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Browsing publications by Professor Savvas Papagiannidis.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Simos Chari
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Investigating successful sustainable urban mobility in large cities: a contingency-based, fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis2025
Simos Chari
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Metaverse adoption for competitive edge: The role of implementation capability & willingness to change2025
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Simos Chari
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Virtual Influencers in Consumer Behaviour: A Social Influence Theory Perspective2025
Manli Zhang
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
A systematic review of the digital twins: A business and management perspective2024
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Distributive and procedural fairness in customer-chatbot interaction2024
Yazn Alshamaila
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Examining the factors inhibiting Smart Cities implementation in Jordan2024
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Exercising the "Right to Repair": A Customer’s Perspective2024
Simos Chari
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Davit Marikyan
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Exploring the antecedents of game-evoked nostalgia2024
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
General data protection regulation: a study on attitude and emotional empowerment2024
Dr Davit Marikyan
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Simos Chari
Marketing Forever2024
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Public Interest Technology for Innovation in Global Development: Recommendations for Launching PIT Projects2024
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Smart cities in Jordan: Challenges and barriers2024
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Technology Acceptance Model: A review2024
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The Current State and Future Trajectory of the Sharing Economy: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective2024
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The dark side of artificial intelligence for industrial marketing management: Threats and risks of AI adoption2024
Nurul Tanwir Tanwir
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
The dynamics of the adoption process of innovative technology: A collective perspective2024
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The Social Implications of XR: Promises, Perils, and Potential2024
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
“So what if ChatGPT wrote it?” Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice and policy2023
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Giselle Stewart
A Meta-Analytical Review of Technology Acceptance Research2023
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
A study on the role of virtual influencers' attributes in consumer behaviour.2023
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Challenges in the Sharing Economy: a Provider’s Perspective2023
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Effective use of smart cities in crisis cases: A systematic review of the literature2023
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Exploring the Darkverse: A Multi-Perspective Analysis of the Negative Societal Impacts of the Metaverse2023
Dr Vu Trinh
Dr Aly Salama
Dr Teng Li
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Former CEOs chairing the board: does it matter to corporate social and environmental investments?2023
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Human resource management in the age of generative artificial intelligence: Perspectives and research directions on ChatGPT2023
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
It’s part of the “new normal”: Does a global pandemic change employees’ perception of teleworking?2023
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Platform-provider relationship dynamics in the sharing economy: Challenges and implications2023
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Protection Motivation Theory: A review2023
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Task-Technology Fit: A review2023
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Gavin Stewart
Technology acceptance research: Meta-analysis2023
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The Factors that Affect the Persuasiveness of Virtual Influencers2023
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Charles Dennis
The pandemic consumer response: A stockpiling perspective and shopping channel preferences2023
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The role of affective and cognitive responses to brand experiences in the relationship with customers.2023
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Training the next generation of doctoral researchers in data science: The impact on publications and beyond.2023
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology: A review2023
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
Working in a smart home environment: examining the impact on productivity, well-being and future use intention2023
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
Professor Graham Morgan
"Alexa, Let’s Talk About my Productivity": The Impact of Digital Assistants on Work Productivity2022
Hamed Nayernia
Dr Hanna Bahemia
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
A systematic review of the implementation of industry 4.0 from the organisational perspective2022
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Artificial intelligence as an enabler for innovation: A review and future research agenda2022
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
Blockchain Adoption: A Study of Cognitive Factors Underpinning Decision Making2022
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
Blockchain adoption: Exploring innovation factors2022
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
Blockchain: A Business Model Innovation Analysis2022
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Bringing Smart Home Technology to Peer-to-Peer Accommodation: Exploring the Drivers of Intention to Stay in Smart Accommodation2022
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Davit Marikyan
Environmental Sustainability: A technology acceptance perspective2022
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Exploring intention to stay in smart accommodation: A consumption value perspective2022
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Exploring the predictors of chatbot service quality2022
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy2022
Professor Diana Gregory-Smith
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Technology as a catalyst for sustainable social business: Advancing the research agenda. Editorial introduction to the special issue2022
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
TheoryHub Book2022
Ola Ogunbodede
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Value Co-Creation and Co-Destruction Behaviour: Relationship with Basic Human Values and Personality Traits2022
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
"Smart Home Sweet Smart Home" - An Examination of Smart Home Acceptance2021
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
A conceptual framework of the antecedents of customer journey satisfaction in omnichannel retailing2021
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Adding ‘things’ to the internet: exploring the spillover effect of technology acceptance2021
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
An Application of Voice-based Digital Assistants in the Work Context2021
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
Blockchain in a Business Model: Exploring Benefits and Risks2021
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Does trust play a role when it comes to donations? A comparison of Italian and US higher education institutions2021
Professor Danae Manika
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Richard Clarke
Drawing on Subjective Knowledge and Information Receptivity to Examine an Environmental Sustainability Policy: Insights from the UK's Bag Charge Policy2021
Saadet Meltem Hut
Professor Danae Manika
Dr Josephine Go Jefferies
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Food consumption and time: Meanings and processes underlying choices2021
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
General Data Protection Regulation: An Individual’s Perspective2021
Dr Ying Tueanrat
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Going on a journey: A review of the customer journey literature2021
Professor Danae Manika
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
How pride triggered by pro-environmental technology adoption spills over into conservation behaviours: A social business application2021
Dr Ying Tueanrat
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Impact of customer co-creation behaviour, customer response and customer experiential values on customer journey satisfaction.2021
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Paradoxes of the Sharing Economy: A pandemic perspective2021
Dr Davit Marikyan
Dr Masoud Barati
Yinhao Li
Kwabena Adu-Duodu
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
et al.
