older adults’ motivators and barriers engaging in a nutrition and resistance exercise intervention for sarcopenia: An embedded qualitative project in the MIlkMAN pilot study | 2020 |
Professor Alison Yarnall Dr Antoneta Granic Sammy Waite Dr Kieren Hollingsworth Dr Charlotte Warren et al. | The feasibility of muscle mitochondrial respiratory chain phenotyping across the cognitive spectrum in Parkinson’s disease | 2020 |
Dr Richard Dodds James Murray Professor Sian Robinson Professor Avan Sayer
| The identification of probable sarcopenia in early old age based on the SARC-F tool and clinical suspicion: findings from the 1946 British Birth Cohort | 2020 |
Matt Birkbeck Professor Andrew Blamire Professor Roger Whittaker Professor Avan Sayer Dr Richard Dodds et al. | The role of novel motor unit magnetic resonance imaging to investigate motor unit activity in ageing skeletal muscle | 2020 |
Natalie Cox Professor Avan Sayer Professor Sian Robinson
| Assessment and Treatment of the Anorexia of Aging: A Systematic Review | 2019 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer Professor Miles Witham
| Current practice in the diagnosis and management of sarcopenia and frailty – results from a UK-wide survey | 2019 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Avan Sayer Professor Sian Robinson
| Dietary patterns, skeletal muscle health and sarcopenia in older adults | 2019 |
Dr Antoneta Granic karen Davies Dr Richard Dodds Dr Rachel Duncan Germaine Uwimpuhwe et al. | Factors associated with change in self-reported physical activity in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Study | 2019 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor Avan Sayer
| Growing research in geriatric medicine | 2019 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Christopher Hurst Lorelle Dismore Dr Karen Davies Professor Emma Stevenson et al. | Milk and resistance exercise intervention to improve muscle function in community-dwelling older adults at risk of sarcopenia (MIlkMAN): protocol for a pilot study | 2019 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Mitochondrial Oxidative Capacity and NAD+ Biosynthesis are Reduced in Human Sarcopenia across Ethnicities | 2019 |
Matt Birkbeck Dr Linda Heskamp Dr Ian Schofield Professor Avan Sayer Professor Andrew Blamire et al. | Non-Invasive Imaging of Human Motor Units | 2019 |
Professor Sian Robinson Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Avan Sayer
| Nutrition and Muscle Strength, As the Key Component of Sarcopenia: An Overview of Current Evidence | 2019 |
Emeritus Professor Stuart Parker Dr Kirsty Laing Dr Gary Nestor Professor Dawn Craig Dr Joanna Collerton et al. | Priorities for research in multiple conditions in later life (multi-morbidity): findings from a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership | 2019 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Quadriceps miR-542-3p and -5p are elevated in COPD and reduce function by inhibiting ribosomal and protein synthesis | 2019 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Sarcopenia | 2019 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Sarcopenia: revised European consensus on definition and diagnosis | 2019 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The feasibility of assessing frailty and sarcopenia in hospitalised older people: a comparison of commonly used tools | 2019 |
Dr Richard Dodds Dr Eduwin Pakpahan Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Professor Avan Sayer et al. | The recent secular trend in grip strength among older adults: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing | 2019 |
Professor Sian Robinson Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Avan Sayer
| Adult Lifetime Diet Quality and Physical Performance in Older Age: Findings From a British Birth Cohort | 2018 |
Professor Sian Robinson Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Avan Sayer
| Adult Lifetime Diet Quality and Physical Performance in Older Age: Findings from a British Birth Cohort | 2018 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Assessment of physical activity of hospitalised older adults: a systematic review | 2018 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Can measures of physical performance in mid-life improve the clinical prediction of disability in early old age? Findings from a British birth cohort study | 2018 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Can trained volunteers improve the mealtime care of older hospital patients? An implementation study in one English hospital | 2018 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Creating learning environments for compassionate care (CLECC): a feasibilty study | 2018 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Helen Mossop Dr Karen Davies Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Factors associated with physical performance measures in a multiethnic cohort of older adults | 2018 |
Professor Carl May Professor Avan Sayer
| Implementation of grip strength measurement in medicine for older people wards as part of routine admission assessment: identifying facilitators and barriers using a theory-led intervention | 2018 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| miR-424-5p reduces ribosomal RNA and protein synthesis in muscle wasting | 2018 |
Dr Richard Dodds Dr Karen Davies Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Kieren Hollingsworth Charlotte Warren et al. | Mitochondrial respiratory chain function and content are preserved in the skeletal muscle of active very old men and women | 2018 |
Dr Rhys Gravell Dr Gordon Duncan Dr Tien Kheng Khoo Professor David Burn Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Multimorbidity predicts quality of life but not motor severity in early Parkinson's disease | 2018 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Muscle Mass, Muscle Morphology and Bone Health Among Community-Dwelling Older Men: Findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS) | 2018 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Nuno Mendonca Professor Thomas Hill Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Professor Emma Stevenson et al. | Nutrition in the Very Old | 2018 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Physical activity among hospitalised older people: insights from upper and lower limb accelerometry | 2018 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Physical capability predicts mortality in late mid-life as well as in old age: findings from a large British cohort study. | 2018 |