Privacy & Cloud Services: Are We There Yet?2021
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Sharing economy platforms: An equity theory perspective on reciprocity and commitment2021
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Tension in the data environment: How organisations can meet the challenge2021
Dr Hanna Bahemia
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The Breadth of Open Innovation Activities: Antecedents and Outcomes, a Dynamic Capability Perspective2021
Saadet Meltem Hut
Professor Danae Manika
Dr Josephine Go Jefferies
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The hedonic or eudaimonic way: Understanding the impact of subjective time an wellbeing motives on healthy food choice2021
Dr Nicole El Maalouf
Dr Hanna Bahemia
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The implementation of open innovation at the UK manufacturing firms2021
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
The Use of Smart Home Technologies: Cognitive Dissonance Perspective2021
Saadet Meltem Hut
Professor Danae Manika
Dr Josephine Go Jefferies
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Understanding the Concept of Time for Food Wellbeing2021
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
Working in a Smart Home-office: Exploring the Impacts on Productivity and Wellbeing2021
Dr Erin Coulson
Dr Shirley Coleman
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
A/B Testing of factors influencing the Impact of B2B Social Media Posts in an SME2020
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Cognitive Dissonance in Technology Adoption: A Study of Smart Home Users2020
Dr Gagangeet Aujla
Ayman Noor
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Raj Ranjan
et al.
COM-PACE: Compliance-Aware Cloud Application Engineering Using Blockchain2020
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Crowdsourcing: a systematic review of the literature using text mining2020
Dr Erin Coulson
Dr Shirley Coleman
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
Design of Experiments for Business Improvement in SME Marketing Strategies.2020
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Reciprocity in the Sharing Economy2020
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Sharing Economy: Studying the Social and Psychological Factors and the Outcomes of Social Exchange2020
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Davit Marikyan
Smart Offices: A productivity and well-being perspective2020
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Dr Eric See-To
Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes2020
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Systematic Literature Review on Technology Adoption: Meta-Analysis Approach2020
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Charles Dennis
The pandemic consumer journey: A stockpiling perspective2020
Yang Lu
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
The Spill-Over Effect of the Emotional Reaction to the Use of Internet on the Intention to Use Internet of Things (IoT) Services: An Abstract2020
Ola Ogunbodede
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Value Co-creation and Co-destruction Behaviour: Relationship with Basic Human Values2020
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
When Technology Does Not Meet Expectations: A Cognitive Dissonance Perspective2020
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
WHO led the digital transformation of your company? A reflection of IT related challenges during the pandemic2020
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Konstantina Foti
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Work- and non-work-related social media use during work breaks: Effects on daily employee well-being and recovery2020
Dr Eric See-To
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
You have not been archiving emails for no reason! Using big data analytics to cluster B2B interest in products and services and link clusters to financial performance2020
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
A Study of Networking and Information Exchange Factors Influencing User Participation in Niche Social Networking Sites2019
Erin Coulson
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Shirley Coleman
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
An Exploration into the Effects of Digital Co-branding within B2B E-Commerce: An Action Research Case Study within the B2B Marine Engineering Industry2019
Erin Coulson
Dr Shirley Coleman
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Business insight and support from analysis of digital marketing data in an SME2019
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Customer Happiness in the Retail Customer Journey: An Abstract2019
Dr Ying Tueanrat
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Customer Journeys: A Systematic Analysis2019
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Dissatisfaction with Smart Home Technologies2019
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Do Smart Homes Deliver The Promised Benefits?2019
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Exploring the emotional antecedents and outcomes of technology acceptance2019
Konstantina Foti
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
How did you feel while tweeting? Tweet-related emotion on recovery from work.2019
Hamed Nayernia
Dr Hanna Bahemia
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Implementing industry 4.0: Exploring the literature in a systematic way using text mining2019
Dr Eric See-To
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Longitudinal analysis of economic clusters: A novel methodology and application of UK regions2019
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Mapping the economics, social and technological attributes of the sharing economy2019
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Reciprocity and Social Exchange in the Sharing Economy2019
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Reciprocity in the Sharing Economy2019
Dr Eftychia Palamida
Dr Fiona Whitehurst
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Senior Entrepreneurship through the lenses of a Pre and Post Retirement Dichotomy: The role of Need satisfaction and Work engagement on Entrepreneurial Intentionality2019
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Smart Home Sweet Smart Home: An Examination of Smart Home Acceptance2019
Konstantina Foti
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Social media and their role for recovering from work demands: A cross-sectional study2019
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
The Effect of Behavioural Beliefs on Smart Home Technology Adoption2019
Professor Marwa Elnahass
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Aly Salama
The effect of twitter dissemination on cost of equity: A big data approach2019
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
The Spill-Over Effect of the Emotional Reaction to the use of Internet on the Intention to Use Internet of Things (IoT) Services2019
Olabode Ogunbodede
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Value Co-creation and Co-destruction Behavior in Virtual Communities – Influence of Personality Traits2019
Ola Ogunbodede
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Value Co-creation and Co-destruction: The Influence of Human Basic Values and Personality Traits on Consumer Choices.2019
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
A Systematic Review of the Smart Home Literature: A user perspective2018
Dr Eleni Dermentzi
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Academics’ intention to adopt online technologies for public engagement2018
Dr Dinara Davlembayeva
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Defining and analysing the dimensions of the sharing economy.2018
Professor Danae Manika
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Environmental Sustainability and Public Policy Compliance: A Study of the UK’s Single-use Bag Charge Policy2018
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Eric See-To
Yang Yang
Identifying industrial clusters with a novel big-data methodology: are SIC codes (not) fit for purpose in the Internet age?2018
Annie Lu
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Internet of Things: A systematic review of the business literature from the user and organisational perspectives2018
Dr Eftychia Palamida
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Intra-family Successors in India: The cognitive process that depicts how education and family opens the road to the formation of family business involvement intentions2018
Dr Eftychia Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Linking young individuals’ capital to investment intentions: Comparing two cultural backgrounds2018
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Psychological determinants and consequences of Internet usage: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model2018
Dr Davit Marikyan
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Smart Homes Acceptance: An empirical study2018
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Michael Bourlakis
The brand identity role and attitude toward donations: an American-Italian comparison in the higher education context2018
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The firm level antecedents of open innovation: A dynamic capability perspective2018
Dr Hanna Bahemia
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The Firm Level Antecedents of Open Innovation: A Dynamic Capability Perspective2018
Professor Danae Manika
Professor Diana Gregory-Smith
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The influence of prior knowledge structures on website attitudes and behavioral intentions2018
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Charles Dennis
The Value of Shopping Channels and the Relationship with Social Exclusion and Perceived Well-Being: An Abstract2018
Ola Ogunbodede
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Value Co-destruction: A Resource and Practices Perspective.2018
Professor Steve Walsh
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
I’m having a Spring Clear Out: A Corpus-based Analysis of e-transactional Discourse 2017
Dr Nick Hajli
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Branding co-creation with members of online brand communities2017
Dr Eftychia Palamida
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Exploring intentions towards human, social, and financial capital investments in a turbulent economic environment2017
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Charles Dennis
Preferences of smart shopping channels and their impact on perceived wellbeing and social inclusion2017
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Shopping via Instagram: The influence of perceptions of value, benefits and risks on purchase intentions2017
Professor Rob Wilson
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Social Networking Sites Withdrawal2017
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
To immerse or not? Experimenting with two virtual retail environments.2017
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Eric See-To
Towards A Big Data Approach For Identifying Economic Clusters2017
Dr Eleni Dermentzi
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
UK public’s intention to engage with academia via online technologies2017
Professor Danae Manika
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Understanding the effects of a social media service failure apology: A comparative study of customers vs. potential customers2017
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Value co-creation through multiple shopping channels: The interconnections with social exclusion and wellbeing2017
Dr Eleni Dermentzi
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
Academic engagement: Differences between intention to adopt Social Networking Sites and other online technologies2016
Dr Eleni Dermentzi
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
Academics' Intention to Adopt SNS for Engagement within Academia2016
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Does social exclusion influence multiple channel use? The interconnections with community, happiness and well-being2016
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Danae Manika
Political Participation and Engagement via Different Online and Offline Channels2016
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
The role of brand attachment and its antecedents in brand equity in higher education2016
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
The role of brand attachment strength in higher education2016
Dr Eftychia Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Gareth Trainer
Autonomous motivation and autonomy support among students: Applying the Trans-contextual model in an entrepreneurial educational setting2015
Professor Danae Manika
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Can a CEO's YouTube apology following a service failure win customers' hearts?2015
Dr Eftychia Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Capital, motives and their link to investment intentions: The moderating role of the financial crisis in Greece2015