Dr Amy Vincent Hannah Rosa Kamil Pabis Dr Conor Lawless Dr Chun Chen et al. | Subcellular origin of mitochondrial DNA deletions in human skeletal muscle | 2018 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Can routine clinical data identify older patients at risk of poor healthcare outcomes on admission to hospital? | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Development of a short questionnaire to assess diet quality among older community-dwelling adults | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Epidemiology of sarcopenia and insight into possible therapeutic targets | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Feasibility and acceptability of using jumping mechanography to detect early components of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older women | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Frailty, pre-frailty and employment outcomes in the Health and Employment after Fifty (HEAF) study | 2017 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood et al. | Grip strength and inflammatory biomarker profiles in very old adults | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| How clinical practitioners assess frailty in their daily practice: an international survey | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Influences on diet quality in older age: the importance of social factors. | 2017 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Dr Richard Dodds Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood et al. | Initial level and rate of change in grip strength predict all-cause mortality in very old adults | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Learning from older peoples’ reasons for participating in demanding, intensive epidemiological studies: a qualitative study | 2017 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Nuno Mendonca Professor Avan Sayer Professor Thomas Hill Dr Karen Davies et al. | Low protein intake, muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Methodological challenges in a study on falls in an older population of Cape Town, South Africa | 2017 |
Dr Karolina Rygiel Dr Richard Dodds Dr Antoneta Granic Josh Cliff Dr Mariana Rocha et al. | Mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency in older men and its relationship with muscle mass and performance | 2017 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Mortality in the Hertfordshire Ageing Study: association with level and loss of grip strength in later life | 2017 |
Professor Alison Yarnall Professor Avan Sayer Professor Stuart Parker
| New Horizons in Multimorbidity in Older Adults | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Personality and Risk of Frailty: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing | 2017 |
Dr Richard Dodds Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood Emerita Professor Carol Jagger et al. | Prevalence and incidence of sarcopenia in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2017 |
Dr Amanda Kilsby Professor Avan Sayer
| Selecting Potential Pharmacological Interventions in Sarcopenia | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Sleep disturbance and the older worker: findings from the Health and Employment After Fifty study | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer Sandra Robinson
| The impact of trained volunteer mealtime assistants on the dietary intake of older female in-patients: the Southampton Mealtime Assistance Study | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Use of the electronic Frailty Index to identify vulnerable patients: a pilot study in primary care | 2017 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Professor Thomas Hill Dr Karen Davies Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Professor Ashley Adamson et al. | Vitamin D Status, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance Decline in Very Old Adults: A Prospective Study | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| What influences diet quality in older people? A qualitative study among community-dwelling older adults from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study, UK | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Why do older people participate in intensive research: A qualitative study | 2017 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| A feasibility study of implementing grip strength measurement into routine hospital practice (GRImP): study protocol. | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| A study of common Mendelian disease carriers across ageing British cohorts: meta-analyses reveal heterozygosity for alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency increases respiratory capacity and height | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Accumulation of risk factors associated with poor bone health in older adults | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Developmental aspects of a life course approach to healthy ageing | 2016 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Editorial: Sarcopenia, frailty and mortality: the evidence is growing | 2016 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Dr Karen Davies Professor Ashley Adamson Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood et al. | Effect of dietary patterns of muscle strength and physical performance in the very old: findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer Professor Stuart Parker
| Exome-wide analysis of rare coding variation identifies novel associations with COPD and airflow limitation in MOCS3, IFIT3 and SERPINA12 | 2016 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Avan Sayer