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Bartosz Gebka
Diffusion of web technologies and practices: A longitudinal study2015
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Exploring Smart City Innovation: The case of 12 German entrepreneurs2015
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Greek politicians and the Use of Online Technologies for Citizen Engagement2015
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Innovating and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities in Smart Cities: Evidence from Germany2015
Dr Eftychia Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Linking Capital to Investment Intentions: Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour in Different Cultural Backgrounds2015
Dr Gu Pang
Dr Fabrizio Casalin
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Price determinants for remanufactured electronic products: a case study on eBay UK2015
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Special Issue Theme: "Social Media: A revolution in communication"2015
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Value Co-Creation through multiple shopping channels: The interconnections with social exclusion and wellbeing2015
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Value Co-Creation, Shopping Channels, Social Exclusion and Wellbeing2015
Dr Eleni Dermentzi
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
Exploring academics’ intention to adopt Social Networking Sites for engagement and impact2014
Dr Eftychia Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Despoina Xanthopoulou
Gareth Trainer
From University entrepreneurial education to venture creation intentions: The role of autonomous motivation and autonomy support2014
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Hartmut Behr
Greek politicians and the use of online technologies for citizen engagement2014
Dr Catherine Dennis
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Investigating the effect of retail operations on consumer's social inclusion and wellbeing2014
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Bartosz Gebka
Longitudinally studying the diffusion of web technologies2014
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Main factors for joining new social networking sites2014
Carlos Andres Osorio Toro
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Main factors for joining new social networking sites2014
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Hartmut Behr
Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis2014
Professor Eleftherios Alamanos
Professor Charles Dennis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Social Exclusion, Shopping and Well Being: A three - shopping channel approach2014
Dr Eric See-To
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The moderating role of income on consumers' preferences and usage for online and offline payment methods2014
Dr Eleni Dermentzi
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Use of ICT for Research Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement2014
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Eric See-To
Virtual Test-driving: The impact of simulated products on purchase intention2014
Efi Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Analysing individuals’ investment intentions: An application of the extended Theory of Planned Behaviour model in the Greek context2013
Lindi Roelofse
Professor Natalia Yannopoulou
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Clan Marketing: Tribal marketing and the implications for retaining and recruiting members for a social enterprise 2013
Yazn Alshamaila
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
Cloud Computing Adoption by SMEs in the North East of England: A multi-perspective framework2013
Yazn Alshamaila
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Cloud computing adoption in Greece2013
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Modelling the determinants of a simulated experience in a virtual retail store and users' product purchasing intentions2013
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Hartmut Behr
Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis2013
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Social media and political participation in Greece during the financial crisis2013
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The Crossover of Task Performance and Work Engagement: A Study among Leaders and their Subordinates2013
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
The effects of a CEO's YouTube apology for service failure on customer's behavioural intentions.2013
Yazn Alshamaila
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
Cloud Computing Adoption: An exploratory Study2012
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Do websites influence the nature of voting intentions? The case of two national elections in Greece2012
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Games-Work Interaction: The Beneficial Impact of Computer Games on Work Behaviors2012
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Play online, work better? Examing the spillover of active learning and transformational leadership2012
Efi Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Predicting entrepreneurial team formation intentionality: Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour2012
Efi Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Revisiting the skills brokerage business model: An application to the Greek Financial Crisis2012
Efi Palamida
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Studying entrepreneurial team formation from an individual perspective: The role of human, social, financial capital and motives.2012
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
User experience on mobile video appreciation: how to engross users and to enhance their enjoyment in watching mobile video clips2012
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Adopting online taster courses in postgraduate recruitment: The case of a British business school2011
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Brokering skills for well-being2011
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Forschungsleistungen der deutschsprachigen Entrepreneurship-Forschung2011
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Play Online, Work Better? Spillover of Active Learning and Transformational Leadership2011
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Towards understanding micro-social networks2011
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Do web sites affect voting decisions? Exploring the findings from two general elections in Greece2010
Professor Feng Li
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Living in 'multiple spaces': extending our socioeconomic environment through virtual worlds2010
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Staging the new retail drama: At a metaverse near you!2010
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Using the Internet Archive for measuring web site change: A methodology2010
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Joanna Berry
A tale of e-business models: from the music to the television industry2009
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
An evaluation of online video services2009
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
Professor Henry Etzkowitz
Entrepreneurial Networks: A Triple Helix Approach for Brokering Human and Social Capital2009
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Experiencing metaverse retailing: A glimpse of the future?2009
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Feng Li
I have an avatar therefore I exist2009
Dr Konstantinos Coursaris
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Online political marketing in Greece: An evaluation of the 2007 national elections and two case studies2009
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Publikationspräferenzen und -leistungen deutschsprachiger Entrepreneurship-Forscher - Eine vorläufige Analyse anhand des VHB Jourqual 2008-Rankings (Publication Preferences and Performance of German-speaking Entrepreneurship Researchers - A Preliminary Analysis on the Basis of the VHB Jourqual 2008 Ranking)2009
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
Retail spatial evolution: Paving the way from traditional to metaverse retailing2009
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Still watching other people's programmes? The case of current TV2009
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Advertising in the networked environment: Implications for fair use, media convergence and consumer privacy2008
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
An examination of candidate Web sites as a political campaigning tool in the 2007 Greek national elections2008
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
Early challenges of implementing an e-commerce system in a medical supply company: A case experience from a knowledge transfer partnership (KTP)2008
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Helen Fox
E-consumer behaviour: Past, present and future trajectories of an evolving retail revolution2008
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Examining the intertwined spatial relationships in food retailing: The case of Second Life2008
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
From 2D to 3D: Making the transition from web to metaverse retailing2008
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Feng Li
Fulfilling the e-supply chain of digital print2008
Maria Woerndl
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Feng Li
Internet-induced marketing techniques: Critical factors of viral marketing2008
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Is it really possible to think strategically about assessment?2008
Dr Joanna Berry
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Live Music and Performances in a Virtual World2008
Professor Feng Li
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Living in ‘Multiple Spaces’: MMORPGS and their Business Implications2008
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Helen Fox
Trusting the Avatar: An examination of trust and risk factors in electronic and virtual retailing2008
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Banking in Second Life: Marketing Opportunities and Repercussions2007
Professor Feng Li
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Editorial: New Frontiers in e-Business and e-Government: Emerging opportunities and Challenges2007
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
Professor Feng Li
From E-retailing to Meta-retailing: Evolution or Revolution?2007
Professor Feng Li
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
New Frontiers in e-Business and e-Government2007
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Michael Bourlakis
The Consumer Ethics of the Virtual Environment: An Aetiology2007
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Joanna Berry
What has been learned from emergent music business models?2007
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
Netservey: mixed-mode surveys without the practicalities2006
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
So, you think you are not an entrepreneur?2006
Dr Joanna Berry
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Technology: promise or threat? The digitisation of the music industry supply chain2006
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
The challenges and opportunities of implementing an e-supply chain system: The case of Peacocks Medical Group Limited2006
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Helen Carr
Professor Feng Li
United Kingdom: Current M-Commerce Developments and Future Prospects2006
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Joanna Berry
Professor Feng Li
Well beyond streaming video: IPv6 and the next generation television2006
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Challenging best practices in (e)business development2005
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Entrepreneurial E-Business Development: Mercenary Risk Theory2005
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Joanna Berry
Professor Feng Li
Internet Protocol version 6, an assessment and analysis of its potential effects2005
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
Management and delivery of digital print via the web: A case study of Gaia Fulfilment2005
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Professor Feng Li
Skills brokerage: A new model for business start-ups in the networked economy2005
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
The impact of the Internet on small independent record labels: an exploratory study2005
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Joanna Berry
The long and winding road? Ebusiness models for small independent record labels2005
Professor Jon Goss
Professor Patrick Briddon
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Interstitial nitrogen and its complexes in diamond2004
Professor Savvas Papagiannidis
Dr Joanna Berry
Professor Feng Li
Possible impact and implications of Internet Protocol 6 on Television Broadcasts2004