| Global variation in grip strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis of normative data | 2016 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood Professor Avan Sayer
| Grip strength decline and its determinants in the very old: longitudinal findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2016 |
Dr Antoneta Granic Dr Karen Davies Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood Professor Avan Sayer et al. | Grip strength decline and its determinants in the very old: longitudinal findings from the Newcastle 85+ Study | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Heavy manual work throughout the working lifetime and muscle strength among men at retirement age. | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Human Vastus Lateralis Skeletal Muscle Biopsy Using the Weil-Blakesley Conchotome | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Identification of risk factors for hospital admission using multiple-failure survival models: a toolkit for researchers | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Increased expression of H19/miR-675 is associated with a low fat-free mass index in patients with COPD | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Introduction to the Age and Ageing sarcopenia collection | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Job dissatisfaction and the older worker: Baseline findings from the Health and Employment After Fifty study | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Measuring Appetite with the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire Identifies Hospitalised Older People at Risk of Worse Health Outcomes | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Prevalence and risk factors for falls in older men and women: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Relationships between muscle morphology and bone health among older adults: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study | 2016 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Sarcopenia and frailty: New challenges for clinical practice | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The impact of trained volunteer mealtime assistants on dietary intake and satisfaction with mealtime care in adult hospital inpatients: A systematic review. | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The use of volunteers to help older medical patients mobilise in hospital: a systematic review | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Understanding poor health behaviours as predictors of different types of hospital admission in older people: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Value of the life course approach to the health care of older people | 2016 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| An overview of appetite decline in older people | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Biological resilience in older people – a step beyond frailty? | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Cachexia, sarcopenia, inflammaging and outcomes in hospitalised older people (the CaSIO study): Study protocol and preliminary results. | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Can trained volunteers make a difference at mealtimes for older people in hospital? A qualitative study of the views and experience of nurses, patients, relatives and volunteers in the Southampton Mealtime Assistance Study. | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Contribution of common non-synonymous variants in PCSK1 to body mass index variation and risk of obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis with evidence from up to 331 175 individuals. | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Cross-sectional associations between different measures of obesity and muscle strength in men and women in a British cohort study. | 2015 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Current Clinical Care of Older Adults With Sarcopenia | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Effect of smoking on physical and cognitive capability in later life: a multicohort study using observational and genetic approaches. | 2015 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Grip strength among community-dwelling older people predicts hospital admission during the following decade. | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood
| Grip strength and mortality: a biomarker of ageing? | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Health and Employment after Fifty (HEAF): a new prospective cohort study. | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Lean mass and fat mass have differing associations with bone microarchitecture assessed by high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography in men and women from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study. | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Osteoporosis and sarcopenia in older age. | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Prevalence of Falls in an Urban Community-Dwelling Older Population of Cape Town, South Africa | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Prevalence of frailty and disability: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Prevention and optimal management of sarcopenia: a review of combined exercise and nutrition interventions to improve muscle outcomes in older people | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Sarcopenia and frailty: new challenges for clinical practice | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Self-reported walking speed: a useful marker of physical performance among community-dwelling older people? | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Skeletal muscle morphology in sarcopenia defined using the EWGSOP criteria: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS) | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Television viewing, walking speed, and grip strength in a prospective cohort study. | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The Association of Grip Strength With Severity and Duration of Parkinson's: A Cross-Sectional Study | 2015 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| The Epidemiology of Sarcopenia | 2015 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| [Role of primary care professionals in the management of sarcopenia] | 2014 |
Professor Miles Witham Professor Avan Sayer
| ACE inhibitors, statins and thiazides: no association with change in grip strength among community dwelling older men and women from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Associations between APOE and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol genotypes and cognitive and physical capability: the HALCyon programme. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Birth weight and growth from infancy to late adolescence in relation to fat and lean mass in early old age: findings from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Body mass index from age 15 years onwards and muscle mass, strength, and quality in early old age: findings from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Dietary total antioxidant capacity is related to glucose tolerance in older people: the Hertfordshire Cohort Study. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Ethnic and geographic variations in muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance measures | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Framingham cardiovascular disease risk scores and incident frailty: the English longitudinal study of ageing. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Further evidence of the developmental origins of osteoarthritis: results from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study. | 2014 |
Dr Richard Dodds Emerita Professor Carol Jagger Emeritus Professor Thomas Kirkwood Professor Avan Sayer
| Grip Strength across the Life Course: Normative Data from Twelve British Studies | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Grip strength and its determinants among older people in different healthcare settings. | 2014 |
Dr Carmen Martin-Ruiz Professor Thomas von Zglinicki Professor Avan Sayer
| Inflammation, telomere length, and grip strength: a 10-year longitudinal study. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Lean mass, muscle strength and gene expression in community dwelling older men: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS). | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Liver fat accumulation is associated with reduced hepatic insulin extraction and beta cell dysfunction in healthy older individuals. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Maternal antenatal vitamin D status and offspring muscle development: findings from the Southampton Women's Survey. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Peripheral quantitative computed tomography measures are associated with adult fracture risk: the Hertfordshire Cohort Study. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Physical capability and subsequent positive mental wellbeing in older people: findings from five HALCyon cohorts | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Processed meat consumption and lung function: modification by antioxidants and smoking. | 2014 |
Dr Karen Suetterlin Professor Avan Sayer
| Proprioception: where are we now? A commentary on clinical assessment, changes across the life course, functional implications and future intervention. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Psychological well-being and incident frailty in men and women: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing | 2014 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Avan Sayer
| Sarcopenia | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Sarcopenia the new geriatric giant: time to translate research findings into clinical practice. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The assessment and management of older people with sarcopenia. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The dynamic relationship between cognitive function and walking speed: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The feasibility and acceptability of training volunteer mealtime assistants to help older acute hospital inpatients: the Southampton Mealtime Assistance Study. | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Understanding NHS hospital admissions in England: linkage of Hospital Episode Statistics to the Hertfordshire Cohort Study | 2014 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Birth weight and perceived stress reactivity in older age | 2013 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Body mass index, muscle strength and physical performance in older adults from eight cohort studies: the HALCyon programme. | 2013 |
Dr Richard Dodds Professor Rachel Cooper Professor Avan Sayer
| How to get started with a systematic review in epidemiology: an introductory guide for early career researchers | 2013 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| New horizons in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of sarcopenia | 2013 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) Working Group on Frailty inOlder Persons | 2013 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The importance of fall history in fracture risk assessment | 2013 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Tools in the Assessment of Sarcopenia | 2013 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Type of milk feeding in infancy and health behaviours in adult life: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study | 2013 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Frailty and sarcopenia: definitions and outcome parameters. | 2012 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Nutrition and Sarcopenia: A Review of the Evidence and Implications for Preventive Strategies | 2012 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Sarcopenia | 2010 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| The developmental origins of sarcopenia | 2008 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Fetal programming of body composition and musculoskeletal development | 2005 |
Professor Avan Sayer
| Early diet and growth: impact on ageing | 2002 |